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Implementation of a hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system by a Chinese poultry processing company required significant initial investments and greater monthly operation costs, including measures needed to meet prerequisite standard sanitary operating practices. HACCP benefits perceived by managers were diverse and difficult to ascertain—access to export markets seems to be the chief benefit. Large-scale, export-oriented plants appear to be able to bear the costs of HACCP implementation, but costs may be a greater barrier for smaller Chinese companies serving the domestic market.  相似文献   

The likelihood of the voluntary adoption of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) among food processing firms is evaluated by exploring the perceptions of food safety managers with respect to a range of possible motivating factors including the exogenous pressure to adopt HACCP, efficacy of existing food safety controls, perception that HACCP will improve the firm's food safety controls, relative costs and benefits of HACCP implementation, impact of HACCP on business performance, and the nature of barriers to implementing HACCP. While market‐based factors exert substantial pressure on firms to adopt HACCP, many food safety managers perceive that their existing food safety controls are adequate to meet existing food safety demands. While good manufacturing practice (GMP) and traceability are considered the most efficacious food safety controls, HACCP is most often perceived to provide intangible and “incidental” benefits that are often not recognized by food safety managers a priori. An important barrier to the voluntary adoption of HACCP is the perceived questionable appropriateness of HACCP for enhancing food safety controls, while financial constraints can be an absolute barrier to implementation. The results suggest a number of potential strategies through which the implementation of HACCP might be facilitated and enhanced through cooperation and coordination between regulators and industry organizations. La probabilité que les entreprises de transformation des aliments adoptent volontairement le système HACCP (analyse des risques et maîtrise des points critiques) a étéévaluée en examinant les perceptions des gestionnaires de sécurité alimentaire envers certains facteurs de motivation possibles tels que la pression exogène, l'efficacité des moyens de contrôle existants, la perception voulant que le système HACCP améliore le contrôle de la sécurité alimentaire de l'entreprise, les coûts et les avantages relatifs de la mise en place du système, les répercussions du système sur la performance de l'entreprise et la nature des obstacles à la mise en place du système. Bien que des facteurs de marché exercent d'importantes pressions pour que les entreprises adoptent ce système, de nombreux gestionnaires de sécurité alimentaire estiment que leurs moyens de contrôle existants répondent adéquatement aux demandes actuelles de sécurité alimentaire. Bien que les bonnes pratiques de fabrication (BPF) et la traçabilité soient considérées comme les moyens de contrôle de la sécurité alimentaire les plus efficaces, le système HACCP est le plus souvent perçu comme procurant des avantages intangibles et ?accessoires? qui, souvent, ne sont pas reconnus a priori par les gestionnaires de sécurité alimentaire. La pertinence discutable perçue du système HACCP comme moyen d'améliorer le contrôle de la sécurité alimentaire constitue un important obstacle à l'adoption volontaire du système, bien que les contraintes financières peuvent être un obstacle absolu à sa mise en place. Les résultats suggèrent un certain nombre de stratégies potentielles grâce auxquelles la mise en place du système pourrait être facilitée et améliorée par la collaboration et la coordination entre les organismes de réglementation et les entreprises de l'industrie de la transformation des aliments.  相似文献   

We develop a theoretical model of enforcement and compliance under HACCP regulation and use the FDA's seafood inspection records to examine: (1) if the FDA has targeted its inspections under HACCP regulation; (2) the effects of inspections on compliance with HACCP and plant sanitation standards; and (3) the relationship between compliance with HACCP and preexisting sanitation standards. There is some evidence of targeting based on product risk, but not on past compliance performance. The threat of an inspection increases the likelihood of compliance, but only for sanitation inspections, not for HACCP. HACCP compliance does not improve compliance with sanitation standards.  相似文献   

The United States mandated a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) food safety standard for seafood in 1997. Panel model results for 1990 to 2004 suggest that HACCP introduction had a negative and significant impact on overall imports from the top thirty-three suppliers. While the effect for developed countries was positive, the negative effect for developing countries supports the view of "standards as barriers" versus "standards as catalysts." A different perspective emerges from individual country-level analysis. Regardless of development status, leading seafood exporters generally experienced a positive HACCP effect, while most other smaller trading partners faced a negative effect.  相似文献   

This article explores the incentives that motivate the adoption of food safety controls by businesses through a study of HACCP adoption in the U.K. dairy processing sector. The study identifies four key factors that have motivated the adoption of HACCP, namely, internal efficiency, commercial pressure, external requirements, and good practice. Respondents to the survey are clustered according to the relative importance of these factors in their adoption decision. Four clusters are identified and related to the characteristics of firms, including firm size and type of products manufactured. The results indicate that there are systematic differences in the HACCP adoption process between individual firms.  相似文献   

The major food safety issue confronting federal policymakers is to ensure that consumers can purchase foods acceptably free of microbial contaminants and hazardous chemicals. While these concerns are not new, added dimensions to the problem continually challenge regulators. In most cases, control at the farm level may provide the most cost-effective means of eliminating the pathogens or problems of animal origin. Focusing on the goat industry, this research examines whether goat producers are willing to voluntarily adopt Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) practices. Results reveal a diversified set of preferences, with more than half of the respondents indicating willingness to adopt HACCP practices.  相似文献   

我国水产品加工企业HACCP体系有效实施途径的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在就水产品加工企业HACCP体系的实施情况进行调查分析的基础上,认为HACCP体系中重要环节和大量工作是SSOP计划的执行,而促进HACCP体系有效实施的重要途径应是引入组织行为学的科学方法,尽快提高企业的管理水平和员工的职业素质。  相似文献   

本文对HACCP体系及其在深水网箱鱼类养殖的研究和应用现状进行了简要介绍,并结合实际将HACCP体系初步应用于深水网箱鱼类养殖产业中。作者对舟山海区的深水网箱鱼类养殖进行了调查,应用HACCP的基本原理,对整个深水网箱养殖过程进行危害分析,确立了养殖场的环境、水源和水质、饲料供应以及生产管理这四个关键控制点,提出了相应的预防措施,关键限值,监控措施以及超过关键限值时的纠正措施,使各关键控制点处于人为控制之下,从而使深水网箱养殖按规范化、标准化、无公害化生产,生产健康的鱼类,以满足人民群众的需要。  相似文献   

在提出研究假说的基础上,利用2006~2009年的精制茶加工企业平衡面板数据,构建模型分析了食品安全管理体系、市场化进程对企业技术效率和经营利润的影响。研究结果表明:HACCP、ISO22000:2005和市场化进程都有显著的正向影响作用;HACCP对市场化进程与企业发展关系具有明显的反向调节作用,即市场化程度越低的地区,HACCP的影响作用越大;但是ISO22000:2005暂时没有表现出这一特点。因此,在加强茶叶行业的食品安全管理体系建设同时,应充分考虑到不同地区市场化进程的异质性,特别是在信息不通畅、市场化程度偏弱的地区,企业更应积极采纳食品安全管理体系的先进管理理念与生产设备,由此提高自身市场地位和竞争实力。政府则应大力向消费者进行有关食品安全管理体系的科普宣传工作,从而更好地解决食品安全中的信息不对称问题。  相似文献   

More stringent national-level food safety standards adopted by developed countries have sent firms and governments among their lesser-developed trading partners scrambling to adopt the required measures or risk losing important export markets. Here we address whether stricter product safety standards in importing countries affect safety levels for the same products in the domestic markets of the countries that export to them. We present a case study, using national data and firm-level surveys, that examines the impacts of foreign requirements that processors adopt Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems on the level of safety offered in the domestic market by Brazilian processors of fishery products. This study shows that to date in Brazil the adoption of HACCP systems has been concentrated in the export sector, with only small impacts on domestic standards and food safety levels.  相似文献   


A serious diversification of Greek consumers' food buying behavior can be observed during the last decade. Following similar trends worldwide, an important percentage of Greek consumers have been oriented to quality food products of higher added value. This value is delivered through the implementation of various certification strategies and the use of different communication messages. A study of the procedure through which Greek consumers evaluate a variety of quality certification schemes is, hence, necessary and valuable. In the present survey, a stratified sample of urban consumers is used with the objective to analyze their attitudes toward the organic label and the HACCP and ISO14000 certification schemes separately. The study evolves around the assumption that purchasing of organic, HACCP or ISO14000-certified food products expresses consumers' health and environmental consciousness and reflects the food industry's ethical concern.  相似文献   

新西兰食品安全立法包括议会基本法、总督或食品安全部长发布的次级立法以及三级立法。食品标准属于部长发布的次级立法。《1981年食品法》和《1999年动物产品法》规定了基于HACCP原则的食品安全计划、风险管理计划、管控方案等多项法律制度和措施。必须按照初级产业部制定的管控方案从事双壳贝类养殖和渔船上的水产品有限加工,并应遵守最小化污染物和变质原则,以及接受第三方的外部核查制度。建议以HACCP理论为指导,完善我国水产品安全立法,重构食品标准体系,扶持水产品认证机构发展,提高国际竞争力,依法建立透明的水产品质量可追溯体系。  相似文献   

Food safety regulations aimed at controlling food contamination have sometimes been criticised as excessive burdens, disadvantaging smaller firms and exports from developing nations. Reported food safety expenditures appear relatively small (from <1 to 7% of the value of production) but can erode profit margins for many firms. This article responds to claims that reported firm‐level expenditures do not reflect true costs of compliance with food safety systems. We estimate incidental cost savings and uncounted costs associated with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification among Philippine seafood producers by modelling the interactions between conventional production and food safety expenditures using translog cost functions. Results indicate a significant underestimation of reported HACCP costs by an average of US$1.10 for a dollar of reported expenditure.  相似文献   

本文阐述了最佳质量成本理论的基本观点,分析了渔业质量成本的构成,提出了应用HACCP管理降低渔业质量成本的建议。  相似文献   

海产品物流质量的管理贯穿于从"渔船到餐桌"的整个供应。论文以供应链管理为指导,在物流质量管理基本原理的基础上,界定了海产品物流质量管理的内涵,构建了海产品供应链物流质量管理的模式,提出通过供应链外部质量监管体系和市场准入机制加强海产品供应链外部物流质量控制,通过HACCP质量管理体系实现海产品供应链物流质量的自我约束和内部控制。  相似文献   

This study explores the association between the adoption of food safety and quality assurance practices in the Canadian food processing sector and firm characteristics. A conceptual model is developed recognizing that the relative importance of a firm's incentives to adopt enhanced food safety and quality assurance practices is influenced by the firm's characteristics and activities. Binomial logit models are estimated to explore the association between adoption of various combinations of food safety and quality assurance practices including hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP). The findings show that the adoption of food safety and quality practices varies widely between individual firms according to, among others, firm size, country of ownership and control, level of innovativeness, level of export orientation, forms of food safety inspection, and the subsector in which the firm operates. Incentives of being able to access foreign markets play an important role in influencing HACCP adoption. La présente étude analyse le lien entre l'adoption de pratiques visant la salubrité et l'assurance de la qualité des aliments au sein de l'industrie canadienne de la transformation et les caractéristiques des entreprises. Nous avons élaboré un modèle conceptuel reconnaissant que l'importance relative des incitatifs qui motivent une entreprise à adopter des pratiques améliorées en matière de salubrité et d'assurance de la qualité des aliments est influencée par les caractéristiques et les activités de l'entreprise. Nous avons estimé des modèles logit binomiaux pour examiner le lien entre l'adoption de diverses combinaisons de pratiques visant la salubrité et l'assurance de la qualité des aliments, y compris les systèmes HACCP (analyse des risques et maîtrise des points critiques). Les résultats ont montré que l'adoption de ces pratiques variait considérablement d'une entreprise à l'autre en fonction, entre autres, de la taille de l'entreprise, du pays de propriété et de contrôle, du degré d'innovation, du degré de vocation exportatrice, des programmes d'inspection de la salubrité des aliments et du sous‐secteur dans lequel une entreprise évolue. La perspective de pénétrer les marchés étrangers joue un rôle important dans l'adoption de systèmes HACCP.  相似文献   

HACCP体系在无公害蔬菜生产全程监控中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HACCP是危害分析关键控制点的英文缩写,是公议的控制食品质量安全最有效的方法。该文阐述无公害蔬菜生产过程的危害分析(HA)、确定质量安全的关键控制点(CCP),提出确定关键控制点的临界值和监控措施。  相似文献   

The compliance costs of the Pathogen Reduction Hazard Analysis Critical Control Program (PR/HACCP) rule have been controversial. Previous reports have used limited data to evaluate its overall and component costs. This paper addresses those deficiencies by examining compliance costs with data from a national survey of meat and poultry plants. Results indicate that ( a ) regulation favors large, more specialized plants over small, diversified ones, ( b ) private actions incur considerable costs, and ( c ), except for chicken slaughter, Federally mandated processing tasks are 160–500% more costly than allowing plants to meet standards using whatever food-safety technology they choose.  相似文献   

水产品富含优质蛋白和人体所需的矿物质,风味独特,其市场和消费人群不断扩大。但水产品在捕捞、生产加工、冷藏运输到销售过程中易受到损伤,严重时会受到微生物污染导致腐败变质,从而使其鲜度和品质下降。因此,应在水产品冷链物流全过程建立HACCP体系,对其质量进行严格且精密的监督和管理。  相似文献   

水产品质量问题已成为我国水产品出口的瓶颈。建立水产品质量安全管理体系,我国需研究和借鉴世界先进水产国家的经验。本文主要研究了挪威的先进经验:渔业管理机构的设置不按养殖、捕捞、加工划分,而是由各区域办派驻的检查官负责辖区内渔政及各类水产企业质量等事务,减少了部门间相互协调所产生的内耗;产业链各环节都严格按照法律规定操作,确保水产品从原料到成品的质量安全。我国必须在渔业统计制度、HACCP及政府规制等方面进行创新,尽快建立水产品质量安全管理体系。  相似文献   

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