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中国四巾帼荣登《福布斯》“最具影响力女性榜”;美特斯·邦威上市 周成建父女“纸上富贵”超160亿元;李兆基投资碧桂园蒸发4亿港元;巴菲特欲抄中国股市底5亿美元投资遭拒绝;  相似文献   

李航 《商界》2008,(12):148-149
比2007年《福布斯》中国富豪榜,2008年富豪们的排名更具戏剧意味。 去年的首富,“碧桂园”大股东杨惠妍,一年之间资产蒸发千亿元.如今的财富目前只剩下151亿元人民币,财富缩水高达1060.5亿元。  相似文献   

李蕙聪 《信息与经营》2011,(8X):176-179
<正>教育地产演义业界一般认为最早采用教育地产经营思路的是1992年启动的广东顺德碧桂园项目。该项目率先导入"教育"概念,与北京景山学校成功合办广东碧桂园学校,1994年开学,当届就招收到1300多名学生。跳出地产做地产、"地产+教育"创新模式一时间令碧桂园名声大振。碧桂园以教育启动房地产引发了中国房地产业的第一次"革命",开创了教育地产先河。此后,"地产+教育"模式被地产开发企业广泛仿效,全国风行。1996年,北京王府公寓与景山学校合作办校,开创了  相似文献   

1.碧桂园上半年销售额584亿 8月19日,碧桂园控股有限公司在香港公布了上半年业绩。公告显示,2014年上半年碧桂园合同销售金额约人民币584.2亿,同比增长73.6%,占全年目标46%。碧桂园上半年有22个新盘开盘,下半年还计划推出37个新盘,对于全年1280亿的目标,碧桂园管理层表示“有信心完成”。  相似文献   

正碧桂园九龙湾8000亩养生大城金秋礼献北京9月19日,碧桂园九龙湾产品发布会暨"乐行"活动启动仪式在北京香格里拉酒店盛大举行。在发布仪式现场,碧桂园集团领导及碧桂园·九龙湾项目领导从碧桂园品牌、区域规划、产品户型、品质配套、国家一级资质物业等方面对九龙湾项目进行全方位讲解,把一个五星级的臻品呈献给北京。同时,碧桂园九龙湾2014年首届健康公益万人行活动也正式启动,凡到场  相似文献   

4月28日,《福布斯》中文版在上海正式公布了“2009中国慈善榜”榜单。世纪金源的黄如论以2.74亿元的现金捐赠额高居榜首。碧桂园的杨国强父女和特华投资控股的李光荣分别以2.25亿元和2亿元的捐赠额分获二三名。  相似文献   

碧桂园九龙湾 9月19日.碧桂园九龙湾产品发布会暨“乐行”活动启动仪式在北京香格里拉酒店盛大举行。 8000亩养生大城金秋礼献北京 在发布仪式现场,碧桂园集团领导及碧桂园·九龙湾项目领导从碧桂园品牌、区域规划、产品户型、品质配套、国家一级资质物业等方面对九龙湾项目进行全方位讲解,把一个五星级的臻品呈献给北京。同时.碧桂园九龙湾2014年首届健康公益万人行活动也正式启动,凡到场嘉宾均有机会成为碧桂园九龙湾“乐行”活动的首批体验者。  相似文献   

龙飞 《中国市场》2009,(3):39-39
<正>面对房地产业的冬天,碧桂园自有一套独具特色的御寒术。第三方机构的研究数据显示,2008前10个月,重拾廉价的碧桂园再度成为广东的淡市销售冠军。  相似文献   

<正>2013年,碧桂园销售额跃至1060亿元,这个2012年销售额才完成476亿元的房企,成为去年房企"千亿俱乐部"的大黑马。这个总部设在顺德北,最风光的时候一度进入到中国房地产公司的前三,但多数时间位列第二梯队,那2013年的"千亿碧桂园"究竟是如何炼就的呢?把"全民营销"这一法宝运用到极致,这就是"千亿碧桂园"最大的秘密。今年1月3日,碧桂园发布公告:2013年该公司及其附属公司共实现合同销售  相似文献   

2007年,碧桂园在香港上市。一个陌生年轻女孩子的名字,首次闯入公众的视野。作为碧桂园的大股东,年仅25岁的中国女房地产商,以高达160亿美元的身价,占领了中国首富榜。她就是广  相似文献   

曹康林  史进峰  邹玲 《中国市场》2012,(43):46-49,6
<正>今年5月24日,"2012胡润少壮派富豪榜"新鲜出炉,山西海鑫集团董事长李兆会以120亿的财富成为探花,位列碧桂园掌门人杨惠妍、方大集团董事局主席方威之后。对于31岁的李兆会而言,2012年并不平坦。2003年父亲李海仓遇刺身亡,李兆会仓促接班已近10年后,这位长期身隐于公众视野之外的"创二代"与演员车晓的婚姻维持不到2年时间。10年间,中国钢铁业由勃兴、疯狂扩张到产能过剩再到全行业亏损似乎只  相似文献   

俞晓兰 《中国市场》2010,(12):44-49
关注张兰只因心仪俏江南,拜访张兰源于慕名"LAN Club"。当味蕾的诱惑与视觉的盛宴同时占据大众的记忆,这个世上什么神话都可能发生。  相似文献   

作为"商二代"的代表人物——台湾经营之神王永庆的女儿,王雪红并没有继承父亲的资产,而是独立奋斗,开创事业,被《纽约时报》称为"全球科技界最有权势的女人"。她曾和英特尔前CEO安迪·葛鲁夫过招,创办的威盛电子与英特尔、AMD分庭抗礼,占据全球芯片业三分市场。她旗下的宏达国际,为谷歌手机代工,现已是全球最大的智能手机厂商。她说,父亲留下的最大资产就是做人做事的风范:踏踏实实,追根究底。作为乔布斯的挑战者,她觉得"我们应该可以领先苹果"。  相似文献   

Deborah Lunt had wanted to see a business building with her name on it since she was thirteen years old. She now wanted to build upon the reputation that she had earned through her twenty years in the hair-care industry. She decided to move from the upscale streets of Boston to the suburbs where she felt she could provide a more relaxed and personalized ambience. Deborah excels in hair cutting, color, styling, and her perceptiveness of what her clients want. She built her entire clientele through word-of-mouth and even after she relocated to the Boston suburbs, her clients continued to travel long distances to obtain her services. As Deborah sat in her office one day sipping mineral water between her appointments, she wondered how she could grow her client base. She started day dreaming and was suddenly brought back to the present with the “ding dong” at the door, and one of her clients and friend, a marketing professor at a nearby university, walked in for her monthly appointment. As Deborah cut and styled her client's hair, she shared her thoughts and dreams with her. The professor knew that Deborah was ambitious and hardworking, and that if she had a clear marketing plan, she could succeed in growing her business. The professor also knew that, although Deborah had left her job at an upscale hair salon in a high-end retailing location in the city (the most expensive street for shopping in Boston) to startup her own business, Deborah had done so without a written plan and only a vague vision for the future. The professor suggested to Deborah that she needed to put some effort into developing a viable written marketing plan.  相似文献   

秦伟 《中国市场》2012,(38):50-52,7
<正>她从小看着父亲辛苦创业,身上并无二代富家女的娇惯;她经过"四大"会计师事务所的历练,回到家族企业负责市场推广;她谨遵父亲的教导"给顾客最好的选择",自称是24小时待命的工作狂。她就是六福珠宝一号女掌门黄兰诗。"对不起,我来晚了。"比预定时间只迟了几分钟出现的黄兰诗,一点没有管理层的架子。浅棕色连衣裙,漆皮高跟鞋,精致的淡妆,还有不可缺少的自家首饰。她一边快步走进会议室,一边干练地递  相似文献   

陈树菊的"庶民善施"是当今社会关注点最为稀薄的地带。她人在海峡那边,其价值的彰显应该不完全以海峡为界。她的乐善好施之心、不弃涓滴的力行之举,不求闻达的简默性格,反映出草根民众其道德原乡的纯粹和质朴。她以简单的信念与行为启示人们,为善不在多少,起点就在当下。陈树菊以三五铜板的微利,倾其所有的执著善举,为社会良知和人类的德行点燃了一盏灯。而"庶民善施"的力量正是影响当下的力量,更是一种能够改变未来的力量。有位学人的话不无道理:陈树菊的"心灵力量"是很多人缺乏的公共意识与社会责任,倘若大家都能学习她的精神,就可降低失业率、自杀率,甚至脱离贫穷。  相似文献   

王薇 《中国市场》2011,(30):24-29
<正>【人物简介】胡馨方,1984年出生,河南新乡人,现任久星集团董事长。2005年毕业于公安大学治安管理专业;2007年获得清华大学工商管理专业EMBA学位。2008年开始接触国家太阳能光伏发电项目,2009年具体申办并实施建设了大型"金太阳"光伏发电项目。2010年2月,久星集团旗下的管理咨询公司成立。2010年初,涉足矿产行业。2011年,集团旗下的汽车配件公司与奇瑞公司达成合作。在河南参与南水北调工程两期。  相似文献   

周南 《中国市场》2012,(47):20-25,4
<正>【人物简介】张庆,北京达博资产管理有限公司CEO,天宝世家(香港)珠宝股份有限公司执行董事上海财经大学国际金融专业获经济学博士,中国地质大学资源产业经济专业博士曾在国内大型金融集团内担任投资部总经理职务,负责资金的投资与运用管理;曾任职于中央企业,二届中央企业青联委员,三届中央企业青联常委,中央企业青年科技工作者协会副主席兼秘书长主要社会职务有中国收藏家协会玉器委员会副主任,北京市青联委员等北京达博资产管理有限公司是一家专注于股权投资及管理的专业机构,目前主要从事的有科技金融股权投资和文化产业投资及艺术品投资顾问服务,牵头发起了中国资源性艺术品基金等。  相似文献   

This paper examines the professions as examples of “moral community” and explores how professional leaders possessed of moral intelligence can make a contribution to enhance the ethical fabric of their communities. The paper offers a model of ethical leadership in the professional business sector that will improve our understanding of how ethical behavior in the professions confers legitimacy and sustainability necessary to achieving the professions’ goals, and how a leadership approach to ethics can serve as an effective tool for the dissemination of moral values in the organization. Dr. Linda M. Sama is Director of the Center for International Business Development and Associate Professor of Management at Pace University’s Lubin School of Business. She earned her Ph.D. in Strategic management from the City University of New York and her MBA in International Finance from McGill University. She was awarded the 1999 Lasdon Dissertation Award for her doctoral dissertation on corporate social response strategies and the Abraham Briloff Award of Best Paper in Business Ethics at the City University of New York in 1998. Dr. Sama made a transition to academe after a lengthy career in industry, where she acted as Director of Market Planning and Logistics for a major international subsidiary of Transamerica Corporation. She teaches primarily in the areas of International Business, Strategic Managements and Business Ethics, and has taught at Baruch College and the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) prior to coming to Pace in the fall of 2001. At UTEP, she was designated as the Skno International Business Ethics Scholar from 1999–2001. She has published numerous articles and book chapters that address issues of corporate social responsibility, business and the natural environment, integrative social contracts theory, and business ethics dilemmas in the new economy. Her research appears in journals such as The Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business and Society Review, The Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, and the International Journal of Value-Based Management. She has also published research for the U.S. Department of Transportation related to the effects of NAFTA on U.S. – Mexico border logistics and has consulted to business clients on Strategic Planning, Global Leadership and Business Ethics. Dr. Victoria Shoaf is an Associate Professor and Assistant Chair of the Department of Accounting and Taxation at St. John’s University. She received her Ph.D. in Business, with a specialization in Accounting, from Baruch College of the City University of New York in 1997; she was awarded the 1997 Lasdon Dissertation Award. Prior to joining St. John’s University on a full-time basis, Dr.Shoaf worked for over fifteen years in the retail industry with merchandising firms. Her expertise is in establishing effective accounting systems and controls, including operational functions such as order entry and fulfillment, inventory control, point-of-sale data transfers and sales audit, as well as financial accounting functions. She has held controllership positions at Laura Ashley, Inc., Greeff Fabrics, Inc., and Tie Rack, Inc. While working in industry and while completing her doctoral degree, Dr. Shoaf taught accounting courses as an adjunct instructor at Pace University and at Baruch College. She received a commendation from the dean at Pace University for teaching excellence, and she was awarded a Graduate Teaching Fellowship at Baruch College. She currently serves on several professional committees, and she has provided consulting services in accounting education and training programs for several large employers.  相似文献   

When does an English businessman's ‘yes’really mean ‘no’, ‘maybe’, ‘later’, or perhaps ‘probably not’? And how much of this is unethical stringing along or part of a puzzling English business culture? Why can't they say what they mean? Dr Djursaa is Associate Professor with responsibility for British political and social studies at the Business Language Faculty of Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have 15, DK-2000 Copenhagen F, Denmark. She gained her doctorate at the University of Essex and spent a period as visiting fellow at Cranfield School of Management. Her major field of research, on which she here reflects, is cultural factors in Anglo-Danish business relations.  相似文献   

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