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We consider a portfolio optimization problem where the investor's objective is to maximize the long-term expected growth rate, in the presence of proportional transaction costs. This problem belongs to the class of stochastic control problems with singular controls , which are usually solved by computing solutions to related partial differential equations called the free-boundary Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) equations . The dimensionality of the HJB equals the number of stocks in the portfolio. The runtime of existing solution methods grow super-exponentially with dimension, making them unsuitable to compute optimal solutions to portfolio optimization problems with even four stocks. In this work we first present a boundary update procedure that converts the free boundary problem into a sequence of fixed boundary problems. Then by combining simulation with the boundary update procedure, we provide a computational scheme whose runtime, as shown by the numerical tests, scales polynomially in dimension. The results are compared and corroborated against existing methods that scale super-exponentially in dimension. The method presented herein enables the first ever computational solution to free-boundary problems in dimensions greater than three.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the Merton problem in a market with a single risky asset and proportional transaction costs. We give a complete solution of the problem up to the solution of a first‐crossing problem for a first‐order differential equation. We find that the characteristics of the solution (e.g., well‐posedness) can be related to some simple properties of a univariate quadratic whose coefficients are functions of the parameters of the problem. Our solution to the problem via the value function includes expressions for the boundaries of the no‐transaction wedge. Using these expressions, we prove a precise condition for when leverage occurs. One new and unexpected result is that when the solution to the Merton problem (without transaction costs) involves a leveraged position, and when transaction costs are large, the location of the boundary at which sales of the risky asset occur is independent of the transaction cost on purchases.  相似文献   


We derive a formula for the minimal initial wealth needed to hedge an arbitrary contingent claim in a continuous-time model with proportional transaction costs; the expression obtained can be interpreted as the supremum of expected discounted values of the claim, over all (pairs of) probability measures under which the “wealth process” is a supermartingale. Next, we prove the existence of an optimal solution to the portfolio optimization problem of maximizing utility from terminal wealth in the same model, we also characterize this solution via a transformation to a hedging problem: the optimal portfolio is the one that hedges the inverse of marginal utility evaluated at the shadow state-price density solving the corresponding dual problem, if such exists. We can then use the optimal shadow state-price density for pricing contingent claims in this market. the mathematical tools are those of continuous-time martingales, convex analysis, functional analysis, and duality theory.  相似文献   

Davis, Panas, and Zariphopoulou (1993) and Hodges and Neuberger (1989) have presented a very appealing model for pricing European options in the presence of rehedging transaction costs. In their papers the 'maximization of utility' leads to a hedging strategy and an option value. The latter is different from the Black–Scholes fair value and is given by the solution of a three–dimensional free boundary problem. This problem is computationally very time–consuming. In this paper we analyze this problem in the realistic case of small transaction costs, applying simple ideas of asymptotic analysis. The problem is then reduced to an inhomogeneous diffusion equation in only two independent variables, the asset price and time. The advantages of this approach are to increase the speed at which the optimal hedging strategy is calculated and to add insight generally. Indeed, we find a very simple analytical expression for the hedging strategy involving the option's gamma.  相似文献   

In a financial market with a continuous price process and proportional transaction costs, we investigate the problem of utility maximization of terminal wealth. We give sufficient conditions for the existence of a shadow price process, i.e., a least favorable frictionless market leading to the same optimal strategy and utility as in the original market under transaction costs. The crucial ingredients are the continuity of the price process and the hypothesis of “no unbounded profit with bounded risk.” A counterexample reveals that these hypotheses cannot be relaxed.  相似文献   

I consider an optimal consumption/investment problem to maximize expected utility from consumption. In this market model, the investor is allowed to choose a portfolio that consists of one bond, one liquid risky asset (no transaction costs), and one illiquid risky asset (proportional transaction costs). I fully characterize the optimal consumption and trading strategies in terms of the solution of the free boundary ordinary differential equation (ODE) with an integral constraint. I find an explicit characterization of model parameters for the well‐posedness of the problem, and show that the problem is well posed if and only if there exists a shadow price process. Finally, I describe how the investor's optimal strategy is affected by the additional opportunity of trading the liquid risky asset, compared to the simpler model with one bond and one illiquid risky asset.  相似文献   

An investor trades a safe and several risky assets with linear price impact to maximize expected utility from terminal wealth. In the limit for small impact costs, we explicitly determine the optimal policy and welfare, in a general Markovian setting allowing for stochastic market, cost, and preference parameters. These results shed light on the general structure of the problem at hand, and also unveil close connections to optimal execution problems and to other market frictions such as proportional and fixed transaction costs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate investment strategies that can rebalance their target portfolio vectors at arbitrary investment periods. These strategies are called semiconstant rebalanced portfolios in Blum and Kalai and Helmbold et al. Unlike a constant rebalanced portfolio, which must rebalance at every investment interval, a semiconstant rebalanced portfolio rebalances its portfolio only on selected instants. Hence, a semiconstant rebalanced portfolio may avoid rebalancing if the transaction costs outweigh the benefits of rebalancing. In a competitive algorithm framework, we compete against all such semiconstant portfolios with an arbitrary number of rebalancings and corresponding rebalancing instants. We investigate this framework with and without transaction costs and demonstrate sequential portfolios that asymptotically achieve the wealth of the best semiconstant rebalanced portfolios whose number of rebalancings and instants of rebalancings are tuned to the individual sequence of price relatives.  相似文献   

In a general discrete-time market model with proportional transaction costs, we derive new expectation representations of the range of arbitrage-free prices of an arbitrary American option. The upper bound of this range is called the upper hedging price, and is the smallest initial wealth needed to construct a self-financing portfolio whose value dominates the option payoff at all times. A surprising feature of our upper hedging price representation is that it requires the use of randomized stopping times (Baxter and Chacon 1977), just as ordinary stopping times are needed in the absence of transaction costs. We also represent the upper hedging price as the optimum value of a variety of optimization problems. Additionally, we show a two-player game where at Nash equilibrium the value to both players is the upper hedging price, and one of the players must in general choose a mixture of stopping times. We derive similar representations for the lower hedging price as well. Our results make use of strong duality in linear programming.  相似文献   

We study the optimal investment policy for an investor who has available one bank account and n risky assets modeled by log-normal diffusions. The objective is to maximize the long-run average growth of wealth for a logarithmic utility function in the presence of proportional transaction costs. This problem is formulated as an ergodic singular stochastic control problem and interpreted as the limit of a discounted control problem for vanishing discount factor. The variational inequalities for the discounted control problem and the limiting ergodic problem are established in the viscosity sense. The ergodic variational inequality is solved by using a numerical algorithm based on policy iterations and multigrid methods. A numerical example is displayed for two risky assets.  相似文献   

In the modern theory of finance, the valuation of derivative assets is commonly based on a replication argument. When there are transaction costs, this argument is no longer valid. In this paper, we try to address the general problem of finding the optimal portfolio among those which dominate a given derivative asset at maturity. We derive an interval for its price. the upper bound is the minimum amount one has to invest initially in order to obtain proceeds at least as valuable as the derivative asset. the lower bound is the maximum amount one can borrow initially against the proceeds of the derivative asset. We show that, in some instances, this interval may be strictly bounded above by the price of the replicating strategy. Prima facie, the cost of a dominating strategy should appear to be higher than that of the replicating one. But because trading is costly, it may pay to weigh the benefits of replication against those of potential savings on transaction costs.  相似文献   

Various aspects of pricing of contingent claims in discrete time for incomplete market models are studied. Formulas for prices with proportional transaction costs are obtained. Some results concerning pricing with concave transaction costs are shown. Pricing by the expected utility of terminal wealth is also considered.  相似文献   

We use an innovative practitioner technique to investigate the interplay between the ex post performance of momentum strategies and transaction costs, rebalancing frequency, turnover constraints, and fund size. We have three interrelated main results: first, the level of and correlation between active returns to price momentum and earnings momentum strategies vary dramatically with these factors; second, strategies that are fearful of ex ante transaction costs generate returns net of transaction costs that are far superior to the net returns of naive strategies; and third, obtaining better traction with the unique elements of each strategy yields a more profitable combined strategy.  相似文献   

We study the optimal retirement and consumption/investment choice of an infinitely-lived economic agent with a time-separable von Neumann–Morgenstern utility. A particular aspect of our problem is that the agent has a retirement option. Before retirement the agent receives labor income but suffers a utility loss from labor. By retiring, he avoids the utility loss but gives up labor income. We show that the agent retires optimally if his wealth exceeds a certain critical level. We also show that the agent consumes less and invests more in risky assets when he has an option to retire than he would in the absence of such an option.
An explicit solution can be provided by solving a free boundary value problem. In particular, the critical wealth level and the optimal consumption and portfolio policy are provided in explicit forms.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal investment problem with random endowment in an inventory‐based price impact model with competitive market makers. Our goal is to analyze how price impact affects optimal policies, as well as both pricing rules and demand schedules for contingent claims. For exponential market makers preferences, we establish two effects due to price impact: constrained trading and nonlinear hedging costs. To the former, wealth processes in the impact model are identified with those in a model without impact, but with constrained trading, where the (random) constraint set is generically neither closed nor convex. Regarding hedging, nonlinear hedging costs motivate the study of arbitrage free prices for the claim. We provide three such notions, which coincide in the frictionless case, but which dramatically differ in the presence of price impact. Additionally, we show arbitrage opportunities, should they arise from claim prices, can be exploited only for limited position sizes, and may be ignored if outweighed by hedging considerations. We also show that arbitrage‐inducing prices may arise endogenously in equilibrium, and that equilibrium positions are inversely proportional to the market makers' representative risk aversion. Therefore, large positions endogenously arise in the limit of either market maker risk neutrality, or a large number of market makers.  相似文献   

In the style of Rogers (2001) , we give a unified method for finding the dual problem in a given model by stating the problem as an unconstrained Lagrangian problem. In a theoretical part we prove our main theorem, Theorem 3.1, which shows that under a number of conditions the value of the dual and primal problems is equal. The theoretical setting is sufficiently general to be applied to a large number of examples including models with transaction costs, such as Cvitanic and Karatzas (1996) (which could not be covered by the setting in Rogers [2001] ). To apply the general result one has to verify the assumptions of Theorem 3.1 for each concrete example. We show how the method applies for two examples, first Cuoco and Liu (1992) and second Cvitanic and Karatzas (1996) .  相似文献   

We consider a class of production–investment models in discrete time with proportional transaction costs. For linear production functions, we study a natural extension of the no‐arbitrage of the second kind condition introduced by Rásonyi. We show that this condition implies the closedness of the set of attainable claims and is equivalent to the existence of a strictly consistent price system under which the evaluation of future production profits is strictly negative. This allows us to discuss the closedness of the set of terminal wealth in models with nonlinear production, functions which may admit arbitrages of the second kind for low production regimes but not marginally for high production regimes.  相似文献   

We examine the Morton and Pliska (1993) model for the optimal management of a portfolio when there are transaction costs proportional to a fixed fraction of the portfolio value. We analyze this model in the realistic case of small transaction costs by conducting a perturbation analysis about the no-transaction-cost solution. Although the full problem is a free-boundary diffusion problem in as many dimensions as there are assets in the portfolio, we find explicit solutions for the optimal trading policy in this limit. This makes the solution for a realistically large number of assets a practical possibility.  相似文献   

One of the well‐known approaches to the problem of option pricing is a minimization of the global risk, considered as the expected quadratic net loss. In the paper, a multidimensional variant of the problem is studied. To obtain the existence of the variance‐optimal hedging strategy in a model without transaction costs, we can apply the result of Monat and Stricker. Another possibility is a generalization of the nondegeneracy condition that appeared in a paper of Schweizer, in which a one‐dimensional problem is solved. The relationship between the two approaches is shown. A more difficult problem is the existence of an optimal solution in the model with transaction costs. A sufficient condition in a multidimensional case is formulated.  相似文献   

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