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2006年飞兆半导体公司仍然执功率半导体领域的牛耳.飞兆CEO MarkThompson对本刊表示,去年我们在全球市场份额继续增长,中国业务表现强劲,并成为推动全球业务成长的动力源之一.他说,在2006年飞兆的战略包括了以应用为重点、开发基于解决方案的产品,并提供强而有力的设计支持和与客户全面合作.  相似文献   

一年来,尤其是最近一两个月的时间里,业界对于中国政府即将推出的半导体企业扶持政策,亦即媒体甚嚣尘上的所谓"新政"着实下了一番猜测的工夫.  相似文献   

甄荣辉曾经是跨国战略咨询公司贝恩中国区总裁,但他现在是专业招聘网站前程无忧网的CEO,因为拥有该公司37·"%股份,甄的"纸上财富"已经达到6338万美元。恐怕再也没有人会问他当年放弃百万年薪是否津憾的问题了。  相似文献   

<正>2021年6月16日,道达尔(Total)正式宣布更名为道达尔能源(Total Energies);10月11日,卡塔尔石油公司(Qatar Petroleum)宣布更名为卡塔尔能源公司(Qatar Energy);5月26日,壳牌在荷兰气候变化追责诉讼中败诉,随后对公司油气业务进行重大调整;同在5月26日,埃克森美孚、雪佛龙股东分别通过了有利于公司转型减碳的提案,未来公司整体政策将向新能源倾斜。  相似文献   

一夜北风紧,开门雪尚飘.1月21日,在河南油田水电厂古城开关站北一公里处,河南油田与专业风电公司北京天润合作开展的风力发电项目正在紧张施工.施工人员顶着寒风,冒着飞舞的雪花,将15米长的钢管打入地下.  相似文献   

从2001年至2003年,有关部门将通过职业指导和再就业培训,帮助1000万以上的下岗失业人员实现再就业。  劳动和社会保障部日前决定,在认真总结实施第一期“3年3000万”再就业培训计划的基础上,从2001年起组织实施第二期“3年3000万”再就业培训计划。根据这一计划,从2001年到2003年3年内,全国各地劳动和社会保障部门将组织1000万以上的下岗失业人员开展再就业培训,其中培训下岗职工400万人左右,培训失业人员600万人以上。培训合格率力争达到90%以上,培训后一定期限内的再就业率力争达到一半以上。  劳动和社会保障部实施的“3年…  相似文献   

去年7月,摩托罗拉决定将其无线平台售予全球各大手机生产商,这一做法引起外界很多质疑,纷纷质疑摩托罗拉这项竞争业者兼客房的新业务模式  相似文献   

定形机是印染生产过程中的关键装备和应用最普遍的设备之一,设备的性能直接影响到印染产品质量的好坏与能耗水平的高低.在"十三五"期间,印染行业能源利用效率持续提高,单位产品综合能耗下降15%,定形机的技术进步与迭代升级为此做出了很大贡献.  相似文献   

彭莉冰 《冶金财会》2021,(12):31-33,37
某国有控股上市公司的后勤服务性子公司(以下简称A公司)主要业务是为上市公司的职工家属提供生活物资零售服务,属于严格执行企业会计准则的非上市企业.实际经营中,A公司采用"奖励积分"的形式促销,在稳定客户和增加营收方面收效显著.然而,新收入准则实施后,由于"奖励积分"属于准则中规定的合同中的可变对价,存在客户使用奖励积分抵...  相似文献   

January to April this year, the economic operation of China’s textile industry overall in slowdown trend, the growth rate of output of major products fell significantly, exports and profits were greatly affected, the textile industry is facing great operating pressure. The export side, Japan, EU, U.S. textile and garment export growth has slowed down, the market share  相似文献   

According to customs statistics,in October of 2011,China’s textile and apparel trade reached 21.53 billion U.S.dollars,up 11.1%,in which exports $ 19.65 billion,a year on year increase of 10.4%,yet a month on month decline of  相似文献   

This paper identifies different university spin-off (USO) roles related to resource interaction among business parties. It does so by mapping how USOs become part of business networks in terms of their roles relative to other parties. The theoretical frame of reference focuses on roles and resource interaction based on an industrial network approach to business markets. The empirical research is based on five cases of USOs representing a variety in terms of technology, degree of newness, sector, and area of application. As a result of the analysis, three different roles are identified: the USO as resource mediator, resource re-combiner and resource renewer. These roles reflect how USOs adapt resources to, or require changes among, business parties' resources. The paper also discusses the main resource interfaces associated with the three roles and related challenges. The paper contributes to previous research through illustrating USOs' roles relative to business parties from a resource interaction point of view, and by pointing to the establishment of new companies in business networks as a way of implementing innovation. Finally, the paper discusses the managerial implications of the research in terms of the USO's need to understand which role to take and how to develop it.  相似文献   

“商君遗礼义,弃仁恩,并心于进取,行之二岁,秦俗日败。故秦人家富子壮则出分,家贫子壮则出赘”。——《汉书·贾谊传》  相似文献   

The paper's main purpose is to analyse newness and heritage, and what form it may take, in the context of university spin-offs (USOs). The empirical research is based on two cases of USOs generated from an Italian university. The case analysis provides an in-depth investigation of the conditions under which newness can be considered an asset rather than a liability, and sheds light on the role of heritage and how it is related to newness in spin-offs originating in an academic setting. The paper contributes to the literature on whether newness is to be considered a liability or an asset and enhances our understanding of heritage in the context of USOs. The study is also relevant to industrial marketing literature, as it addresses newness and heritage in business networks and affords the potential to better understand the two concepts and how they are linked. The paper demonstrates the existence of an interplay between heritage and newness that is manifest in the mitigating effects of the dimensions of heritage on those of newness: when the degree of heritage (in its various dimensions) is significant, the effects of newness are limited in terms of changes to the existing network, and vice versa.  相似文献   

过去一年,位于西雅图刚成立不久的芯片设计公司Impinj是新一代RFID芯片市场的唯一厂商。与以前的芯片相比,这种芯片的应用范围更广、速度更快、受到的干扰也更小。当大型芯片厂商.如NXP、ST和TI,花费估计数月的时间用于开发与之竞争的设备时,Impinj开发的廉价芯片已经卖出了上亿片,这些芯片被用于跟踪库存的无线ID标签中。  相似文献   

宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司成立于2002年11月。公司的前身宝鸡石油机械厂建厂于1937年,是我国石油行业最早、生产能力最强、规模最大的石油机械产品专业制造厂家。公司的主导产品为石油钻机、泥浆泵、防喷器及各类钻采配件等,现有员工2900余名,目前是我国石油钻井装备研制开发的主要基地。2004年,公司共生产成套钻机55台、泥浆泵323台,完成工业总产值10.08亿元,实现销售收入10.15亿元,  相似文献   

A micro-database that tracks individual establishments (plants) in the Canadian manufacturing sector through the 1970s is used to analyse the productivity growth slowdown and partial recovery that occurred over that decade. The data allow us to distinguish between the performance within individual plants and ‘structural’ changes, such as entry and exit and intra- and inter-industry shifts in the distribution of output as contributing factors to changes in productivity growth. The main finding is that fluctuations within plants were responsible for nearly all of the slowdown, and for most of the partial recovery, though the latter was also helped by a reallocation of output shares within manufacturing towards lower cost industries.  相似文献   

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