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In the paper, we develop a model of manufacturing and distribution supply chains that are operating to meet price-sensitive random demand for products with short life cycles such as fashion products. Two specific scenarios are considered. The manufacturer-controlled scenario is one where the distributor shares price-sensitive random demand with the manufacturer, and the manufacturer controls the supply chain stocking decisions and bears the risk of overstocking costs. The distributor-controlled scenario works in the opposite direction. Prevailing wisdom suggests that the manufacturer should control supply chain decisions (e.g., via vendor-managed inventory). Our results indicate that such an arrangement is against the interest of a distributor selling short life-cycle products. Furthermore, we find that the total supply chain profit is generally higher when the distributor controls the supply chain stocking decisions and bears the risk of overstocking costs.  相似文献   

The Italian industry of fashion goods is a business worth 67.6€ billion in 2006 (Il Sole 24ore, January 10, 2007), of which about 26€ billion is due to the luxury segment. Marketing gurus state that “consumers everywhere at every income level want more luxury” [Danziger, P.N., 2005. Let them Eat the Cake: Marketing Luxury to the Masses as well as the Classes. Dearborn Trade Publishing, Chicago]: therefore, companies should move brands towards a higher positioning and add more valuable features to products and services, but this cannot be obtained only by means of marketing efforts. Which is the role of operations and supply chain management in luxury fashion companies’ success? This paper presents the results of the exploratory stage of a research project ongoing at Politecnico di Milano and dealing with supply chain management in the luxury fashion industry. In total, 12 Italian luxury fashion retailers have been studied in order to describe the main features of operations and supply chain strategies in the luxury fashion segment and to identify their role with respect to the relevant critical success factors.  相似文献   

Optimal inventory and pricing policies for remanufacturable leased products   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we consider a company which leases new products and also sells remanufactured versions of the new product that become available at the end of their lease periods. When the amount of end-of-lease items in stock is not sufficient to meet the demand for remanufactured products, the firm may purchase additional cores from a third-party supplier. We develop a dynamic programming formulation for determining the optimal price of remanufactured products, and optimal payment structure for the leased products. Our objective is to maximize the discounted system-wide profit over a finite horizon. The profit function consists of revenues that are obtained from remanufactured product sales and leasing, remanufacturing and manufacturing costs, inventory holding and shortage costs. We consider a consumer choice based demand model for mapping a potential customer into one of the product segments (a remanufactured product customer or a customer for a leased product with a particular lease period) for a given price/lease payment vector. We explore several properties of the discounted profit function and provide insight on the behavior of pricing and inventory policies. We also investigate the effect of key product characteristics such as deterioration in age, cost of shortage in remanufacturable product inventory, and key market characteristics such as relative willingness-to-pay for buying a remanufactured product and relative willingness-to-pay for leasing a new product on optimal pricing policies through a computational study.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the joint pricing and procurement of fashion products in the existence of clearance markets. It is assumed that the expected regular season demand is a linear decreasing function of the price and the end of period excess inventory is sold at a known discounted price in a clearance market where the demand is a random variable that follows a general distribution. It is shown that the expected profit function is unimodal and the optimal procurement quantity and price can be found from the first order conditions. Existence of a clearance market increases the profit, price, and the procurement quantity. In order to prove this, the optimal procurement and pricing policy of a price-setting retailer who does not have a clearance market is provided. As opposed to the literature, it is shown that the expected profit function of this problem is unimodal as well. A numerical study demonstrating the magnitude of the increase in profit, procurement quantity, and price is reported.  相似文献   

In hybrid control systems for simultaneous remanufacturing of used products and manufacturing of new ones, the two operations are not directly interconnected if remanufactured items are downgraded and have to be sold in markets different from those for new products. Sometimes a connection between these markets is given by a downward substitution property which allows the producer to offer a new item instead of a remanufactured one in case of a shortage of a remanufactured product. Thus, shortage costs can be avoided, but a loss in profit due to sale of a high-graded product at the price of a low-graded one has to be accepted. For a single-period problem with stochastic returns of used products and stochastic demands of serviceable ones, it is shown how the manufacturing and remanufacturing decisions have been coordinated in order to maximize the total expected profit. It turns out that under strictly proportional costs and revenues a medium-simple ‘order-up-to policy’ with two parameters and two parameter functions is optimal. However, optimal policies in situations where manufacturing leadtimes exceed leadtimes for remanufacturing turn out to be different from those in the opposite leadtime case. The research presented combines methods for policy analysis in stochastic manufacturing/remanufacturing problems and in stochastic inventory control problems with substitutable products.  相似文献   

Trade promotion has a significant impact on the retail business, particularly in the fashion sectors. Manufacturers have traditionally been concerned with the inefficiency of trade promotion due to the low pass-through rate of the trade deals from retailers to customers. The scan-back (SB) trade deal, which monitors a retailer's sales via an IT system, benefits the manufacturer, but may or may not benefit the retailer. We provide insight into when a retailer in a two-stage supply chain has incentive to accept the SB trade deal. We show that (1) the manufacturer and the entire supply chain can always benefit from the SB trade deal while the retailer benefits only under some conditions, and that (2) both the retailer and the manufacturer can benefit from the SB trade deal if the SB deal is accompanied by a buyback (BB) contract. We examine the effect of a retailer's confidential pass-through rate on both the retailer's and the manufacturer's incentives to use the SB trade deal.  相似文献   

In this paper, we developed a new model of oligopolistic competition for fashion supply chains in the case of differentiated products with the inclusion of environmental concerns. The model assumes that each fashion firm's product is distinct by brand and the firms compete until an equilibrium is achieved. Each fashion firm seeks to maximize its profits as well as to minimize its emissions throughout its supply chain with the latter criterion being weighted in an individual manner by each firm. The competitive supply chain model is network-based and variational inequality theory is utilized for the formulation of the governing Nash equilibrium as well as for the solution of the case study examples. The numerical examples illustrate both the generality of the modeling framework as well as how the model and computational scheme can be used in practice to explore the effects of changes in the demand functions; in the total cost and total emission functions, as well as in the weights.  相似文献   

A large proportion of consumer returns fall into the category of false failure returns, which refer to returns without functional defects. In this paper, we consider profits resulting from exerting costly effort to reduce false failure returns in a reverse supply chain. The supply chain as a whole has a strong incentive to reduce such returns for cost saving. However, retailers typically enjoy a full credit provided by suppliers for returns, so they may not have sufficient incentives to exert enough effort for supply chain profit maximization. In some scenarios retailers may even have the motivation to encourage such returns. We suggest using a coordination contract to resolve this profit conflict. We introduce a quantity discount contract which specifies a payment to the retailer with an amount exponentially decreasing in the number of returns. We present explicit forms of such contracts given different assumptions about the distribution of the number of returns. We also prove that the contract is Pareto improving. Besides, it is shown that when the contract is applied in a closed-loop supply chain, it can deter retailer's potential incentive to encourage returns. Moreover, some modifications of the contract can lead to easy allocation of supply chain profit.  相似文献   

Sustainability issues are particularly sensitive to the fashion supply chain, given current fierce competition, intensive resource use, and the exposure of penurious labour conditions in some regions.In this paper, we discuss how the sustainability movement is impacting the fashion retail supply chain organisation and its performance. We carried out a study with stakeholders of the fashion industry and we report on their views. We elaborate on the challenges and conflicts of the different dimensions of sustainability, and we discuss how to leverage both the internal and external organisations in the European supply chain.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two major issues for industries; the product design and the supply chain design. These problems are usually solved separately, but in recent years, approaches were proposed to tackle these two problems together. In this paper, we investigate more precisely the links between the standardization of products or components, and the design of the supply chain. First, we show on a little example that there is a great interest to consider simultaneously these two decisions, and that solving these interdependent problems separately could result in a suboptimal, or even a bad, decision. Then, on a simplified problem issued from an industrial case study, we outline the impact of standardization choices on the structure of the supply chain and the gain that can be obtained from solving the problem as a unique compound optimization model. To illustrate the solutions of the problem, we propose graphics in order to visualize, in function of quantities and/or transportation costs, the best decision for the product standardization and for the supply chain design. Graphics also permit to anticipate the impacts of a variation of either quantities or transportation costs, from a specific situation. Such graphics they could be used in a decision aid tool to help companies in their choices. Finally, we show that costs and supply chain structure are highly impacted.  相似文献   

Newsvendor models have been well-established for studying supply chain management problems with fashionable products. In this paper, we explore the mean-downside-risk (MDR) and mean-variance (MV) newsvendor models under both the exogenous and endogenous retail price decision cases. We first construct analytical models with the MDR and MV objectives. We then show that the analytical solution schemes for both the MDR and MV problems are the same. With the measures for sustainability such as the expected quantity of goods leftover, the expected sales to expected goods leftover ratio, the rate of return on investment, and the probability of achieving a pre-determined profit target, we proceed to compare the levels of sustainability by the fashion retailers which employ the mean-risk and the risk neutral models. Insights are generated.  相似文献   

We consider an inventory and production planning problem with uncertain demand and returns, in which the product return process is integrated into the manufacturing process over a finite planning horizon. We first propose an inventory control model for the return and remanufacturing processes with consideration of the uncertainty of the demand and returns. Then a robust optimization approach is applied to deal with the uncertainty of the problem through formulating a robust linear programming model. Moreover, properties on the robust optimization model are studied, and an equivalent robust optimization model based on duality theory is obtained which allows the solutions to be derived more efficiently. Finally, we provide a set of numerical examples to verify the effectiveness of the approach and analyze the effects of the key parameters on the solutions.  相似文献   

This paper explores the economic roles of resale price maintenance (RPM) in supply chains for a specific product, when consumers have taste heterogeneity and the manufacturer faces demand uncertainty. Two transaction schemes within supply chains are compared: (1) RPM, and (2) decentralized pricing in a competitive market environment. With decentralized pricing, a manufacturer loses the incentive to produce a product in categories where the probability that the manufacturer fails to design the product as suitable to public tastes of consumers is high. However, RPM resolves the problem and induces the manufacturer to supply the good, bringing positive surplus to consumers.  相似文献   

To attract and keep customers, companies, especially those in e-business, are increasingly offering free shipping to buyers whose order sizes exceed the free shipping quantity. In this paper, given the supplier offers free shipping and the retailer faces stochastic demand, we determine the retailer's (i.e., the newsvendor's) optimal order quantity and the optimal selling price simultaneously. We consider two different ways in which price affects the demand distribution, namely price only affects the location or scale of the demand distribution. We explicitly incorporate the supplier's quantity discount and transportation cost into the models. The transportation cost function is very general, which includes those most commonly used in the literature. We numerically examine the impacts of free shipping, quantity discount, transportation cost, and demand variance on the retailer's optimal order quantity and pricing decisions. We find that even though the retailer faces uncertain demand, free shipping can effectively encourage the retailer to order more of the good and can benefit the supplier, the retailer, and the end customers. An increase in transportation cost or a decrease in purchase price will induce the retailer to order more of the good and decrease the retail price. With increasing demand variance, the retailer should order more of the good. We also find that the newsvendor can cope with demand variance by taking advantage of free shipping.  相似文献   

This paper studies the pricing problem of substitutable products in a supply chain with one manufacturer and two competitive retailers. The consumer demands and manufacturing costs are of uncertainty, which are described by fuzziness. Based on different market structures, one centralized pricing model and three decentralized pricing models are developed, and the corresponding analytical equilibrium solutions are obtained using the game-theoretic approach. Finally, numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results, and to gain additional managerial insights.  相似文献   

The problem of optimal joint pricing and advertising decision making for a new product facing potential competitive entry has received inadequate attention. We propose a model that attempts to find the optimal price-advertising frontier in the face of potential competitive entry that maximizes total discounted profits for pre- and post-entry periods. We find that a firm would charge the price that equates price elasticity to marginal revenue product of advertising (as predicted by [Dorfman, R. and Steiner, P.O. (1954), Optimal Advertising and Optimal Quality, American Economic Review, 44(5), 826-836.]) only when the potential effects of pricing and advertising on its market share are not considered. Under optimal conditions, aware that market share is subject to erosion, the firm charges a somewhat lower price than the profit maximizing price, and sets an advertisement expense that is somewhat higher than the profit-maximizing advertising level as predicted by Cournot's monopolistic setting. We illustrate the applicability of our model using business product examples taken from several industries including operating systems, software, pharmaceutical, and telephone switching. Directions for future research with implications for B2B managers (for example, the possible effects of preannouncement to forestall competitive entry) are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the pricing decisions in a non-cooperative supply chain that consists of two retailers and one common supplier. The retailers order from the common supplier and compete in the same market. We analyze six power structures that characterize exclusively horizontal competition between the retailers and vertical competition between the supplier and the retailers, leading to different sequences of moves among the chain members. We derive the analytical forms of the equilibrium quantities under each power structure and explore the effect of retail substitutability on the equilibrium quantities among all power structures. We further investigate the performances of the game models as compared with the integrated model.  相似文献   

Using the resource-based view and the learning organization as its theoretical framework, this study hypothesized that organizations which possessed not only the technical capabilities for automation but also the ability to learn and share information would be most likely to automate their supply chain processes. An empirical study with the top suppliers of a major airline supported this hypothesis. As predicted, both learning capabilities and certain technical capabilities were important in predicting the likelihood of adoption of Ariba, a web-based e-procurement tool.  相似文献   

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