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电影作为文化产业的核心产业之一,贡献不容小觑。本文通过利用Eviews统计软件对2000~2013年末在我国大陆上映的电影的票房进行分析,研究电影类型、导演、演员、电影评分、上映档期、出品地区、国内生产总值和城镇居民可支配收入等因素对电影票房的影响,结果表明,热门档期上映对电影票房有促进作用,网上评分对电影票房的贡献突出,城镇人均可支配收入的提高对电影票房也有促进作用。  相似文献   

本文立足于中国电影市场的实际情况,通过定量分析选取了电影票房的影响因素模型。同时将网络口碑作为自变量,之后又将网络口碑分为网站评分和网友评论两个因子;将电影票房作为因变量,引入电影制作因素、电影宣传因素作为调节变量,探讨各变量对于电影票房的影响,以及调节变量与网络口碑的交互效应。在此基础上,笔者认为中国电影应该重视影片内容的锻造,丰富影片文化内涵,增强网络口碑的作用。  相似文献   

本文选取了2008年到2013年在国内上映的48部3D电影为样本,对3D电影的电影票房进行了实证研究,在传统研究的基础上通过设定成功电影的临界值,采用对于成功影片进行分类回归,试图研究电影质量,导演和明星的票房效应,档期,票价,续集的发行,美国电影的品牌效应,以及盗版的出现对我国3D电影票房的影响。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的迅速发展,网络团购成为一种流行的营销渠道和购物方式,而网络团购中消费者购买偏好影响因素一直是学术界研究的热点问题之一。文章以电影团购为例,运用联合分析法探讨了网络团购中消费者购买偏好的影响因素。研究结果显示,消费者在网络团购时最关注的是电影类型,其次依次是电影出品地区、电影评分、电影明星、团购价格、到影院距离。同时,通过对模拟电影产品的市场占有率进行预测,以期能为相关企业开发新产品及制定营销策略提供决策依据。  相似文献   

<正>行业前景现在谁不看电影,2015年9份电影票房就为330余亿,较去年同期增长了50.39%,已经超过了2014年全年票房总和,2016年2月中国电影票房68.72亿,首超美国,跃居前球第一,并未受到经济低迷的影响,反而发展更为迅速,中国电影文化产业发展前景已不言而喻。事实证明,中国的电影市场相当大,在未来的4-10年将保持高速增长,2017年有望突破800亿,发展空间相当广阔。目前我国大陆人口总数约为13.68亿,以这个数字计算,平均每40  相似文献   

IP电影"即由其他知识产权改编而来的电影。通过OLS模型和Logit模型,对2015年在中国上映的337部中外电影分析发现:第一,IP对电影票房有显著的促进作用,且基于流行文化的IP更能带来显著的商业效益,基于外国文化的IP对票房的影响力不如基于中国本土文化的IP;第二,通过检验在不同票房门槛上IP对电影票房的提升作用,可见在更高门槛上IP的作用更显著。这给中国电影产业的启示是:第一,要区别对待IP,不能过分夸大IP的作用;第二,IP电影更适合大制作,不适合中小成本。  相似文献   

黄洁 《广告大观》2011,(9):79-80
近年电影市场高速发展,2008年中国电影票房数仅为42.4亿元,2010年已经飙升至101亿元;观影受众也由2008年的1.4亿人次增加到2010年的2.8亿人次;消费者的媒体接触习惯、生活轨迹、消费观念等因素在短短几年间发生了巨大变化,而电影市场的大热电导致小众高端人群养成了固定的观影习惯,成为了他们的日常生活或高品质生活的要求。  相似文献   

高洁 《市场周刊》2008,(2):72-74
近些年来随着进一步开放,中国电影本身也发生了新的变化,在资本的合作和演员方面,与外界的合作交流多了,电影在内地也创造出比香港更好的票房,一扫中国影坛曾经低迷的状况,05年内地电影票房大收逾二十亿。然而,风光背后也有隐忧。整个市场都是靠几个黄金档期的几部大片支撑,投入数千万或上亿制作资金,  相似文献   

随着当前全球经济一体化的发展,娱乐行业得到了繁荣发展。以美国为代表,好莱坞成为当前全球电影工业发展的标杆,在电影票房收入中占到80%。对中国电影市场而言,具有广阔的发展空间,近些年来,中国电影市场日益繁荣,以《美人鱼》《捉妖记》《战狼2》为例,不断刷新我国电影票房的记录。但从整体而言,国产电影存在良莠不齐的问题,直接影响了实际的票房。因此,需要整合多方面的优势,做好中国电影营销,提升电影质量,创造更多的经济效益。本文结合我国电影市场的发展情况,针对中国电影整合营销策略展开论述。  相似文献   

电影广告的中国式出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在8月13日结束的首届"中国电影营销价值及院线投资论坛"上,笔者看到这样的数据:2009年中国电影票房同比增长42%,仅2010年上半年,电影票房就达48亿,同比增长86%。时下正在热映的电影《唐山大地震》想要突破6亿票房更如探囊取物一般。会上,业内人士都对2010年电影票房跨越100亿关口显得信心十足。  相似文献   

Organizations employ various risk-mitigation strategies to cope with the uncertainty in marketing new products. In the motion picture industry, an important strategy is to cast star actors and actresses in movies. The ultimate box-office success, however, depends on multiple stakeholders involved with financing, making, distributing, and watching the movie. In pursuing different goals and interests, the stakeholders may look for different aspects of star power to mitigate their own risk. This paper examines how the influence of stars varies across key stakeholders in the movie market. The results show that, in general, stars have a greater impact on the stakeholders involved in the earlier stages of movie development and exhibition (where the risks are greater) than on those in later stages. Movie project financiers and exhibitors are strongly and directly influenced by star power, but news media and movie audiences are influenced less and only indirectly. Situated at the early stage of the movie “value chain,” the financiers are most concerned with stars’ past box-office performance. Exhibitors, however, are influenced by the “match” between a star’s genre participation history and the genre of a specific movie. By contrast, news media and movie audiences are influenced indirectly through the stars’ impact on earlier stakeholders and their decisions. The findings shed light on the value of employing star elements in new products, the marketing of stars, and movie promotion strategies.  相似文献   

This study attempts to understand the dynamics of the rapidly growing Chinese film industry by relying on a revised reason action model that uses a data-mining approach with aggregated data to examine the determinants of people’s intentions to see movies. The results show that attitude towards seeing movies indicated by online film ratings, collective norms represented by box-office performance and Academy Award win(s) significantly predict intentions to see movies. In addition, a movie’s year of release, star power, country of origin, adaptation from a novel and status as a sequel were significant predictors of aggregated intentions.  相似文献   

Previous literature has inadequately facilitated the systematic selection of motion pictures for promotional actions. By contrast, in the present illustrative application, single-source data on movie attendance and on consumption in Spain permit the examination of a film’s suitability for promoting a product by considering the match between attending the film and consuming the relevant good or service. The illustration investigates how such suitability is predicted by movie characteristics (storyline content and country of origin) to the end of identifying what types of film best fit various product categories.  相似文献   

Movies are among the US’s most successful exports, and China is by far the largest market. China welcomes high-quality US movies in order to grow its own theatrical market while also diligently protecting locally produced movies. China uses a movie import quota system to limit the number of foreign movies, half of which are delayed beyond the US release date by four or more weeks. We empirically study the Chinese government’s import decisions by developing a movie market demand model that integrates two models on concurrent and delayed releases where we consider release timing as an implicit trade barrier. We find that China tends to import US movies that are likely to expand the market demand but limits them from concurrent release when the potential cannibalization effect on local movies is high. Delayed releases of US movies are strongly associated with weaker box-office performance in China, making control of release schedule another vehicle that China leverages in import decisions.  相似文献   

Of interest in the consumer behavior field are the drivers of experiential and aesthetic consumption. This paper considers these questions in the context of the motion picture industry. Most motion picture industry studies use secondary data to elucidate a relationship between movie attributes (genre, star power, critical reviews, distribution strategy, etc.) and box-office revenues. The study gathers primary data from 225 survey respondents in New Zealand to further understand the factors influencing the purchase decision-making process of movie-going consumers. The study uses a factor-analytic approach to map the different genres in attribute space, and to understand the drivers of choice. Overall, the results show genre, movies based on true stories, critical reviews, word-of-mouth, country of origin, pricing strategy as well as star and director power significantly impact consumers' movie choices.  相似文献   


Product naming is regarded as one of the most important communication decisions for firms to deliver information on their new products, particularly in the case of products with unobservable attributes, such as motion pictures, music, books, and games. Despite its importance, there has been little research on “how to name a product” as a communication decision. Hence, we propose a conceptual framework to describe naming decisions as two-stage strategic decisions. The first-stage decision involves “what kind of information to be communicated via product names,” which we call the “information choice” strategy. The second-stage decision is how to express this information through product names, which we call the “expression” strategy. We applied a two-level hierarchical Bayesian model to a data set consisting of opening weekend box-office sales, names, and release dates for 393 movies released in seven countries. Our empirical study provides useful findings on movie naming. First, the information choice for movie titles significantly impacts movies’ viewership. Second, the effects of “what to choose” depend on “how to express”. Third, significant interaction effects occur between information choice strategies and product characteristics, which implies that naming strategies depend on the product’s characteristics. One particularly noteworthy finding in this study is that although it is common sense to avoid negative wording in product names in most industries, negative content in movie titles positively impacts box-office sales.  相似文献   

Moviegoers commonly use film critics as information sources. This article proposes that consumers engage in a causal analysis of the reasons behind critics' judgments and recommendations about new movies before making their own evaluations. An experimental study was conducted where critic's style, critic's predisposition toward the film director, degree of agreement between the critic's judgment and that of other critics, reputation of the critic, reputation of the film director, and critic's judgment direction were manipulated in a mixed within‐subjects factorial design. A summary movie review was constructed for each condition of the factorial design. Viewer's movie evaluations were assessed with the use of four evaluative bipolar scales. Three of the five research hypotheses were fully supported. Consistent with the predictions of attribution theory, it was found that consumers' evaluations of a new movie are more likely to follow the judgment of a film critic when this judgment does not conform to the critic's style (H1), when the judgment is inconsistent with the critic's predisposition toward the film director (H2) and when other critics' judgments show favorable consensus (H3). The other two research hypotheses were partially supported. The impact of the film director's reputation on consumer evaluations (H5) was significant only when the movie reviews were positive, whereas the impact of the critic's reputation (H4) was significant only in the case of negative reviews. The results are interpreted within the framework of attribution theory. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study contributes to research on the impact that consumer buzz has on movie distribution and box office success by examining the impact of buzz generated about the individual stars and about the movie itself. The results indicate that movie buzz is instrumental in boosting box office revenue throughout the theatrical release, not just in the later run, as has been suggested in previous studies. Star buzz can enhance box office receipts during the opening week and can contribute to the public's anticipation of the movie pre-release. However, early buzz can have a negative impact on revenue during subsequent weeks if the movie fails to resonate with the audiences. Model simulations reveal that, even for poorly received films, the overall impact of star buzz is positive because the initial revenue boost normally outweighs the later decline. Thus, this study empirically demonstrates the positive impact of star buzz on revenue, which helps shed light on the long-standing debate regarding the importance of star participation in the success of a movie.  相似文献   

Most studies indicate Hollywood's economic and financial leadership in the movie markets from the 1910s onward. There is a shortfall in the literature concerning the analysis of the efficacy of other minor film industries. This article examines the Italian film industry in the 1990s and beginning of the twenty‐first century. The research suggests that the Italian film industry is very risky and unpredictable, but while the extreme uncertainty surrounding the business is offset by the considerable economic success that Hollywood movies achieve at the box office, as indicated by previous literature contributions, a different business scenario emerges in Italy. The value of this article is first represented by the data used—provided by the Osservatorio of Cinecittà—which is unique and has not been published before. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Academic research pertaining to the marketing of cultural products such as Broadway shows, books, music, and movies has identified a product's genre (or type), star power, and critics' reviews as important factors influencing the market performance of an individual product. Prior research, however, has not investigated the joint influences of these factors. The current study extends previous research by empirically investigating the managerially relevant interactive influences of these factors within the context of the motion‐picture industry. For example, should producers of more familiar genre movies, such as dramas and comedies, feature popular, but expensive, stars? Real‐world data from two distinct time periods are used to test the hypotheses. The findings are consistent across the two time periods and reveal that for more familiar genre movies, star power and the valence of critics' reviews have less impact on the movie's performance in the market. In contrast, for the less familiar genre movies, stronger (vs. weaker) star power and more (vs. less) positive reviews have positive influence on the market performance. Further, for movies with less star power, the valence of critics' reviews has no impact on the performance. In contrast, for movies with greater star power, more (less) positive reviews have positive (negative) influence on movie performance. Managerial and theoretical implications, along with limitations of the findings and directions for future research, are offered. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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