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论旅游目的地营销误区与新策略   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王国新 《旅游学刊》2006,21(8):45-49
旅游目的地之间竞争的日益加剧,使营销成为目的地在竞争中胜出的有力武器,旅游市场营销也随之从以企业为主体的营销模式转变到以目的地营销为主体的时代.本文在考察国内外旅游目的地营销研究和实践的基础上,结合国内旅游目的地实际,分析我国目的地营销中存在的几大误区,并讨论了旅游目的地营销的新策略.  相似文献   

对旅游目的地形象概念的两种理解   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
李宏 《旅游学刊》2006,21(6):9-9
旅游目的地是旅游活动的承载空间,为旅游者提供了消费平台.旅游目的地的吸引力来自商业化的旅游服务、非商业化的原始景观和旅游目的地所拥有的独特氛围,其范畴远远超出了"整体旅游产品"的概念.然而,旅游目的地远离客源地,在旅游消费者看来是一个独立的区域,因此,如何吸引消费者的注意,在众多备选目的地中脱颖而出,增加目的地的旅游需求量,是旅游目的地营销活动的目标所在.一般来说,旅游目的地的营销组织是非营利机构,其营销工作的主要内容是宣传促销,目的在于在目标消费者的心目中建立有吸引力的目的地形象.  相似文献   

随着公共投资审查的日益严格和目的地竞争的加剧,对旅游目的地营销绩效进行评价已经成为实践发展的必然要求.但由于目的地信息的多源性以及旅游者决策过程的复杂性,营销绩效评价一直是目的地营销研究领域中最具挑战性的问题.文章在回顾国内外相关研究文献的基础上,从旅游目的地营销组织绩效评价和旅游目的地营销传播活动绩效评价两个方面对国内外的研究状况进行了归纳,并指出了未来研究的重点和方向,以期为国内理论研究和实践活动的开展提供参考.  相似文献   

随着信息技术快速的发展,当下的游客普遍利用社交媒体搜索目的地信息,从而做出旅游决策。数字媒体背景下,社交媒体在我国的旅游营销中发挥着越来越重要的作用。文章以重庆市为例,通过问卷调查,分析社交媒体对重庆市旅游目的地旅游营销的影响,以期为重庆市旅游目的地营销提供有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

公众参与在20世纪80年代就已经成为国外旅游研究的主题。但迄今国外尚未对公众参与旅游目的地公共事务进行整体性研究,已有研究主要是针对旅游目的地规划、政策制定、营销等的专题性研究。文章对涉及公众参与旅游目的地公共事务主题的国外英文文献,从文献概况、理论基础、研究内容、研究述评等角度进行了综述。在此基础上,文章提出该领域未来研究要关注公众参与旅游目的地公共事务概念与内涵的界定,完善其理论体系;其整体机制的构建,即整体层面构建涵盖参与主体、参与客体、参与层次与方式、参与过程及其结果等要素的公众参与实现机制;拓展研究领域,把需要公众参与的其他旅游公共事务纳入研究之中;建立针对具体公众参与技术的实践操作指南,并探索我国公众参与旅游目的地公共事务的具体路径。  相似文献   

近年来,随着旅游业的深入发展,区域竞争在全球范围内的展开及加剧,旅游目的地营销日益成为增强目的地竞争力、促进目的地旅游业发展的重要战略手段.同一般市场营销活动一样,"谁来营销",即目的地营销组织问题,是目的地营销需要解决的一个重要问题.  相似文献   

李玮娜 《旅游学刊》2011,26(5):53-62
对旅游目的地的选择是任何一个旅游者都必须做出的最重要的决策。多年来,国外学者从不同研究视角出发,提出了大量的相关理论模型,这些模型对旅游消费者行为研究具有重要意义。文章主要对实证主义范式下的旅游目的地选择模型进行了回顾,并从理论和实践角度对其进行了评述;通过对其理论渊源、主要贡献和不足之处进行梳理,以期为旅游目的地选择的相关研究和营销实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

朱竑  封丹  韩亚林 《旅游学刊》2007,22(6):14-19
全国各地旅游资源评价中被评为国际级的旅游资源数不胜数,以国际级旅游目的地或旅游城市建设为目标的地方也数量甚众.而真正在国外,特别是西方民众心目中有印象和影响的中国知名旅游品牌则非常有限.本研究通过分析境外5家大型旅游经营商所涉及的中国旅游线路来重新审视中国国际级旅游目的地问题.分析发现,现有旅游资源评价体系并不能全面衡量目的地吸引力.在国内一般人看来很有名的地方,在国外旅行商的营销系统中却没有涉及.因此,以国际视角来看待并开发我国的旅游资源,并从营销方法上适当结合国际已有的认知,提高针对性和方略性可能会是一个有效的途径.  相似文献   

旅游目的地网络营销系统是旅游目的地进行旅游推广和旅游营销的重要工具和渠道,但是从目前来看,我国的旅游目的地营销网络系统并没有取得较好的效益.本文从游客需求的角度出发,按照4个层级和技术支撑构建了44个二级指标的评价体系,并对我国的31个省市级旅游官网进行了评价.评价发现,我国省级旅游官网总体的营销功能较弱,在信息提供方面能够满足需求,但是其交互、技术、关系、交易的功能都较差,我国旅游目的地网站应该充分考虑游客需求,以满足游客需求为目标,进一步在不同层级的旅游营销功能上进行提升.  相似文献   

旅游目的地映象研究述评   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
旅游目的地映象概念自亨特1971年提出后,引起了学术界的广泛关注,并成为国外旅游学研究的热点问题之一.本文通过对国外有关旅游目的地映象研究文献的分析,从旅游目的地映象的内涵、目的地映象的形成、目的地映象研究的意义、测量与评估等方面进行了综述与评述.最后指出,国内旅游目的地形象设计研究较多,但至今国内旅游目的地映象研究成果有限,有待学者们进一步的探索.  相似文献   

Tourism destination marketing is now widely recognized as an essential component in the management of destinations. In harmony with the general marketing literature, which understands marketing as a management tool, some researchers understand destination marketing as a form of ‘market-oriented strategic planning’ and hence as a strategic approach to place development rather than a promotional tool. Based on the results of a case study of tourism destination marketing in the Nelson/Tasman Region, New Zealand, this article examines the suitability of tourism destination marketing as a tool and of Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO) as a vehicle for tourism destination management and development. A discussion of several difficulties in the implementation of tourism destination marketing in Nelson/Tasman Region leads to the conclusion that DMOs are unlikely to be able to claim too much responsibility for destination management but that they can play an important part in the management of the destination product.  相似文献   

Search engines are playing an increasingly dominant role in providing access to tourism information on the Internet. As such, it is argued that destination marketing organizations (DMOs) must have a substantial understanding of the visibility in search engines in order to create competitive positions within this important marketplace. The goal of this study was to develop a process to assess the visibility of DMO websites in one of the major search engines (i.e., Google). A set of 18 cities in the United States were selected to be used as case studies of the visibility of their convention and visitor bureau (CVB) websites in relation to travel queries identified using Google Adwords Keyword Tool. The results indicate that there are substantial differences in the relative positions of CVB websites on Google. In particular, there seems to be huge gaps among the search domains within CVB websites in terms of their visibility to online travelers and volume of search within those domains. This study offers a number of implications for research and practice of search engine marketing for tourism destinations.  相似文献   

周永博 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):65-79
"讲好故事"已成为塑造和传播国家和地方形象的重要手段。以"讲故事"为手段打造旅游目的地形象是一种国际通行的旅游目的地营销方式。现有旅游目的地叙事研究开展还很不充分,关注的叙事偏重于正面叙事材料,对负面叙事的关注还很不够。文章着眼于黑色叙事对旅游目的地引致形象的影响机制,以德国首都柏林作为研究案例,以著名历史游记《柏林:一座城市的肖像》(Berlin:Imagine a City)中关于柏林的系列黑色叙事和柏林旅游局在微信公众号发布的图片作为实验材料,通过招募志愿者参与包括4个阶段的混合研究设计,验证黑色叙事对柏林旅游目的地形象(认知、情感及意动)的复杂影响。研究的主要理论贡献在于:首先,验证了黑色叙事对旅游目的地形象具有显著影响,实证该影响主要透过"叙事主角-游客-自我形象一致性"这一主线发挥作用,明确了黑色叙事主角形象对黑色叙事引致旅游目的地形象的影响机理,丰富了叙事传输理论相关结论。其次,验证了黑色叙事引致情感形象在黑色叙事影响旅游目的地形象过程中的影响效应,发现黑色叙事引致情感形象(而非认知形象)是黑色叙事最终能够影响游客动机的关键。最后,在黑色叙事这一特定研究情境中,验证了目的地认知形象对"情感形象影响意动形象"具有"增强调节效应",丰富了现有旅游目的地形象"认知-情感-意动"三联结构理论。文章在此基础上提供了相应的管理和营销建议。  相似文献   

This study applies a social marketing approach to study the gender equity issue in tourism advertising. Using a geographic strata approach, vacation guides of destination marketing organizations from all the states in the United States are examined to investigate gender image representations. A total of 394 pictures are visually analyzed and coded using Goffman's framework on gender and media relations. Mixed results in terms of both blatant and subtle visual cues depicting relationships between men and women are reported. Thereafter, important implications for social marketing are drawn and a means-end quality-of-life framework is suggested.  相似文献   

London Tourism     

Global tourism demand has been subject to fluctuation in recent years, and London as a tourist destination has recently had to cope with both the significant forces at play in the wider environment and radical change in the way that tourism is to be managed across the UK. The purpose of this paper is to review the post-disaster destination marketing activity conducted by London in its attempt to regain its position as a premier destination for domestic and international visitors, set within the wider context of the devolution of tourism across the country. A number of the issues arising from London's post-disaster marketing campaign are identified, and a set of guiding principles for any future such action are discussed. The paper concludes that diversification of both the product and market is necessary if London is to retain its position as one of the world's leading ‘iconic’ city destinations.  相似文献   

到访旅游者网络口碑传播对目的地形象有着越来越重要的影响。因此,该研究基于旅游者权力理论,将旅游者视为与DMO一样的能动主体,对应DMO投射形象提出了旅游者投射形象的概念,进而将旅游者对目的地形象的认知过程从原有的单一个体模型拓展到时间阶段和影响主体更为完整的群体网络状模型。研究进一步通过比较到访旅游者和DMO传播对潜在旅游者引致形象形成过程的影响力,提出当旅游者投射形象比DMO投射形象被更多的旅游者所接受时,就会发生品牌劫持现象。文章结合普洛格(Plog)提出的目的地生命周期理论,分析了此种情况之下目的地形象异化的演进过程,并为目的地营销工作的改进提供了具体的建议。  相似文献   

信息传播:旅游目的地营销与服务的关键环节   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
巫宁 《旅游学刊》2007,22(10):67-70
文章讨论了旅游业作为信息密集型和信息依托型产业的特征,并指出,旅游目的地信息传播既是一种社会现象,也是目的地营销的基本内容,同时,传递信息也是为旅游者提供旅游服务的一种重要形式.  相似文献   

This study develops a conceptual research model to identify and induce local and international tourists to visit historical attractions and facilities in Kumasi the Ashanti region of Ghana. Websites provide valuable information about tourism destination marketing and tourism products to visitors and enhance tourists purchasing intentions. Data from a judgemental sampling technique were used for the research. Full time front desk employees from 36 hotels and 396 customers contributed to the study. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the reliability and validity of the model measurements. The analytical results indicate that online destination image, online word of mouth, online security vulnerability test significant with tourists’ satisfaction as a mediator. The results also provide reliable reference for tourism administrators and researchers interested in online destination marketing and suggest that tourists perceive online security vulnerability as a menace to society and should be prevented.  相似文献   

Destination brand strategies have in the main assumed that consumers actively seek and process information about potential destinations with their choice determined on the basis of a favorable attitude toward the destination. This article examines an alternative approach to destination branding, which relates to building the salience of the destination to increase the likelihood that the destination will be considered in purchase situations. The study examines the predictive validity of brand salience measures for a set of travel destinations compared with the predictive validity of traditional attitude-based measures. The results of the research provide empirical support for a salience approach to destination marketing for domestic tourism in Australia.  相似文献   

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