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Capital formation in co-operatives has received a great deal of attention in recent years. Among the questions being raised are whether co-operatives have an adequate equity base and whether members are receiving sufficient benefits to encourage them to patronize the co-operative. The purpose of this paper is to describe the financial relationships that exist between the members of a co-operative and the co-operative itself. The paper also links the method of patronage allocation used in a co-operative to the growth of the co-operative and the well-being of the members. Three of the most commonly used patronage methods are evaluated for their efficacy in this area. It is shown that the percentage equities redemption plan is able to generate rates of growth that are comparable with those generated by the revolving fund, while at the same time providing members with greater returns to their patronage. The paper also examines the impact of different rates of return, alternative membership levels, a change to a cash-based taxation plan, and alternative membership growth patterns on member well-being and the financial health of the co-operative. La formation du capital dans les coopératives a reçu beaucoup d'attention ces dernières années. Parmi les questions soulevées figurent celles qui consistent à savoir si les coopératives ont un avoir des sociétaires suffisant et si les membres reçoivent des avantages de nature à les inciter à le demeurer. Le présent article a pour but de décrire les rapports financiers qui existent entre les membres d'une coopérative et la coopérative comme telle. II relie également la méthode de paiements versées aux sociétaires (ristournes) utilisée dans une coopérative à la croissance de celle-ci et au bien-être des membres. Trois des méthodes les plus couramment utilisées sont évaluées plus leur efficacité dans ce domaine. L'article démontre que le régime de rachat d'un pourcentage de tous les avoirs peut produire des taux de croissance comparables à ceux engendrés par le fonds renouvelable tout en offrant aux membres un meilleur rendement pour récompenser leur fidélité. L'article examine également les répercussions de divers taux de rendement, d'autres niveaux d'adhésion, de l'adoption d'un régime d'imposition basé sur la trésorerie et d'autres modes de croissance de la participation sur le bien-être des membres et la santé financière de la coopérative.  相似文献   

世纪之交 ,我国农业在历史性地解决了 1 2亿人的温饱问题和农产品供应长期短缺问题之后 ,进入了以农产品买方市场和农业结构战略性调整为基本特征的发展新阶段。农业发展和农民增收遇到了从未有过的矛盾和挑战。面对新形势 ,浙江省及时调整农业和农村经济发展方略 ,以农业和农村现代化建设统揽农村工作全局 ,紧紧围绕农民增收这一中心 ,积极推进农业和农村经济结构的战略性调整 ,大力发展效益农业、乡镇企业和小城镇 ,着力提高农业产业化、农村工业化和城市化水平 ,农村经济和农民收入保持了快速增长的好势头。 2 0 0 0年 ,农民人均纯收入达…  相似文献   

文章应用SWOT分析方法对云南省八角资源优势、产业发展现状进行综合分析,指出云南省八角产业发展中存在着产业发展水平低、结构不合理、加工能力不足、销售渠道不畅等主要问题,提出从调整产业结构,推动八角产业化进程,加强市场建设与技术培训,抓好低产林改造发展无公害产品走特色产业之路等发展对策。  相似文献   

林工联合经济动因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过理论分析与实证,系统地阐述了对中国企业的林工联合行为产生了重要影响的经济驱动因素,包括:利益均衡说、选择权说、协同效益说、垄断竞争说、市场准入说、投资机会说等。认为不同的社会经济环境下产生不同的企业一体化战略激励因素,这些理论分析有助于更深刻地理解企业纵向一体化行为和方针。  相似文献   

两种组织资源的碰撞与对接--四川射洪棉花协会的案例研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
一、理论假设本文的理论假设是 :第一 ,在农业中只有将科技创新与组织创新、制度创新较好地结合起来 ,才能加速农产品科技化、市场化、商品化的进程 ,提高中国农产品的市场竞争力。笔者同意拉坦的界定 ,即制度概念亦包括组织的含义。制度创新指 :①一种特定组织的行为变化 ;②这一组织与其环境之间相互关系的变化 ;③在一种组织环境中支配行为与相互关系的规则的变化 (拉坦 ,1 991 )。显然 ,制度创新和组织创新密不可分 ,我们以下所谈的组织创新 ,必然也涉及到制度创新。第二 ,技术变迁和制度变迁都可被理解为相对于经济体系的内生变量 ,二…  相似文献   

Agriculture is one of the most hazardous productive sectors around the world. Most previous studies have focused on health issues of farmers in developing countries, while little attention has been paid to farmers' health problems in developed countries. The present study assesses the effect of farmers' health conditions on agricultural productivity in Norway. Employing stochastic frontier regression techniques, we conclude that differences in farmers' health help to explain the variance in agricultural production efficiency.  相似文献   

创新活动是农民发展生产、摆脱贫困的重要途经.依据对一次农民奋斗创新奖评选活动所产生的样本资料的分析可以看出,农民具有很强的自主创新意识,但会受到济环境变迁、市场条件变化、外部信息来源以及基础设施条件的影响.创新型农民是农业"现代化"过程事的中坚力量,是农村发展的仙源性动力,因此鼓励、发现和支持农村青年在本地的创业行为.  相似文献   

减负,是近几年兵团改革发展中最动人的乐章,其现实意义和历史意义不言而喻。由于牵住了这一“牛鼻子”,兵团团场精简机构、深化改革,落实兵团党委“还田于民,还利于民”政策顺利推进。减轻农工负担已经取得了阶段性成果,但也存在着这样那样的问题,本文就如何进一步减轻农工负担谈一点粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

落实党的十七大提出的建设生态文明的重大历史性任务,必须处理好发展经济和保护环境的关系。经济活动表现在人与人之间劳动产品的生产、交换和消费;生态的本质表现在自生态系统物质的循环和能量转换,主要是人与自然之间的依存关系。建设生态文明必须保护自然生态系统资源的持续供给能力和环境的自我调节能力。将平等观、系统观、控制观、循环观、发展观应用于经济活动,实现生态与经济的相互促进,彼此共赢。  相似文献   

When economic growth is characterised by a slow rise in the demand for food and rapid growth in farm relative to non-farm productivity, it is understandable that agriculture in a closed economy declines in relative terms as that economy develops. But why should agriculture decline in virtually all open growing economies as well, including those able to retain a comparative advantage in agricultural products? A key part of the answer is that the demand for non-tradable goods tends to be income elastic, so resources are diverted to their production even in open economies.  相似文献   

Factors Influencing Farmers' Crop Insurance Decisions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Farmers' decisions to purchase crop insurance and their choices among alternative products are analyzed using a two-stage estimation procedure. The influences of risk perceptions, competing risk management options, as well structural and demographic differences are evaluated. The likelihood for crop insurance usage is found to be higher for larger, older, less tenured, more highly leveraged farms, and by those with higher perceived yield risks. The marginal effects of size, age, perceived yield risk, perceived importance of risk management activities, and other structural and demographic variables are identified in terms of their influences on choices among alternative crop insurance products.  相似文献   

选择潮州海洋经济战略研究旨在吸引外资的进入或市内现有资本的效率增长。潮州海洋经济总体思路是“以港兴城,科技兴海、海陆并进、持续发展”,树立较强的海洋价值观,维护各种海洋利益,包括渔业资源利益,监督海洋执法活动和各级政府的决策行为,提供海洋产业可持续发展的内部条件。按照“高科技、新产业、大市场”的现代海洋开发思路,以港口工业和海洋油气业为主导,加快开发海洋药物、海洋化工、海洋机械、海水资源利用等其它海洋工业,努力开发海底采矿。海洋工业的大发展是潮州海洋经济跨世纪发展战略的方向,而且必将导致海洋产业结构的变革,使新兴海洋产业乃至未来海洋产业的结构比重升高。  相似文献   

Farmers' Preferences for Crop Insurance Attributes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Utilizing survey data from corn and soybean farmers in the Midwest, this study assesses the relative importance of different features of crop insurance products. Conjoint analysis results indicate that farmers' preferences for flexibility dominate both type of insurance and coverage level. Revenue insurance demand is greater by those who are larger, younger, and farm in more separate locations. Results are significant and consistent by size, insurance usage, leverage, and risk perception. The results permit prediction of market shares of competing insurance products within specific producer segments, and thus also provide guidance for targeting specific producer groups with new product configurations.  相似文献   

发展循环经济是转变经济发展方式的重要途径.小型矿山具有其存在的必要性,发展循环经济是解决存续问题的有效选择.小型矿山存在的有利和不利因素都是其发展循环经济的有利条件.将循环经济与小型矿山的特点相结合是小型矿山发展循环经济的重要特色.小型矿山发展循环经济应建立和完善相关法律制度;实行联合办厂或分工协作,建立小型矿山废弃物联合处理机制,推进小型矿山废弃物处理企业化;编制小型矿山循环经济发展规划,有序推进小型矿山循环经济发展;加大小型矿山人才、技术、资金投入,促进矿山循环经济技术研究与推广;加大宣传力度,提高小型矿山资源节约与环保意识.  相似文献   

本文从对江苏省农民专业合作经济组织的实地调查资料入手,运用产权理论、企业治理理论,对我国农民专业合作经济组织利益机制的现状、存在问题和影响因素进行了理论分析和实证研究,并结合"农民专业合作社法"的实施,提出了利益机制完善的方向和政策建议.  相似文献   

本文对林业经济理论研究中存在的有关方法论方面若干问题进行了深入剖析 ,并提出了实现林业经济理论研究的规范化的途径。  相似文献   

The Malaysian farmers' selection criteria of agricultural inputs, attitudes towards selecting the inputs, and the influence of socio-demographic factors in the selection of inputs were examined by using a personal interview with vegetable farmers. It was found that farmers perceived quality as most important criteria in selection of inputs, while advertising was perceived as least important. Vegetable farmers have favourable attitudes towards quality, product availability and fair prices, and less favourable attitudes towards advertising influence. The socio-demographic factors such as income, farm size, geographical distribution, education level, and ethnic group (race) have some influence on farmers' selection criteria of agricultural inputs.  相似文献   

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