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April 17,2007 was the 36th anniversary day of the diplomatic relations between China and Belgium. According to the press conferece by Belgium Embassy in China, in June, Belgium Prince Philippe will visit China, accompanied by a large Belgium trade and commercial delegatin.  相似文献   

Arenowned non-governmental high-tech enterprise in China,Stone Group is an important force in the electronic informationindustry.Stone was born in May 1984 in Zhongguancun where the world high-techwave converged with the deluge of the Chinese reform. Without the investmentof a single cent from the state, some scientific andtechnological workers resigned from their publicposts to set up the company with a line of credit of20,000 RMB.The company was run under theprinciple of "raising fund by…  相似文献   

According to the Press Communiqu6 between China and France issued on 1st April, both sides decided to conduct high-level contact and strategic dialogue ,at a proper time to enhance bilateral cooperation in various fields and promote a harmonious and steady growth in Sino-France relations. Since then, the high officials from both countries experienced a frequent meet period. Former Premier Minister of France, Raffarin, with a commercial delegation, at- tended Sino-French Economic Seminar held on April 8, and also a ground-breaking ceremony for the new Embassy of France in China followed after. President of National Assembly of France, Bernard Accoyer arrived in Beijing on April 20, for a one-week visit. When met with Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress, Accoyer asked him to hand in a letter from Sarkozy, President of France, to Hu Jintao, President of PRC. It was an invitation letter for President Hu for a visit to France. Accoyer was the highest poli- tician from France who visited China in last four months after Sino-France relation became cold due to the Tibet issue. Anne- Marie Idrac, French Minister of State for foreign Trade attended the Boao Forum on April 17 in Hainan. During her 7 days' visit she met the Chinese high officials, and visited some of the Sino- France joint companies. When she was in Beijing, Idrac held a press conference and answered questions on the foreign trade between the two countries.  相似文献   

According to the latest report from Ministry of Commerce, the contribution rate of China to the growth of global goods trade was expected to be up to 12% in 2004, up 0.3% compared with 2003, becoming main driving force of world trade growth.In the first 11 months of 2004, China's foreign trade topped a trillion US dollars, up 36.5% compared with the same period of 2003. It was estimated  相似文献   

1 The 34th International Conference of the Pacific Basin Eco-nomic Council (PBEC) was held in Tokyo from April 6 to 10. Thetheme of the conference was “local vitality in the 21st century”More than 800 people from the membership committee of the PBECattended the conference.Mr. Yu Xiaosong, chairman of the CCPIT and chairman of themembership committee of the PBEC delivered a speech at the plenary session on April 10 which was entitled “promote economiccooperation and develop Asian…  相似文献   

The President of Iceland was in China during May 16th to 22nd. Coming along with him was a large trade delegation of 200 people from 106 Icelandic companies. Great interest was shown to China, this big market with much potential.Let's hear how the Ambassador of Iceland to China see this.  相似文献   

Born in Wuwei County, Anhui Province, Du Changtao is a man of steadfastness and fortitude with extraordinarycourage and insight and the capabilityto make a quick decision. He has fullconfidence that his Luck film is sure tobe a popular product on the market. Hehas rich working experience. Aftergraduating from university' he was assigned to work in Northeast China, andin 1975, he was transferred to the LuckFilm Factory (then known as the FirstFilm Factory of the Ministry of Chemical Indu…  相似文献   

April 17, 2007 was the 36th anniversary day of the diplomatic relations between China and Belgium. According to the press conference by Belgium Embassy in China, in June, Belgium Prince Philippe will visit China, accompanied by a large Belgium trade and commercial delegation. For years, with the continuous development of China-EU economic and trade relations, the European countries have showed great concern on the Chinese economic development. Meanwhile, more and more Chinese enterprises have managed to walk out and seek the overseas development.  相似文献   

Drawing on the empirical work of a broader study, this paper examines whether technology is being successfully transferred from universities to the IT-sottware SMEs present in China, and the effectiveness of entrepreneurship in effecting such transfers. A conceptual framework was generated to guide the investigation. Data were elicited using a detailed questionnaire which generated 53 usable responses; follow-up interviews with 17 of the 53 respondents; and four interviews with relevant government officials (civil servants from the Ministry of Science and Technology and state-owned banks). There were three main fmdings. Chinese software SMEs tend to be reluctant to adopt new technologies from local tmiversities; there is a lack of common purpose between the parties; and entrepreneurs who did undertake such technology transfer felt the process was badly impeded by the lack of available finance, and expressed fears about poor protection of intellectual property rights in China. The majority of the sample firms acted opportunistically, taking advantage of the benefits offered under government schemes to earn rapid returns mainly using extant technologies. These conclusions suggest that the Chinese government's policies in this area of technology transfer have had only limited success.  相似文献   

The President of Iceland was in China during May 16th to 22nd. Coming along with him was a large trade delegation of 200 people from 106 Icelandic companies. Great interest was shown to China, this big market with much potential.Let‘s hear how the Ambassador of Iceland to China see this.  相似文献   

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