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张军  张黎  韩超 《消费导刊》2011,(11):142-145
近几年,中国劳动力市场呈现出持续性供大于求的状况,特别是全球性经济危机的爆发,更使得原本就不太理想的就业状况雪上加霜,就业压力持续增大。在当前就业形势如此严峻的形势下,就业歧视问题也就显得尤其突出,如果不能对此问题做出及时、有效、全面、妥善的解决,必然会造成严重影响求职者权利的不良后果,也将严重影响社会的稳定,阻滞社会主义和谐社会建设进程。但我国至今尚未制定一部与此相关的专门法律,因此,目前迫切需要制定一部专门的法律以扭转日趋复杂的就业歧视现象。  相似文献   

我国宪法追求平等与公正,尊重和保障人权,保障劳动者的公平就业权.但在近几年由于我国劳动力市场供大于求,就业压力不断增大,就业歧视的问题显得尤为突出.就业歧视现象不仅带来社会稳定问题,侵犯公民就业权,也与法治精神相背离.究其原因有多方面,但我国禁止就业歧视的法律规范欠缺是重要根源之一.为了防止和消除就业歧视,贯彻<宪法>和其他法律赋予公民的劳动平等权,我国迫切需要制定<反就业歧视法>,以买现公平就业.  相似文献   

胡芳 《现代商贸工业》2008,20(3):232-233
从我国劳动力市场上存在的劳动现象入手,着手分析了就业歧视的内涵及其分类,并从国内和国外对就业歧视的分析以及法律的发展趋势论述了就业歧视的危害,从危害和立法需求的方面对解决就业歧视这一现象做出了分析。  相似文献   

胡芳 《中国商办工业》2008,20(3):232-233
从我国劳动力市场上存在的劳动现象入手,着手分析了就业歧视的内涵及其分类,并从国内和国外对就业歧视的分析以及法律的发展趋势论述了就业歧视的危害,从危害和立法需求的方面对解决就业歧视这一现象做出了分析。  相似文献   

本文以美国反就业歧视法律体系作为研究的对象,通过对美国反就业歧视法律与机构的介绍,引出现阶段美国公平就业机会委员会解决就业歧视的宗旨、机制、流程。在总结美国反就业歧视优势的基础上提炼中国本土化应用与借鉴的经验,从而提出改进的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着人才市场供大于求的现象愈发明显,就业歧视问题也越来越突出,这引起了人们的广泛关注。本文就就业歧视中外研究现状、就业歧视成因和就业分类进行了详细的综述,并总结出了就业歧视问题的研究现状,针对不同类型的歧视现象找出了就业歧视的典型现象,并加以分析,希望能引起求职者及企业对就业歧视的高度重视。  相似文献   

当前,大学毕业生就业是高校乃至社会都比较关注的问题,在大学生就业过程中暴露出诸多影响其就业公平的现象,对此,本文结合当前大学生就业的现状,从社会因素、高校因素、家庭因素和大学生自身因素四个方面分析影响大学生就业公平的原因。  相似文献   

张军 《消费导刊》2011,(5):128-129
就业歧视在我国社会生活中广泛存在,它不仅侵犯了劳动者包括公平就业权在内的劳动权利以及其他相关权利,而且违背了我国公民在法律面前一律平等的宪法原则以及其他体现平等原则的法律规定,具有极大的社会危害性。但是,由于我国长期处于封建专制统治之下,人民的权利意识淡薄,对就业歧视的危害性认识不足,这就造成就业歧视现象在我国愈演愈烈。  相似文献   

我国城市农民工就业歧视问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就业歧视使农民工成为城市社会的制度性弱势群体。就业待遇公平关系到农民工能否逐渐走出弱势群体困境,向社会的中间阶层流动,关系到现代城市"纺锤形"的和谐社会结构形成。从就业机会、就业收入,就业权益以及社会保障等方面,来分析进城农民工的就业待遇公平性的现象和原因,并在此基础上提出相应解决对策。  相似文献   

孙炜红 《商》2012,(11):114-114
大学生就业公平的问题,是构建和谐社会的基本诉求,然而,当前大学生的就业问题却成为一个令人担忧的社会问题,这对当下社会转型发展,和谐社会的构建产生发极大的消极影响。因此,本文将对当代大学生陷入尴尬就业情境的原因进行深入的剖析,并提出相应的改进措施,以促进就业公平问题的解决。  相似文献   

Using recently developed indicators of the strictness of employment protection legislation in OECD countries, the paper examines the issue of whether strict employment protection legislation may promote self-employment by encouraging employers to contract-out work to self-employed workers. Contrary to the results of previous studies, the paper finds little evidence for a positive relationship between self-employment and the strictness of EPL. While the raw data suggest that a positive relationship may indeed exist, once suitable control variables are introduced into the analysis, it appears that if anything, the opposite may be true: i.e. stricter employment protection legislation may actually reduce self-employment.  相似文献   

This article provides a review of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA) as it relates to the growing problem of identity theft. The article also examines other identity theft‐related proposed legislation from the 108th Congress and analyzes the effectiveness of the proposed measures. The authors conclude that FACTA represents an important step toward reducing the incidence of identity theft as well as ameliorating the damage that it causes. However, unless and until Congress addresses the extensive use and distribution of Social Security numbers and the safeguarding of data, identity theft is likely to continue to wreak financial and social havoc.  相似文献   


The central aims of this study were to investigate the objectives of participants at the Botswana International Trade Fair, effectiveness of management of the Fair and linkage effects of the Fair on its host city. Data were collected from a convenience sample of exhibitors and visitors, selected on a “mall intercept” basis, using a self-administered questionnaire under the supervision of trained assistants. The study found that the motives of the exhibitors and those of the visitors were highly complementary, as majority of both were motivated by business objectives. Despite the complementarity, the relative dominance of the business objectives was different. While practically all exhibitors were motivated by business objectives, a significant percentage (29) of visitors included social objectives in their motivation. Most of the participants, visitors as well as exhibitors, expressed satisfaction with the achievement of their objectives. They also rated the organisation and management of the fair favourably, except for cost or charges, catering facilities and car park facilities. The preponderance of retailing activities found at the fair gave it the image of a flea market rather than a true trade exhibition. A greater selectivity of exhibitors might help attract more quality visitors, with higher income and greater decision-making authority as well as more business-to-business transactions.  相似文献   

In line with previous literature, we find that strict employment protection deters foreign direct investment. This finding is consistent with the view that rigid labour markets result in high adjustment and exit costs which discourage firm investment. Moreover, our results are consistent with the view that the deterrent effect of rigid labour markets depends on the skill intensity of an industry.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new criterion to evaluate algorithms for cake division, by the number of resulting pieces. Then, inspired by the idea of "cut-and-choose", we present "mark-choose-cut" algorithms for fair and strongly fair cake division problems. They are game-theoretic algorithms. The number of resulting pieces is bounded by 2 × 3n-2 + 1 and 4 × 3n-2 + 1, for fair and strongly fair division respectively.  相似文献   

Fair markets     
The paper challenges a minimalist strategy in business ethics that maintains if it's legal, it's moral. In hard cases, judges decide legal issues by appealing to moral ideals. Investigation shows that the bedrock concept is fairness. Often judges define fairness in terms of non-coerciveness or equality of bargaining power. The prudent manager must look beyond the legal department to the ethical notion of fairness. Moreover, if the courts were to consistently appeal to non-coerciveness and equality of bargaining power, some practices now considered morally acceptable would be neither moral nor legal. Norman E. Bowie is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for the Study of Values at the University of Delaware. He is the author of numerous articles on business ethics and social and political philosophy and of Business Ethics, Making Ethical Decisions (ed.), The Tradition of Philosophy (co-ed.), and Ethical Theory and Business (co-ed.).  相似文献   

近年来,会展经济对社会经济发展的影响作用越来越大,会展业得到了蓬勃发展.尤其是作为第三大专业会展的"义博会",愈加显示出了自己特有的魅力,使越来越多的人关注义博会.基于实际调查数据的动量分析表明:"义博会"对地方社会产生的直接经济影响,主要体现在参展人员的日常消费和设展支出两大方面.在日常消费中,一般性支出中比重最大的是购物支出和住宿支出,其次是餐饮支出、娱乐支出,最小的是通讯费用和当地交通费支出.  相似文献   

Chinese Export Commodities Fair, also called Canton Fair, is held twice a year in spring and autumn since it was inaugurated in the spring of 1957. It is China's largest trade fair of the highest level, of the most complete varieties and of the largest attendance and business turnover. Preserving its traditions, the Fair is a comprehensive and multi-functional event of international importance. This autumn comes the 100th Canton Fair.  相似文献   

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