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This paper examines executive turnover—both for management and supervisory boards—and its relation to firm performance in the largest companies in Germany in the 1980s. Turnover of the management board increases significantly with poor stock performance and particularly poor (i.e. negative) earnings, but is unrelated to sales growth and earnings growth. These turnover-performance relations do not vary with measures of stock ownership and bank voting power. Supervisory board appointments and turnover also increase with poor stock performance, but are unrelated to other measures of performance.  相似文献   

On theoretical grounds, monitoring of top executives by the (supervisory) board is expected to be value relevant. The empirical evidence is ambiguous and we analyze three non-competing explanations for this ambiguity: (i) The positive effect on firm value of board monitoring is hidden in stock price effects due to the simultaneous occurrence of the positive real effect of monitoring and the opposing information effect. (ii) The combination of board monitoring and monitoring by other parties prevents assessing the value relevance of board monitoring in isolation. (iii) The confounding effect of a simultaneous successor appointment typically generates an upward biased estimate. Based on an analysis of price effects and trading volumes at announcement, we conclude that monitoring by the supervisory board is valued by investors: Forced departures of executive directors, also without a successor appointment, are value relevant in the Netherlands where external control mechanisms and shareholder control were virtually absent in the period studied (1991–2000).  相似文献   

We study the stock market's reaction to the unexpected death of a top executive or board chair for insight into grey director incentives. Whereas there is little debate as to the motives of inside and strict outside directors, the allegiance of grey directors is less certain. We find that grey directors' dominant incentive depends on whether the firm has a succession plan or not. In firms with a succession plan, grey directors' primary motive is to maintain their business ties to the firm. Absent a succession plan, the stock market expects grey directors to use their influence to hire a higher quality replacement, particularly when these directors hold a large equity stake. Our findings suggest that grey directors place their interests as shareholders first when a replacement decision is likely to weaken their business ties with the firm. Grey directors appear to influence the choice of a higher quality replacement whether that person is an insider or outsider.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the impact of common ownership on executive pay-for-performance sensitivity using a sample of A-share listed firms in China from 2008 to 2020. We find common ownership significantly improves executive pay-for-performance sensitivity and plays a monitoring and governance role. Meanwhile, the impact of common ownership on executive pay-for-performance sensitivity is more significant in non-state-owned firms (non-SOEs) and when a firm faces a highly competitive product market. The mechanism tests indicate that common ownership affects executive pay-for-performance sensitivity through the information and governance mechanisms. Further analyses show that the portion of compensation explained by common ownership significantly enhances future firm performance. Overall, our findings validate the positive role of common ownership in corporate governance.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) affects the contractual benefits of using accounting information to determine executive compensation in China. After controlling for firm and corporate governance characteristics, we find strong evidence supporting the positive role of mandatory IFRS adoption on the accounting-based performance sensitivity of executive compensation. Subsample analysis suggests that improvements in accounting-based performance sensitivity after IFRS adoption differ across regions with various levels of institutional quality and across firms that are affected to a different extent by the adoption. Additional analysis supports the argument that the positive effects of IFRS adoption on the use of accounting performance in executive compensation are driven by the reduction in accounting conservatism associated with IFRS adoption.  相似文献   

Conflict of interests between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders could affect executive compensation contracts. In this paper, we use data on Chinese listed companies and show that controlling shareholders’ tunneling reduces the pay-performance sensitivity of executive compensation. These results suggest that while incentive payment schemes are generally adopted in Chinese listed companies, controlling shareholders who obtain private benefits from listed companies have less incentive to strengthen the relationship between executive pay and firm performance.  相似文献   

Using a sample of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges during the 1999–2009 period, we investigate the effects of overemployment on executives’ pay-for-performance sensitivity (PPS) and analyze how the behavior of firms with high/low PPS affects the number of surplus employees. We find the existence of a redundant workforce significantly weakens PPS and the role of accounting measures in performance assessment. In contrast to prior literature, we find that higher PPS is associated with a stronger incentive to lay off redundant employees and to limit future employee numbers. We also find that weaker government intervention strengthens managerial control over the future size of the workforce. Finally, our findings suggest that a heavier government policy burden on SOEs leads to lower tax rates and more government gains.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of bank executive pay limits on discretionary loan loss provisions (DLLPs) in the context of a large emerging economy, such as that of China. We find that a bank executive pay limit primarily aimed at temporarily suspending stock option incentive plans leads to a significant rise in income-decreasing DLLPs, whereas a pay limit implemented to restrict the total emoluments leads to a significant decline in income-increasing DLLPs. Moreover, the degree of the impact of pay limits on bank DLLPs varies with CEOs’ personal characteristics and bank executive perquisites.  相似文献   


The article investigates the relationship between banks, agency costs, and innovation ability of listed firms. The role of banks in affecting innovation is a very important topic especially in China where banks play more important roles than equity markets. We find that banks providing short-term funds to listed non-high-tech firms dampen their innovation ability significantly. However, the relationship between short-term loans and innovation ability in high-tech firms is insignificant. The effects of short-term loans on innovation ability are significantly different between high-tech and non-high-tech firms. Further examination shows that high-tech firms with more short-term bank loans have significantly less abnormal management expenses than non-high-tech firms in the next year. The reduced abnormal management expenses in the next year significantly enhance the innovation ability in the year after next.  相似文献   

In a sample of California hospitals, we find that the composition of the board of directors varies systematically across ownership types. For all ownership types, except government-owned, we find that poor financial performance is related to board and CEO turnover. However, different ownership types place different weights on levels of charity care and administrative expenses. Our overall findings support the proposition that ownership type reflects heterogeneity across consumers and producers, and that differences in these groups lead to differences in the organization's objectives and governance.  相似文献   

The activities and decisions of the top management have garnered considerable attention. The general phenomenon of management turnover has gradually become the focus of investors in capital market, especially top management abnormal turnover. This paper examines the correlation between top management abnormal turnover and stock price crash risk. The research finds that the higher the abnormal turnover rate of top management, the greater the risk of stock price crashes, indicating that top management abnormal turnover can exacerbate the stock price crash risk. Considering that directors' and officers' liability insurance is an instrument for enterprises to protect their own interests, this paper finds D&O insurance can mitigate the stock price crash risk caused by top management abnormal turnover. Based on China's special national conditions, further researches also consider political associations and the nature of property right. The results advance our understanding of top management abnormal turnover and directors' and officers' liability insurance, and remind companies to reduce stock price crash risk when the top management leaves.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of taxes on executive compensation provides insight into the process determining this compensation and is a key input to top income tax rate policy. A 2010 tax reform in Canada, which greatly increased the effective tax rate on stock option compensation for a subset of firms, provides a natural experiment with which to address this issue. Difference-in-differences estimates suggest that this tax increase resulted in an immediate reduction in both stock option grants and the fraction of total compensation made up of stock options with limited, if any, substitution towards other components of compensation.  相似文献   

Based on the China's non-state-owned listed corporates in 2014–2020, we adopt the real-time air quality index data published by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China as the proxy of air pollution to examine how air pollution affects firm's CEO pay–performance sensitivity (PPS). The results of logistic regression show that air pollution is negatively correlated with the executives' PPS. We also find that industrial and regional characteristics is heterogeneous by exploring the interaction effect of CEO. In addition, our study indicates that the influence of air pollution on PPS is more significant in companies with improved performance and we provide a possible explanation of this based on the theory of resource category equivalence. The mechanism test shows that air pollution increases the firms' difficulty to motivate executives, it also destroys the effectiveness of compensation contracts and significantly reduces the PPS by increasing explicit and implicit incentive. Furthermore, we investigate the economic consequences of air pollution. Results show that air pollution would damages the firm value directly and also affect their PPS. Overall, our study reveals how air pollution affects executives' incentive, therefore provides policy support to developing countries to balance the relationship between economic development and environmental protection.  相似文献   

This paper describes how Bloom’s taxonomy was used to analyze the end-of-chapter (EOC) material found in 41 intermediate financial accounting textbooks published between 1934 and 2004. The analysis was done to detect trends in the cognitive demands inherent in the EOC material and differences among authors, chapters, and type of material (questions, exercises, problems, and cases). We found that the different types of EOC material vary in the proportions of items at the six levels of Bloom’s taxonomy and that the proportions of the EOC material in the two topics we considered (revenue recognition and accounting for investments) are not very different. We also found that the different author series have somewhat different proportions of materials at the six levels, but that very little EOC material is at the two highest levels of Bloom’s learning objectives. Contrary to what might have been expected from the observations noted in the Bedford Report and the Big 8 firms’ White Paper, we found that there has not been a significant change in EOC material at the highest levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.  相似文献   

This study examines whether board social networks are associated with executive trading profitability. Using a sample of US public firms with a history of executive trading from years 2000 to 2015, we find robust evidence that the profitability of executive trading is significantly lower in firms with higher levels of board social networks. The evidence is consistent with our view that board social networks effectively curb executives' private information advantage over outsiders, thus leading to a lower level of managerial rent-seeking. Our research has policy implications for regulators concerned about the role of corporate board in capital markets.  相似文献   

In emerging markets, companies are often organized into corporate groups in which the controlling shareholders control the member firms through stock pyramids and cross-shareholdings. We examine how the incentive for these controlling shareholders to maximize the value of groups results in less delegation of decision rights to the CEO of the member firm and, in turn, how such delegation affects the rate of CEO turnover in response to the financial performance measures reported by member firms. Our results suggest that delegation, measured as the extent to which controlling owners control the board of directors, is negatively associated with the interdependence of member firms. We also find that delegation weakens the sensitivity of the CEO-turnover rate to financial performance measures. These findings extend the literature by providing evidence on how delegation and management-incentive arrangements are jointly determined at the firm level.  相似文献   


This article offers evidence in support of the hypothesis that when investors have weak protection, small investors can suffer expropriation by large shareholders. In this kind of situation, a stock’s idiosyncratic risk is found to be negatively related to ownership concentration, which indicates that the cost of controlling ownership may outweigh its benefits. This is consistent with the view that minority investors have less incentive to invest in companies with weak protection for investors. When this is accompanied by low-quality information disclosed to the public, private information is not likely to be reflected in stock prices, resulting in lower idiosyncratic risk.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effect of relative performance evaluation (RPE) on top managers’ compensation in Chinese public firms. Overall, we find no evidence of an RPE effect or any asymmetry in firms’ use of RPE. The results obtained using Albuquerque’s (2009) method are similar to those obtained using traditional methods. In addition, we find that RPE is used more in non-SOEs than in SOEs. This may be due to the regulation of compensation, various forms of incentives and the multiple tasks of managers in SOEs.  相似文献   

According to optimal contracting theory, compensation contracts are effective in solving the agency problem between stockholders and managers. Executive compensation is naturally related to firm performance. However, contracts are not always perfect. Managers may exert influence on the formulation and implementation of compensation contracts by means of their managerial power. As fair value has been introduced into the new accounting standards in China, new concerns have arisen over the relationship between profits and losses from changes in fair value (CFV) and levels of executive compensation. In this study, we find that executive compensation is significantly related to CFV. However, this sensitivity is asymmetric in that increases to compensation due to profits from changes in fair value (PCFV) are higher than reductions to compensation due to losses from changes in fair value (LCFV). Furthermore, we find that managerial power determines the strength of this asymmetry.  相似文献   

Recent empirical work shows evidence for higher valuation of firms in countries with a better legal environment. We investigate whether differences in the quality of firm‐level corporate governance also help to explain firm performance in a cross‐section of companies within a single jurisdiction. Constructing a broad corporate governance rating (CGR) for German public firms, we document a positive relationship between governance practices and firm valuation. There is also evidence that expected stock returns are negatively correlated with firm‐level corporate governance, if dividend yields are used as proxies for the cost of capital. An investment strategy that bought high‐CGR firms and shorted low‐CGR firms earned abnormal returns of around 12% on an annual basis during the sample period.  相似文献   

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