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甘肃省参与清洁发展机制的潜力与对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了基于温室气体减排的《京都议定书》及其清洁发展机制的相关内容与利益关系以及我国参与CDM的总体情况,分析了甘肃省参与清洁发展机制对经济发展、能源结构调整、生态环境改善等多方面的意义,就甘肃省参与清洁发展机制在可再生能源、煤层气、提高能效、污染减排、植树造林和新能源等领域的优势进行了深入的剖析,最后从机制建设、观念转变、队伍建设、经费投入等方面对甘肃省深入参与清洁发展机制提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

加快可再生能源开发的激励机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加快可再生能源开发利用是保障国民经济可持续发展的必然选择.由于可再生能源技术属于高新技术,研发周期长、成本高,所以必须采取刺激其发展的有利政策和措施.从立法保障、价格机制、排污权许可和交易、税收制度、职能部门和政府采购6个方面,分析了当前我国能源政策存在的问题,阐述了加快可再生能源开发的激励机制.  相似文献   

低碳经济背景下中国可再生能源发展对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候的日益恶化,促使人类进入"低碳经济"时代。中国面对"碳减排"与发展经济的双重压力,提出增加可再生能源在能源利用总量中的比例、扩大可再生能源的利用范围、加大可再生能源利用技术的研究开发等要求。应该完善可再生能源相关立法,加强法律实施;通过政府积极干预建立可再生能源的主导产业地位;根据能源的自然禀赋条件,建立区域性的可再生能源的产业集群;加强国际交流与合作,学习国外成熟的管理经验和先进技术。  相似文献   

新疆的可再生能源资源丰富,随着不可再生能源的快速耗竭,加快可再生能源的开发利用已成为实现新疆经济社会可持续发展的重要选择。文章在对新疆可再生能源发展现状、问题、模式进行分析的基础上,从建立产业体系、立法、增加建设投入以及社会参与等方面提出有针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   

政策吹风财政部《可再生能源发展专项资金管理暂行办法》日前正式出台。发展专项资金将以无偿资助和贷款贴息两种方式,重点扶持三大领域“:潜力大、前景好的石油替代,建筑供热、采暖和制冷,发电等可再生能源的开发利用。《”办法》明确指出“,重点是扶持发展生物乙醇燃料、生物柴油等”《。办法》规定,在建筑物供热、采暖和制冷可再生能源开发利用方面,资金将重点扶持太阳能、地热能等在建筑物中的推广应用。同时,在可再生能源发电方面,该资金将重点扶持风能、太阳能、海洋能等发电的推广应用。国土资源部日前下发通知,从规划计划、占用基本…  相似文献   

实施《可再生能源法》加强科技创新大力发展可再生能源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,随着国际社会对可再生能源重视程度的不断提高和开发利用的快速发展,以及我国能源发展的需要,我国可再生能源事业从研究开发与应用示范起步,已取得一大批科技成果并形成一定的产业化规模,同时在实践中总结了不少有益的经验,建立了一支从事研究开发、推广应用和管理工作的人才队伍。可再生能源已任我国能源结构调整、农村能源建设、少数民族地区发展以及环境保护与节能等方面发挥了积极作用。《可再生能源法》的颁布实施,以及国家中长期和“十一五”规划的制定,进一步确定了可再生能源在我国能源战略中的重要地位,从而激发了社会各方向发展可再生能源的积极性和创造性,发展势头良好。  相似文献   

在今后一段时期内,可再生能源发电仍需要资金支持,需要进一步完善促进可再生能源发展的资金支持机制。2006年,国家《可再生能源法》实施后,在法律和各项政策的有效支持下,我国风电、太阳能、生物质能等各类可再生能源发展迅速,不但保持了高速的市场增长规模,也带动了风电装备和太阳能制造业的成长和成熟。但由于风电、光伏等非水可再生能源发电的发展速度超过规划预期,在并网消纳、电价政策和补贴资金等方面存在影响风电、光伏发电可持续发展的突出问题和瓶颈,需要尽快解决。  相似文献   

德、丹麦、英三国新能源与可再生能源的快速发展,得益于在明确的发展目标引导下,通过立法和政策激励、强制并网、支持技术研发等推动措施  相似文献   

产业政策不断深化并出现结构性调整近年来,我国新能源产业方面的法律法规和政策不断深化,从总体的宏观目标的确定,到细分产业发展路径规划无不涉及。如前几年出台的《可再生能源法》、《可再生能源中长期规划》和《可再生能源“十一五”规划》,  相似文献   

国家发改委发布的《可再生能源发展“十一五”规划》(以下简称《规划》)中提出,到2010年,我国可再生能源在能源消费中的比重将达到10%,全国可再生能源年利用量达到3亿吨标准煤,比2005年增长近1倍。根据《规划》,在“十一五”期间,我国将继续大力发展水电,加快发展生物质能、风电和太阳能,加强农村可再生能源开发利用,逐步提高可再生能源在能源供应中的比重,  相似文献   

With the development of renewable energy, the current support for China's renewable energy industry has gradually shifted from “helping its development and expansion” to “helping it resists systemic risks and strengthens market competition”. Therefore, there is an urgent need to study how the strategic investment of renewable energy companies is affected by economic policy uncertainty. This paper first robustly explores the non-linear relationship between strategic investment and economic policy uncertainty of Chinese renewable energy enterprises. Then from the three perspectives of the relationship between the government and renewable energy enterprises, the characteristics of renewable energy enterprises, the response of the product market and financial market to renewable energy, this paper innovatively explores how different dimensions will adjust the non-linear relationship between strategic investment of renewable energy enterprises and economic policy uncertainty. The analysis in this paper closely relies on the characteristics of the renewable energy industry at this stage, so our conclusion can provide a reference for the government to formulate the development plan of renewable energy enterprises scientifically and prudently.  相似文献   

At present, the development of renewable energy relies mainly on government support. The government invests in a considerable number of projects to improve public welfare and to assist in poverty relief If China is to replace fossil fuels on a large scale with renewable energy sources, the production costs and prices of renewable energy must be brought down. All countries are facing the challenge of moving to a more secure and low-carbon energy system without weakening economic and social development. In this regard, China is facing an even greater challenge in terms of economic cost, as cheap coal remains the main energy form. Technical innovation and industrialization in the area of renewable energy is an important means of lowering cost. China is in for a period of high-speed development of its economy and the rising demand for energy is irreversible. If the technical progress and development speed of renewable energy lags behind the growth in demand, it will be difficult to realize the improvement of its energy structure.  相似文献   

姜达洋  张宏武 《特区经济》2006,213(10):164-166
为了建设和谐社会的目标,制定科学合理的能源开发、能源利用的政策已经成为摆在我国政府面前的一项重大任务。在这方面,日本的一些能源政策为我国提供了一些思路,我国政府可以仿效日本发展能源立法,确定节约能源,开发新能源的法律地位,通过经济手段诱导市场主体实施国家的能源计划,大力开展能源教育、环境教育,调动民众节能的积极性等。  相似文献   

Having long depended on fossil fuels for energy generation, South Africa is now investing in renewable energy. Like its mining operations, its renewable energy plants will have local implications. Renewable energy companies are therefore required by government to engage with communities to contribute to socio-economic development. We present seven lessons we believe the renewable energy sector can learn from the mining industry. We argue that the new industry must: manage social disruption, understand community complexities, create responsive institutions and the capacity to support industry practice, employ trained community practitioners, be clear about the aims of local development, encourage economic diversification in remote areas and, importantly, in view of problems caused by downscaling in the mining industry, plan for the possible closure of projects. Renewable energy projects could then serve and shape local development.  相似文献   

影响农村可再生能源产业化发展的因素重要性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于波特的钻石模型,分析了生产要素、市场需求、企业战略、相关性与支持性行业、机会和政府六个方面因素在农村可再生能源产业化发展中的作用,并运用层次分析法对影响因素的重要性进行了评价,认为采取经济激励措施、拓宽投融资渠道、政府积极培育市场等是影响农村可再生能源产业化发展的关键性影响因素,从而为制定农村可再生能源产业化发展战略从而推进农村可再生能源产业化发展进程奠定基础。  相似文献   

The current energy portfolio of the United States is exposed to significant risk, which depends on the price volatility of the energy sources. This paper focuses on the composition of energy portfolios for the energy sector of the United States and possible solutions to optimize this investment. The study utilizes the modern portfolio theory mean-variance approach, a risk-return analysis, to compose the efficient frontier of portfolios in which the risk is minimized for a given return. The performance of each energy portfolio, consisting of oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, and renewable energy, is measured using the Sharpe Ratio and compared to the existing portfolio. Using future prices of fuels and accounting for external costs, the study provides further evidence that the current energy portfolio of the United States is not efficient. In addition, the study shows how including the cost of pollution, measured by the intensity of carbon emissions, changes the energy source allocation within the portfolio by including less carbon-intensive substances. The study implies that further diversification of the energy sector by including investment in hydroelectric energy generation technologies may decrease our dependence on more volatile sources of energy and consequently reduce the possibility of energy supply interruption from commodity price volatility. This proposes that the government focus on implementing a strategy to facilitate the introduction of renewable energy into our energy portfolio. The shift away from an infrastructure heavily dependent on fossil fuels towards one with more investment in renewable energy can be achieved by granting subsidies for renewable energy technologies and by implementing appropriate emissions prices to account for external energy generation costs.  相似文献   

通过阐述吉林省可再生能源消费现状,分析存在问题,根据调研掌握的可再生能源的量能,提出合理开发利用可再生能源的建议,以期实现吉林省能源、环境、经济的合理配置,为吉林省经济社会可持续发展提供参考.  相似文献   

The launch of the Local Government White Paper in March 1998 provides a blueprint for the final form of local government in South Africa after its progression from apartheid structures, through the democratisation of councils, t.o the creation of developmental local government. According to the White Paper local government will centre on municipalities which will coordinate all development activities at national, provincial and local level, from private and public sectors. Municipalities will need to gain control over their devel opment resources, including land use. This article scrutinises the municipal planning legislation that has emerged since the end of apartheid in the form of the Development Facilitation Act (DFA) and the Local Government Transition Act, and argues that the Land Development Objectives (LDOs) of the DFA may not be an appropriate way to achieve developmental local government. The article argues that development tribunals could usurp the executive authority of municipalities to determine land use and therefore risk being both unconstitutional and counterproductive. It recommends that existing plan ning legislation is rationalised into an integrated framework that gives local government structures both legislative and executive authority over land‐use planning.  相似文献   


The article examines the relationship between the Norwegian State and international cartels and trusts in the interwar years. In this period, Norway was at the forefront with regard to implementing legislation regulating cartels, yet the legislation was not an antitrust legislation in the modern sense. It was aimed not only at protecting consumer interests, but more importantly at defending domestic businesses against foreign monopolies and cartels. In the article we examine how the Norwegian authorities interacted with international cartels and trusts in seven different cases in the interwar period. The study shows that although there was a deep seated scepticism towards concentration of market power in Norway, cartels received support from the Norwegian government when they were deemed to be beneficial to Norwegian economic interests. The legislation was used to foster the development of domestic cartels, while at the same time it was employed as a tool to limit the operations of foreign cartels and trusts.  相似文献   

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