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夏彩云  马妙明 《价值工程》2011,30(16):21-21
西安国际港务区建设已成为西安经济社会发展中的一项重要的工作,研究港务区物流人才需求问题,对于全面推进港务区的建设具有重要的意义。为了进行港务区物流人才需求研究,主要分析了国际港务区物流人才需求的结构、层次,并就基于国际港务区专有需求的物流人才培养提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

为更好地了解跨境电子商务企业对人才的需求状况,本文以北京市部分跨境电商企业为调查对象,对其进行调查分析。通过调研发现,跨境电子商务企业对人才的需求非常紧迫,特别青睐将外贸与电子商务技能相结合,既懂技术又懂商务的复合型人才。最后,本文根据调研结果,提出高职院校国际商务专业面向跨境电商方向进行专业改造的相关建议。  相似文献   

物流业的发展离不开物流人才,湖南在建设国家级区域现代物流中心的过程中,物流人才将起着至关重要的作用。研究湖南物流人才需求状况,有助于湖南各高校有针对性地制订物流人才的培养模式。  相似文献   

笔者从2008年6月至2009年5月通过互联网、邮件、实地调查等3种方式对全国185家物流企业的物流人才需求状况开展了问卷调查。本文对调查结果进行了统计与分析,并对物流人才培养提出了建议。  相似文献   

随着我国对外开放的深化以及企业“走出去”的进程加快,多语言文化背景下的国际商务人才必将更受青睐。本文结合国际商务所面临的多语言文化环境,对国际商务人才重新进行了合理的能力定位,这将对加快我国多语言文化背景下国际商务人才的培养具有积极意义。  相似文献   

会计人才需求调查及对人才培养的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过会计人才市场需求调查结果显示,会计人才市场对中、高层次人才的需求大,企业招聘会计人员时不单纯看重学历。更注重其是否具有实际能力,企业要求会计人才具有综合能力,本科毕业生具有实践能力。从而启示:高校应提高会计人才培养质量,完善课程设置,以提高学生的综合素质,加强对学生会计职业道德和实践能力的培养,向社会供给符合市场需求的会计人才。  相似文献   

随着国际交流的日益深化,国际商务函电全英语教学对于习惯双语教学的教师而言是一个新的挑战,重新思索教材与参考书目的选用、课堂教学、教学语言、教学方法以及考核方式,更为重要的是,帮助学生培养良好的书面沟通能力.  相似文献   

李正欣 《中外企业家》2013,(8S):259-259
随着经济全球化时代的到来,国际间商务交往活动日俱频繁,谈判已成为国际商务活动的重要环节。国际商务谈判作为跨国界活动中人际交往中的特殊形式,不仅是经济领域的交流与合作,也是文化之间的沟通与交流,必然涉及不同地域、民族、社会文化的交往与接触。因此,文化因素对谈判的有着至关重要的作用并直接影响商务交往的实际效果。  相似文献   

我国企业迫切需求更多具有国际视野、勇于开拓创新的总会计师。本文从我国总会计师国际商务能力的现状出发,分析了总会计师人才应具备的国际商务能力,并对总会计师如何拓展国际商务能力提出了建议。  相似文献   

近年来,大学生就业成为社会的热点话题,我国的许多大学生都无法找到合适的工作。基于该问题,文章从新的角度解析了大学生就业难的原因——产业结构的定位问题。  相似文献   

唐宁  李洋 《企业技术开发》2008,27(5):98-100
国际商务信函是重要的外贸书面语言交际媒介,成功的信函除词汇、语法上的准确无误外,礼貌用语的选择与使用也颇有讲究。文章基于外贸英语独有的语言特点和特殊的表达方法,结合大量的例句,从礼貌用语的写作角度出发,对其在国际商务信函中的应用技巧进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper sheds light on the international new ventures led by returnee entrepreneurs and investigates the influence of networking capability and the usefulness of international knowledge for the overall performance of so-called international returnee ventures (IRVs). By integrating network theory with a capability view of firm performance, it advances six hypotheses that form a structural model, which is tested with LISREL on a sample of 194 IRVs from China. The findings show that international networking capability has a positive influence on the provision of international business knowledge, which in turn is positively related to the innovation performance, but they have a negative impact on the financial performance. Hence, this study presents a discussion of the usefulness of knowledge gained from the international network relationships of emerging market returnee entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

This paper considers the extent to which price and income proxy variables help in forecasting tourist demand in Spain. Contrary to some recent studies, we found that the inputs' contribution in terms of fitting and forecasting is nil when compared with alternative univariate models. Whether these findings are the results of the restrictions embedded in building the proxy inputs or in a poor specification of the dynamics of these models remains to be seen. We also contend that when dealing with medium, long-term forecasting comparisons, the use of the traditional aggregate accuracy measures like RMSE and MAPE help very little in discriminating among competing models. In these situations, predicted annual growth rates may be a better alternative.  相似文献   

北京建设世界城市的经济控制力与人才战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界城市因其具有全球经济控制力的功能而成为城市发展的最高级别,而形成经济控制力最直接、最重要的源泉和驱动力是人才。北京建设世界城市,应根据世界城市形成和发展的一般规律,着眼于经济控制力形成的动力源泉,构建与经济战略配套逻辑上升的人才战略,增强北京在区域与全球经济中的控制力,实现城市形态的质变。  相似文献   

张景秋  甄茂成 《城市问题》2012,(5):39-43,101
结合词义解析,可以将"国际活动"界定为是一项至少有两个国家以上的代表、企业组织或政府机构就相互关心的事务,所做的定期或不定期的有目的、有主题、有计划且具有一定影响力的会议、会展及节庆活动。目前,北京举办的国际活动存在以下不足:国际会议少;大型展览不多;国际活动场馆建设不足;组织形式单一;缺少北京特色。认为北京应利用首都优势与后奥运契机,不断优化产业结构和夯实服务业基础,积极推进北京国际活动聚集之都建设,为实现世界城市的建设目标奠定基础。  相似文献   


Global staffing has been a key theme in research in IHRM for a number of decades. Our review confirms that it continues to be an important contemporary area of research in IHRM. In the current paper, we review three key contemporary issues in global staffing research, namely, the emergence of global talent management and potentially a more strategic approach to global mobility, specifically changing patterns of global mobility, and the emergence of the non-employees as key alternatives in the global staffing literature. The paper also charts a future research agenda in each of these areas.  相似文献   

加快国际商贸中心建设是北京建设世界城市的重要举措之一。建设国际商贸中心,需要发达的商贸业,并形成多层次的商贸流通体系,因而物流业的发展就具有举足轻重的作用。本文通过分析北京与世界城市在商贸流通方面的差距及其发展物流业的客观需求,进而提出了北京在建设国际商贸中心过程中加快发展物流业的对策建议。  相似文献   

There has been considerable research over the past two decades into the various aspects of traditional expatriate assignments. However, this research has overlooked an important category of international operator: the international business traveller, also known popularly as globetrotter or frequent flier. In this paper, we report on the results of a study of ten Australian and Danish international business travellers (IBTs). The aim was to explore the roles and activities of IBTs and the factors, such as level of organizational support that may intervene in the performance of their roles. We conclude that IBTs often are a neglected resource, particularly in terms of skills and knowledge transfer.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that limited asset market participation (LAMP) plays an important role in explaining international business cycles. We show that when LAMP is introduced into an otherwise standard model of international business cycles, the performance of the model improves significantly, especially in matching cross-country correlations. To perform formal evaluation of the models we develop a novel statistical procedure that adapts the statistical framework of Vuong (1989) to DSGE models. Using this methodology, we show that the improvements brought out by LAMP are statistically significant, leading a model with LAMP to outperform a representative agent model. Furthermore, when LAMP is introduced, a model with complete markets is found to do as well as a model with no trade in financial assets – a well-known favorite in the literature. Our results remain robust to the inclusion of investment specific technology shocks.  相似文献   

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