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信用保险虽然在国外已经有近百年的历史,但是在我国仍然属于新型险种。虽然我国《保险法》已经明确地将信用保险作为财产保险的法定险种之一,但在理论和实践中仍然存在把信用保险等同于保证担保的观点,也有把信用保险和保证保险混为一谈的看法,对信用保险的业务发展和司法实践产生了一定的负面影响。因此,有必要对信用保险的独立地位进行法理分析,明确信用保险与保证担保以及保证保险的区别,以求正本清源。  相似文献   

信用保险的第三人(买方)虽然与信用保险合同没有直接联系,但却是信用保险的前提和关键,是信用保险利益的基础,也是信用风险的主要来源和具体载体。我国现行保险法将受益人的适用范围仅限于人身保险,是否在财产保险中设置受益人存在争议。一些国家和地区已经逐步明确地承认了受益人在财产保险中的法律地位,表明了财产保险受益人在立法和司法实践中的可行性。在信用保险中引入受益人制度具有现实和理论必要性。  相似文献   

李虹 《中国保险》2008,(1):51-53
保险价值是财产保险中非常重要的概念。由于我国现行《保险法》和财产保险业务条款对保险价值的界定不准确,导致保险理赔实务中出现很多纠纷。所以,重新审视《保险法》和财产保险条款中关于保险价值的界定是很必要的。这对于减少保险纠纷,树立保险公司的形象,促使投保方正确理解保险条款、明了保险理赔办法有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

保险竞合与重复保险既有相同点又有截然不同之处,在损失补偿原则下的财产保险和人身保险中普遍存在。目前我国《保险法》对保险竞合并无特别规定,保险竞合的处理没有统一的标准和规范,导致实务中遇到此类问题时往往引发争议。在相关法律法规或司法解释出台之前,笔者建议应根据保险合同责任竞合的类型,在法理理解和解释的基础上依照保险的损失补偿原则来规范和处理保险竞合问题。  相似文献   

初澈 《金融纵横》2010,(7):48-50
重复保险是指投保人对同一保险标的、同一保险利益、同一保险事故分别与两个以上保险人订立保险合同,且保险金额总和超过保险价值的保险。通过对我国大陆和台湾地区保险法中关于重复保险合同法律效力规定的比较不难发现,台湾地区保险法将重复保险区分为投保人的善意和恶意行为两种,这种对投保人意图的区分是我国大陆《保险法》所没有并且值得我们借鉴的。在我国大陆《保险法》未来的修订过程中,应当引入恶意重复保险理论,从当事人主观心态的立场加以划分,使主观具有恶意的投保人所订立的重复保险各保险合同均归于无效。  相似文献   

周淑芬  赵志强 《中国外资》2010,(24):182-182
在财产保险经营实务中,关于保险标的发生转让后,在保险期限内发生保险事故后的索赔问题,新《保险法》做出了新的、明确的规定。本文结合现行《保险法》,对2010年9月7日《中国保险报》所载文章《保单及时过户,免去后顾之忧(下)》的观点进行商榷。  相似文献   

财产保险的被保险人对保险标的应当具有保险利益,否则不得行使保险金请求权。虽然《中华人民共和国保险法(2009年修订)》(以下简称"现行《保险法》")中没有采取列举的方式具体规定财产保险的保险利益种类,但法院在认定被保险人对于财产保险之保险标的是否具有保险利益时,应当以保障被保险人为目的,尽量进行宽泛的认定。唯有如此,在当今保险利益的构成呈现多样化的趋势下,才可以更好地保护投保人和被保险人的  相似文献   

新《保险法》第56条对重复保险相关规定的修订具有进步意义,但其对所有重复保险不论善恶均退费的新规及未新增对恶意重复保险的限制性规定,既可能诱发道德风险,又有违重复保险的立法目的。本文认为,我国《保险法》应借鉴英美国家和台湾地区的相关规定,对恶意重复保险在法律上加以规制,同时可参照《海商法》的规定,让善意被保险人获得更自主的索赔权。  相似文献   

保险是人类面对危险而设计的一种分散风险的制度,而保险利益又是整个《保险法》律制度的核心。保险利益最早起源于财产保险,是财产保险合同中的核心要素.而财产保险利益对的理论研究为研究其他保险利益问题奠定了基础,因此,为了更好地应用和了解保险利益的其他相关问题,我们首先需要清楚了解财产保险的内涵及其它的一些基础性功能。因此,文章试图从它的定义入手,提出关于财产保险利益的立法上进步,然后,根据财产保险利益在立法方面出现的问题提出一些建设性意见,拓展保险利益的相关理论,为保险利益在实践中提供指导性意见。  相似文献   

财产流转在现代社会中十分频繁,财产保险作为流转安全之保障如果不能随财产流转,就会产生很多问题。现实生活中,因财产保险合同转让产生的纠纷众多。本文由案例所涉及的问题,论述了保险利益对财产保险合同转让的影响;在此基础上,对我国新《保险法》中关于财产保险合同转让的规定进行了评析,并对其中的不足提出了一些完善的建议。  相似文献   

本文分别构建了我国地区人身险和财产险影响因素的实证模型,使用1996年~2008年的省际面板数据,重点采用动态系统GMM估计方法,检验人身险和财产险需求地区差异的动态形成机制。研究发现:与人身保险需求相比,财产保险需求近年来的“习惯形成”特征更为显著,收入水平的增长更有利于加快当前财产保险市场的发展;东部省份的经济发展...  相似文献   

保险价值在财产保险中占有核心地位,是确定赔付比例和赔偿限额的标准。在实务和媒体报道中,财产保险索赔争议案例多与对保险价值的不同理解有关。本文将通过案例分析保险法和保险条款对保险价值界定中存在的问题,并对保险价值相关立法和司法解释的进一步完善提出合理建议。  相似文献   

In the spirit of the European Commission’s call for a simpler, more robust and efficient VAT system, this article proposes to integrate exempt insurance services into the European VAT, and to abolish the discriminatory, excise-type insurance premium taxes levied by the various Member States. The current VAT exemption (no taxation of insurance services and no credit for the VAT on inputs) is administratively complex and economically distortionary. Instead, the value added of property and casualty insurance companies can be taxed on a transactions basis by applying the VAT to insurance premiums (creditable by VAT-liable businesses) and allowing a presumptive tax credit for the VAT imputable to payouts (plus a credit for the actual VAT on purchases). The presumptive tax credit should be taxed at the level of business recipients, but individuals would receive the VAT along with indemnity payments without having to file a return. Exceptionally, the tax-credit VAT would not be applied to life and health insurance premiums, but insurers would be taxed on an accounts basis on the sum of wages and business cash flow.  相似文献   

The literature devoted limited attention to exploring the relationship between financial development and life insurance demand. Financial development supports life insurance supply by providing confidence in the financial system, more efficient payment systems, and higher availability of financial instruments. However, financial development reduces households' needs to save by relaxing borrowing constraints, indirectly affecting life insurance demand. We contribute by providing a demand‐driven explanation of the negative consequences of financial development on life insurance development. We find that more credit‐constrained countries have higher life insurance penetration on average. Indirectly, the role of borrowing constraints signifies the importance of life insurance policies as a financing tool in case of the realization of various background risks. This study integrates the knowledge from life insurance theory, life insurance lapse, policy loans demand, and saving under liquidity constraints literature and produces implications for researchers, policymakers, and life insurers.  相似文献   

投资连结保险的产品设计独特,将其保障功能与投资功能分开,一方面为消费者提供了调整保险和投资计划的便利,另一方面也使之与资本市场的走势密切相关。我国寿险市场上的供给方存在资本市场繁荣时过多引导消费者关注投资收益,边缘化其保险功能的问题;需求方则由于对投资连结保险产品收益的刚性预期,不能接受产品收益下降的情况。两方面共同的结果是导致投资连接保险成为寿险市场上的不稳定因素。为促使投资连接保险在我国的健康发展,应当强调投资连接保险的保障功能;针对销售导向进行实质的约束;利用税收对市场进行引导等。  相似文献   

Why firms purchase property insurance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate whether corporate finance incentives affect the extent of corporate hedging with property insurance. Using a database that contains detailed insurance information, we document a positive relation between the expected costs of distress and property insurance coverage. We also show that the dividend payout ratio is negatively associated with property insurance coverage, consistent with the view that firms with high payout ratios insure a smaller fraction of properties due to cash flows in excess of investment needs, easy access to capital markets, or both. Different incentives are important for the insurance deductible and limit of coverage, and the deductible and limit of coverage are substitutes.  相似文献   

本文尝试从经济周期的角度看待本轮危机给我国信用保险行业带来的启示。首先研究了经济周期性波动中信用风险水平的变化,进而引申说明经济周期对信用保险行业的市场需求和风险水平都具有深刻的影响。其次,提出了信用保险行业要在经济的周期性波动中保持稳定经营必须面对的挑战,其中特别说明了官方支持的信用保险机构的独特之处。最后,对我国信用保险机构如何开展经济周期管理提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

We use the agency theory to conduct a novel test of the strategic use of property insurance in China's corporate sector. With regard to our main test hypotheses, we find that the incidence of property insurance purchased is directly related to the degree of product–market competitiveness, and positively related to market liquidity and firms’ growth opportunities. However, the homogeneity of market operations is not statistically significant. In our second-stage Cragg regression, market liquidity becomes insignificant while firms’ growth opportunities are now inversely related to the amount of insurance purchased. Additionally, the homogeneity of market operations becomes significantly related to the corporate purchase of property insurance. Therefore, different factors (e.g. cost considerations) may influence the decisions to purchase property insurance and subsequently, the level of coverage provided. We argue that our results are relevant for companies in other emerging markets such as Eastern Europe and companies operating in more developed Western economies such as the European Union (EU).  相似文献   

出口信用保险对我国出口贸易影响的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王智慧 《海南金融》2010,(10):56-61
出口作为拉动经济发展的"三驾马车"之一,在我国经济发展中起到举足轻重的作用,为了促进出口贸易的发展,我国实施了多项出口贸易鼓励政策。本文对出口退税、出口信用保险、出口贸易三个变量进行协整分析,并通过VAR模型估计以及脉冲响应函数及方差分解的实证分析,得出三个变量的相互关系;同时通过两个因素的实证比较,得出出口信用保险虽然在短期内对出口贸易的影响还不够显著,但从长期看却是显著的,并且要大于出口退税对出口贸易的影响程度,最后提出发展我国出口信用保险的政策建议。  相似文献   

Changing climate and technology can often lead to nonstationary losses across both time and space for a variety of insurance lines including property, catastrophe, health, and life. As a result, naive estimation of premium rates using past losses will tend to be biased. We present three successively flexible data‐driven methodologies to nonparametrically smooth across both space and time simultaneously, thereby appropriately incorporating possibly nonidentically distributed data into the rating process. We apply these methodologies in estimating U.S. crop insurance premium rates. Crop insurance, with global premiums totaling $4.1 trillion in 2018, is an interesting application as losses exhibit both temporal and spatial nonstationarity. We find significant borrowing of information across both time and space. We also find all three methodologies improve both the stability and accuracy of crop insurance premium rates. The proposed methods may be of relevance for other lines of insurance characterized by spatial and/or temporal nonstationary losses.  相似文献   

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