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Since policymakers increasingly regard foreign aid as a means to manage international flows of migrants, it is important to obtain accurate empirical evidence on the complex link between aid and migration. Recent research has shown that the impact of foreign assistance on migrant flows is highly heterogeneous across aid categories. In this paper, we focus on a dimension of heterogeneity that has so far not been considered in the literature, namely whether or not the delivery of foreign aid is associated with a transfer of resources to the recipient country. We show in a first step that non-transferred aid is quantitatively important, accounting for more than 25% of overall aid given by OECD DAC donors in 2016. Running separate gravity-type regressions for transferred and non-transferred aid, we then find that transferred aid has a much stronger (negative) impact on migration than the previously used total aid variable that includes the non-transferred component. As may be expected, non-transferred aid itself does not appear to affect migrant flows. A high share of non-transferred aid would therefore be at odds with the donors’ stated goal of tackling the root causes of migration.  相似文献   

Many Chinese immigrants start their entrepreneurship business by joining major network marketing businesses in Western host countries. The willingness of these Chinese immigrants to undertake network marketing rests on the influence of the social environment of the network marketing organization. Network marketing specific self-efficacy, social competence and motivation for establishing one's own business are also hypothesized to play an important role in their engagement in entrepreneurial actions. Drawing upon Bandura's social cognitive theory and the immigrant entrepreneurship literature, the present study investigates whether the social environmental influence of a network marketing organization affects the extent to which Chinese immigrants develop the self-efficacy, social competence and motivation to establish their own business and how these variables affect the actions undertaken in the host country. The study is based on the sample of 194 Chinese immigrants in their adopted host country, Australia. The findings of the survey suggest that the social environment within network marketing organizations positively affects self-efficacy, which in turn positively affects the entrepreneurial actions undertaken by Chinese immigrants in conducting their network marketing business. Social environmental influence impacts positively on their motivation to establish their own network marketing business and social competence. However the effects of motivation and social competence on entrepreneurial action were not supported. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence on migration and trade has established that permanent migration promotes trade. This finding has been interpreted as proof for the role of migrants in reducing trade‐related transaction costs such as contract enforcement costs or information costs. This paper contributes to improving our understanding of trade‐related transaction costs by analysing empirically whether temporary migrants, like permanent migrants, have an impact on bilateral trade flows. Temporary migrants can be expected to be less integrated in the host country than permanent migrants. At the same time, their knowledge of the home country can, on average, be expected to be more up‐to‐date. Our findings therefore give insights as to the relative importance of knowledge on the host and the home country for trade‐related transaction costs. Using a gravity approach in our empirical analysis, we find that temporary migration has a positive and significant effect on trade and that temporary migration tends to have a stronger and more significant effect on both imports and exports than permanent migration. Interestingly, the role of temporary migrants in reducing trade costs does not appear to be associated with their skills.  相似文献   

Diaspora has been increasingly recognized by practitioners and scholars as an important factor of development in developing economies. Through their remittances and expertise, diaspora members have become an important source of foreign direct investment and managerial capabilities. Although the literature is glutted with examples of the impact of diaspora in fostering international entrepreneurship and reducing poverty, a theoretical foundation and framework is needed to explain this impact. This study explores a theoretical foundation of the diaspora entrepreneurship. A framework identifying the determinants of the diaspora’s international new venture creation in the country of origin is developed. The study suggests that diaspora international entrepreneurship depends on the level of altruistic motivation, need of social recognition, entrepreneurial opportunities, friendliness and receptivity of the home country, as well as integration of and support to immigrants in the host countries. Propositions for diaspora entrepreneurship are developed.  相似文献   

Development economics, international business, and entrepreneurship literature suggest that foreign direct investment (FDI) has significant positive spillover effects for entrepreneurial activities of host economies. However, the findings of past research are mixed, and they do not always confirm this suggestion. We argue that the reason for conflicting findings may be because of an incomplete understanding of the factors that influence the FDI-entrepreneurship nexus in different contexts. Previous studies have carried out only limited exploration of the contingencies in the FDI and domestic entrepreneurship relationship that may depend on the host country’s institutional capacity. We argue that not all countries can reap the rewards from FDI equally. Rather, we hypothesize that countries need to have a sufficient degree of institutional capacity relevant to specific conditions and appropriate threshold levels to successfully capture the positive spillover effects of FDI on domestic entrepreneurship. Utilizing panel data from 2006 to 2016 for 97 emerging markets, developing and developed countries (at different income levels), and a System Generalized Method of Moments (SGMM) estimator that controls for instrument proliferation in dealing with endogeneity problems, we test this hypothesis. We find that FDI has a negative (crowding-out) effect on domestic entrepreneurship at below-threshold levels of institutional capacity, and a positive (crowding-in) effect at above-threshold levels of institutional capacity. The crowding-out effect diminishes as the institutional capacity changes or improves to meet mutating economic environment conditions. Our findings are robust across a wide range of aggregate and disaggregate measures of different types of institutions and alternative empirical strategies.  相似文献   

We examine how, and to what extent, migrants in a host country attract foreign direct investment (FDI) from firms based in their country of origin (CO). Introducing the notion of institutional affinity, we argue that increased institutional affinity and increased connectedness of institutional environments of migrants’ CO and country of residence, make a location attractive to CO firms. Empirical analysis of FDI and migration panel data shows that in addition to the traditional factors influencing FDI patterns, there is a collective migrant effect on FDI, and this effect is statistically significant and economically meaningful for migrants from developing countries.  相似文献   

Based on institutional theory, this study investigates the moderating effects of different types of managerial networking (political networking, financial networking, and business networking) on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and new venture performance in China. The study finds that political networking has a negative moderating effect on the positive relationship between EO and new venture performance, financial networking has an inverse U‐shaped impact, and business networking has a positive effect. The findings not only enrich our understanding of the impact of managerial networking on the performance implication of EO in new ventures, but also offer new ventures some guidance on how to use EO and different types of managerial networking to enhance performance in China's transition economy.  相似文献   

随着户籍制度的渐进式改革,中国逐渐释放了人口红利,促进了经济增长。在新的发展理念下,城市包容性,特别是提高对流动人口的包容性将成为引领经济发展的新动力。本文利用2016年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,从流动人口享受与本地居民同等公共服务和社会保障的程度来度量城市包容性,探究城市包容性对流动人口创业的作用。结果显示,城市包容性有助于促进流动人口创业,更高的城市包容性对创业层次有正向影响,而城市外部环境条件和劳动力个体的异质性对城市包容性影响创业决策有不同的调节效应。这些发现为我国城市制度改革和促进流动人口创业提供了重要的政策启示。  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of perceived age norms on the formation of entrepreneurial intentions in the third age. Age norms refer to those social norms that determine whether establishing and running a business are considered appropriate behavior for a mature individual. An empirical analysis of Finnish individuals finds that norms perceived as permissive of enterprising activity in the third age exert a significant positive influence on entrepreneurial intentions in this segment, even when controlling for the general level of entrepreneurship in the municipalities. This influence is partially mediated by whether the individual has a positive attitude toward entrepreneurship, by how the individual perceives their own ability to start and run a business, by the extent of support from their family and friends they perceive and by the importance of that support to them. Thus, if policy aims to increase enterprising activity in the third-age segment, the portfolio of instruments should include measures that address people’s general awareness of third-age entrepreneurship as a viable, positive and attractive late-career option.  相似文献   

This study contributes to expand the knowledge available on immigrant entrepreneurship. Consistent with the notion of entrepreneurship as a process, a qualitative exploration of information and experiences acquired by immigrants in the catering sector was performed to ascertain their role in discovering entrepreneurial opportunities. Our sample consisted of four cases of Latin American immigrants. The findings showed that the discovery process is based on the interrelation established between information per se and the experiences acquired throughout the migration periods. The knowledge acquired in their home country constituted the bases for our study, while that acquired in the host country is supplementary as it fine-tunes, expands, and influences the discovery process. Furthermore, findings revealed that immigrants trust information coming from their social environment and consider it sufficient to take a decision to set up a business. Finally, this study suggests further lines of inquiry.  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests hypotheses concerning the effect of migrant status and ethnicity on propensity to engage in entrepreneurship (defined as new business activity) at the individual level in the UK. The hypotheses are tested using bivariate analysis (Pearson tests of independence) and multivariate analysis (binary logistic regression). Bivariate analysis suggests that new business activity varies with migrant status and ethnicity. Multivariate analysis suggests that migration increases the odds of engaging in new business activity, that the independent effect of ethnicity is marginal, and that being a recent ethnic minority migrant decreases the odds, after controlling for other individual level factors. At the regional level, a preliminary analysis suggests that gross migration flow has a higher correlation with new business activity than other commonly used regional demographic or economic development measures.   相似文献   

This paper addresses transnational diaspora entrepreneurship (TDE), its superdiversity and respective formal identity and status. As migration increases, formal identity becomes a panacea for migrants’ economic participation and global entrepreneurial policies. Our review of TDE literature identified a lack of specification of TDE types and criteria. We develop a taxonomy and discuss TDE problems addressing formal identity, generation, mixed-origin, multi-location, diversity of migratory patterns and cross-border entrepreneurial business activities. Since policymaking employs formal status for impeding or facilitating cross-border venturing, it is crucial to reduce the ambiguity of terms and categories and facilitate more nuanced and accurate theorizing and policymaking.  相似文献   

文章通过使用2016年35个城市的上市公司微观数据,并匹配相应的营商环境指标和企业家才能指标数据,定量分析了企业家才能、营商环境对企业全要素生产率的影响。实证分析结果表明:企业家才能对企业全要素生产率影响存在着营商环境“门槛效应”,即企业家才能只有与一定的营商环境相结合,才会对企业全要素生产率提升产生积极作用;企业家才能对企业全要素生产率的影响存在着明显的区域差异和产业差异特征:沿海地区企业家才能对企业全要素生产率的影响要强于内陆地区企业家才能对企业全要素生产率的影响;企业家才能对传统产业企业全要素生产率影响大于对战略新兴产业企业全要素生产率影响。  相似文献   

The regional location of multinational corporation (MNC) subsidiaries in their host country and their associated entrepreneurial output and networking activities are likely to affect their economic development contribution, measured in terms of technology and management know-how transfers; enhancement of innovativeness of other firms; and company spinoffs. This theme has considerable research and public policy value. We investigate the issue drawing from a large-scale study of 264 MNC subsidiaries based in the UK. The findings show that activities in developed regions are associated with higher economic development contribution than those in less developed regions. Moreover, entrepreneurial output and networking with partners external to the MNC system positively affect economic development contribution. Key implications of this study are that entrepreneurship critically influences economic development contribution, underlying the importance of the MNC subsidiary research stream; and that the policy practice of supply-side measures fostering entrepreneurial output and embeddedness in local networks seems to be appropriate to pursue.  相似文献   

农民工创业经历了弱创业认知、创业情感、创业行为倾向三个阶段。不同阶段的农民工创业有不同表现。由于特殊的生活经历及工作环境,决定了农民工最初的创业行为大多属于生存型创业,表现为聚集性、灵活性、模仿性特点。对于农民工创业阶段、特征与适应性分析,需要在整体性视野中认识和把握,这有助于提升农民工创业水平。  相似文献   

Do individuals who are concerned by issues of sustainability also exhibit stronger entrepreneurial intentions? Given that existing imperfections in the market create numerous opportunities for entrepreneurship connected with sustainable development, adding individual sustainability orientation to models of entrepreneurial intention could increase their explanatory power. Based on survey data collected from engineering and business students and alumni of three universities, we provide evidence that entering sustainability orientation into the equation is actually meaningful. However, our findings suggest that the positive impact of sustainability orientation vanishes with business experience. Consequently, we suggest measures to nourish an evidently existing potential for sustainable entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

We use data from global entrepreneurship monitor to examine the act of entrepreneurial reentry by entrepreneurs who exit a failed business. We study reentry by mode of entry and by form of organizing. We find that, in countries where the levels of stigma and regulatory conveyance of stigma markings were at their highest, entrepreneurs who exited failed businesses were less likely to reenter into entrepreneurial activity. Our finding suggests that negative social and economic sanctions that are associated with stigma markings speak only to one side of the entrepreneurship phenomenon. On the other side, stigma can function as a stimulus for entrepreneurs to defy the illegitimacy of the failed business and to actively seek out and engage in innovative behaviors that contribute to the overall diversity of entrepreneurial activities in their country.  相似文献   

A lack of a sense of belonging in the host country has become one of the most common challenges facing international migrants in today's sociopolitical environment. Our two online experiments with 881 international migrant workers in the United States jointly demonstrate that, to cope with their lack of a sense of belonging in the host country, international migrants may spend money suboptimally: more on material purchases but less on experiential and prosocial purchases. More importantly, our studies suggest that prosocial purchases are more effective than experiential purchases in increasing international migrants’ subjective well-being. This is because prosocial purchases can lead to both relatedness need satisfaction and beneficence, with each independently contributing to international migrants’ subjective well-being. Our research suggests that public policymakers should address the social exclusion international migrants experience when moving to a new country because it can have a negative impact on their subjective well-being. Our research further suggests that one way to mitigate social exclusion is to encourage international migrants to spend money on others rather than themselves.  相似文献   

Over the past several years corporate entrepreneurship has been widely touted by executives and researchers alike as an effective means for revitalizing companies and improving their financial performance. For the most part, the call for greater entrepreneurial behavior on the part of established companies has been accepted on faith as an inherently desirable objective. The implicit logic behind the pervasive belief in the value of corporate entrepreneurship seems to be that risk taking, innovation, and aggressive competitive action—the key elements of entrepreneurial corporations—will help in identifying and pursuing lucrative product/market opportunities and in providing new bases for achieving superior competitive positions.But what do we really know about the financial consequences of corporate entrepreneurship? Most of the evidence that corporate entrepreneurship “pays off” is anecdotal in nature or based on cross-sectional studies that focus on the short-term implications of entrepreneurial behaviors. As such, in a definitive sense, we know very little about the financial consequences of corporate entrepreneurship.In an attempt to improve our understanding of this issue, this article describes a study of corporate entrepreneurship and its impact on company financial performance. Data were collected from three different samples over a seven-year period to assess the longitudinal impact of corporate entrepreneurship on firm performance. These samples consist of 24 medium-sized manufacturing firms representing 14 industry segments, 39 chemical companies, and 45 Fortune 500 industrial firms representing five industry segments. Data were gathered on each sample using both primary and secondary sources. Regression analysis was then used to analyze the data.The results suggest that corporate entrepreneurship has a positive impact on financial measures of company performance. This effect on performance, which tends to be modest over the first few years, increases over time, suggesting that corporate entrepreneurship may, indeed, be a generally effective means for improving long-term company financial performance. Moreover, the results indicate that corporate entrepreneurship is a particularly effective practice among companies operating in hostile environments (as opposed to benign environments).The study has three principal implications for practicing managers. First, the study documents the general financial viability of engaging in corporate entrepreneurship. This is not to suggest that corporate entrepreneurship is a panacea for improving financial performance. However, entrepreneurial behavior, when considered on the whole (i.e., across firms and industries), is associated with superior financial performance. Second, the study suggests a need to use a long-term time horizon in order to adequately judge the financial consequences of corporate entrepreneurship. The use of a shorter evaluation period may not allow sufficient time for entrepreneurial actions to have their full market and corresponding financial impact. Finally, the study identifies the context-specific character of effective entrepreneurial practice. Specifically, corporate entrepreneurship appears to be a particularly effective strategic practice among firms operating in hostile business settings.  相似文献   

More often than not, new ventures lack established products, known technologies, longstanding customer relations, experienced managerial teams, sufficient capital, and strong reputations. Almost by definition, small, new firms lack the resources of many larger, established firms. The task of an infant firm, and a measure of its success, is to make a transition from being resource weak to being resource strong.How can resources that are critical for profitable growth be acquired for the resource weak new venture? Researchers have found that entrepreneurs can gain access to valuable resources and they can seek to achieve competitive advantage through “networking activities.” Forming and utilizing available relationships with external organizations can allow entrepreneurs to build credibility, gain advice, financing, and customer access, build a positive image and obtain resources at below-market prices, and obtain channel access, information, and innovations. Business relationships with other organizations allow an entrepreneur to achieve desired business results through “asset parsimony.”A favorable view toward networking for new ventures leaves a number of unanswered questions, however. Relevant research questions might include, who should the entrepreneur seek as a business partner? Are all inter-organizational relationships equal, or are some types more valuable to new ventures than other relationships? Do firms relying on high levels of networking activities actually outperform firms that less actively seek resources through external organizational relationships?The present study provides a specific understanding of the concept of networking for entrepreneurs. We propose that networking can be understood in terms of “range,” the number of external relationships to obtain resources, and of “intensity,” the frequency of contact of and amount of resource obtained from these relationships. This research project evaluates the range and intensity of networking among high-growth and low-growth entrepreneurial ventures.Extensive interviewing with managers of six young technology-oriented firms in the People's Republic of China (PRC) affirmed the importance of entrepreneurial networking. Managers in the three high-growth firms reported greater range and intensity of business networking than did managers of three low-growth firms, matched by industry and age. Moreover, the relationship between networking activities and growth transcended the stage of firm development.Where networking range and intensity are deemed important in the growth process, new venture success may call for entrepreneurs to reach out deliberately to external organizations to capture needed resources. To a certain extent, such networking activities run counter to important entrepreneurial motivations of independence and autonomy. The concept of networking, and the results of this study, imply that entrepreneurs need to combine the spirit of independence with the reality of resource dependence, and they need to balance personal autonomy with strategic business relationships.This study also contributes to the understanding of entrepreneurship in our increasingly global economy, particularly in the PRC. Business relationships between the United States and the PRC have been expanding rapidly in the last decade. Many foreign businesses seek license agreements, joint venture partners, equity participation, or channel relationships with young ventures in that country. Do the same rules of networking apply in the PRC as the literature suggests apply in the United States? New ventures in this study were found to engage in processes of networking activities consistent with those in the West. Although networking activities may have different cultural roots, firm success appeared influenced by the same principles of networking.  相似文献   

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