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We analyse how national taxation of firms is likely to affect merger incentives in international markets. In particular, we ask whether non-coordinated trade policies stimulate cross-border mergers that are overall inefficient, and if this then is an argument for international coordination of such policies? We address this issue in a setting where policy makers use two-part tariffs to tax exporting firms. The analysis reveals that while non-coordinated policies may induce cross-border mergers by allowing the firms in question to play national policy makers out against each other, this can nevertheless be overall welfare enhancing compared to market outcomes under coordinated policy making.  相似文献   

This paper considers a successive oligopoly setting in which a set of upstream firms sell output non-exclusively to a group of downstream firms using a linear tariff. If the concavity of retail demand is constant then the profitability of horizontal merger at either the upstream or the downstream stage is shown to depend on the number of firms in the stage experiencing the merger and not on the number of firms in the other stage. Furthermore, the profitability of merger at either stage is the same as the profitability of merger amongst a set of vertically integrated firms in a setting in which all firms are vertically integrated. Finally, mergers at either stage are shown to reduce the sum of producer and consumer surplus. Moreover the negative effects of merger on surplus are unambiguously increased by increases in concentration in the merging stage and ambiguously affected by increases in concentration in the non-merging stage.JEL classification: L10, L20, L40  相似文献   

WTO贸易救济措施与战略性贸易政策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
战略性贸易政策主要是通过征收关税、提供出口补贴和数量限制等措施来扶持本国的产业,提高竞争优势,在市场上占领更大的市场份额。WTO是当今世界多边贸易体制的组织和法律基础。GATT经历了八轮贸易谈判后,关税大幅度降低,一些补贴也不允许使用,这对成员方战略性贸易政策措施的使用起到了限制作用。与此同时,WTO的反倾销、反补贴和保障措施等贸易救济措施目前却成为了一些国家实施战略性贸易政策的新工具。本文阐述了WTO贸易救济措施的相关规定对战略性贸易政策的常用工具关税、补贴和数量限制行使的影响及我国应采取的对策。  相似文献   

国际贸易中的战略性环境政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于传统的贸易政策工具,如关税、补贴等,受到世贸组织规则的限制,各国政府不得不寻求其他政策工具来转移租金,便考虑在产业和贸易政策的“武库”中添加项目,诸如排污标准、减污补贴、排污税。为了保持国际竞争力,环境政策已经演变成产业政策、贸易政策。以不完全竞争为基础的战略性环境政策理论,为在自由贸易约束下,各国政府如何寻求其他政策工具转移租金、提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   

We consider strategic trade policy for information and communication technology (ICT) product markets with international rivalry. Usually, ICT products exhibit network externalities and product compatibility (i.e., network compatibility). We demonstrate that the optimal strategic trade policy depends on the degree of network compatibility of ICT products. Furthermore, using an endogenous decision game for strategic variables (i.e., quantity and price), we consider the relationship between the optimal strategic trade policies and the endogenous mode of competition.  相似文献   

浅析战略性贸易政策下的补贴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘璞 《国际经贸探索》2001,17(5):8-10,44
战略性贸易政策是国际贸易理论发展的产物,其重要观点是主张政府采取战略性措施进行干预,以提高本国福利,补贴是政府扶植产业的重要手段,而建立在多边贸易体制上的WTO有关补贴与反补贴协议对补贴进行了严格规定,如何在不违背WTO反补贴协议的前提下,对战略性产业进行有效补贴,是值得我们思考的。  相似文献   

Strategic delegation analysis has been limited to sales delegation cases, until Jansen et al. (International Journal of Industrial Organization 25:531–539, 2007) presented the case of market share delegation. In international trade theory, export rivalry and import protection have always attracted considerable attention. This paper assesses the influence upon optimal trade policy of introducing market share delegation in a trade duopoly context. It shows that delegation matters, and different forms of delegation coupled with asymmetric costs will imply different degrees of government intervention.
Leonard F. S. WangEmail:

我国战略性贸易政策实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对改革开放以来我国的战略性贸易政策实践进行了分析。虽然我国政府从未明确提出要实行战略性贸易政策,但是通过和日本经济高速增长时期的战略性贸易政策相比较,可以发现,在我国广泛推行的产业政策中,战略性贸易政策早就存在。只是由于产业组织政策失效所导致的市场竞争程度低下,使得我国战略性贸易政策的实施效果很不理想。因此,协调产业政策和竞争政策,打破地方保护,建立国内统一大市场就成为我国今后战略性贸易政策成功的关键。  相似文献   

本文在弱势产业划分与贸易保护有效性分析的基础上,探讨新贸易保护主义的新发展及其对中国进出口贸易的影响,分析我国的战略性贸易政策选择。本文认为:是否值得与能否对弱势产业进行贸易保护,在大国与小国的答案并不完全相同,可以利用大国规模经济效应提升弱势产业的比较竞争优势;对优势产业与“夕阳产业”同时进行保护、贸易保护的意识形态工具创新是新贸易保护主义新发展的主要特点;为了应对新贸易保护主义新发展对我国进出口贸易的冲击,必须制定符合我国国情的战略性贸易政策。  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Creane and Miyagiwa (J Int Econ 75:229–244, 2008) show that the mode of competition determines whether information sharing occurs between firms and governments within an international duopoly context in which the firms are located in different countries. In this paper, we show that when a price instrument is implemented to control exports, then the relative number of firms located in each country is also critical. In particular, we illustrate that with quantity competition and under the presence of demand and cost uncertainty, information sharing does not occur when the number of firms in one country is higher than the number of firms in the other country and vice-versa. However, when direct quantity controls are implemented the number of firms is irrelevant and information sharing always occurs. Moreover, we show that the informational prisoner’s dilemma restricts only to the case where subsidies are implemented in both countries when the number of firms across countries is equal.  相似文献   

周琴 《商业研究》2007,(8):187-190
战略性贸易政策是以规模经济和产品差别化为基础的不完全竞争模型。通过对该贸易政策理论基本内容、实施中所需的条件的阐述,为战略性贸易政策在我国的适用性进行判断。并结合中国现有的市场经济体制、市场结构、产业结构和政府的行为素质,对战略性贸易政策在中国实施的政治经济条件进行分析,判断战略性贸易政策在中国特定行业的可行性。  相似文献   

本文认为,产业升级理论指出了产业结构演变的方向,对政府制定产业规划具有重要指导意义,但由于它是从大的历史跨度进行分析,在具体实践中不容易应用。而战略性贸易政策为不完全竞争条件下政府的贸易干预提供了新的依据。但战略性贸易政策要在发展中国家取得良好的效果,必须满足一定的基本条件,其中目标产业选择最为关键。文章提出,发展中国家在"合适技术"产业上更具有比较优势,能更好地满足战略性贸易政策实施的约束条件,是现阶段发展中国家战略性贸易政策目标产业的明智选择。  相似文献   

战略性贸易政策理论研究最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先介绍了战略贸易政策理论的基本模型扩展研究,其次主要就2000年以后国外学者对于该理论及其模型在产业竞争优势、公司所有权构成、产业集中度、战略联盟、委托竞争、产业整合等方面的研究成果进行综述,最后对战略贸易政策理论的最新发展做了简要评述。  相似文献   

战略性贸易政策理论研究的新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略性贸易政策理论兴起于20世纪80年代,经过20多年的发展,其两个基本理论内涵被众多学者从诸多领域进行了扩展。本文将这一理论的扩展归纳为以下五个方面:基本模型的扩展、引入不完全信息和信息不对称、政策工具选择的新视角、贸易产品的新视角、各国和世界整体福利的新视角。  相似文献   

If conventional instruments of strategic trade policy are unavailable, the system of foreign profit taxation and transfer price guidelines may serve as surrogate policy instruments. In this paper, I consider a model where firms from two countries compete with each other on a market in a third country. Both firms have affiliates in the third country where (part of) the production takes place. I analyse optimal policy choices of the firms' residence countries aiming at strategically manipulating the competitiveness of their firms. I show that, first, countries prefer the tax exemption system over the tax credit system if there is no intra‐firm trade. Second, if the headquarters provide inputs for production in the affiliate, countries prefer the tax exemption system if the transfer price for these inputs is close to the headquarters' variable cost and if the residence country's tax rate is high. However, if transfer prices are high and the residence country's tax rate is low, I show that the tax credit system is an optimal tax policy choice for both countries. From a policy perspective, the view that the tax exemption system is generally the best policy response if domestic firms' competitiveness is a policy goal has to be qualified.  相似文献   

战略性贸易政策理论的新发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
战略性贸易政策理论是在 2 0世纪 80年代初提出并建立的 ,该理论有两个基本模型 ,即第三国市场模型和相互倾销模型。其基本结论认为 :政府可以通过一定的干预政策改变本国厂商与外国厂商之间的博弈关系 ,使博弈的结果有利于本国厂商 ,进而提高国民福利。这便为政府的贸易干预提供了新的理论基础 ,引起了政界、学界的极大关注 ,出现了大量的研究文献。本文旨在较完整地概括该理论近 2 0年的发展 ,特别着重于最新的研究成果 ,以供贸易政策研究者参考 ,把握当今贸易政策研究的理论前沿。  相似文献   

产业政策传统上被认为是一国内部的宏观经济管理政策,但是在世贸组织框架下产业政策已经受到世贸组织多边贸易政策体系的严格约束。我国汽车产业政策案的发生使我国对幼稚产业的促进政策不得不面临诸如世贸组织基本原则及例外、TRIMs协定等诸多方面的检验。以汽车产业为例,我国幼稚产业的发展政策必须考虑贸易政策的协调作用,必须研究和灵活运用世贸组织规则。  相似文献   

战略性贸易政策理论兴起于20世纪80年代,它以不完全竞争的市场结构和规模收益递增为理论基础。战略性贸易政策的理论和实证为我国在自主创新过程中实施战略性贸易政策提供了借鉴。在我国自主创新的发展战略中,首要的是要营造以战略性R&D投入政策为主的战略性政策环境。  相似文献   

中国战略贸易政策的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加入世贸组织以后,我国必须继续降低关税壁垒、大幅度削减非关税壁垒、进一步开放市场,我国的对外贸易必须纳入世贸组织的规则与框架。同时,我国正处于经济转型阶段,市场经济的各方面制度尚不完善,经济总体实力还不强,因此,在对外贸易领域里,我国政府制定的贸易政策应该在世贸组织的规则与框架内,以本国经济利益为基本出发点,有利于本国企业参与国内外两个市场激烈的竞争,不断提高国际竞争力。实行战略性R&D投入政策是一个符合国际惯例的现实选择,有利于我国对外贸易和国民经济的长远利益。  相似文献   

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