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2013年中国物价走势分析与判断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、推动2013年物价上涨的主要因素基于国内部分农产品供求紧平衡格局依然存在、劳动力等要素成本增加和全球性货币泛滥推动的趋势性因素影响,2013年物价上涨的压力仍不容忽视。受新一轮全球性宽松货币政策影响,大宗商品价格走高和短期资本回流,都有可能推高2013年的CPI。农产品供求总体处于紧平衡格局,流通环节多、费用高问题较为突出,劳动力、土地等要素价格和环保成本呈上涨趋势,国际、国内供给冲击或货币宽松都容易使物价上涨预期转化为上涨现实。随着PPI逐步回升,将部分传导到CPI,2013年物价上涨的压力依然较大。  相似文献   

曹曦曦 《中国金融家》2011,(3):28-28,35
两年前的全国两会,温家宝总理用一句"莫道今年春将尽,明年春色倍还人",道出了对中国成功抵御金融危机的信心和经济发展持续向好的期望。今年两会,在认真听取温家宝总理所做的政府工作报告后,全国人大代表、  相似文献   

The contention that an operational choice criterion is lacking for investment alternatives which would result in criss-crossing time patterns of share prices is examined. In efficient markets, the capital asset pricing model is shown to provide an unambiguous criterion. In inefficient markets, it is contended that the problem is not financial choice criteria but rather accounting information production and dissemination. In this regard, the level of information, rather than lack of bias in its interpretation, is deemed significant.
Dans cet article. on examine la contestation suscitée par un manque de critère d'après lequel il serait possible de sélectionner des investissements qui entraineraient des variations dans les prix des actions, suivant ainsi unrythmealternatif. Dans les Marchés efficaces, le modèle déterminant le prix des capitaux de l'actif apparaft comme étant un critère précis. Dans les marchés inefficaces, on soutient que la question n'a pas rapport è des critères financiers sélectifs mais concerne plutôt la production et la diffusion d'informations comptables. A cet effet, la quantité d'informations se révèlt: ainsi plus significative que la perfection d'interprétation de ces informations.
Die Behauptung wird überpruft, dass ein operationales Auswahlkriterium für Investitionsalternativen fehit, welchrs sich überschneidende Zeitprofile von Aktienkursen liefern würde. Es wird festgestellt, dass das 'Capital Asset Pricing' Modell ein eindeutiges Kriterium anbietet. Es wird behauptet, dass in unwollkommenen Kapitaldrkten das Problem nicht Auswahlkriterien, sondern die Verarbeitung und Verbreitung von Bilanzinformationen ist. In dieser Hinsicht ist die Infoimationsmenge und nicht eine unvoreingenormnene Interpretation von Bedeutung.  相似文献   

In this study I examine the effect of organized options trading on stock price behavior immediately following stock price declines of 10 percent or more. A matched-pair sample of National Market System option and nonoption firms are analyzed from June 1985 through December 1992. After controlling for the bid-ask bounce, firm size, share price, return standard deviation, and beta, I find that three-day cumulative abnormal returns for option firms are approximately 1.57 percent less than those for nonoption firms. Thus, options trading enhances stock market efficiency and/or liquidity. However, no profitable trading strategies are indicated.  相似文献   

虽然中钢协与FMG就下半年铁矿石价格达成35%降幅协议,但“中国模式”的谈判结果能否赢得最终的掌声?铁矿石的博弈之路前途未卜。  相似文献   

Prior studies document that firms experience negative stock price effects in response to unionization. We study the economic effects of a radical change in unionization legislation in New Zealand and hypothesize that the stock price effect of unionization is a function of prior unionization status of firms. We provide evidence that legislative events that increase the likelihood of introducing more stringent legislation do not affect stock prices of high‐unionized firms, whereas low‐unionized firms are affected negatively and significantly. Legislative events that signal less stringent unionization legislation result in significant stock price increases for all firms.  相似文献   

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