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Geoffrey Wood Professor 《Economic Affairs》1987,7(4):20-23
Should long-term money targets be abandoned in favour of a more interventionist approach to the management of the economy? Professor Geoffrey Wood, of the City University Business School in London, distinguishes the long-term importance of monetarist theory from the short-sighted unreliability of political intervention. 相似文献
转变经济增长方式的可能途径 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
唐建荣 《数量经济技术经济研究》2000,17(9):45-47
经济增长是资本、劳动、技术、体制诸生产要素共振耦合的结果。经济增长方式的本质就是生产要素的分配和使用方式。由于经济发展有其明显的路径依赖特征,经济增长方式的转换因此应该因地制宜,拾级而上。 一、增加教育投入,发展人力资本 人力资本是人格化的知识和技术,是劳动力素质的凝固和积淀,亦是支撑经济增长不可或缺、不可替代的主体因素。据美国经济学家乔吉逊估计,在美国的全部资本中,人力资本 相似文献
A bstract In his early work. Talcott Parsons severely criticized Old Institutional Economists like Thorstein Veblen and Clarence Ayres. Parsons'main objection was that institutional economics had a misconceived view on the scope of economics: institutions, being the embodiment of values, were the proper subject of sociology rather than economics. By arguing for a clear-cut division of labor between economics and sociology. Parsons legitimated the divide between the two disciplines that came into being in the years to follow. Recently however, the relationship between economic-sociology and institutional economics has changed dramatically. New Economic Sociology (advocated by scholars like Mark Granovetter and Richard Swedberig) rejects the division of labor proposed by Parsons. By-providing substitutes rather than just complements to economics, it tries to counter economic imperialism. This creates significant similarities between New Economic Sociology, Old Institutional Economics and the recent return of institutionalism in economic theory. However, the quest for a division of labor between economics and sociology remains unfinished. 相似文献
Abstract . Contemporaries who evoke the passion of self-interest and cite Adam Smith as its most prominent defender have exhibited little appreciation for the speckled history of this passion. Moreover, they have demonstrated little awareness of how Smith did not view this passion as a virtue. Some of the major reasons are explained for the changes in our attitude toward self interest. A philosophical refutation of the thesis that self-interest is our only motive for acting as we do is offered and the record is set straight on how Smith viewed the State's role in imposing limits on, and giving direction to, self-interest as a testimony to man's failure at self-legislation. Today the contenders for power—the special interests—are pitted against the guardians of public order. 相似文献
Z. Edward O'Relley 《American journal of economics and sociology》1986,45(1):9-16
A bstract . Official perceptions of agriculture's role in economic development in the Eastern European Soviet-type economies have undergone significant alterations over the past several decades. These changes have been especially important in Hungary , a country well known for its unorthodox economic approaches. The modifications of status analyzed below have been consistent with the overall economic policy directives of the Communist party, including the current renewed emphasis on economic rationality, pragmatism , and the revitalization of the economic reform of 1968 . 相似文献
当今世界各国中普遍存在着财政赤字。财政赤字的政治经济学理论从政治和制度的角度分析了赤字形成的原因。本文对该理论作了系统性的评述,并指出了今后进一步的研究方向。一、导论在现代经济体中,财政赤字的存在是普遍现象。而最早从理论上对财政赤 相似文献
Robert W. McGee 《Economic Affairs》1990,10(3):14-20
Should companies be allowed to protect themselves from takeover? Robert McGee, of Seton Hall University, outlines the case against ‘poison pills’ and other restrictions on takeovers and mergers. 相似文献
Michael A. Bernstein 《American journal of economics and sociology》2008,67(5):1007-1023
The 20th‐century American economics profession and its leading professional organization—the American Economic Association (AEA)—were privileged and shaped by the federal government's need to direct resources and to call on experts. Bureaucratic tendencies to classify and count had an impact on the discipline's self‐concept, the articulation of subdisciplines, and the establishment of multiple research agendas. They also powerfully framed the strategies for growth and development formulated and deployed by the AEA itself. A consensus of professional opinion and the standardization of curriculums emerged out of the involvement of economists and the AEA with governmental affairs. At the same time, such public engagement was fraught with risks and contradictions—posing challenges and difficulties with which the AEA and the profession would have to contend for decades to come. 相似文献
收入流动性与居民经济地位动态演化的实证研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文利用CHNS提供的中国9省区经验数据,研究了我国1989~2004年期间的收入流动性及不同收入阶层居民经济地位的动态演化情况,发现宏观经济景气度显著影响了居民收入流动性,2000~2004年期间的收入流动性在本文考察的历年中最高,而1997~2000年期间的收入流动性则较低;相对其他收入阶层而言,我国中等收入阶层的经济地位更加脆弱,其经济地位得到改善的前景不明朗;无论是从流动性水平还是流动性结构来看,农村收入流动性总体优于城市. 相似文献
随着经济全球化的发展,世界各国经济发展之间的相互联系日趋紧密,而美国作为世界第一经济大国,其经济走势对世界经济的影响也日益增强.近期,美国经济运行出现的新情况在国际国内均引起广泛关注,美国经济究竟向何处去,对我国经济的影响如何,是值得认真研究的问题. 相似文献
The Design of Stable International Environmental Agreements: Economic Theory and Political Economy 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Ulrich J. Wagner 《Journal of economic surveys》2001,15(3):377-411
International environmental agreements typically strive for the solution of a common property resource dilemma. Since the sovereignty of states precludes external enforcement, international environmental agreements must be self‐enforcing. Game theoretical models explain why rewards and punishments imposed through the environmental externality generally fail to enforce full cooperation. Therefore, environmental treaties incorporate provisions that enhance the incentives for participation such as transfers, sanctions and linkage to other negotiation topics in international politics. Moreover, interaction with markets and governments as well as the rules and procedures adopted in the negotiation process influence the design and the effectiveness of an international environmental agreement. 相似文献
我国目前可堪称世界体育强国,但体育经济的发展与体育事业的蒸蒸日上极不相称。改革开放30年来,我国体育经济取得了快速的发展,但中国体育经济发展也面临着诸多问题,因此,本文针对我国目前体育经济发展的现状和影响因素,从体育经济发展轨迹入手,寻求我国体育经济发展的新出路,以促进体育经济的健康发展。 相似文献
美国的西进运动在美国的文明发展史上有着划时代的意义。它运用资本主义的生产方式开发了美国西部。尽管西进运动对于印第安人造成了精神上和肉体上的迫害,但是从经济意义上看,它深入到美国农业,交通运输业和工业方面,从而促进了美国经济的全面繁荣,增强了美国的经济实力。 相似文献