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Through the lens of a DSGE model, I find that financial shocks in conjunction with downward nominal wage rigidities (DNWR) are important features in explaining the degree of asymmetry that U.S. business cycles exhibit. Financial shocks are constructed as residuals of the borrowing constraint faced by firms in a similar fashion to Jermann and Quadrini (2012). The effects of these shocks on aggregate quantity variables are amplified by DNWR, especially during the global financial crisis. Moreover, my model explains a large part of the upward shift in the labor wedge that occurred during this recession.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between financial development, interest rate liberalization, and macroeconomic volatility in fifty-six emerging and developed economies over the period 1980–2009. We find that financial development plays a significant role in dampening the volatility of macroeconomic growth rate, but up to a limit. The more the interest rate is liberalized, the more likely that financial development can stabilize the economy. Particularly, interest rate liberalization has a more positive influence on emerging and developing countries. Financial development and interest rate liberalization can also alleviate the influence of external shocks. They mutually enhance their functions as economic stabilizers.  相似文献   

金融是现代经济的核心。金融系统的安全、稳定是经济社会稳定发展的关键。金融系统在运行过程中发生因确定性失稳而出现诸如金融市场的剧烈动荡、金融危机等金融混沌现象,给经济的增长与社会的稳定带来了很大的负面影响。从微观方面分析金融混沌的形成机制,研究发现金融混沌的形成主要是由金融市场固有的缺陷、过度的金融创新以及金融监管的缺失三方面因素共同作用的结果。探讨金融混沌的形成机制有助于为防范与控制金融混沌指明方向。  相似文献   

随着金融交易在现代经济中的重要性日益突出,金融信息也成为税收征管不可或缺的重要课税资料之一。但金融机构基于金融隐私权的保护而承担的信息保密义务,却已成为制约税务机关获取金融交易信息的重要法律障碍之一;这一障碍即便是《税收征管法》明确规定金融机构的第三方协助义务后也无法予以清除。因此,如何在金融隐私权的保护与税务机关金融信息的取得之间实现一定的平衡,如何促进金融机构积极履行其在税收征管中的第三方协助义务,便成为《税收征管法》修改的重要内容。为此,有必要构建税务机关获取金融信息的渠道、确立金融机构协助义务的履行,并明确税务机关获取信息的法律界限。  相似文献   

金融发展通过解决信息不对称、降低研发成本、提供个性化服务等方式促进科技创新,而对外开放通过示范效应、溢出效应以及拉动有效需求等方式促进科技创新.从全国层面看,金融发展与对外开放均对我国区域创新具有推动作用.在经济发展水平较低的地区,金融发展对科技创新具有显著的促进作用,而对外开放对科技创新的作用并不显著;在经济发展水平...  相似文献   

Using BoC-GEM-Fin, a large-scale dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with real, nominal, and financial frictions featuring a banking sector, we explore the macroeconomic implications of various types of countercyclical bank capital regulations. Results suggest that countercyclical capital requirements have a significant stabilizing effect on key macroeconomic variables, but mostly after financial shocks. Moreover, the bank capital regulatory policy and monetary policy interact, and this interaction is contingent on the type of shocks that drive the economic cycle. Finally, we analyze loss functions based on macroeconomic and financial variables to arrive at an optimal countercyclical regulatory policy in a class of simple implementable Taylor-type rules. Compared to bank capital regulatory policy, monetary policy is able to stabilize the economy more efficiently after real shocks. On the other hand, financial shocks require the regulator to be more aggressive in loosening/tightening capital requirements for banks, even as monetary policy works to counter the deviations of inflation from the target.  相似文献   

金融创新、金融风险与中国金融监管模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
金融创新对宏观政策的制定、金融市场运行、商业银行透明度均有影响,它能够管理和控制金融风险,也能增大金融风险,还将对金融稳定性产生很大的负面影响。中国的金融监管应建立健全银行、证券、保险监管机构间以及与宏观调控部门的协调机制,通过中国金融监督管理委员会与国际性金融监管组织的合作,积极参与国际金融监管准则的制定,借鉴国外金融监管经验,不断提高金融监管的专业化水平。  相似文献   

金融资产管理公司既是我国经济金融体制改革的产物,也是我国金融体系不断自我发展、自我完善的需要。目前金融资产管理公司政策性资产处置工作基本完成,商业化转型将成为未来的趋势。本文基于金融战略视角,借鉴国外的转型经验,从探讨资产管理公司继续存在的必要性入手,结合我国实际情况分析资产管理公司转型的现实条件和转型目标,提出我国资产管理公司商业化转型应该分步实施:第一步,使资产管理公司成功向商业化的综合性资产管理公司转型;第二步,逐渐向现代投资银行过渡;第三步,在现代投资银行基础上向大型金融控股集团公司发展。  相似文献   

将金融排斥理论首次应用到蓝色经济领域中,揭示蓝色经济领域存在金融排斥难题,从而反映了金融资源在蓝色经济领域内没有得到有效配置.要做大做强蓝色经济,就必须构建可持续的、多元化的蓝色经济金融支持体系,拓展"蓝色金融"服务于蓝色经济,增强蓝色经济对金融资源的吸纳度和集聚力,实现蓝色经济与金融的对接、融合.  相似文献   

本文利用1999--2010年我国30个省市的面板数据,对金融中介、企业家精神和区域经济增长之间的关系进行了实证研究。实证结果显示:金融中介发展尤其是效率的提高,对经济增长有直接的推动作用,但其增长效应存在地区差异;企业家精神能够促进经济增长,但企业家创新精神的经济增长效应远低于创业精神的经济增长效应;金融中介发展主要通过支持企业家创业活动促进经济增长。  相似文献   

We investigate the likely sources of exchange rate dynamics in selected member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS; Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, and Moldova) over the past decade (1999-2010). Evidence is based on country VARs augmented by a regional common-factor structure (FAVAR model). The models include nominal exchange rates, the common factor of exchange rates in the CIS countries, and international drivers such as global trade, share prices, and oil price. Global, regional, and idiosyncratic shocks are identified in a standard Cholesky fashion. Their relevance for exchange rates is explored by a decomposition of the variance of forecast errors. The impact of global shocks on the development of exchange rates has increased, particularly if financial shocks are considered. Because of the recent global financial crisis, regional shocks have become more important at the expense of global shocks.  相似文献   

张婷 《济南金融》2011,(6):21-24
金融产业是经济的核心产业,在经济发展中起着至关重要的作用。随着经济全球化和金融全球化的快速发展,金融产业集聚已成为现代金融产业组织的基本形式。本文主要从金融产业集聚的内涵、形成动因、效应及实证分析方面对学术界有关金融产业集聚的研究进行了梳理,总结了金融产业集聚的研究成果及不足,以期为今后的金融产业集聚的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

财政补贴是国家干预经济的重要手段,能够促进产业结构调整和转型升级、平衡和加速地区间的经济发展,但极易对市场公平竞争带来消极影响,例如破坏市场结构、误导市场行为、减损市场绩效,等等。《公平竞争审查制度实施细则(暂行)》对此予以重点关注,但缺乏全面性的制度构建。这方面,欧盟国家援助制度值得我们学习和借鉴。欲改进我国财政补贴的竞争法审查,必须落实公平竞争审查制度,坚持必要性原则、公平原则和透明度原则,同时要建立补贴评估机制、豁免机制、信息披露机制和异议机制,以规范财政补贴的实施,平衡财政补贴和竞争政策的冲突,确保市场竞争机制不被财政补贴所扭曲。  相似文献   

We analyze the role of financial development as a buffer to diminish the effect of cross-border bank flows shocks on house prices across 38 countries. In less financially developed countries, the observed response is markedly positive. As development increases, the response is tempered and becomes less important. Cross-border bank flows shocks are important in explaining the historical dynamics of house prices in financially less developed countries, while monetary policy shocks are key in the most financially developed markets. Heterogeneity in responses within each level of financial development is associated with levels of maximum loan-to-value ratios and a ratio of cross-border bank inflows over total liabilities abroad.  相似文献   

金融创新既是金融发展的动力,也是产生金融风险的重要诱因。文章在分析金融创新风险成因的基础上,指出作为金融监管体制的扩展和延伸功能的政府审计在应对金融创新风险具有独立性和综合性的特点,通过建立联动审计机制、构建动态信息系统、建立有效的救济援助机制等手段来提高金融信息质量,完善有利于金融创新的监管体制,促进金融创新有序适度地发展。  相似文献   

两岸经济合作框架协议(ECFA)的签署是两岸经济和金融发展的重要合作契机,它将对区域经济的发展产生重要影响。长三角经济和金融一体化是一个逐步深化和渐进的过程,随着《海峡两岸金融合作协议》及《两岸金融监理合作备忘录》(MOU)的签署,海峡两岸金融合作也逐步深化。在ECFA框架下如何推进长三角金融一体化,这是一个重要且现实的课题。本文分析了ECFA与长三角金融一体化关系,比较了两岸三省一市经济和金融发展现状,提出了ECFA框架下长三角金融一体化的路径及政策建议.  相似文献   

We study the changing international transmission of financial shocks over the period 1971–2012. Global financial shocks are measured as unexpected changes of a U.S. financial conditions index (FCI), developed by Hatzius et al. (2010). We model the FCI jointly with a large international data set through a time‐varying parameter factor‐augmented VAR and find that financial shocks have a considerable impact on growth in the nine countries considered. Moreover, financial shocks during the global financial crisis are found to be large by historical standards. They explain approximately 20% of GDP growth variation on average over 2008–9, compared to an average of 5% prior to the crisis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the mutual relationship between broadband penetration, financial development, and economic growth in the 22 Arab League countries for the period between 2001 and 2013. Financial development (represented by broad money supply, claims on the private sector, domestic credit to the private sector, domestic credit provided by the banking sector, market capitalization, turnover ratio, and traded stocks) is assessed both individually, and by a composite index. Our results reveal that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between broadband penetration, financial development, and economic growth. Additionally, we use a panel vector autoregression model to reveal the nature of Granger causality between the covariates. The most important insight of this study is the presence of bidirectional causality from economic growth to broadband penetration in the long run. In addition, we find that financial development together with broadband penetration Granger-cause economic growth in the long run.  相似文献   

<浙江省"十二五"金融业发展规划>明确提出了"金融强省"的概念,首次在省级政府规划的层面明确了金融强省建设的总体目标和任务,但是金融强省的具体目标尚需进一步明确.应当着眼于金融产业链发展的全局、统筹金融与经济社会关系,做大做强核心金融产业、积极发展辅助性和支撑性金融产业,努力构建面向经济社会和城乡居民的完善金融服务体系.与此同时,从浙江的现状和特点出发,充分研究如何进一步凸显浙江特色,具体推进五个方面的工作,打造国内领先、特色鲜明、发展均衡的现代金融服务体系.  相似文献   

新型城镇化已经成为我国的国家战略。县域是我国最大的行政单元,更是我国经济总量的重要支撑。因此,县域城镇化水平决定着我国整体城镇化水平的高低。县域城镇化发展过程中释放的金融需求巨大,但相应的金融供给水平不足,亟需打破现有的金融供给现状,进一步提高县域经济的金融支持水平。本文根据县域城镇化的发展特点,提出了健全多层次的农村金融服务体系、加大对县域城镇化建设的信贷支持力度、多元化拓展县域城镇化发展的资金来源渠道、坚持以需求为导向创新农村金融产品、着力改善县域金融生态环境等加大县域金融供给的建议。  相似文献   

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