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There has been an increase in price volatility in oil prices during and since the global financial crisis (GFC). This study investigates the Granger causality patterns in volatility spillovers between West Texas International (WTI) and Brent crude oil spot prices using daily data. We use Hafner and Herwartz’s (2006) test and employ a rolling sample approach to investigate the changes in the dynamics of volatility spillovers between WTI and Brent oil prices over time. Volatility spillovers from Brent to WTI prices are found to be more pronounced at the beginning of the analysis period, around the GFC, and more recently in 2020. Between 2015 and 2019, the direction of volatility spillovers runs unidirectionally from WTI to Brent oil prices. In 2020, however, a Granger-causal feedback relation between the volatility of WTI and Brent crude oil prices is again detected. This is due to the uncertainty surrounding how the COVID-19 pandemic will evolve and how long the economies and financial markets will be affected. In this uncertain environment, commodities markets participants could be reacting to prices and volatility signals on both WTI and Brent, leading to the detection of a feedback relation.  相似文献   

This paper examines inter-linkages between Indian and US equity, foreign exchange and money markets using the vector autoregressive-multivariate GARCH-BEKK framework. We investigate the impact of global financial crisis (GFC) and Eurozone debt crisis (EZDC) on the conditional volatility and conditional correlation estimates derived from the multivariate GARCH model for Indian and US financial markets. Our results indicate that there is significant bidirectional causality-in-mean between the Indian stock market returns and the Rs./USD market returns, and significant unidirectional causality-in-mean from the US stock market returns to the Indian stock market returns. As regards volatility spillovers, we find that volatility in the Indian stock market rises in response to domestic as well as US financial market shocks but Indian financial market shocks do not impact the US markets. Further, impact of the recent crisis episodes on the covariance matrix is found to be significant. We find that volatility in the Indian and US financial markets significantly amplified during GFC. The conditional correlations across asset markets were significantly accentuated in the wake of the two crisis episodes. The impact of GFC on cross-market conditional correlations is higher for majority of the asset market pairs in comparison to the EZDC.  相似文献   

This paper employs univariate and bivariate GARCH models to examine the volatility of oil prices and US stock market prices incorporating structural breaks using daily data from July 1, 1996 to June 30, 2013. We endogenously detect structural breaks using an iterated algorithm and incorporate this information in GARCH models to correctly estimate the volatility dynamics. We find no volatility spillover between oil prices and US stock market when structural breaks in variance are ignored in the model. However, after accounting for structural breaks in the model, we find strong volatility spillover between the two markets. We compute optimal portfolio weights and dynamic risk minimizing hedge ratios to highlight the significance of our empirical results which underscores the serious consequences of ignoring these structural breaks. Our findings are consistent with the notion of cross-market hedging and sharing of common information by financial market participants in these markets.  相似文献   

Building on the increased interest in the volatility spillover effects between Chinese stock market and commodity markets, this paper investigates the dynamic volatility spillovers of Chinese stock market and Chinese commodity markets based on the volatility spillover index under the framework of TVP-VAR. The result shows that there is a highly dependent relationship between the stock market and commodity markets. On average, the Chinese stock market is the net recipient of spillover, non-ferrous metals and chemical industry have a very obvious spillover impact on the stock market. The degree of total volatility spillover is different in different periods. After major crisis events, the volatility correlation between markets increases. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the spillover effect of the stock market on the commodity market has been significantly enhanced. Then optimal portfolio weights and hedge ratios are calculated for portfolio diversification and risk management. The result shows that the ability of most commodities to hedge against risks is significantly reduced when the crisis occurs; NMFI (precious metals) and CRFI (grain) still have good hedging ability after the crisis, but the effectiveness of hedging risk is relatively low. Besides, the combination of CRFI and SHCI (the Shanghai composite index) is the most effective for risk reduction.  相似文献   

This paper dissects the dynamics of the hedge fund industry with four financial markets, including the equity market, commodities, currencies, and debt market by employing a large number of assets from these markets. We employ four main representative hedge fund strategy indices, and a cap-weighted global index to estimate an asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation (ADCC) GJR-GARCH model using daily data from April 2003 to May 2021. We break down the performance, riskiness, investing style, volatility, dynamic correlations, and shock transmissions of each hedge fund strategy thoroughly. Further, the impact of commodity futures basis on hedge funds' return is analyzed. Comparing the dynamic correlations during the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC) with COVID-19 pandemic reveals changing patterns in hedge funds' investing styles. There are strong and pervasive shock spillovers from hedge fund industry to other financial markets, especially to futures commodities. An increase in the futures basis of several commodities drives up hedge funds' performance. While hedge fund industry underperforms compared to equity market and commodities, the risk-reward measures show that hedge funds are superior to other markets, and safer than the bond market.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the impact of the 1997 Asian financial market crisis upon hedging effectiveness within the KOSPI 200 stock index and index futures markets. The paper utilizes the inter-temporal relationship between the two markets to examine the characteristics of several minimum variance hedge ratios. It also examines the performances of alternative hedging strategies for dynamic portfolio management in the presence of cointegrated time-varying risks. The results show a decline in the persistence of conditional volatility within market prices after the crisis. This decline leads to the relative performance of utilizing constant hedge ratios to increase, though not significantly so to guarantee a superior performance over more sophisticated time-varying hedge ratio strategies.  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively examines return transmission and volatility spillovers between banking sector stocks in the US and eight other countries by applying our newly extended VAR-DCC-MEGARCH-M model with asymmetric spillovers and Student-t or skew-t errors. Our investigations clarify almost unidirectional stock return transmission from the US banking sector to all other eight international banking sectors. In addition, we also uncover bidirectional volatility spillovers between the US and other eight international banking sector stocks, which are all tied to the leverage effect. Moreover, using the dynamic conditional variances and covariances from our extended model, we derive the time-varying optimal hedge ratios and optimal portfolio weights. These analyses reveal that, except for such extraordinary periods as during financial crises, we can hedge the US banking sector stocks with other international banking sector stocks, and that well-balanced portfolios of the US and other banking sector stocks are optimal. Furthermore, additional analysis using gold, silver, and platinum futures reveals that we can hedge international banking sector stocks with precious metal futures highly effectively, and that well-balanced portfolios of banking stocks and precious metals are optimal. Based on the results from our analyses, this paper derives many significant interpretations and implications for financial and systemic risk management.  相似文献   

Previous studies on spillover effects in futures markets have so far confined themselves to static analyses. In this study, we use a newly introduced spillover index to examine dynamic spillovers between spot and futures markets volatilities, volume of futures trading and open interest in the UK and the US. Based on a dataset over the period February 25, 2008 to March 14, 2013, that encompasses both the global financial crisis and the Eurozone debt crisis, we find that spot and futures volatilities in the UK (US) are net receivers (net transmitters) of shocks to volume of futures trading and open interest. The analysis also sheds light on the dynamic interdependence of spot and futures markets volatilities between the US and the UK. Specifically, the spot and futures volatility spillovers between the UK and US markets are of bidirectional nature, however, they are affected by major economic events such as the global financial and Eurozone debt crises. Several robustness checks endorse our main findings. Overall, these results have important implications for various market participants and financial sector regulators.  相似文献   

The paper examines the return and volatility transmission between NFTs, Defi assets, and other assets (oil, gold, Bitcoin, and S&P 500) using the TVP-VAR framework. The results report weak static return and volatility spillovers between NFTs and Defi assets and selected markets, showing that these new digital assets are still relatively decoupled from traditional asset classes. Bitcoin, oil, and half of the NFTs and Defi assets are net transmitters of return and volatility spillovers, whereas rest of the markets are net recipients of spillovers. Our findings show that the dynamic return and volatility connectedness become higher during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and the cryptocurrency bubble of 2021. We also compute the static and dynamic optimal weights, hedge ratios, and hedging effectiveness for the portfolios of NFTs/other asset and Defi asset/other asset and show that investors and portfolio managers should consider adding NFTs and Defi assets in their portfolios of gold, oil, and stock markets to achieve diversification benefits.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamic relationship and volatility spillovers between cryptocurrency and commodity markets using different multivariate GARCH models. We take into account the nature of interaction between these markets and their transmission mechanisms when analyzing the conditional cross effects and volatility spillovers. Our results confirm the presence of significant returns and volatility spillovers, and we identify the GO-GARCH (2,2) as the best-fit model for modeling the joint dynamics of various financial assets. Our findings show significant dynamic linkages and volatility spillovers between gold, natural gas, crude oil, Bitcoin, and Ethereum prices. We find that gold can serve as a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty, as it is a good hedge against natural gas and crude oil price fluctuations. We also find evidence of bidirectional causality between crude oil and natural gas prices, suggesting that changes in one commodity's price can affect the other. Furthermore, we observe that Bitcoin and Ethereum are positively correlated with each other, but negatively correlated with gold and crude oil, indicating that these cryptocurrencies may serve as useful diversification tools for investors seeking to reduce their exposure to traditional assets. Our study provides valuable insights for investors and policymakers regarding asset allocation and risk management, and sheds light on the dynamics of financial markets.  相似文献   

This paper investigates static and dynamic liquidity spillovers for a pool of ten Eurozone countries for the period 2000–2021. We estimate a generalised vector autoregressive (VAR) model based on Diebold and Yilmaz (2009, 2012). We find evidence for static and dynamic transmission of shocks through the liquidity channel. We propose a static measure of liquidity spillovers which captures total and pairwise average spillovers across Eurozone countries. Our measure shows strong evidence of interconnection within the Eurozone through the liquidity channel. We investigate the dynamic intensity and direction of liquidity spillovers, finding significant evidence of contagion during crisis periods. Our results indicate that most of the shocks during periods of financial uncertainty arise from leading economies within the Euro area.  相似文献   

Volatility is a key determinant of derivative prices and optimal hedge ratios. This paper examines whether there are structural breaks in commodity spot return volatility using an iterative cumulative sum of squares procedure and then uses GARCH (1,1) to model volatility during each regime.The main empirical finding is the very limited evidence of commodity volatility breaks during the recent financial crisis. This suggests commodity return volatility was not exceptionally high during the recent financial crisis compared to the 1985–2010 sample period as a whole. For many commodities there are multiple idiosyncratic breaks in volatility; this suggests commodity specific supply or demand factors are important determinants of volatility. The empirical results overall are consistent with the view that commodities are too diverse to be considered as an asset class. Finally, we find commodity volatility persistence remains very high for many commodity returns even after structural breaks are accounted for.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the volatility spillovers and asymmetry between REITs and stock prices for nine countries (Australia, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States) using eight different multivariate GARCH models. We also analyze the optimal weights, hedging effectiveness, and hedge ratios for REIT-stock portfolio holdings with respect to the results. The empirical results indicate that dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) models provide a better fit than the constant conditional correlation models. The DCC with volatility spillovers and asymmetry (DCC-SA) model provides a better fit than the other multivariate GARCH models. The DCC-SA model also provides the best hedging effectiveness for all pairs of REIT-stock assets. More importantly, this result holds for all cases and for all models that we consider, which means that by taking spillover and asymmetry into consideration, hedging effectiveness can be vastly improved.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes stock returns and volatility relations between the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) and the global market as represented by stock markets in the US, the UK, Japan and Germany. Results from monthly data and multivariate cointegration tests suggest that the ISE became significantly integrated in the global market only in the period following market liberalization in late 1989. We also find evidence based on GARCH estimations that capital liberalization actually mitigated, rather than intensified, volatility in the ISE. Our results further suggest that the Asian crisis in mid‐1997 and the consequent Russian economic meltdown in mid‐1998 are partly responsible for the recent excessive volatility in the Turkish market. The results also identify the US and the UK markets as dominate sources of volatility spillovers for the ISE, even in the period following the Asian‐Russian crises. Consequently, it appears that the two matured markets of the US and the UK shoulder significant responsibility for the stability and financial health of smaller emerging markets like the ISE.  相似文献   

This paper examines return and volatility spillovers between the Turkish stock market with international stock, exchange rate and commodity markets. Our aim is not only to examine spillover behaviour with a large emerging market but also to examine cross—asset spillovers and how they vary across two periods of financial market crisis; the dotcom crash and the liquidity-induced financial crisis. This is to be compared with existing work that typically focuses on industrialised countries or single asset markets only. Using the spillover index methodology we uncover an interesting distinction between these two periods of markets stress. Over the dotcom period spillovers are largely between the same asset class, notably two exchange rate series and two international stock markets series. However, in the period including the financial crisis, spillovers both increase and cross asset types and suggest a much greater degree of market interdependence. Understanding this changing nature in spillovers is key for investors, regulators and academics involved in theoretical model development.  相似文献   

We find evidence of significant volatility co-movements and/or spillover from different financial markets to the forex market in India. Among a large number of variables examined, volatility spillovers from domestic stock, government securities, overnight index swap, Ted spread and international crude oil markets to the foreign exchange market are found to be significant. There is evidence of asymmetric reactions in the forex market volatility. Comparisons between pre-crisis and post-crisis volatility indicate that the reform measures and changes in financial markets microstructure during the crisis period had significant impact on volatility spillover. During the post-crisis period, the lagged volatility component that represents persistent or fundamental changes had significant spillover effect on forex volatility, rather than the temporary shocks component. There is evidence of a decline in the asymmetric response in the forex volatility during the post-crisis period in India.  相似文献   

This paper employs bivariate GARCH models to simultaneously estimate the mean and conditional variance between five different US sector indexes and oil prices. Since many different financial assets are traded based on these market sector returns, it is important for financial market participants to understand the volatility transmission mechanism over time and across these series in order to make optimal portfolio allocation decisions. We examine weekly returns from January 1, 1992 to April 30, 2008 and find evidence of significant transmission of shocks and volatility between oil prices and some of the examined market sectors. The findings support the idea of cross-market hedging and sharing of common information by investors.  相似文献   

In this article we take a recent generalized VAR-GARCH approach to examine the extent of volatility transmission between oil and stock markets in Europe and the United States at the sector-level. The empirical model is advantageous in that it typically allows simultaneous shock transmission in the conditional returns and volatilities. Insofar as volatility transmission across oil and stock sector markets is a crucial element for portfolio designs and risk management, we also analyze the optimal weights and hedge ratios for oil-stock portfolio holdings with respect to the results. Our findings point to the existence of significant volatility spillover between oil and sector stock returns. However, the spillover is usually unidirectional from oil markets to stock markets in Europe, but bidirectional in the United States. Our back-testing procedures, finally, suggest that taking the cross-market volatility spillovers estimated from the VAR-GARCH models often leads to diversification benefits and hedging effectiveness better than those of commonly used multivariate volatility models such as the CCC-GARCH of Bollerslev (1990), the diagonal BEKK-GARCH of Engle and Kroner (1995) and the DCC-GARCH of Engle (2002).  相似文献   

This paper investigates the nonlinear dynamic co-movements between gold returns, stock market returns and stock market volatility during the recent global financial crisis for the UK (FTSE 100), the US (S&P 500) and Japan (Nikkei 225). Initially, the bivariate dynamic relationships between i) gold returns and stock market returns and ii) gold returns and stock market volatility are tested; both of these relationships are further investigated in the multivariate nonlinear settings by including changes in the three-month LIBOR rates. In this paper correlation integrals based on the bivariate model show significant evidence of nonlinear feedback effect among the variables during the financial crisis period for all the countries understudy. Very limited evidence of significant feedback is found during the pre-crisis period. Results from the multivariate tests including changes in the LIBOR rates provide results similar to the bivariate results. These results imply that gold may not perform well as a safe haven during the financial crisis period due to the bidirectional interdependence between gold returns and, stock returns as well as stock market volatility. However, gold may be used as a hedge against stock market returns and volatility in stable financial conditions.  相似文献   

Even though the global contagion effects of the financial crisis have been well documented, the transmission mechanism as well as the nature of the volatility spillovers among the US, the EU and the BRIC markets has not been systematically investigated. To examine the dynamic linear and nonlinear causal linkages a stepwise filtering methodology is introduced, for which vector autoregressions and various multivariate GARCH representations are adopted. The sample covers the after-Euro period and includes the financial crisis and the Eurozone debt crisis. The empirical results show that the BRICs have become more internationally integrated after the US financial crisis and contagion is further substantiated. Moreover, no consistent evidence in support of the “decoupling” view is found. Some nonlinear causal links persist after filtering during the examined period. This indicates that nonlinear causality can, to a large extent, be explained by simple volatility effects, although tail dependency and higher-moments may be significant factors of the remaining interdependencies.  相似文献   

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