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A service provider achieves competitive advantage by configuring appropriate strategic orientation and customer value type. This paper addresses three important issues: (i) which customer value type (economical, relational or technical) is important for bank customers? (ii) which strategic market orientation (customer or competitor) helps in achieving the desired value type? and (iii) which value type significantly predicts market performance? We propose that a strategic market orientation pursued by a firm shall influence the customer value it intends to offer so as to maximize the market performance. Using data collected from 538 bank customers, this study reveals that when there is a perfect match between strategic market orientation and value being perceived by its customers, a firm shall achieve strategy-value fit and realize optimal market outcomes in the form of customer satisfaction, acquisition, retention, cross-selling, and up-selling. Furthermore, a bank shall realize maximum level of market performance if it pursues both customer and competitor orientation and endeavors to deliver technical/functional value to its target customers. The paper concludes with managerial implications and future research directions.  相似文献   

How quickly do central bank intervention operations impact the foreign exchange market? And, do intra-daily market conditions influence the effectiveness of central bank interventions? This paper uses high-frequency intra-daily data to examine the relationship between the efficacy of intervention operations and the “state of the market” at the moment that the operation is made public. The results indicate that some traders typically know that the Fed is intervening at least 1 h prior to the public release of the information in newswire reports. Also, the evidence suggests that the timing of intervention operations matters—interventions that occur during heavy trading volume, that are closely timed to scheduled macro announcements, and that are coordinated with another central bank are the most likely to have large effects.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of bank market structure differences within U.S. states on entrepreneurial activity. A panel model is used to evaluate differences in new firm starts within the states relative to the bank market structure and competition. The results indicate that states with more small banks, as measured by the number of unit banks, and banks with more branch locations contribute to new firm creation. Overall competition, as measured by the total number of banking institutions, has a negative effect on firm creation. There is limited evidence that bank failures also have a negative impact on firm creation within the state.  相似文献   

Marketing managers have to forecast the market size and this forecast guides strategic decisions whether to continue exporting, open new factories or expand existing production operations. Forecasting sales and the market size is a challenging task; even more so in emerging markets where data is limited and the market demand is changeable. This research proposes a novel approach that applies diffusion models using car ownership data to forecast car sales. Car ownership data may be easier to access than sales data in emerging markets but marketing managers are more interested in the sales forecast. Researchers propose using diffusion models to forecast the adoption of new products or products which are new to consumers in a market. This research demonstrates that marketing managers can use diffusion models to predict car sales in China where cars are new products to most consumers in this market. Since the majority of car buyers in China are first time buyers, car manufacturers and retailers must also forecast when the market composition will change. This effectively means predicting when first time car buying will start to slow down and repeat/replacement purchase or second hand car purchase will become more important. To forecast both sales and market composition change, marketing managers must choose a robust model. Managers want insights from models that have been tested robustly especially in less stable market conditions. In this context, this study illustrates the value of using a rolling forecast instead of a fixed horizon approach when comparing and choosing which model to use to forecast both sales and market composition change for the Chinese car market.  相似文献   

In this paper, we unveil a disregarded benefit of product market competition for firms. We introduce the probability of bankruptcy in a simple model where firms compete à la Cournot and apply for collateralized bank loans to undertake productive investments. We show that the number of competitors and the existence of outsiders willing to acquire the productive assets of distressed incumbents affect the equilibrium share of investment financed by bank credit. Using a sample of Italian manufacturing firms, mostly small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we found evidence showing that the degree of product market competition is positively correlated with the share of investment financed by bank credit only when outsiders are absent.  相似文献   

Why are bank card interest rates sticky? One explanation is bank card consumer irrationality, a potentially significant market failure requiring government intervention. Alternate explanations focus on efficient market forces. The 1989 Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances data are not consistent with the consumer irrationality hypothesis. The data are consistent with a market-based model of demand for balances and suggest that consumers may rationally eschew search because small outstanding balances imply low returns to search.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the risk profile of contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds is well-priced by testing the sensitivity of bond spreads to bank asset volatility. While equity holders (bankers) have an incentive to make riskier investments to trigger the write-off, such risk-taking behavior can be contained if CoCo bond investors punish it by demanding higher returns. We have found that investors in the Korean financial market understand the risk profile of CoCo bonds and require higher returns for the additional bank risk, which suggests the presence of market discipline with regard to CoCo bonds.  相似文献   

徐绍荣  徐静 《北方经贸》2008,(3):142-144
随着高校的扩招,教育市场失灵的现象越来越突出,这不得不引起我们的反思。对教育市场失灵的原因进行经济学分析,解决市场失灵,就要协调好供给和需求的矛盾,政府加强规制,及时充分发布就业信息。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to test the effect of sustainable market orientation (SMO) as a strategic tool on banks’ sustainable balanced firm performance (SBFP) in an emerging economy. The research data was collected via the survey approach through self-administered questionnaires to 445 bank employees. Exploratory Factor Analysis was employed to establish the dimensionality of the research constructs, whereas multiple linear regressions were utilised to test the research hypotheses. Results suggest that SMO is positively and significantly related to sustainable balanced performance of banks. The study confirms the SMO concept promulgated in prior studies. Employees’ opinions on bank Managers incorporating sustainability management variables into market orientation as a strategy are encouraged by scholars to engender SBFP. Strategic approaches of this kind leads to balance performance of organisations and the larger society which is central to all stakeholders. This study may be the initial quantitative investigation into SMO and SBFP in the strategic marketing literature.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of US central bank communication on financial markets in emerging economies. We find that informal communication from the Fed positively influences the Korean stock market at a greater magnitude than the US stock market. The results show that the Korean stock market experienced higher excess return when Korea's monetary policy decisions are uncertain, suggesting that central bank communication in central countries could transmit to emerging economics through their monetary policy decisions and uncertainty. In addition, various portfolios and individual equities have a positive market risk-return tradeoff in the presence of Fed communication only.  相似文献   

I examine the relationship between corporate governance behavior and market value for a sample of 21 Russian firms. I use (1) fall 1999 corporate governance rankings for these firms, developed by a Russian investment bank, and (2) the ‘value ratio’ of actual market capitalization to potential Western market capitalization for these firms, determined independently by a second Russian investment bank. The correlation between ln(value ratio) and governance ranking is striking and statistically strong: Pearson r=0.90 (t=8.97). A worst (51 ranking) to best (7 ranking) governance improvement predicts a 700-fold increase in firm value. These results are tentative because of the small sample, but they suggest that corporate governance behavior has a powerful effect on market value in a country where legal and cultural constraints on corporate behavior are weak.  相似文献   

The objective of the research was to establish the various effects of the marketing instruments on the market shares of fast-moving consumer goods. The marketing instruments analyzed were price level, price changes, promotion, advertising, and media mix. Within the analysis the integrated effect of the distribution pattern had to be taken into account. The analysis of 186 brands and the data gathered over 7 three-month periods was taken from two models loosely based on Koyck. The results can be used to estimate the effectiveness of the marketing tools under scrutiny and their declining marginal revenue in the German market. A number of different efficiency ratings can be detected between the separate product categories under analysis. For marketing managers there are three particularly interesting points: (1) Brands with a low price index have only relatively small market advantages in comparison with expensive brands; (2) but price changes lead to very strong movements in the market shares; (3) in the case of brands with a small share of the advertising spent, both print and TV advertising have a similar effectiveness. With a larger share of advertising, the TV effectiveness declines because of saturation effects.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of the financial sector that includes two highly liquid assets. These assets can be utilized as transaction balances, one of which pays a market determined rate of interest. The paper relates several recent money market innovations to this analytic framework. The model is then used to examine the effects on interest rates and monetary aggregates of a shift into the interest paying transaction asset. These effects are found to be highly dependent on the strategy of monetary control pursued by the central bank.  相似文献   

The bank holding company movement in banking is, in many respects, the counterpart of the conglomerate movement in the industrial sector. Both are characterized by a substantial amount of merger activity and thus raise questions as to the affect of the acquiring firms on competition. This study uses Tobit analysis and OLS to examine the influence of bank holding companies on rivalry and performance in 154 banking markets (1970–1979). Test results indicate that in markets where bank holding companies are a significant factor rivalry is higher, but so are prices even though profits are not higher, than in markets where bank holding companies are less important. These seemingly conflicting findings may be explained by the finding that significant holding company presence in a market is associated with relatively high noninterest expenses.  相似文献   

The study explores the relationship between market orientation (MO) and internal market orientation (IMO) using the process model of MO development. Data from 370 nonprofit organizations were analyzed using structural equation modeling with maximum likelihood estimation technique. The comprehensive CFA marker method was used to partial out the influence of social desirability bias on the substantive relationships. The study finds that MO works through IMO to elicit desirable employee outcomes, which also contributes to performance outcomes. IMO does not offer direct performance benefits, but it partially mediates the effect of MO on employee-related outcomes. Competing models offering alternative explanations are ruled out empirically by the superior fit of the theoretical model with the data. The study integrates IMO in Kohli and Jaworski’s model of antecedent and consequences of MO and encourages practitioners to embed IMO in their MO development plans.  相似文献   

Customer's commitment has become a main mediating goal for many companies. It appears to be a promising market segmentation criterion. In this sense, the present work focuses on commitment as a possible criterion to segment the consumers' market. It starts by analysing the importance of consumer commitment for companies. After the review of the literature of commitment at different relationship levels, a definition and a multidimensional structure is proposed for this construct. The study performs a segmentation analysis of bank customers. Three clusters of clients are identified according to their level of commitment. Main conclusions and its implications for marketing management are pointed out.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of market structure in emerging markets banking systems during the 1990s. While a significant process of bank consolidation has been taking place in these countries, reflected in a sharp decline in the number of banks, this process has not systematically been associated with increased concentration as measured by standard indices. Moreover, econometric estimates based on the Panzar and Rosse (1987) methodology suggest that overall, markets have not become less competitive in a sample of eight European and Latin American countries. Lowering barriers to entry, such as allowing increased participation of foreign banks, appears to have prevented a decline in competitive pressures associated with consolidation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between stock returns and the sources of corporate debt during the financial crisis of 2008. In particular, using data on large-capitalization Russian firms, we investigate whether dependence on either bank debt or bonds affected stock returns during the credit crunch. Our results indicate that the firms which rely entirely on bank debt significantly outperformed the firms with public debt amidst the crisis. This finding suggests that bank debt may be particularly valuable in harsh times. However, we also document that the stock prices of the bank dependent firms recovered more slowly in the post-crisis period.  相似文献   

近几年来,我国商业银行个人理财业务发展迅速,已成为了银行业务发展的重要组成部分.本文通过对影响理财市场的主要的市场因素进行分析,指出个人理财业务的发展是一种长远趋势,并对商业银行如何顺应这一市场趋势进行路径探析.  相似文献   

Considerable scholarly interest has been shown in the relationship between market orientation and business performance. Although a number of environmental moderators have been postulated to influence the market orientation–performance link, extant findings are inconclusive. This study takes a different approach by conceptualizing product life cycle stages in terms of variations in competitive intensity, market and technological turbulence. Data collected in Hong Kong reveal that Atuahene-Gima's [Atuahene-Gima, K. (1995). An exploratory analysis of the impact of market orientation on new product performance: A contingent approach. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 12: 275–293] product life cycle measure successfully discriminates stages in terms of market and technological turbulence, but fails to capture variation in competitive intensity. Market orientation is also found to be more highly valued by firms in growing and mature markets than firms in introductory and declining markets. Finally, the link between market orientation and firm performance is found to be strongest for firms in the growth stage and weakest for firms in the introductory stage of the product life cycle.  相似文献   

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