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近年,假冒伪劣商品的泛滥不仅损害着消费者的健康和财产利益,还扰乱了市场经济秩序,自《消费者权益保护法》实施以来,旨在打假的"知假买假"现象在日益发展的市场经济社会中可谓屡见不鲜,我们称之为"王海现象"。然而"知假买假"者是不是消费者、受不受《消费者权益保护法》的保护、能否适用《消费者权益保护法》第四十九条的规定等问题引起了社会各界的广泛争议。要整治假冒伪劣行为,仅靠几个职能部门来打假治劣是远远不够的,必须发动更多的群众和职业打假者来依法监督生产经营者。应该本着对知假买假者打假行为认可和鼓励的态度使之适用于《消费者权益保护法》。  相似文献   

In this paper, I provide a theory for brand‐protection strategies to reduce counterfeiting under weak intellectual property rights. My theoretical framework has general implications for endogenous sunk cost investments as a means of deterring counterfeiters. My model incorporates two layers of asymmetric information that counterfeits can incur: counterfeiters fooling consumers and buyers of counterfeits fooling other consumers. Brands have a number of tools at their disposal to maintain a separating equilibrium in the face of counterfeits. One of the theoretical predictions of this study is that counterfeit entry induces incumbent brands to introduce new products. This helps to explain the innovation strategies that authentic firms employ in response to entry by counterfeiters in practice. Authentic prices rise if and only if the counterfeit quality is lower than a threshold level. In addition, the model demonstrates how authentic producers could invest in self‐enforcement to increase counterfeiters' incentives to separate themselves from brands. Better channel management through company stores and other costly devices are forms of nonprice signals and complement a company's own enforcements against counterfeits. These predictions are validated using unique panel data collected from Chinese shoe companies covering the years 1993–2004. Data further reveal that companies with worse relationships with the government invest more in various self‐enforcement strategies, which are effective in reducing counterfeit sales, and that the set of strategies are complements rather than substitutes for each other.  相似文献   

Counterfeiting is, and should be, a crime. It involves theft by deception, and the stealing of goods or other valuables using false claims to money. But what about counterfeiting money that is already counterfeit? In Block's interpretation, such an action amounts to seizing stolen goods from a thief. Counterfeiting simply relieves the original counterfeiter of his ill gotten gains and is therefore not theft itself. The present article offers a critique of this thesis of Block's on the basis that counterfeiting money involves the theft of property from innocent people.  相似文献   

Counterfeiting legitimate money is, and ought to be, a crime, not only under the libertarian law code but under the rules and regulations of all civilized orders. But what about counterfeiting money that is per se illegitimate; that is, is itself counterfeit? Is that a licit human action? The present article argues, somewhat paradoxically, that it is. It offers a counterpart to two authors— Murphy (2006 ) and Machaj (2007 )—who take the opposite point of view.  相似文献   

In this study, the use of platform-based product family design of assembled products has been reconceptualised into a framework of platform-based design of non-assembled products for the process industries. As a point of departure, platform-based design is defined as shared logic in a company's activities, and a “function-based” leveraging strategy is employed to identify non-assembled products with similar characteristics and commonalities among product families, related production processes and raw materials. It is proposed that a production platform philosophy and platform-based design of non-assembled products should rely on Product platforms, Process platforms and Raw-material platforms that are well-integrated into common Production platforms, in an end-to-end perspective. However, platform-based design of non-assembled products may differ depending on whether company production relies solely on a captive raw material base or on purchased raw materials on the open market, or on both. The congruence of the development of Production platforms with the QFD methodology and House of Quality was noted in this study, as well as the simplicity of using the methodology on homogeneous products compared to multi-level hierarchical assembled products. It is argued that the proposed conceptual framework can be used in internal company discussions and reviews whether and how such an approach in product innovation can be a fruitful avenue to explore and adapt.  相似文献   

采用演化博弈方法,以政府和电子商务平台对平台商家售卖假货的治理为例,对“平台-政府”双层治理模式进行动态演化分析。研究表明:平台与政府能否形成稳定的“平台-政府”双层治理模式取决于平台不进行假货治理时的收益损失比,当收益损失比处于较低水平时,平台倾向于同政府合作进行治理,反之协同治理将处于失效状态;消费者举报率和平台治理效率将分别对双方博弈的演化速度和平台的演化稳定策略选择产生影响。当前,应从提升技术治理效率、增强消费者权利意识、加大对平台的监管力度等角度提升网络市场治理水平,并进一步通过转变治理思维、创新合作方式和完善权力约束等方式,探索建立网络市场政企协同治理的长效机制。  相似文献   

刘咏梅 《价值工程》2010,29(13):51-52
改革开放以来,中国的经济得到了迅速的发展,但是在过去的30年间城乡剪刀差发展对于农村的发展形成了严重的障碍,其中关于农村的公共产品供给问题也存在着众多问题,主要表现在对于农村产品的供给主体、总量等问题上,本文则基于现行农村公共产品供给中存在的问题作为研究的出发点,针对这些问题提出相应的政策建议,旨在对我国农村公共产品的有效供给提供一条有效的路径。  相似文献   

Companies are currently abandoning vertical integration in order to focus on their core competencies and capabilities. As a result, higher percentages of their products are being provided by suppliers. In today's global marketplace, customers can demand and receive products that possess excellent quality. In order to remain competitive, companies must be able to provide high-quality products at low prices. The quality of components purchased from suppliers influences product quality more than any other factor except design quality, and since purchased materiel make up such a large percentage of a company's product, ensuring supplier quality has become an economic imperative.  相似文献   

Consumers purchase lower quantities of new products compared with those they have purchased in the past. We explain this observation as a result of risk‐averting behavior by utility‐maximizing consumers. If a new product involves a higher degree of risk that quality expectations will not be met compared with an incumbent product, we show that utility will be more concave for the new product. We test this prediction using a multiple‐discrete/continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model of demand. We show that utility is indeed more concave for new products relative to previously purchased products. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在我国,缺陷产品安全问题已经引起政府和民众的高度重视,完善缺陷产品召回制度的呼声与日俱增。产品缺陷信息的收集分析工作,既是产品召回监管工作的起点,也是决定产品召回监管_T作有效性的重要前提。文章在借鉴了发达国家的产品缺陷信息共享制度经验的基础上,结合我国产品质量监管现状,对就如何在我国建立覆盖面广、功能齐备的缺陷产品管理信息平台进行了探讨。  相似文献   

王谦  张同亮 《物流科技》2014,(5):98-101
在RFID应用中,RFID的数据传输容易受到应用环境的影响,RFID应用中的测试技术逐渐成为研究的重点。文章根据RFID应用系统的模式和技术特点,分析了RFID应用场景测试所需要的功能,提出一种新型的自动测试系统。可以模拟应用场景,配置系统参数,编制测试任务,通过对自动化设备和RFID读写设备的自动参数控制,实现对RFID的解决方案进行自动测试。以生产线上给产品粘贴RFID电子标签应用场景为例,验证本系统的功能和性能,测试结果表明新提出的RFID应用测试系统是有效的。  相似文献   

曾召普  张家庚 《价值工程》2014,(35):328-329
涉烟情报信息在卷烟打假破网中地位可谓举足轻重,没有情报信息做支撑,卷烟打假破网工作可以说是寸步难行。从长远来看,通过政府、烟草社区、专业情报员、社会大众几个层面平台来挖掘涉烟信息,从而更好地实行烟草专卖管理,是一种行之有效的专卖管理举措,这也是烟草专卖情报网络从单一性向多元化转变的一项重要内容,值得探索,值得研究。  相似文献   

作为保护生命安全的规则,产品安全标准对督促企业加强产品安全管理、生产安全产品,进而维护公共安全和社会稳定起着非常重要的作用。文章首先分析了目前我国产品缺陷与安全管理标准中存在的问题,进而提出了对其完善的几点建议,最后构建了一个产品缺陷与安全管理国家标准体系框架。  相似文献   

电子监管码是一种新产品质量追溯手段,利用电子监管码可供消费者进行真假与质量查询,可供政府进行打假,可供企业了解市场供求状况,尽管电子监管码有如此众多的好处,但在推行过程中却面临着许多问题,文中对此作了简要分析。  相似文献   

王友发  刘荷生  宋新平 《价值工程》2012,31(17):144-146
以长三角产业集群内中小企业对竞争情报的需求和中小企业信息化现状为出发点,结合ASP(应用服务提供商Application service Provider)的特点和运行模式,在此基础上提出了以ASP外包模式来构建长三角产业集群竞争情报公共服务平台的构想,并分析了该平台的优势、平台的总体结构模型、平台各子系统的功能结构、以及实施ASP模式时需注意的问题。  相似文献   

水产品物流的电子商务应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济活动中,物流的组成尤为重要。水产品由于其特殊性,在物流过程中与其他产品存在较大的差异。目前,我国电子商务的应用中,物流电子化、物流信息化的程度越来越高,并在其他行业当中得到了较大程度的应用。因此,在水产品物流中,如何开展电子商务应用,是我国电子商务领域有待解决的问题之一。  相似文献   

试论城市经营的本质   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
文章论述了城市公共物品所有权、经营权和管理权的相互关系 ,指出城市经营就是对城市公共物品产权的再认识 ,认为公共物品所有权应实现多元化 ,所有权、经营权与管理权可以分离 ;并就城市经营过程中政府职能转变的原因和目标定位进行探讨 ,认为政府应由全能型向专职型过渡 ,指出在市场经济条件下城市政府应履行好经济制导管理、城市公共物品经营配套、城市整体形象策划三大职责  相似文献   

This paper studies counterfeiting of bank notes in a monetary model under competitive search. The application of the refinement scheme proposed by Guerrieri et al. (2010) shows that there is no equilibrium with counterfeiting. However, due to the entry margin, counterfeiting poses a threat to the existence of a monetary equilibrium: there is no monetary equilibrium if the cost of producing counterfeits is low enough. Moreover, the threat of counterfeiting can generate an endogenous resalability constraint. An extension of the model is provided which allows the threat of counterfeiting to materialize, in that some buyers cannot observe the offers, and therefore search randomly. Counterfeit notes are produced by those buyers who randomly search.  相似文献   

Product liability has been the subject of increasing interest in many countries of the world over the last few years. There has been a developing public view that the manufacturers of all kinds of products should take greater responsibility for them. The product liability problems which can arise from the use of medicines by man have received particular attention; the special features of such products giving rise to misunderstandings. The paper views the present position from the point of view of the pharmaceutical industry in the UK. Recent developmends arising in Europe and elsewhere are described.  相似文献   

福建省三明市"6·18"技术创新公共服务平台,是响应国家提出的加快建设海峡西岸经济区的方针和政策而建立的区域性科技成果转化公共服务平台。文章从功能定位与目标、建设内容、运行机制等方面提出了平台建设的框架思路。  相似文献   

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