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The present dependence on oil exports in Indonesia is not new. The oil industry also played a key role in the colonial economy. This article examines the development of the Indonesian oil industry up to the Second World War. It identifies producers and production centres and considers trends in Output and revenue, changes in the product mix and possible growth effects. Its main question concerns the possibilities and limitations of the oil sector for sustaining economic growth.  相似文献   

This article reviews the evidence pertaining to changes in women's relative pay during the Second World War and presents new evidence relating to important wartime manufacturing industries. It is argued that gender pay inequality declined sharply where women were employed in industries that had previously been dominated by men, but did not occur in industries that had traditionally been important areas of female employment. The explanation for this pattern probably lies in a combination of excess demand effects and institutional factors, both of which were strongest in wartime munitions industries. Because of the importance of these industries to the war economy, the behaviour of inequality in munitions dominates the behaviour of inequality across all industries. Nearly all existing scholarship acknowledges the impact of the Second World War on reducing the employment segregation of women, but simultaneously views the war as an unimportant episode in the history of gender pay inequality. This article shows how the transition from 'female' to 'male' work also led to a significant improvement in women's relative pay.  相似文献   

从3月20日开战到4月中旬萨达姆政权瓦解,伊拉克战争迅速走向终结,事实证明这是一场缺乏悬念的短期局部战争。在世界经济领域,伊拉克战争的影响正在逐渐显现,就短期而言,战争结局对世界经济的动态影响有限,不会改变各主要经济体的复苏趋势,而在较长的时间内,战争及其结局将对世界经济结构产生一定影响。在国际金融市场,随着与战争密切相关的不确定性渐行渐远,主要货币波动态势向其经济基本面决定的运行轨迹复归,伊拉克战争成为国际金融市场的短暂插曲。但是,这个插曲改变了国际金融市场的动态平衡,并在一定程度上影响国际资本流动的方向和结…  相似文献   

从3月20日开战到4月中旬萨达姆政权瓦解,伊拉克战争迅速走向终结,事实证明这是一场缺乏悬念的短期局部战争.在世界经济领域,伊拉克战争的影响正在逐渐显现,就短期而言,战争结局对世界经济的动态影响有限,不会改变各主要经济体的复苏趋势,而在较长的时间内,战争及其结局将对世界经济……  相似文献   

近年来,日本政府在历史问题上错误不断,从内阁要员和大批国会议员参拜靖国神社,到安倍首相穿自卫队战服登战车公开露面,再到其提出“侵略待定论”,引起包括中国在内的东北亚国家的高度警觉和关注.对日本人历史认知问题形成的原因、表现及影响的分析探讨,旨在呈现日本人历史认知问题的实态,对中日间发生的一系列现象做出科学研判,从而采取有效的应对.  相似文献   

Using new statistics, this article analyses financial development in Southeast Asia over the seven decades 1870–1939. The region experienced substantial, and in some instances rapid, vent-for-surplus economic growth based on a narrow range of primary commodities. But in 1939 all Southeast Asian countries still had relatively undeveloped financial infrastructures dominated by metropolitan interests, considerably reliant on informal finance, and geared towards primary commodity exports. The article suggests that a lack of opportunities and a variety of country-specific considerations were more important explanations than weak financial development for an absence of greater industrialization and agricultural modernization in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

1986年10月,国务院发布了《关于鼓励外商投资的规定》,将有关外商投资企业的优惠政策以行政法规的形式予以明确,鼓励出口型和先进技术型的外商来华投资。当时国有企业普遍缴纳33%的所得税,  相似文献   

Early in the Second World War, Australian Government economists, including Financial and Economic Committee members, agreed that taxation was central to shifting resources from consumption to war spending and containing inflation. As Australia's war effort expanded in 1941–42, all advisers accepted the need for more economic controls. Differences emerged about the desired extent of controls. Some saw controls, including rationing and price stabilisation, as an alternative to higher taxation. In these debates and in policy determination, Keynes' views were influential, as to some extent were those of Kalecki and Balogh. Other influences included the policies of Australia's allies.  相似文献   

In the mid‐twentieth century a number of central banks around the western world lost their operational autonomy and were placed under government control. The origin of these policy changes can be traced to the intellectual and political developments of the interwar era in addition to the introduction of the Bretton Woods monetary system. The Norwegian central bank offers a particularly stark example of this phenomenon: experiencing a rapid decline from its high level of autonomy in the interwar years, to a clear subordination to the government after 1945. Through an analysis of the correspondence between the main policy makers in the exiled Norwegian government and central bank management, this article contributes to the understanding of central bank autonomy by tracing the decisive factors that led to the Norwegian central bank's loss of agency.  相似文献   

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