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Cooperation is an approach of improving competitive advantages of a supply chain. A two-echelon supply chain consisting of a manufacturer and a retailer for a single-period product is studied, and retail-market demand uncertainty is described by coefficient of variation. We develop a cooperation mechanism to address the cooperation and its implementation between the manufacturer and the retailer, two market situations are considered: (i) the wholesale price and the order quantity are decision variables, (ii) the wholesale and the retail prices as well as the order quantity are decision variables. In both market situations, our research shows that: (1) the cooperation mechanism can improve the overall channel profits and the supply chain members’ allocated profits, (2) the described cooperation is conditional on retail-market demand uncertainty: it can be implemented if, and only if, the fluctuation of retail-market demand is relatively small and coefficient of variation of retail-market demand does not exceed an upper bound. Impacts of retail-market demand uncertainty on wholesale price, order quantity and/or retail price have also been investigated through analytical and numerical analyses. Although our research is based on the assumption that the manufacturer dominates the supply chain in the non-cooperative situation, which is not the case for most retailer-driven supply chains, this research is still significant on providing guidelines for practitioners in current China mid-level car market that is similar to situations described in the paper.  相似文献   

To attract and keep customers, companies, especially those in e-business, are increasingly offering free shipping to buyers whose order sizes exceed the free shipping quantity. In this paper, given the supplier offers free shipping and the retailer faces stochastic demand, we determine the retailer's (i.e., the newsvendor's) optimal order quantity and the optimal selling price simultaneously. We consider two different ways in which price affects the demand distribution, namely price only affects the location or scale of the demand distribution. We explicitly incorporate the supplier's quantity discount and transportation cost into the models. The transportation cost function is very general, which includes those most commonly used in the literature. We numerically examine the impacts of free shipping, quantity discount, transportation cost, and demand variance on the retailer's optimal order quantity and pricing decisions. We find that even though the retailer faces uncertain demand, free shipping can effectively encourage the retailer to order more of the good and can benefit the supplier, the retailer, and the end customers. An increase in transportation cost or a decrease in purchase price will induce the retailer to order more of the good and decrease the retail price. With increasing demand variance, the retailer should order more of the good. We also find that the newsvendor can cope with demand variance by taking advantage of free shipping.  相似文献   

Inventory control in a two-level supply chain with risk pooling effect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We consider an inventory control problem in a supply chain consisting of a single supplier, with a central distribution center (CDC) and multiple regional warehouses, and multiple retailers. We focus on the problem of selecting warehouses to be used among a set of candidate warehouses, assigning each retailer to one of the selected warehouses and determining replenishment plans for the warehouses and the retailers. For the problem with the objective of minimizing the sum of warehouse operation costs, inventory holding costs at the warehouses and the retailers, and transportation costs from the CDC to warehouses as well as from warehouses to retailers, we present a non-linear mixed integer programming model and develop a heuristic algorithm based on Lagrangian relaxation and subgradient optimization methods. A series of computational experiments on randomly generated test problems shows that the heuristic algorithm gives relatively good solutions in a reasonable computation time.  相似文献   

To maximize customer value created by a supply chain system as a whole, one of the key issues in supply chain management is how to have profit and benefit properly shared between partners in an effective manner of the supply chain integration. In this regard, information sharing between partners plays a rather important role in business process and management integration of the supply chain. The paper focuses on analyzing the value created from information sharing by decreasing inventory level and on investigating the collaborative mechanism of providing incentive to retailer by upstream partner via sharing profit gained information sharing in the context of three-echelon supply chain system. The issue of dealing with the interest conflict between the supply chain as a whole and individual partners is addressed based on information sharing analysis by means of cooperative game approach, a graphic model with three-dimensions is developed to depict the possible cooperative solutions of profit allotment between partners, and a problem solving method addressing how the profit allotment between partners can effectively motivate the partners to be cooperative with each other is presented as well.  相似文献   

We consider the design of full return contract in a simple supply chain with a risk-free manufacturer and a risk-neutral retailer. In this problem, the ordering quantity and the rebate price for unsold products are determined by the retailer and the manufacturer, respectively. We propose an optimal solution procedure in centralized and decentralized decision making environments considering when the information sharing among the retailer and the manufacturer is partial. We provide numerical examples to explain the proposed solution procedures.  相似文献   

Organizations increasingly rely on information technology (IT) to improve the supply chain process. Yet, past evidence suggests that the investment in IT per se does not guarantee enhanced organizational performance. Drawing from the resource-based view, this study proposes that IT-enabled supply chain capabilities are firm-specific, and hard-to-copy across organizations. These capabilities can serve as a catalyst in transforming IT-related resources into higher value for a firm. Based on data collected from surveying supply chain and logistics managers in various industries, the present study sheds light on these issues. The findings provide a new perspective in evaluating IT investment in the supply chain process.  相似文献   

Trade promotion has a significant impact on the retail business, particularly in the fashion sectors. Manufacturers have traditionally been concerned with the inefficiency of trade promotion due to the low pass-through rate of the trade deals from retailers to customers. The scan-back (SB) trade deal, which monitors a retailer's sales via an IT system, benefits the manufacturer, but may or may not benefit the retailer. We provide insight into when a retailer in a two-stage supply chain has incentive to accept the SB trade deal. We show that (1) the manufacturer and the entire supply chain can always benefit from the SB trade deal while the retailer benefits only under some conditions, and that (2) both the retailer and the manufacturer can benefit from the SB trade deal if the SB deal is accompanied by a buyback (BB) contract. We examine the effect of a retailer's confidential pass-through rate on both the retailer's and the manufacturer's incentives to use the SB trade deal.  相似文献   

This paper develops a conceptual framework for choosing the most cost-effective intervention along the supply chain to improve food safety. This framework identifies both the initial level of on-farm infection and the potential for new infection post farm-gate as key parameters influencing the relative effectiveness of on-farm and abattoir interventions. In addition, the potential for cost economies of scale in implementing interventions at abattoir compared to on-farm is shown to be a further factor determining the relative cost-effectiveness of these interventions. Overall, it is suggested by the analysis in this paper that successful abattoir interventions will typically be more cost-effective than successful on-farm interventions. These findings are consistent with existing case study evidence.  相似文献   

We present a strategic safety stock placement model in supply chain design for assembly-type product with due-date based demand, where demand data are based on dates when company has to ship to customers rather than order receiving dates. We formulate multi-echelon stock placement by guaranteed-service model with demand propagation equations through backward explosion, where demand can be either stationary or nonstationary. The stock placement model is incorporated into network design problem and its optimization procedure is provided. We show effectiveness of the optimization procedure and other significant features of the model through numerical examples of a machinery product supply chain.  相似文献   

Supply chain integration is widely considered by both practitioners and researchers a vital contributor to supply chain performance. The two key flows in such relationships are material and information. Previous studies have addressed information integration and material (logistics) integration in separate studies. In this paper, we investigate the integrations of both information and material flows between supply chain partners and their effect on operational performance. Specifically, we examine the role of long-term supplier relationship as the driver of the integration. Using data from 232 Australian firms, we find that logistics integration has a significant effect on operations performance. Information technology capabilities and information sharing both have significant effects on logistics integration. Furthermore, long-term supplier relationships have both direct and indirect significant effects on performance; the indirect effect via the effect on information integration and logistics integration.  相似文献   

A two-stage model for the design of supply chain networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research aims to develop an analytical model of the supplier selection process in designing a supply chain network. The constraints on the capacity of each potential supplier are considered in the process. The assumed objective of the supply chain is to minimize the level of customer dissatisfaction, which is evaluated by two performance criteria: (i) price and (ii) delivery lead time. The overall model operates at two levels of decision-making: the operational level and the chain level. The operational level concerns decisions related to optimizing the manufacturing and logistical activities of each potential supplier in order to meet the customer's requirements. At the chain level, all the bids from potential suppliers are evaluated and the final configuration of the supply chain is determined. The structure of the chain depends on the product specifications and on the customer's order size. An optimal solution in terms of the models for the two levels can be obtained by using a mixed-integer programming technique.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a conceptual model for a firm's capability to calibrate supply chain knowledge (CCK). Knowledge calibration is achieved when there is a match between managers’ ex ante confidence in the accuracy of held knowledge and the ex post accuracy of that knowledge. Knowledge calibration is closely related to knowledge utility or willingness to use the available ex ante knowledge: a manager uses the ex ante knowledge if he/she is confident in the accuracy of that knowledge, and does not use it or uses it with reservation, when the confidence is low. Thus, knowledge calibration attained through the firm's CCK enables managers to deal with incomplete and uncertain information and enhances quality of decisions. In the supply chain context, although demand- and supply-related knowledge is available, supply chain inefficiencies, such as the bullwhip effect, remain. These issues may be caused not by a lack of knowledge but by a firm's lack of capability to sense potential disagreement between knowledge accuracy and confidence. Therefore, this paper contributes to the understanding of supply chain knowledge utilization by defining CCK and identifying a set of antecedents and consequences of CCK in the supply chain context.  相似文献   

Trust is identified as a significant predictor of positive performance in business relationships. On the premise that the effects of trust have not been given the deserved scholarly attention in the supply chain context, this paper investigates the effects of trust on innovativeness and supply chain performance. The hypothesised model is operationalised with survey data and analysed using structural equation modelling. The findings add credence to the positive effects of trust and identify trust and innovativeness as antecedents to higher performance in the supply chain.  相似文献   

Evaluation of postponement in the soluble coffee supply chain: A case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper, through a case study, evaluates postponement as an option to improve supply chain performances in a soluble coffee manufacturer. The main focus of the paper is on the development of a numerical data-driven methodology for quantifying the benefits of postponement obtained from the total inventory reduction. Our study shows that significant cost savings are achievable by delaying the labelling and packaging processes until actual orders from retailers are known. These savings include the reduction of the cycle stock, safety stock, and obsolete stock unsold from promotional events. We also discuss the cost implications of the proposed configuration that may offset the estimated potential benefits. The methodology presented in this paper can also be used in many other supply chains, particularly in the food industry with similar environments. This paper contributes to the literature in extending the very short list of published work presenting a systematic methodology of characterising the postponement benefits in real world settings and driven by numerical data.  相似文献   

Strategic management and supply chain management (SCM) have overlapping interests, yet there has been little exchange between them. We examine areas of overlap and suggest how insights from each field can complement and support the other. Specifically, several of strategic management's theories and its emphasis on explaining firm profits should be useful to SCM. SCM offers to strategic management a new level of analysis and possibly a new type of organization. Overall, we argue that increased interaction between these important areas will benefit knowledge development in both and thereby enhance organizations' ability to meet their goals.  相似文献   

Manufacturers need to satisfy consumer demands in order to compete in the real world. This requires the efficient operation of a supply chain planning. In this research we consider a supply chain including multiple suppliers, multiple manufacturers and multiple customers, addressing a multi-site, multi-period, multi-product aggregate production planning (APP) problem under uncertainty. First a new robust multi-objective mixed integer nonlinear programming model is proposed to deal with APP considering two conflicting objectives simultaneously, as well as the uncertain nature of the supply chain. Cost parameters of the supply chain and demand fluctuations are subject to uncertainty. Then the problem transformed into a multi-objective linear one. The first objective function aims to minimize total losses of supply chain including production cost, hiring, firing and training cost, raw material and end product inventory holding cost, transportation and shortage cost. The second objective function considers customer satisfaction through minimizing sum of the maximum amount of shortages among the customers’ zones in all periods. Working levels, workers productivity, overtime, subcontracting, storage capacity and lead time are also considered. Finally, the proposed model is solved as a single-objective mixed integer programming model applying the LP-metrics method. The practicability of the proposed model is demonstrated through its application in solving an APP problem in an industrial case study. The results indicate that the proposed model can provide a promising approach to fulfill an efficient production planning in a supply chain.  相似文献   

A supply chain as a series of filters or amplifiers of the bullwhip effect   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The bullwhip effect refers to the phenomenon of amplification and distortion of demand in a supply chain. By eliminating or controlling this effect, it is possible to increase product profitability reducing useless costs such as stock-out and obsolescence costs. The main focus of this work is to study a single-product serial supply chain in which a control parameter can switch the chain from a series of filters to a series of amplifiers of the bullwhip effect and to analyse how the optimal values of the parameters change when discontinuities in order policy are considered. Furthermore, it is also shown that the bullwhip itself it is not a good index of the chain's performance, because it does not consider the oscillations that occur in the inventories, which also may affect the supply-chain performance.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-echelon dual-channel supply chain model with setup of production and delivery and develops a new inventory control policy for the supply chain. Previously, a two-echelon supply chain model without setup of production and delivery is considered and a one-for-one inventory control policy is applied to the supply chain. In the inventory control policy, production is stopped when the warehouse inventory reaches the upper limit and is started again immediately after the inventory drops below the limit. Moreover, delivery to the retailer is stopped when the store inventory reaches the upper limit and is started again immediately after the inventory drops below the limit. The total cost that consists of inventory holding costs and lost sales cost is considered, and setup costs are not considered in the total cost. Once setup costs are introduced, the one-for-one inventory control policy is no longer appropriate. Then, this paper develops a new control policy for the two-echelon dual-channel supply chain with setup of production and delivery. As performance measure, the total cost that consists of inventory holding costs, lost sales cost, and production and delivery setup costs is considered, and the total cost calculated on the basis of Markov analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed control policy.  相似文献   

Incentive scheme and co-ordination policy are substantial components for the co-ordination of a decentralized supply chain system, but there is little work combining the two components as a single decision model (Li and Wang, 2007). This paper proposes a model which incorporates both incentive and co-ordination issues into a single co-ordination model for a single-vendor multi-buyer supply chain. In the proposed model, the co-ordination is achieved by synchronizing ordering and production cycles while price discount, which is based on the buyers’ order intervals, is used as the incentive to motivate buyers to participate in the co-ordination. While the vendor is benefited from the co-ordination by synchronized cycles, the proposed price discount scheme can guarantee that a buyer’s total relevant cost of co-ordination will be reduced when compared with independent optimization. More importantly, the proposed price discount scheme does not require any cost information from the buyers.  相似文献   

This study has empirically tested a framework identifying the causal links among supply chain management (SCM) and information systems (IS) practices, SCM–IS related inhibiting factors and operational performance based on a sample of 203 manufacturing SMEs operating in the manufacture of fabricated metal products and general purpose machinery within the greater metropolitan area of Istanbul in Turkey. Moderating effect of SCM and IS related enabling factors on the above mentioned relationships is also investigated in this study. Tests of hypotheses indicate that both SCM and IS practices positively and significantly influence the operational performance of sample firms. The results of the structural model also indicate a strong support for negative relationships between SCM–IS related inhibitors and the implementation levels of both SCM and IS practices. Similarly, a strong support was found for the hypothesized negative relationship between SCM–IS inhibitors and operational performance of SMEs. Finally, we verified the moderating impact of SCM–IS enablers on the link between SCM practices and operational performance. A similar moderating impact was also found with regard to the relationship between IS practices and operational performance.  相似文献   

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