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中国农业银行是1998年国内率先开展托管业务的商业银行之一,十多年来,始终保持托管业务零差错;托管业务品种丰富,涵盖了市场上可托管的各种类型资产,托管资产规模过万亿,保持行业领先地位,能够提供国内领先、标准化的托管服务,  相似文献   

经历了十年发展的资产托管业务,在资本市场日益繁荣的今天,正以快速发展的势头显示出它的勃勃生机。资产托管部的老员工们用自己的青春和智慧见证了这项业务的发展,新员工们带着憧憬从这里开始了职业生涯。在资产托管业务十周年之际,让我们一起聆听员工们的心声。  相似文献   

经历了十年发展的资产托管业务。在资本市场日益繁荣的今天.正以快速发展的势头显示出它的勃勃生机。资产托管部的老员工们用自己的青春和智慧见证了这项业务的发展.新员工们带着憧憬从这里开始了职业生涯。在资产托管业务十周年之际。让我们一起聆听员工们的心声。  相似文献   

十年,对于历史发展来说只不过是短短一瞬,而对于一项金融业务和一个为之奋斗的团队来说,十年时间定格了诸多探索的艰辛、经验的积淀、困难的磨练,展现了这项业务从起步到快速发展、从国内领先到放眼全球的发展历程。中国工商银行资产托管业务在十年的发展中,引领行业之先、奠定未来基业,在见证中国基金业和资产托管业务发展历史的同时,书写了与资本市场共舞的精彩篇章。  相似文献   

自1998年我国<证券投资基金管理办法>正式要求投资基金要建立第三方托管制度以来,我国商业银行的托管业务已走出了十个春秋,无论是托管制度的建立、托管机制的运作,托管技术的变迁,还是托管规模的增加,托管收入的占比,托管产品的丰富,都取得重要进展.  相似文献   

我国商业银行托管业务经过十余年的发展,经历了一个从无到有,不断探索,逐渐成熟的过程,本文对我国商业银行托管业务的发展现状进行了分析,并就如何完善商业银行托管业务提出了一些发展对策。  相似文献   

十年.对于历史发展来说只不过是短短一瞬,而对于一项金融业务和一个为之奋斗的团队来说,十年时间定格了诸多探索的艰辛.经验的积淀.困难的磨练.展现了这项业务从起步到快速发展.从国内领先到放眼全球的发展历程。中国工商银行资产托管业务在十年的发展中.引领行业之先,奠定未来基业,在见证中国基金业和资产托管业务发展历史的同时.书写了与资本市场共舞的精彩篇章。  相似文献   

1月21日,雪后初霁。中国工商银行资产托管部周月秋总经理的办公室里,一棵大型绿色植物春意盎然。资产托管这项充满希望的业务,也像这棵植物一样,正以其快速发展的蓬勃之势带给我们更多的想象空间。在资产托管业务发展十周年之际,记者专程采访了周月秋总经理,请他畅谈资产托管业务今后的发展前景。  相似文献   

自1997年国家正式要求投资基金建立第三方托管制度以来,我国商业银行的托管业务已经走过十几年的发展历程,无论是托管制度的建立、托管机制的运作,还是托管业务的发展、托管产品的丰富,都有了重要进展。托管业务的发展前景非常可观,有望成为商业银行中间业务中一个重要的增长极。  相似文献   

暮狄 《中国金融家》2011,(5):75-76,74
作为资产托管业务的先行者和领头羊,工商银行自1998年在国内首家提供托管服务以来,秉承"诚实信用、勤勉尽责"的宗旨,依靠科技、创新、专业与人才优势,资产托管业务实现了跨越式发展,确立了国内最大托管银行和最佳托管银行的市场地位,国际影响力和品牌知名度与日俱增。自2003年以来,工商银行已经连续9年获得香港《亚洲货币》、  相似文献   

Abstract:  Prior research has shown the prevalence of measurement error in models used to estimate aggregate discretionary accruals. In these models, the incremental information content of the various components of accruals is ignored. Limited prior research and data gathered from firms under Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) litigation indicate that managers use either one or more than one component of accruals simultaneously, in a consistent way to manipulate bottom-line earnings in a given direction. I propose two measures that capture the consistency between the discretionary components of accruals and test their significance in earnings management (EM) detection in firms that have artificially added accrual manipulation and firms that were targeted by the SEC for accrual manipulation. There is evidence that this information is incrementally useful in detecting EM. This finding paves the way for improvements in the discretionary accruals measure by including consistency information from the components of aggregate accruals.  相似文献   

The separation of a unit of account (UoA) from a medium of exchange (MoE) in the commodity–money system is investigated by considering explicitly a seller's choice of UoA in terms of either an MoE or a unit of metal weight. If the likelihood of debasement of an MoE and its rate are high enough, the price is posted in terms of a unit of metal weight rather than an MoE. Interestingly, this MoE–UoA separated equilibrium yields the flexible nominal price, whereas an MoE–UoA integrated equilibrium yields the sticky one. This implies the nominal price rigidity in the fiat‐money system where MoE and UoA are integrated.  相似文献   

日本反垄断法中没有行政垄断的定义,但确有行政机关利用行政权力排除限制竞争的行为,日本的经济规制及其统制型经济模式是其行为产生的原因。日本行政限制竞争行为主要表现为行政指导的卡特尔和行政参与的串通招标投标行为。日本采用禁止私人垄断法和行政法路径对行政限制竞争行为进行规制。日本采取行政、民事、刑事责任立法来规制行政限制竞争行为。我国应坚持行政垄断规制专门立法的特设制度,借鉴日本规制行政垄断的经验,并加大对行政垄断的处罚力度。  相似文献   

The minimization of cost is an important issue in the domain of continuous auditing (CA) research [Pathak Jagdish, Chaouch Ben, Sriram Ram, 2005. Minimizing cost of continuous audit: Counting and time dependent strategies. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 24(1), 61–75]. This cited study of continuous audit of databases motivated us to work further and provide a general, complete and precise solution. In the present study, we propose an efficient algorithm in terms of long term cost for counting and periodic strategies of continuous auditing as suggested by Pathak et al. study. The improved algorithms contribute to accounting literature in general and continuous audit in particular in the form of general theory proposed for minimizing the cost of CA of databases.  相似文献   

《易经》产生的年代,是中国社会变革最为剧烈的时代,此前,人类社会处于原始状态。原始社会是人类社会发展中经历的第一个社会制度,正是从这时起,人们开始使用生产工具。生产工具的出现是社会分工最重要的条件。由此,人们才得以观察社会,认识自然。尽管原始社会人们的生产工具极为简单、粗糙,甚至是石器,但是却形成了对社会改良最初的认识。研究《易经》的社会分工的经济思想具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

2011年我国玉米供求形势复杂,本文首先分析了我国近十年的玉米种植产量和消费量的变化,结合我国国内玉米供求情况和国际玉米市场情况,对我国2011年玉米市场供需做了一个相对全面的分析:我国2011年玉米市场供不应求,市场价格会小波动范围逐渐上升.我国国内市场面临着较大的物价通胀压力,我国政府基本政策是稳定物价,为此出台了若干有力的措施.2011年我国玉米供给低于国际国内市场需求,玉米市场价格会在波动中逐渐上升,但不会大起大落,相对平稳.  相似文献   

我国《刑法》及相关司法解释、发票管理办法等都明确地把接受虚开发票行为界定为虚开发票行为,司法机关也以此作为处理该类行为的依据。而这样的规定直接导致了理论界对有关虚开发票行为的理解发生长期的分歧与争论,也给行政执法实践和司法实践带来了一定的困惑,这样的立法存在诸多缺陷。其主要原因是我国的税收管理过分依赖于发票,导致有关发票的法律政策过于偏激。因此,解决这一问题的关键是尽快完善立法。  相似文献   

市场前景广阔的战略性新兴产业具有“高风险、高投入、高效益”等特点,不仅要求企业具有高水平的科技研发能力,还需要外部环境的支持,特别是需要充分的金融支持。应在政府相关政策和扶持基金的引导下,在良好的法制环境保障下,建立有中国特色的富有效率的风险投资综合支撑体系。只有这样,才能顺利实现风险投资和科技资源的对接,才能充分发挥风险投资在战略性新兴产业发展中的“先锋”作用,从而为培育和发展战略性新兴产业注入新鲜持久的活力。  相似文献   

Empirical studies suggest that time-series regression estimates of the degrees of operating and financial leverage have a tendency to produce measures less than one. According to ex ante theory, these measures should be greater than one for firms operating above the breakeven point. There have also been suggestions that the biases in these estimates may be attributable to an underlying increase in unit sales. This work presents evidence that these counter-intuitive measures are produced by changes in the firm's operating parameters (unit price, variable cost, fixed cost and interest payments). It further suggests that attempts to control for the underlying change in unit sales substantially increase the volatility of predicted estimates.  相似文献   

The use of quantitative, often non-financial, targets and performance measures in the plans of both businesses and not-for-profit organisations has recently received increasing attention in the academic literature. In the UK public sector this has been particularly important, given the rise of New Public Management. This has resulted in a shift from issues of policy to issues of management, and the break-up of traditional bureaucratic structures. These changes have been supported by an increasing focus on setting quantitative targets which cover all aspects of an organisation's performance. This paper seeks to examine the possible role of quantitative targets in planning and control in public sector organisations. Furthermore, through an exploratory study of over eighty planning documents from executive agencies, the nature and breadth of targets being used are examined and discussed.  相似文献   

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