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As a courageous entrepreneur,he decided to invest in the mainland at the beginning of reform and opening-up and step by step creating a colossal business empire.Wisdom and courage always help him to keep pace with the times.He constantly seized opportunities and exceeded himself from good to great. As a renowned business leader,from the member of CPPCC of Henan Province to the member of the Standing Committee of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas,he fully devoted himself to the social and economic development of the country and also made great contributions to the well-being of Hakka people.  相似文献   

On February 12,the Anhui ProvincialPeople's Government made a decisionon the speeding up of the use of foreigncapital.The decision involved the followingseven aspects: 1.To seize the opportunity to reviseideology and to open up a new situation formaking use of foreign capital.The decisionurges the various localities to seize the righttime to shift their focus to making good useof their own advantages,and improving thelocal investment climate and the quality ofservice in the light of their actual conditionsso as to absorb more foreign funds.Meanwhile,enterprises must be led to face the marketand to join equal competition so as to pushforward the use of foreign funds to a new  相似文献   

China's Anti-Monopoly Law, the foundation stone of the market economy, started to be implemented since August 1st 2008. After half a year of investigation, Coca Cola's acquisition of Huiyuan Juice was put to a stop by Ministry of Commerce on March 18th 2009. It became the first abortive case since the implementation of the Anti-Monopoly Law and caused strong repercussions home and abroad. While the nationalists applauded for the decision, overseas media generally took a skeptical attitude, considering it as a case of trade protectionism. This phenomenon requires a rational interpretation and guidance for the domestic and international media. On the one hand, acquisition by foreign capital may bring advanced technology and management experience and promote economic development; on the other hand, it may lead to the monopoly of relevant market, hamper competition and cause some domestic brands to disappear. We should look at Coca Cola's acquisition of Huiyuan Juice from two aspects. There are both advantages and disadvantages in acquisition. Anti-monopoly law enforcement agency should not only pay attention to the damage to competition brought about by acquisition, but also to its positive role in promoting economic development. It should balance the pros and cons so that it can reach a rational conclusion and maintain the authority of law. Chinese society is better to take a balanced attitude to acquisition by foreign capital, and prevent nationalism to go spread unchecked. At the meantime, the international media should not overreact to this case, which could become the excuse for other countries to practice trade protectionism. The Chinese government simply made a misleading yet not wrong decision at a wrong place in a wrong time.  相似文献   

Companies operating across borders face greater challenges in ensuring compliance with company strategy in different cultural contexts. Recent research shows the cognitive and emotional benefits of utilizing visual representations of knowledge in organizations. This study aims to test if mapping a corporate strategy visually can improve attitudes toward firm strategy and the intention to comply with it. An experiment is conducted comparing two knowledge maps to a textual version of the same company strategy. In order to measure attitudes toward the strategy, a scale was developed and tested in Europe and China. The study outcome provides a parsimonious and effective tripartite scale of attitude with cognitive, affective and behavioral components. The scale was then applied to a different sample to test the effect of mapping a company strategy visually on attitude toward the strategy, and to test if the effect is persistent in Europe and China. The results of the experiment show that subjects exposed to the visual conditions had significantly more positive affective and cognitive attitudes toward the content.  相似文献   

An exhibition is always a convenient window to catch a glimpse of the whole story hidden behind the scenes. To be more open to the outside world. China, armed with a variety of expos, stretches out to display .her unique fascination to other nations. In the mean time, to build closer ties with the international community, more global elements have been added to the expos held at home. What links the two sides together is the essence of the expo industry, and the further China walks, the more expos she will want to host.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the characteristics of the board of directors and strategic change of a firm in the Chinese context. In this study, strategic change is defined as strategic deviation relative to industry norms and strategic variation relative to historical experiences. The size, independence and leadership structure of the board of directors are defined as the board characteristics. We then propose hypotheses on the effects of board characteristics on a firm's strategic change. This study takes strategic resource allocation profile as measure to calculate strategic deviation and strategic variation, and then empirically tests and verifies the hypotheses using data from Chinese publicly listed companies in the information technology industry from the year 2006 to 2010. We find that the size, independence and leadership structure of the board of directors significantly affect both strategic deviation and strategic variation. Therefore, we conclude that board characteristic affects a firm's strategic change. The conclusion of the study indicates that moderate reductions in the size of the board, increasing the proportion of independent directors and separating the roles of chairman and chief executive officer can facilitate promoting the process of strategic change for a firm in a dynamic environment. Through this study we re-examine the role and significance of the board of directors in strategic decision-making for a firm, and provide useful suggestions on how to form a board that can meet the needs for strategic change for a firm in a dynamic business environment.  相似文献   

In November 1994, the Claimant and the Respondent signed an agreement to establish a limited liability entertainment company (the joint venture). The contract required both parties to contribute capital, including a one-time payment of registered capital made within five months of acquiring the necessary license to conduct business. The joint venture obtained a copy of this license on November 30, 1994. The Claimant argued that it provided capital in full within the time limit specified by the contract and alleged that the Respondent was unable to fulfill its obligations because the property it intended to provide as capital had already been mortgaged to another party. Negotiations conducted by the parties concerning this dispute failed to produce a result. In 1996, according to the terms of the contract, the Claimant referred the matter to CIETAC for arbitration.  相似文献   

As the number of immigration and their later generations grow in the workforce of more developed Western countries, understanding the processes and consequences of acculturation has gained a new level of importance. An old and re-emerging issue is the morality and reparative behavior in Western versus Eastern cultures, as well as its antecedents and consequences. We examined the effects of acculturation on the perception of psychological proximity, the intensity of moral emotions of shame and guilt, and the degree of compensation to victims of one's wrongdoing. Our sample was comprised of a collectivistic group from a shame culture, China, and an acculturated group of Chinese living in a much less collectivistic society of a guilt culture, Canada. Our results indicated that participants' perception of psychological proximity to other people and the level of compensation offered to the victims of transgression were significantly different among the two samples. Furthermore, shame and guilt mediated the relationship between perceived psychological proximity and the decision to compensate differently.  相似文献   

Yuan Geng, who created the Shekou Mode, is a pioneer in 30 years' history of China opening to the foreign, and a practicer of the policy by Deng Xiaoping of "Shenzhen Special Zone should break a way for China". The success of Shekou Mode provided a vane to the rapid development of economic zones and development zones in China, and the "growing up" of China. Referring to Yuan Geng, some say he is a capitalist, some say he is pioneer, and some say he is a star of reform, and so on. To carve a real picture let's go near to him and share the valuable memories.  相似文献   

Trust or Not?     
In recent press there have been various reports alluding to the conduct of foreigners in China.These have ranged from the disgraceful and unseemly,notably the behaviour of a British man who drunkly molested a Chinese girl,to the frivolous,best illustrated in the antics of a rude Russian cellist refusing to move his feet on a train - something that bewilderingly received nationwide coverage in a country the size of a continent.  相似文献   

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