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The recent turn in research, technology and innovation (RTI) policy towards challenge-led strategies is posing new demands to Foresight methodology. RTI Foresight practitioners need to complement their well developed set of technology oriented methods with equally sophisticated approaches tackling societal aspects of innovation. In this paper we aim to make a contribution to this requirement. Building on user innovation theory we argue that demand oriented RTI Foresight needs to systematically integrate voices and hypotheses from the fringes of the innovation system. In order to develop a sound approach for this we set out from well established Foresight theory on “weak signals” and “cognitive biases”. Adopting a constructivist stance towards such signals leads us to the need to set up a socially robust, diverse discourse on “seeds of change hypotheses”. We then outline a practical implementation of such a discourse in the context of the recent Foresight process of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Germany. We describe and discuss the experience of this Foresight process and suggest avenues for further development of the approach.  相似文献   

证券型通证可以被界定为具有“通证”属性,且符合“证券”标准的资产。当前,理论和实践中关于证券型通证的应用方向、优势和风险存在诸多理论假设,尚需实践检验。本文选取了89个海外证券型通证进行分析,发现证券型通证目前主要应用于中小微企业,特别是金融科技相关企业的融资。相对传统证券,其优势在于减少发行和交易成本以及节约中介服务成本,在改善信息不对称问题上的优势并不突出。目前的主要风险在于守法风险、履约风险和监管套利风险,需要采取针对性措施。  相似文献   

不同于寻找具有超额收益“证券”的股票市场主流投资方法,根据历史投资绩效来“选人”,即寻找“聪明投资者”可为构建有效的投资策略提供新思路。本文利用我国投资者全账户交易信息,根据历史投资绩效界定“聪明投资者”,并探索其获得超额收益的原因。结果显示,我国股票市场存在“聪明投资者”,在牛熊市中均可获得显著的超额收益;相比其他投资者,“聪明投资者”风险偏好较低但能获得超额收益,即不是因为他们高杠杆融资和配置更多风险资产承担风险而获得风险溢价,而是因为这类投资者具有更好的仓位管理能力、市场风格适应能力及显著的选股能力。本研究拓展了对我国这一部分特殊群体投资者行为的探索,结论可以用于构建具有实践意义的投资策略。  相似文献   

孙天阳  成丽红 《金融研究》2020,477(3):96-114
全球价值链分工迅速由"产业内"向"产品内"深化的背景下,企业难以在所有领域都保持国际领先,协同创新网络能够有效促进企业、科研单位之间的优势互补和资源统筹,从而提升企业出口绩效表现。本文基于联合申请专利数据构建了1999-2007年中国协同创新网络,分析了协同创新网络的拓扑特征,结果表明,中国协同创新网络的规模在不断扩大,网络存在明显的核心-边缘结构,少数节点具有大量的关联,处于协同创新网络的核心位置。进一步实证检验发现,协同创新企业拥有更好的出口绩效,在协同创新网络中处于核心位置的企业占有更大市场份额。"企-企"模式协同创新显著促进了企业出口,而"研-企"模式协同创新的作用并不明显。各类型专利的协同创新都显著促进了企业的出口,但外观设计类型协同创新的影响相对较小。协同创新对企业价格加成影响显著为正,且对出口企业的提升作用更强。本文试图从协同创新网络视角为中国创新战略的实施和企业出口绩效的提升提供现实可行路径。  相似文献   

陈经伟  姜能鹏 《金融研究》2015,482(8):74-92
本文尝试构建一个中国OFDI(对外直接投资)技术创新效应传导机制理论框架,并对资本要素市场扭曲影响OFDI技术创新效应的作用机制和结果进行拓展分析。研究表明:近年来中国企业OFDI对技术创新具有正向效果,且OFDI企业可以通过从劳动密集型向资本密集型的转型升级、提高管理效率以及生产效率这三个重要途径实现其技术创新能力的跃升;现阶段中国资本要素市场扭曲现象会显著抑制企业OFDI技术创新效应,作用机制是,资本要素市场扭曲作为干扰外部摩擦因子,通过降低企业资本要素密集度和生产效率等渠道抑制企业OFDI技术创新效果。本文进一步提出构建知识产权金融化建议,包含知识产权股权化、知识产权证券化和知识产权流动性机制等内容,以此引导更多金融资源和人力资源参与企业技术创新活动。  相似文献   

陈经伟  姜能鹏 《金融研究》2020,482(8):74-92
本文尝试构建一个中国OFDI(对外直接投资)技术创新效应传导机制理论框架,并对资本要素市场扭曲影响OFDI技术创新效应的作用机制和结果进行拓展分析。研究表明:近年来中国企业OFDI对技术创新具有正向效果,且OFDI企业可以通过从劳动密集型向资本密集型的转型升级、提高管理效率以及生产效率这三个重要途径实现其技术创新能力的跃升;现阶段中国资本要素市场扭曲现象会显著抑制企业OFDI技术创新效应,作用机制是,资本要素市场扭曲作为干扰外部摩擦因子,通过降低企业资本要素密集度和生产效率等渠道抑制企业OFDI技术创新效果。本文进一步提出构建知识产权金融化建议,包含知识产权股权化、知识产权证券化和知识产权流动性机制等内容,以此引导更多金融资源和人力资源参与企业技术创新活动。  相似文献   

金融科技有助于降低交易成本、提高市场效率,但同时也因其“空白型金融创新”的特质给传统金融监管方式带来严峻挑战。美国在金融科技的立法方面,强调“建章立制,立法先行”,创制法律规范具有前瞻性;在监管方面,秉持“负责任的创新”的监管理念,创新监管范式,力求实现金融创新与合法合规之间的动态平衡。我国可合理借鉴美国的立法和监管经验,加强金融科技的顶层设计和立法建设,创制新的专门性立法,构建有利于金融科技发展的监管协调机制,研究以行为监管为导向的监管范式,构建包容性监管制度,探索完善中国式“监管沙箱”机制,最终建构“技术驱动型”的金融监管体系。  相似文献   

许红梅  倪骁然  刘亚楠 《金融研究》2021,495(9):170-187
本文以2011-2017年沪深两市的A股上市企业为研究对象,以是否入选“中国年度最佳雇主100强”榜单衡量上市企业的员工满意度,考察员工满意度对企业创新的影响。研究表明,入选榜单的企业平均而言比其它主要特征相似的匹配企业的专利申请总数高约47%。这一效应主要体现在发明专利和实用新型专利上,而在外观设计专利上不显著。进一步地,员工满意度可以通过提高失败容忍度来提升企业创新。最后,经济后果检验表明,员工满意度的提高可以显著提升员工的创新效率和企业全要素生产率,说明较高的员工满意度有助于企业效率和长期价值的提升。  相似文献   

We argue that when innovation is “sequential” (so that each successive invention builds in an essential way on its predecessors) and “complementary” (so that each potential innovator takes a different research line), patent protection is not as useful for encouraging innovation as in a static setting. Indeed, society and even inventors themselves may be better off without such protection. Furthermore, an inventor's prospective profit may actually be enhanced by competition and imitation. Our sequential model of innovation appears to explain evidence from a natural experiment in the software industry.  相似文献   

This research investigates the market reaction to both “unsweetened” (plain) and “sweetened” (with simultaneous distribution of bonus issues) rights offerings in the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Consistent with previous U.K. and U.S. evidence, although with larger magnitude, the announcement day abnormal returns for “unsweetened” rights offerings are negative and significant, suggesting that such issues convey unfavorable information about the future operating performance, investment opportunities, liquidity and dividend policy. In contrast, for “sweetened” rights offerings, the abnormal returns are positive. The empirical results do not provide evidence for the enhanced trading liquidity effect (the “sweetener” split effect) and for the overvaluation signaling effect.  相似文献   

This study explores how institutional and individual investors respond to analyst recommendations. Using a unique account-level trading dataset taken from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, we obtain direct evidence to show that (1) active institutional investors are significantly net buyers (net sellers) on “strong buy” and “buy” (“hold” and “sell”) recommendations; (2) active institutional investors condition their trades based on the buy-side pressure of analysts; (3) institutional investors earn abnormal returns by incorporating analysts’ buy-side pressure into their trading reactions to analyst recommendations; and (4) individual investors, in contrast, exhibit abnormal trade reactions opposite to those of active institutional investors. Our results are robust to alternative measures and different specifications. This study provides evidence that active institutional investors are more sophisticated processors of information and provides support for regulators’ concerns about the sub-optimal investment decisions made by individual investors who are unaware of the potential conflicts of interest analysts may face.  相似文献   

We examine decentralization of digital platforms through tokenization as an innovation to resolve the conflict between platforms and users. By delegating control to users, tokenization through utility tokens acts as a commitment device that prevents a platform from exploiting users. This commitment comes at the cost of not having an owner with an equity stake who, in conventional platforms, would subsidize participation to maximize the platform's network effect. This trade-off makes utility tokens a more appealing funding scheme than equity for platforms with weak fundamentals. The conflict reappears when nonusers, such as token investors and validators, participate on the platform.  相似文献   

This paper tests how market misvaluation affects corporate innovation. Unlike the “catering effect” observed in the US, we find that estimated stock overvaluation in China is strongly negatively associated with corporate innovation, conforming to our “risk-aversion” hypothesis. In China, misvaluation affects innovation via finance and management behavior channels. The effect is more significant in non-state-owned corporations than in state-owned corporations. Stock turnover rate and ownership concentration play moderating roles in the effect. The evidence sheds light on the relationship between market risks and corporate innovation in an emerging market.  相似文献   

李波  朱太辉 《金融研究》2020,481(7):134-152
近年来我国利率市场化改革积极推进,实体经济发展积极向创新驱动转型,一个亟须研究厘清的关键问题是,银行业竞争如何驱动企业创新活动?本文关注银行价格竞争对企业创新的影响,以2013—2018年沪深两市的上市企业为样本,采用“中介效应”因果分析模型,实证检验了银行价格竞争对企业研发投资的影响,并识别出以融资约束为中介渠道的作用机制。研究发现,银行价格竞争不仅会提高银行的风险容忍度,直接增加R&D投资的信贷供给意愿,而且还会通过降低贷款价格和增加贷款可得性来缓解企业整体的融资约束,间接促进企业创新活动。这一机制在解除贷款利率管制之后以及在民营企业层面体现得更加明显。本文的研究结果对于深化金融市场化改革、改善金融服务实体经济效果以及实施经济创新驱动发展战略,具有明确的政策启示。  相似文献   

In this roundtable sponsored by Columbia Business School's Center for Excellence in Accounting Research and Security Analysis, a group of successful investors discuss their approaches and methods. A common saying among financial economists is that stock prices are set not by the average investor, but “at the margin” by the most sophisticated and influential investors. The intent of this roundtable is to furnish a portrait of such “marginal” investors, one that turns out to be quite different from the quarterly earnings‐driven, momentum traders often depicted by the media and deplored by corporate executives. In response to the common charge of short termism leveled by corporate managers, most of the investors at the table claimed to take large, multi‐year positions in companies they believed to be well‐managed, but temporarily undervalued. Instead of being attracted to earnings momentum, and rather than simply capitalizing current earnings at industry‐wide multiples to arrive at price targets, the analysis of these investors begins with a “deep dive” into a company's financials, which is often reinforced by primary research—visits with management, customers, suppliers. The aim of such research is to identify, well before the broad market does, companies that promise to earn consistently high and sustainable returns on invested capital.  相似文献   

This paper compares the discussion on liability measurement in Accounting The0y Monograph 10 with the liability measurement requirements in recent international proposals on accounting for financial instruments. Rather than conducting a detailed review of the Monograph, the paper examines three major issues which wawant amplifjing, extending or criticising: What is “fair value”? Why fair value liabilities? Should fair value include an entity's own credit risk? The focus is on financial liabilities such as “plain vanilla” debt; other financial liabilities, such as insurance obligations, pensions, wawanties and environmental damage restoration involve additional considerations and are therefore not considered.  相似文献   

文书洋  刘浩  王慧 《金融研究》2022,506(8):1-17
在可持续增长理论的基础上,本文将减排技术内生化,建立带有环境约束并包含金融部门的经济增长模型,解释了绿色金融通过支持绿色创新提升经济增长质量的内在机制。这一理论得到了基于中国省级面板数据中介效应分析的支持。本文为绿色金融的经济学建模提供了新的思路,推进了绿色金融的“功能”理论,论证了绿色金融对经济增长质量影响的“绿色创新渠道”,这意味着绿色金融不限于对少数清洁行业的支持,针对高污染、高能耗行业内部环保技术升级的金融服务也至关重要,是未来绿色金融政策需要关注的问题。  相似文献   

What are the sources of economic growth? This paper presents a multicountry growth model of innovation and the adoption of foreign technologies through trade. The costs of both domestic innovation and adopting foreign innovations are estimated using data on innovation, output and trade. A decomposition of the sources of growth shows that technology adoption accounts for about 65% of “embodied” growth in developing countries. Developed countries grow mainly through domestic innovation, which explains 75% of their “embodied” growth. Counterfactuals show how growth rates and levels of income would change if countries faced the same barriers to adoption and research productivity.  相似文献   

Many believe that the recent emphasis on enterprise risk management function is misguided, especially after the failure of sophisticated quantitative risk models during the global financial crisis. One concern is that top‐down risk management will inhibit innovation and entrepreneurial activities. The authors disagree and argue that risk management should function as a “revealing hand” that identifies, assesses, and mitigates risks in a cost‐efficient way. In so doing, risk management can add value by allowing companies to take on riskier projects and strategies. But to avoid problems encountered in the past, particularly during the recent crisis, risk managers must overcome deep‐seated individual and organizational biases that prevent managers and employees from thinking clearly and analytically about their risk exposures. In this paper, the authors draw lessons from seven case studies about the ways that a corporate risk management function can foster highly interactive dialogues to identify and prioritize risks, help to allocate resources to mitigate such risks, and bring clarity to the value trade‐offs and moral dilemmas that often must be addressed in decisions to manage risks. Developing an effective risk management system requires, first, an agreement about a company's objectives, values, and priorities; second, a clear formulation and communication of the firm's “risk appetite”; and, third, continuous monitoring of a firm's risk‐taking behavior against its declared risk limits. Quantitative risk models should not be the sole—or even the most important—basis for decision‐making. They cannot replace management judgment and are best used to trigger in‐depth discussions among managers and employees about the most important risks faced by the firm and the best ways to respond to them.  相似文献   

企业创新活动具有“高风险”、“高独占性”特征.在实施创新驱动战略时,很难对企业创新活动进行科学、高效地反映和评价.本文以A股上市公司为研究对象,使用2007-2017年的财务数据构建公司研发指数,将企业研发行为从“创新投入”、“技术水平”、“创新环境”和“创新产出”四个维度分别进行指数化评价.此外,本文对研发指数的信度、效度进行了检验,结果显示:研发指数通过了Kappa一致性检验,证明指标权重具备稳定性;研发指数在高新技术企业认定的效度测试中,表现出比传统研发强度指标更强的解释力度,也证明了研发指数具有较强的使用效度.本文的研究为公司研发绩效评价提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

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