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Socio-political issues and environments are becoming more complex and challenging. In this introduction to the special issue on ‘The Management of Socio-Political Issues and Environments: Organizational and Strategic Perspectives’, we take stock of the burgeoning research on how firms interact with socio-political actors and environments over the last few decades, specifically research on Corporate Political Activity and Corporate Social Responsibility. We then argue that the socio-political environments and actors with which firms interact are in a state of flux, such that issues are more interrelated and dynamic, and actors are more diverse and demanding. As such, we propose a new concept of corporate socio-political engagement (CSPE), which represents a more holistic perspective to understanding complex interactions among firms and their social/political stakeholders, incorporating and transcending conventional notions and tactics documented in the extant nonmarket strategy literature. Using a two-dimensional framework that captures the identity of socio-political actor or the nature of socio-political issues (political, social, or both) as well as the relevant level of analysis at which the interactions unfold, we showcase the contributions of the special issue articles to this research agenda. Finally, we discuss and specify future research directions for revealing the multifaceted nature of CSPE.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is ‘political’. It has been neglected however, that firms also operate politically in a traditional sense, in seeking to secure favourable political conditions for their businesses. We argue that there are potential synergies between CSR and corporate political activity (CPA) that are often overlooked by firms and that recognition of these synergies will stimulate firms to align their CSR and CPA. We develop a conceptual model that specifies how various configurations of a firm's CSR and CPA – alignment, misalignment, and non‐alignment – affect the firm's reputation beyond the separate reputation effects of CSR and CPA. This model has important implications for understanding how and why firms should pay attention to their CPA and CSR configurations, and thereby contributes to the broader issue of why firms should make sure that they are consistent in terms of responding to stakeholder concerns.  相似文献   

过去30多年间西方管理学界对于企业的政治行为进行了广泛的研究,但是这些研究多把注意力放在企业政治行为的总体活跃度上,较少关注企业政治战略或战术的组合,以及这些组合的影响因素。针对这一问题,本文运用比较案例分析的方法就行业的被管制压力与其企业政治战略战术运用的关系进行了实证研究。结果显示:被管制压力显著地影响着企业政治战略战术组合的复杂性及特征。行业的被管制压力越大,其中的企业采用的政治战略及战术种类就越多,行动的透明度越低,更具有强制性和间接性,这些战略和战术也被使用得更为频繁,行动也更具有持久性和长期性,并且企业的政府关系职能部门更正规,专职人员的队伍更庞大,企业也更善于随机应变地采用单独或集体的行动。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下职工思想政治工作策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐首山 《价值工程》2011,30(4):143-143
本文主要从两个方面阐述了市场经济条件下,开展企业的思想政治工作的方法和策略。提出了要提高政治工作的实效性,应坚持的原则。  相似文献   

管顺丰  李平平 《价值工程》2011,30(21):156-156
随着经济的不断进步和科技的突飞猛进,通过信息技术宣传企业形象引起了企业家对于本企业宣传窗口越来越多的关注。今天,影像及网络已经包围了全球,各企业的竞争越来越激烈。企业之间的竞争已经不能仅限于口碑的相传,需要更先进快捷的方式通过各种媒介向外传播自己的形象。本文简单论述了企业宣传册多样化设计的特点以及企业宣传册多样化设计的策略。  相似文献   

企业电子商务战略的风险与管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严中华 《物流科技》2004,27(1):39-41
实施电子商务战略是企业获取竞争优势的手段之一。但其面临风险。这风险不仅指安全风险,更危险且难以辨认的风险是竞争风险、变革风险、消费者风险和经营伙伴风险。本文试图就这四种风险进行分析并提出相应的管理对策,以期为实施电子商务战略的企业提供参考。  相似文献   

企业生命周期阶段与其社会责任战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李颖  薛俊妮 《价值工程》2012,31(2):103-104
随着世界经济的高速发展,深层次的环境问题和社会问题日益凸显。企业社会责任问题已成为国内外理论和实践研究关注的焦点。本文在肯定可以从企业战略的视角下考虑企业社会责任的承担和其对社会责任体系的建立有积极作用的同时,运用生命周期理论,分析企业在不同发展时期的发展战略和相应的企业的社会责任的承担,希望促进企业的综合竞争力的提高和推动社会责任体系的完善。  相似文献   

吕爱斌 《价值工程》2011,30(16):139-139
随着我国市场经济的发展,多元化战略也被很多企业所采用实施,成为了一个市场竞争中企业战略的发展方向。本文全面的分析了多元化战略的内涵及其优点,总结了管理者在制定企业相关多元化战略时应充分考虑的因素,并对企业实施多元化战略提出了建议。  相似文献   

董宏亮 《价值工程》2011,30(32):120-120
企业税务管理是企业经营管理的一项重要内容,随着我国税收政策的明确以及企业竞争的趋势,加强企业的税务管理是企业发展的重点任务,加强企业税务管理应从税务管理的方法入手,分析现有管理存在的问题,制定合理的制度。本文研究了我国企业税务管理制度的现状,提出了加强企业税务管理的创新策略。  相似文献   

风险转移的常见策略分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
风险转移策略是企业风险处理的常见策略之一。本文对风险转移策略进行了分类,并分别从保险、外包与出售等角度探讨了企业实现风险转移策略的机理与特点。  相似文献   

We study how host country politics influence internationalization. Our meta-analysis clarifies which ideas receive support across the empirical literature and reveals new theoretical insights in three areas: the conceptualization of host country politics, the impact of host country politics on internationalization steps, and the moderating influence of home-country conditions on the previous relation. First, regarding the concept of host country politics, we propose analysing host country politics rather than political risk, and separating political decision-making, i.e., regulation creation, from political administration, i.e., regulation implementation. Second, on the effect of host country politics on internationalization steps, we suggest a dynamic management across the internationalization process, with managers shifting from avoiding harm through country selection to pre-empting harm through entry mode selection, to adapting to harm to ensure survival. Third, studying how home-country conditions modify the impact of host country politics on internationalization, we propose that multinationals build political and uncertainty management capabilities from their exposure to home country conditions that help them manage host country politics better.  相似文献   

低碳供应链是企业向低碳转型的重要步骤,低碳供应链主要涉及低碳设计、低碳制造、低碳营销和消费、低碳运输配送、低碳回收5个方面。作为市场的主体,企业发展低碳供应链应主要从以下4个方面着手:寻求低碳供应链战略合作商;加强物流和运输的低碳管理;优化商业模式,发展电子商务;积极响应国家政策,促进技术升级。  相似文献   

绿色施工方案策划中的风险识别与风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着绿色建筑概念在世界范围内的逐步推广,有别于传统施工模式的绿色施工作为实现绿色建筑的重要环节越来越受到承包商的广泛关注。通过对绿色施工方案策划过程中存在的风险因素进行分析,提出了绿色施工方案策划的风险评价指标系统,针对评价对象的复杂性及评价指标的模糊性,建立了绿色施工方案策划风险的模糊综合评价模型并给出实例,以期提高绿色施工方案策划的科学性,满足节能、环保、可持续发展的要求。  相似文献   

供应链风险分析及决策模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志  杨涛  杨文 《物流科技》2006,29(6):120-122
供应链管理对企业参与市场竞争有诸多优势,但由于市场的不确定性、合作企业信息的不对称性及其他随机因素的影响导致供应链存在很大风险.笔者分析了供应链基于成本型的风险因素,并根据不确定多属性决策理论提出了供应链决策模型.  相似文献   

奥克斯多元化战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本案例以2004年奥克斯状告信息产业部这个个案为案例的切入点,描述了奥克斯管理层对于集团多元化战略的几次抉择历程。案例主要讨论了以下几个问题:奥克斯集团产业扩张综合考虑的因素;集团每当从一个领域进入到一个新领域,企业集团的管理层是如何决策的,考虑的主要因素是什么;集团对即将跨入一个新领域的风险在前期是如何评估的;在进入一个新领域之后,对于新领域和新市场后期有哪些维护措施等。奥克斯集团一切以经济核算为核心的精细化管理等刚性管理形态,是否还能显示出奇制胜法宝的作用。总之,奥克斯在多元化战略抉择中成功的经验与失败的教训或许对国内其他有类似经历的企业有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

With the growing urgency of climate change, governments around the world are increasingly implementing new regulations for greenhouse gases. This trend elevates the importance of examining how firms engage in strategic efforts to influence regulations before they are in place and how they respond once they are in effect (i.e., their ex‐ante and ex‐post strategic behavior). This paper examines the outcomes of such strategic efforts by multinational and domestic oil companies within the European Union emissions trading scheme. An analysis of a panel dataset of oil firms (2008–2012) shows that on average the outcome of ex‐ante strategies did not differ significantly between multinational companies (MNCs) and domestic firms. However, the findings indicate that among those firms that received positive net benefits from the new climate policy, domestic firms were able to maximize these benefits better than MNCs through their ex‐post strategies. In contrast, among the firms that faced net costs due to the policy, MNCs were able to minimize these costs better than domestic firms, ex‐post. This paper advances our understanding of whether and to what extent MNCs differ from domestic firms in their economic outcomes stemming from strategic behavior related to emissions trading. This question is especially pertinent for regulations related to climate change, which is one of humanity's grand challenges and has important consequences for our economic, social, and political systems.  相似文献   

在社会经济发展的今天,传统的思想政治工作的方法和模式已经不能适应新形势、新发展的需要,作为企业思想政治工作者应想办法寻找符合新形势下的教育思路,这对促进企业文化建设和企业和谐都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

浅谈校园文化对高校思想政治的影响及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校校园文化建设是对大学生进行思想政治教育的重要途径。大学生思想政治教育是高校校园文化的指向路标,对高校校园文化建设起着政治导向作用和道德净化作用,是实现高校校园文化传递的有力工具。两者是相互联系和相互促进的,共同理念是育人为本。  相似文献   

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