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This study examines forecasting accuracy when applying macro-level diffusion models to high-tech product innovations among organizational adopters. In addition, it explores whether the accuracy of macro-level diffusion models differs according to the impact of the new product. As a benchmark for comparison, three types of basic diffusion models are compared to three simple trend extrapolation models. The role of innovation impact in explaining forecasting accuracy is also considered. These issues are addressed by empirically testing organizational adoption data for 39 new high-tech products. Results indicate that for radical innovations the Bass model is best while for incremental innovations an external influence model is best. However, simple trend extrapolation models produced the most accurate overall forecasts. The purpose of the study is to reintroduce an important topic and give practitioners better insight into forecasting the organizational adoption of high-tech products once initial sales data becomes available.  相似文献   

This article provides empirical evidence and contributes to theory building concerning business model fit and dynamics in the area of solutions business. Business models are seen in this context as going beyond considerations such as offerings and internal processes or even relationships, and as including network and market considerations. Indeed the paper highlights the fact that a business model is not firm-focused, nor dyad-focused, but rather network-, and even market-focused, demonstrating that a business model is not static, but dynamic. Manufacturer and customer continuously shift form and content of their respective business models to adapt both to the needs of the counterpart and to market context. A qualitative case study approach is adopted, with subsequent content analysis. The case study relates to the aerospace industry with focus on a complex engineering firm, one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world, its customer — a national airline — and their network partners of various kinds. The data were collected through multiple face-to-face interviews with managers in both companies, as a part and parcel of a network of actors that influences and is influenced by the supplier–buyer relationship. Relationships over time between these firms and network partners are described, highlighting the interplay of products and services related to the provision of solutions. Findings highlight the dynamic nature of business models over the relationship lifecycle between supplier and customer in a complex engineering environment, and the need for reciprocal adjustment of models.  相似文献   

This study investigates the internal and external strategic choices that telecommunications firms, operating in a dynamic network environment, make to adapt to changes and to respond quickly in order to create or to sustain their competitive advantage. In particular, in the European telecommunications industry incumbent firms have faced important challenges from new technologies, liberalization and the convergence of markets. The leading European telecommunications companies initially focused on new markets and new businesses, emphasizing their plans to become major players in relevant markets. However, after the telecommunications euphoria companies were more restrained due to their huge burden of debt and their market value. Through refocusing or restructuring, these companies have tried to streamline their businesses in order to restore their value and to improve their competitiveness. Insight into the specific strategic actions of traditional telecommunications companies in Europe to the recent developments in the industry is provided from the analysis of three leading traditional telecommunications companies: BT, Deutsche Telekom and KPN.  相似文献   

This study explores complaint management expectations in business relationships, particularly the qualities and behaviours that affect buying companies as part of the complaint handling encounter with a supplier. An exploratory empirical study uses a hard laddering approach which also allows us to compare the expectations of large and small companies to understand size-effects. The research indicates that complaining companies perceive disruptions of their supplier relationships in the context of the business network within which they are embedded, especially vis-à-vis the benefits associated with long-term supplier ties. However, these network concerns are more pronounced for large companies. Issues of effective complaint management in business-to-business settings therefore need to be addressed not just as isolated managerial activities with limited benefits for the parties involved, but should be seen as being part of a wider activity set of strategic networking activities with an impact on whole business systems. Thus, the findings enrich the existing limited stock of knowledge on the context of complaint management in business relationships and networks.  相似文献   

Organizational downsizing has become commonplace in today's competitive environments. Over the past 10 years in the U.S. alone over 10 million positions have been eliminated. Recently, questions related to the holistic benefits of downsizing have emerged. One of these questions suggests that downsized companies may find it more difficult to fully satisfy their customers; especially if there have been significant cuts in key contact personnel. In view of this question, the work presented here examines whether downsized suppliers, as compared to non-downsized suppliers, enjoy higher (or lower) levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty among their business customers. Based on a sample of 560 purchasing professionals, this study indicates that contrary to popular managerial schema ([Lewin, J. E. (2003). An empirical investigation of the effects of downsizing on buyer-seller relationships. Journal of Business Research, 56(4), 283-293]; [McKinley, W., Zhao, J., & Rust, K. (2000). A socio-cognitive interpretation of organizational downsizing. Academy of Management Review, 25(1), 227-243]), downsized suppliers do a significantly worse job in delivering quality and value to their business customers. As a result, their customers are less satisfied and less loyal.  相似文献   

For many decades, governments have successfully intercepted telecommunications to collect information about—potential—criminals and terrorists. A crucial part of contemporary policy is legislation that requires telecommunications providers to make their networks and services interceptable. This paper discusses two examples of interceptability legislation: the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) in the US and the Telecommunications Act in the Netherlands, in order to focus on basic questions, considerations, and trade-offs relevant to designing legal interceptability laws.  相似文献   

This commentary's purpose is to review how Telfort, T-Mobile, Vodafone, and others discovered that one “meeting” of any type with any telecommunications competitor could result in fines up to 10 percent of total “turnover” under EU competition law Regulation no. 1/2003, Article 23(2)(a), and to provide planning tips on how to eliminate the potential for those adverse consequences. While competition laws do not apply solely to the telecommunications industry, they do seem to affect it disproportionately. Telecommunications companies have global reach, and some of the most stringent competition law exists in Europe. Thus, all should review the most recent telecommunications ruling from the European Court of Justice, T-Mobile Netherlands BV v. Raad van bestuur van der Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit C-8/08 (2009). 1 The ruling deals with whether the one meeting was “concerted activity” in violation of Article 81(1) EC.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how revealed- and stated-preference analyses can be used for modeling network effects in the field of mobile telecommunications. The aim of this study was to verify if network effects may still play a role in the Polish mobile telecommunications market, measure their strength, identify their sources and variability across consumers by accounting for consumers' observable and unobservable preference heterogeneity, evaluate their monetary value to consumers, and finally, to verify if the marginal utility associated with network effects is constant. The analysis of consumers' revealed choices (currently used mobile telephone operator) allowed the identification of major differences between customer bases of incumbent and new entrant operators, and insight into the business strategies adopted in the presence of asymmetric regulation of mobile termination rates. The second part of the study—the analysis of the consumers' stated choices (made in carefully prepared and designed hypothetical choice situations, known as the choice experiments) made it possible to directly model consumers' utility functions and, in this way, investigate the nature of network effects in mobile telecommunications markets. From the results, the presence of strong network effects, which are related to the ratio of consumers' social network group using the same operator, and to the magnitude of on-net price discounts, is confirmed. These network effects can be disaggregated to pecuniary and non-pecuniary effects. Through the utilization of the random parameters multinomial logit model, consumers' observable and unobservable preference heterogeneity can be accounted for, which proved a scientifically revealing and potentially policy-relevant approach. The results might be of a particular interest to other researchers aiming at modeling consumers' preferences as well as to mobile telephone operators and regulatory authorities—it is shown that capacity for vigorous price competition between mobile operators is limited by non-price factors, which affect subscriber's choices, especially in the presence of asymmetric mobile termination rates.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increasing interest among business-to-business marketing scholars in the processes of managerial cognition. In particular, actors' network pictures, defined as the cognitive representations of managers' business surroundings have attracted much attention. However, there has so far been no empirical research on the impact that network pictures have on managerial behavior. The purpose of this paper is therefore to understand if and how specific pertinent network picture characteristics — namely power, dynamics, broadness, and indirectness — are associated with different behavioral choices, i.e. networking strategies. Based on an experiment with 445 Executive MBA students, all international managers across different industries, we find that managers' choices when managing business relationships, their strategic actions, are affected by the way they perceive their surrounding business network. However, amongst the different theoretical models of networking activities tested, only the power dimension showed significant associations with all four network picture characteristics. This study represents the first to empirically study the connection between cognition and behavior in business-to-business markets, as well as one of the few to apply an experimental design to study a business-to-business marketing related phenomenon. Also, it paves the way for future understanding of the association between network picture characteristics and networking strategies in interaction between actors.  相似文献   

This study posits and examines a measurement scale for measuring guanxi based on three Chinese relational constructs - ganqing, renqing and xinren. Focusing on Anglo-Chinese buyer-seller relationships, the research reports the findings from six qualitative in-depth interviews and survey data obtained from over 200 Taiwanese trading companies. Based on exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses the findings from the final second-order confirmatory factor analysis of the guanxi model identified 11 items for measuring ganqing, renqing, xinren and guanxi respectively. The results offer a useful starting point in order for business practitioners to assess their guanxi and at the same time provide academics with a scale for operationalizing the measurement of guanxi.  相似文献   

Business networks are complex webs of interdependent exchange relationships within which companies and individual managers operate. They consist of manifold actors, complex interactions, as well as organizational structures and resource transformation processes. Business managers cannot just capitulate vis-à-vis this complexity. Making sense of complex business networks helps managers to understand their own position, as well as their available options for change. Similarly, research in the area of sense-making and management in business networks may help us understand how managers cope with the contextual complexity in business networks, and how managers construct the forms in which this complexity appears. This paper identifies six major research themes that need to be taken up in the future with regard to sense-making and management in business networks, and discusses some methodological issues to advance our knowledge in this area.  相似文献   

国际石油公司普遍认同投资可再生能源业务是顺应未来能源发展趋势的重要选择之一,各公司结合自身情况做出相应的投资策略与行动,其中有相似之处,也各有差异。以BP、壳牌、道达尔、挪威国家石油公司、埃尼石油公司为代表的欧洲石油公司,对可再生能源领域的投资表现积极,并设置了相关职能部门进行统一管理。以埃克森美孚、雪佛龙为代表的美国石油公司对可再生能源投资保守,采取分散式管理。在可再生能源技术及业务的投资方向上,保守型公司优先选择与传统油气业务联系紧密的可再生能源项目,拓展型将油气行业核心优势拓展到可再生能源业务领域,进取型直接进入与油气业务交集较少的可再生能源领域,转型类公司则布局可再生能源垂直领域。在投资模式方面,对与公司主业联系紧密、前景明确的可再生能源业务,进行兼并购或资产投资;对暂时与公司主业关联度较低或不确定性较强的可再生能源业务,进行风险投资;针对前沿可再生能源技术领域,采取研发投入。  相似文献   

This article explores network dynamics by analysing how actors make sense of time and space in business networks, and how they act based on these perceptions. The time dimension is understood here as actors' perceptions of past, present and future changes in their network. The space dimension is understood, first, in terms of the network position a company holds in relation to its business partners, and secondly, in terms of the network role it enacts. As such, this study relates three pivotal concepts in industrial marketing: network change, network position, and network role. The link between these three relates to the interdependencies within a network, in that if one company attempts to change its position, this will in turn affect the position of other companies. Moreover, actors' attempts to change their position or role in the network are directed by their subjective sensemaking or perceptions of their surrounding network. In this article we posit that in order to understand network dynamics we must analyse how actors attempt to affect change based on their perceptions of their positions and roles in their network environment. Our analysis suggests that although there are similarities between perceptions by actors holding similar positions in the network, such network positions alone cannot explain their actions. Rather, differences in actors' interpretations and enactments of their network role are necessary to explain their networking activities. We use an extensive case study of the changing distribution structure for seafood in Norway and Japan to exemplify these points.  相似文献   

冯保国 《国际石油经济》2012,20(5):16-19,109,110
本轮国际金融危机之后,国际炼油业务并购再度活跃,呈现西方综合性石油公司出售炼油业务、独立炼油商和新兴国家的石油公司购买,以及世界范围内炼油业务由西向东转移的趋势.这些调整背后的根本动机在于实施专业化经营、国际化运营和战略转移.对于中国的石油公司而言,应审慎开展海外炼油业务并购,突出发展国内业务、积极搞好亚太中东地区的合资合作;重新认识综合性石油公司的特点,突出专业化优势;鼓励独立炼油商的发展,推动成品油资源的市场化.  相似文献   

股权结构与公司治理绩效实证分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文以深、沪两市101家上市公司为样本,分行业竞争环境强弱从股权属性、股权集中度与公司治理绩效的关系进行实证分析,发现行业竞争环境强的上市公司其治理绩效与法人股比例呈三次函数关系,与流通股比例无显著相关关系;行业竞争环境弱的上市公司其治理绩效与国有股比例、法人股比例呈三次函数关系,与流通股比例无显著相关关系;行业竞争环境强的上市公司,股权分散型优于国有控股型,国有控股型优于法人控股型;行业竞争环境弱的上市公司,法人控股型结构优于国有控股型,国有控股型优于股权分散型。最后根据实证分析的结果,提出构建合理股权结构的结论性建议。  相似文献   

Given its geographical advantage and economic integration with mainland China, Hong Kong has naturally become a major communications centre in the Asia-Pacific region. A growing number of international telecommunications and broadcasting companies are establishing business relations with Hong Kong. Hong Kong has also become the first place in the world to launch video-on-demand service. Although these companies are equipped with new technology, their developments have been impeded by the policy inertia of the Hong Kong Government. The objectives of this paper are to highlight some of the regulatory issues posed by the new technology and to make policy recommendations for the removal of the structural barriers impeding Hong Kong’s information infrastructure development.  相似文献   

Business models are essential tools for understanding and creating the logic of a company’s business including all relevant stakeholders’ activities. Despite the knowledge of the organic-systematic interdependencies from companies with other stakeholders, business models of the energy economy primarily aim to transfer their value propositions via revenue streams into economical value. This article provides solutions for theoretical and practical extensions of business models for energy storaging to ensure they are sustainable in the future. Sufficiency-oriented energy storage business models are described as a sustainable framework.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel policy to motivate private-sector operators of basic infrastructure to expand infrastructure into previously unserved regions. It is particularly useful when resources are transferred to the private sector, as occurs during the privatisation of a state-owned telecommunications carrier, the introduction of competition, the release of spectrum, or the allocation of cash subsidies for this purpose. Firms receive tradable universal service obligations in the form of milestones that must be met, and commitments to meet specific deadlines. By exchanging its commitments, a firm can increase or decrease the rate at which it must expand infrastructure. By exchanging milestones, a firm can change where it must expand infrastructure. Making milestones and commitments independent and fully tradable allows each firm to develop the most cost effective business strategy possible, and to adapt that strategy as technology and demand evolve over time. The exchange of milestones and commitments does not diminish the obligations that must be met by industry as a whole, insuring the timely expansion of infrastructure. This paper focuses on telecommunications, but the approach is also applicable to other forms of infrastructure, such as electric power.  相似文献   

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