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尚渺 《物流时代》2008,(10):55-56
进入21世纪,突如其来的数码浪潮对任何一家传统胶片时代的光学厂商来说,都是一场巨大的挑战。两大胶片巨头柯达和富士自然也不例外。这两大竞争对手分别于几年前开始供应链改造,并都在最近宣布转型完成。技术创造一个行业,同时也无情地进行淘汰;曾经的辉煌,有可能变成沉重的包袱。  相似文献   

如今我们社会不管是在经济、政治还是其他的领域都存在着这样的一职业:公关。他们对于企业之间的经济往来还是合作共处,都是有着一定的作用和影响,它像是一条纽带连接着社会中各个企业。本文通过对成功公关人士提出几点要点,希望能够对现有的公关人员产生正面的影响。  相似文献   

柯达:可复制的失败?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个榜样即将倒下,中国企业除了扼腕叹息与遥寄哀思,还能从暮年的柯达身上学到些什么?更重要的是,如何才能从复制其成功的憧憬中走出来,避免复制其失败?  相似文献   

张南 《经营者》2012,(14):14-15
三大产品成就五年七倍增长,两年没有新车效应,却成功跻身中国汽车市场主流品牌之列。当上海大众斯柯达举行5周年庆典的时候,它有什么经验值得我们参考?  相似文献   

在柯达眼里,中国市场显然是一片沃土,不仅因为中国人口众多,潜在消费群十分庞大,更因为这片土地还是一片“处女地”,整个市场才刚刚起步,有一组数据可以证明:在相机使用相对广泛的城市,如广州,上海,北京,有超过70%的家庭使用相机,但在其他沿海小城市,这一比率仅30%多,而在中西部,使用率垂直下降到10%。  相似文献   

渠道为王,只要看看国美、苏宁就能明白。而在柯达手中.还有另外一张王牌——分布于中国大陆700多个省市地区的10.000家加盟店,这个柯达苦心经营多年的渠道,如今已成为全中国仅次于邮政网络的第二大渠道。  相似文献   

“黄盒子、绿盒子,打来打去打成破盒子。”这是业界对影像业两家巨头“黄”柯达与“绿”富士多年决斗的一个生动比喻。在传统影像领域打得头破血流之后,遭遇传统影像市场大幅萎缩,一对冤家双双转型至数码领域再次展开决斗,在一场场“快意恩仇”之间,双方不仅共同领略了市场发展的残酷,同时也从彼此那里学到了中国本土化生存之道。  相似文献   

身处柯达快速有效的转型期.一切变化都变得顺理成章了。2005年.柯达表示,将由过去追求市占率,转而实施追求利润的转变。的确,在动用30亿美元进行收购后,柯达将比任何时候都渴望现金流.而经营多年的柯达中国正处在业务的丰收期,完全应该给总部带来更大贡献。实施将市场和利润绑在一起的战略,也表明柯达行事更为积极主动。  相似文献   

今年1月中旬,美国大豆协会和巴西农业部代表团先后来华进行“大豆公关”,其共同目的是希望自己的大豆能顺利进入中国市场。  相似文献   

Different planning systems allocate property rights differently between the state and private property owners. This article argues that the appropriate allocation of property rights between the state and private owners can only be discovered by a process of experimentation. The experience of the UK suggests that such a process can take time and may be hindered by the controlling tendencies of central government.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Tiebout hypothesis that consumer mobility and interjurisdictional competition leads to efficient provision of local services has provoked much controversy and debate in recent years. This article summarizes the opposing and conflicting viewpoints on this subject and presents a synthesis of the theoretical and empirical literature. The basic conclusion of this literature is that only under very restrictive assumptions will foot-voting and interjurisdictional competition ensure allocative efficiency in the local public sector. Nevertheless, the Tiebout mechanism offers important insights for public policy debates on the assignment of taxes and services and the design of equalization grants. Oates' suggestion that capitalization of fiscal differentials into residential property values provides an empirical test of the Tiebout hypothesis also generated an intense debate on the theoretical validity of this procedure and a heightened interest in its empirical applications. This debate is evaluated and an overview is given of the leading empirical approaches to test the efficiency and equity implications of the Tiebout mechanism. Controversial empirical issues such as the choice of the tax price term, the level of aggregation and econometric estimation problems are highlighted in this part of the survey.  相似文献   

High costs and low graduation rates characteristic of 21st‐century US public higher education stem from the bout of rent‐seeking attributable to the post‐Sputnik explosion in research spending and the consequent crusade to enrol new students, with diminishing concern for academic aptitude. New policies that tighten admission standards, encourage earlier graduation and enhance financial aid for the truly needy would constructively address these problems, as would incentives for faculty members to curtail outside consulting.  相似文献   

2009年,柯达历时多年的转型仍然未现曙光,而业绩的严重亏损使这家昔日的影像巨头再次陷入困境。 今年初,柯达提交给纽约证券交易所的年报中预测,今年销售额将连续四次下降,下降幅度12%.18%,除了预计公司在今年亏损将达4亿美元,柯达再次抛出新一轮裁员计划。  相似文献   

Conveying the logical consequences of modelling the individual as self-interested in the public sector bureaucracy is not an easy task. One has to avoid, without dismissing, normative judgments and issues of empirical validity in order to focus on the logical consequence. Illustrating the theory in a memorable way is also difficult. This paper argues that Yes Minister provides ideal material for the task.  相似文献   

The economic benefits of hosting mega-sporting events are often exaggerated. Ex-ante impact studies typically overestimate the gains and underestimate the costs involved. It is therefore difficult to explain in economic terms the intense competition among cities to hold such events.  相似文献   

This survey examines the empirical literature on the relationship between public R&D subsidies and private R&D investment over the past five decades. The survey reveals a considerable heterogeneity of empirical results that cannot be explained fully by methodological issues. We aim to provide further explanations of the possible causes of that heterogeneity. In particular, we emphasise a set of issues that, in our view, are critical to understanding the potential effect of public R&D subsidies on private R&D spending. Special attention is paid to the dynamic aspects and composition of firm R&D, the constraints faced by the firm (such as financial constraints), and the amount and source of public subsidies. None of these issues have been investigated in depth. We formulate a set of research assumptions to guide future empirical research in this field.  相似文献   

Public choice theory suggests that the political process has an in-built tendency to promote protectionist measures favoured by organised interest groups rather than trade liberalisation that would benefit society as a whole. But the example of the North American Free Trade Agreement shows that political campaigns in support of free trade can successfully mobilise public opinion to neutralise the power of special-interest groups. Therefore, it is imperative that politicians and others who believe in free trade remind the public of its benefits.  相似文献   

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