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网络招标采购是应用当代网络信息技术对传统招授标采购方式优化升级的有益探索,是阳光采购招标工作在信息化时代高速发展的积极实践;本文介绍了华电集团招标采购网的基本功能结构和在广安电厂物资采购中的实际应用情况,对网络招标采购的优越性和所遇到的问题作了总结并提出了相应的措施.  相似文献   

竞争性谈判采购方式是我国《政府采购法》规定的重要采购方式之一。国有企业作为市场经济的重要主体,在采购中一旦采用竞争性谈判方式,法律上却无明文规定可依,程序操作亦无规章可循。本文拟以法律困境的解决为中心,侧重于实际运用中的创新,结合实践,探索如何完善我国竞争性谈判采购管理机制,以期对该领域的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用,对我国竞争性谈判采购的实践提供一定的参考和支持。  相似文献   

在合规合法的前提下探索如何使科研院所非招标方式采购工作更加科学高效,减少或消除价格风险,是一项具有挑战性和专业性的工作。本文从近两年某科研院所物资非招标方式采购的实践出发,分析非招标方式采购各个环节的难点和经验,为进一步提高科研院所物资供应管理水平提供参考。  相似文献   

询价采购也叫比质比价采购,是企业常用的采购方式之一。本文针对在询价采购中容易出现的问题,提出企业在进行询价采购时应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

在政府采购实践中,选择一个正确的采购方式不仅决定着采购活动能否正常实施,甚至决定着采购活动的成败。采购管理机构应依法制定集中采购目录和采购限额标准,对采购方式应采取宏观管理办法,依照法律、法规的规定确定采购方式;同时还要结合采购项目的具体情况,具体问题具体对待,不能把采购项目的预算金额作为确定采购方式的唯一标准。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和企业管理水平的整体提高,越来越多的企业开始探索和实践区域性集中采购这一采办方式,以力求降低采购成本并提高采购质量。本文以餐饮行业为分析对象,通过阐述目前区域性集中采购方式在餐饮行业应用的现状,进而综合分析及比较这一采办方式的优势和劣势,最后根据分析结果对改善和提高该种采办方式给出建议,为相近类型企业采办方式的选择及优化提供参考。  相似文献   

代储代销是大型企业广泛应用的一种物资采购管理方式,因其可以有效节约采购时间、减少资金占用、降低物资领域员工工作量、优化库存结构、降低采购成本等诸多优点,所以在物资采购领域得以广泛推行。代储代销方式不仅可以优化物资采购管理体系,还能促使企业物资采购工作更加公开、公平、公正地有序进行。本文系统地分析了代储代销这种物资采购方式在大型炼化企业的应用、适用范围及目前存在的主要问题,并结合实践提出了相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

正义乌小商品市场试行以"市场采购贸易"方式出口市场采购商品,短时间内即取得了明显的效果,成为浙江省外贸出口增长的重要"引擎"。本文在详细分析"市场采购贸易"在义乌小商品市场试行的背景和效果的基础上,结合广东省各类市场的特点,探索广东试行"市场采购贸易"新方式,提出了在广东省合格市场内试行以"市场采购贸易"方式,为市场采购商品提供出口便利,畅通出口通道,促进出口增长的举措,为政府相  相似文献   

李静 《商业会计》2011,(22):56-57
本文根据现代采购管理特点,探索与之相适应的对财务管理提出的要求。与传统财务管理方式相比,现代财务管理应向采购管理渗透,并与之紧密结合,不断创新管理的方式方法,适应可持续发展的时代要求。  相似文献   

推行企业物资采购公开制,不仅能提高物资采购质量,降低采购成本,增强企业的凝聚力和向心力,而且是探索和建立一套物资采购招标的新机制,保证企业经营活动的正常进行,使企业采购工作中的问题得到解决的有效途径。  相似文献   

浅议建立和完善高校的招投标制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄建新 《商业研究》2005,(18):38-40
随着国家对教育事业投资规模和力度的不断加大,如何安全有效地使用好这些资金,保证所建工程或购置的设备优质价廉是目前高校采购管理工作中必须面对的重要课题。招投标制度是一种高效、科学、有组织、有规范、透明度高的交易运作方式,是以竞争方式通过一系列规范化的运作程序来确定中标方,订立交易合同的制度。  相似文献   

王为 《商业研究》2006,(9):145-146
招标采购相对于传统的采购形式而言,改变的只是对商品或劳务的购买形式,其行为仍然是一种财务支出行为,因此招标采购活动的真实性、合法性和效益性应接受审计监督。避免采购环节的价格隐性流失,加强采购方面的管理。  相似文献   

全方位调控的采购模式是适应集团规模较大,物资订购批量较大,对产品质量要求较严的大型企业。模式的特点是高度集中,实行三个统一,减少采购环节,合理选择供货厂商,实行三比定点,公开招标,降低进货成本,实现采购效益最大化。  相似文献   

The current study explores consumer attributes such as attitudes, subjective norms, connectedness, and price consciousness and their relationship with purchase intentions of Hispanic shoppers within the locally produced food category. Four hypothesized direct-path relationships and one moderation effect across the four proposed paths were tested via a two-step process in structural equations modeling. Results of measurement model testing suggested that a five-factor model fits well for the Hispanic group. Within the structural model process, a significant positive relationship was found between two proposed paths: consumer attitudes with intention to purchase and price consciousness with intention to purchase. A moderation effect of perceived product availability was found only for the path of price consciousness with intention to purchase. These results suggest that factors such as subject norms and connectedness, often associated with the local food category, may not be important drivers for purchase intentions for the Hispanic food shopper in retail grocery channels. However, other factors relating to attitudes, price consciousness, and product availability may be more salient. From this exploration, implications for marketers are provided and future research directions suggested.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effects of utilitarian and hedonic benefits perceptions of discount sales promotions on consumer purchase decisions (attitude and behavioral intention). A closed-ended survey, as well as a partial least squares structural equation modeling of consumers sampling who had used discount sales promotions in their recent purchases, was utilized in this study. The findings suggest that utilitarian benefits perceptions derived from price-quality perception and hedonic benefits perceptions derived from smart shopper self-perception of using discount sales promotions positively affect consumer purchase decisions. Both utilitarian and hedonic benefits perceptions of discount sales promotions can henceforth be used to produce the desired effects on purchase decisions. Hence, this paper sheds light on the effects of utilitarian and hedonic benefits perception of discount sales promotions on purchase decisions. Though the findings are limited to discount sales promotions alone and two types of purchase decisions outcomes (attitude and behavioral intentions), this paper identified multiple avenues to extend its findings. This encourages further exploration of such promotion topics, particularly on the various perceptions of discount sales promotions as well as other sales promotion techniques among marketing academics and practitioners.  相似文献   

张勇 《中国市场》2008,(28):138-139
分析新建地方院校图书采购现状和招标采购的优势,结合德州学院图书采购工作实际,探索搞好高校图书招标的方法和措施。  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, there has been considerable amount of research done in the area of pricing and the role price plays as a determinant of a purchase decision. Although price is only one aspect that stimulates a purchase decision, it is probably the most important. With the history of pricing filled with failures, ongoing efforts are being made to enhance the processes and techniques used in pricing. The nature of software development projects, taking on the characteristics of a service, and the inherent inaccuracies of software cost estimation methods, adds further considerations on what pricing objectives should be used, how pricing strategies should be formulated, and which pricing method should be adopted. The complexities of pricing are further aggravated by the technical and business context of software development projects. Decision makers and marketers also have to price competitively and yet profitable for software development contracts which are mostly awarded through bidding. Current pricing practices are reviewed, and a pricing framework is presented to aid practitioners and academicians in the pricing of software development projects.  相似文献   

煤炭物流企业发展的几点思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
煤炭在我国国民经济能源结构中占有重要地位,在构建大型煤炭企业集团的过程中,把物流纳入产业发展轨道,必将对煤炭工业的长远发展产生积极而深远的影响。当前,我国已经具备了煤炭物流企业发展的一系列有利条件,但也存在着诸如物流专业化和社会化程度不高,信息化程度较低等一系列问题。针对我国煤炭物流企业存在的问题及发展的有利条件,本文提出,煤炭物流企业在今后的发展中应认真把握煤炭主业与物流发展的关系,把握好“连接点”;积极开展招标采购;依托集团内部市场,“借鸡生蛋”;将物流建设、发展规划作为一个新的开发项目来认识和对待,科学规划,统筹考虑;加强信息化建设,进一步完善业务流程再造;构建高效的信息计划配送管理体系;以最大限度地满足煤炭市场需求为中心,夯实企业的“发展点”;加强物流人才的培养。  相似文献   

Interactive pricing mechanisms integrate customers into the price-setting process by letting them submit bids. Name-your-own-price auctions are such an interactive pricing mechanism, where buyers' bids denote the final price of a product or service in case they surpass a secret threshold price set by the seller. If buyers are given the flexibility to bid repeatedly, they might try to incrementally bid up to the threshold. In this case, charging fees for the option to place additional bids could generate extra revenue and reduce incremental bidding behavior. Based on an economic model of consumer bidding behavior in name-your-own-price auctions and two empirical studies, we analytically and empirically investigate the effects bidding fees have on buyers' bidding behavior. Moreover, we analyze the impact of bidding fees on seller revenue and profit based on our empirical results.  相似文献   

As the modern retail industry evolves from multi-channel to seamless omni-channel retailing, retailers are increasingly adopting omni-channel strategies, such as the usage of omni-coupons. A consumer may obtain an omni-coupon from a digital (catalog) channel and purchase either online or via the telephone channel. Past studies have not examined such cross-channel effects at the purchase incidence level. Using customer transaction data from an omni-channel retailer, we investigate the key drivers of cross-effects, and the impact of such cross-effects on two consumer purchase outcomes (purchase value and cross-buying). We specifically study two types of cross-effects, a) catalog-to-online and b) digital-to-telephone, and find that the effect of time variables and individual characteristics on them is asymmetric. We also show that the impact of such cross-effects on purchase outcomes depends on whether the omni-coupon was sourced digitally or from a catalog. Retailers aiming to increase cross-buying should prioritize catalog coupons, while those aiming to increase purchase value should prioritize digital coupons.  相似文献   

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