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人类的文明,依赖于和谐而美好的生态环境,而生态环境的主体是森林.  相似文献   

偌大的中国,我不知道还有哪座山能像你这样因为一个人、一篇文章而名闻遐迩. 去看你,已是好久好久的愿望.我曾以为这种愿望,会因为时间的流逝而苍老,而苍老的愿望,就像风干了的浆果,再也榨不出汁液来.然而,当我一脚踏上滁州的土地,这种愿望又倏地鲜活起来.  相似文献   

Most tourism-scholars have taken an etic perspective on vulnerability, defining the concept as a risk for - and mostly confined to - vulnerable populations. An emic perspective, defining vulnerability as a universal, experiential state of the human condition is anyhow largely absent. Based on forty collected experiences from interviews with twelve participants, this study adopts a phenomenological stance and demonstrates that travel vulnerability is typically lived through different inherent, situational and pathogenic sources, ranging anywhere from potential physical harm and unfamiliar contexts to heightened dependence on the other. The peak experience for the traveller is described as a loss of soundness, where vulnerability actualises from a dispositional state into a transformative experience. Through a Nietzschean lens, the study suggests a different and more complex approach to travel vulnerability, where the concept is embraced and not transcended, lived and not avoided; in order to move towards fulfilling travel experiences.  相似文献   


This paper compares the internal validity, external validity and ease of implementation of different types of compositional, decompositional and hybrid evaluation models in the context of recreational trip behavior. The results indicate that the full‐profile conjoint measurement model outperforms the self‐explicated models, the hybrid evaluation models and the trade‐off conjoint measurement model in terms of both internal and external validity, although the models differ less in terms of external validity. However, in terms of ease of implementation, the decompositional models may be less attractive.  相似文献   

This article reflects on aligning leisure research with the local foods movement while placing the local foods movement into the larger framework of sustainability and the fields of leisure and recreation. The local foods movement has persisted during difficult economic times; growth in local foods venues and young people endeavoring to establish small-scale sustainable farms continues to flourish. Given the history of leisure research and its continued success alleviating participation barriers and constraints, the need for leisure researchers to focus on local food systems is imperative and timely. This essay highlights the notion of leisure in living through local foods and the serious leisure aspects of small-scale sustainable agriculture. This article also encourages leisure researchers to explore and assess the relationships between the local foods movement and small-scale farming as embedded in the larger framework of sustainability.  相似文献   

Living on the edge: benefit-sharing from protected area tourism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

生活、旅游、美,都是复杂的概念,其内涵在实践领域不断被拓展,其本质在理论领域不断被重新认识和探究.从马克思主义美学的历史起点“美是生活”,到实践论美学,再到美学的生存论转向,以及美学“生活论”回归,这些都为研究本体论视角的旅游审美提供了理论和现实基础.当代的旅游审美趣味是多元和世俗的.在生活美学视野中,旅游之美在于天人合一,在于能动超越.从观光旅游到休闲度假,反映了人们审美情趣和审美方式的流变.观光旅游审美注重感性认识,休闲旅游审美注重感性存在,是对生命中感性价值的确认.从观光到休闲,审美是感性超越的过程,体现在对时空的超越、对审美主客两分的超越,以及对体验的超越.旅游审美通过活泼泼的生命体验,最终超越感性,能动地从生命存在的意义上获得美,完满生活、成就生命.日常生活既充满着感性的愉悦,也承载着深沉的精神期望.生活本身的丰富性造就了旅游审美的丰富性,生活关学视角的旅游审美是激发、是唤醒、是重新发现.旅游审美本质上是对生命归属和文化价值的寻觅,其本体意义在于成就审美的人.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the understanding of the relationship between crisis management procedures and local resilience responses. Utilizing the context of the 416 wildfire in southwest Colorado during the summer of 2018, this study proposes that community resilience is a process that is impacted by the decision-making surrounding the reduction of the disaster impact. The results of this study argue that interpreting the community response to crisis management from the lens of resilience will allow decision-makers to more thoroughly understand the impact on the community and the related tourism industry. This research proposes a path of integration between crisis management and community response to be used for navigating the challenges that occur during uncontrolled natural disasters impacting community sustainability.  相似文献   


This paper examines recreation and leisure research within the context of active living, and highlights an apparent gap between the current involvement of recreation and leisure researchers and the potential they could offer to this important and expanding area of inquiry. To illustrate this potential, I looked at two previous studies that focused on the recreational use of urban trails and reanalyzed the data from an active living perspective. In Study 1, individual, social and environmental factors helped distinguish between low, moderate, and high activity level trail uses. In Study 2, use patterns helped distinguish between health-motivated trail users and individuals using trails for recreation and other purposes, but perceptual and demographic data were similar among groups. Findings from similar studies can help inform active living research, and recreation and leisure studies can provide leadership and contributions to a transdisciplinary understanding of active living.  相似文献   

This study aims to test the influence of constraints on travel of the elderly in Hong Kong and to compare perceived travel constraints of Hong Kong seniors in public and in private housing based on the hierarchical leisure constraints model. Face-to-face questionnaire interviews were conducted from December 2013 to April 2014. A total of 415 participants completed the interview successfully. Despite sharing the similar factor structure of the leisure constraints model, the two groups varied significantly in travel behavior, six constraint items, and seven regression paths.  相似文献   

人们每到一地旅游,除了探幽揽胜、观赏名山丽水、扩大视野、丰富知识、陶冶情操以外,还要品尝一些具有地方特色的各种名菜佳肴、风味小吃,颇有一番情趣,旅游部门称之为"美食旅游".  相似文献   

现代社会竞争剧烈,使人承受的困扰越来越多.因而,需要宽松一下的人也越来越多.  相似文献   


In the foodservice industry, customer service is a key performance indicator. This performance indicator comprises two components: a core aspect (food quality) and a relationship aspect (personality of the server). This paper explores the role of personality and its influence on the relationship aspect of customer service. In particular, the authors examine the significance of the agreeableness personality trait on customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth promotion. The findings suggest that developing a method to measure the agreeableness personality trait could assist foodservice managers in selecting candidates that have a greater likelihood of delivering quality customer service.  相似文献   


As the number one tourist attraction in this remote mountain region, the historic Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad had become an economic mainstay. Now, in the midst of a dismal tourism season brought about by a weak national economy and international turmoil, management of this operation faced a crisis. A roaring wildfire was consuming thousands of acres of pristine forests, and tourism activities and expenditures were evaporating as the fire and smoke spread. Chief Executive Officer Allen Harper found himself caught between a rock and a hard place as the fire danger increased. Continuing to run the coal-fired trains in the isolated tinder dry mountains could cause additional fires, and firefighting resources were already stretched. Yet business owners who feared lost revenues if the train were idled urged management to keep the trains running. He knew he had to make a decision and announce it soon.  相似文献   

Satisfaction with amusement parks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

大唐盛世文化兼容的气度,吐故纳新的灵气,对文学深入骨髓的热爱,使唐朝的古典诗歌进入了一个辉煌时期.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine heritage representations of a metropolitan city in the United States, using a dialogical present-centered approach. Heritage themes and icons contextualized by the local agencies are identified. Views of a purposeful stratified sample of local residents are sought. Statistically significant differences in perceptions and level of connectedness to heritage expressions and icons are determined between the Whites (the mainstream population), the Hispanics and the Asians. Information is also elicited on preferred themes and images that hold potential to showcase local heritage in an equitable manner to heritage tourists. Traces of heritage dissonance and societal exclusion are identified and proactive dialogical initiatives are suggested that portray meaningful present-centered public heritage representations to promote sustainable heritage tourism.  相似文献   

Tourism can play a much more powerful role in stimulating rural development than it has in most regions. Achieving this objective will require more careful integration of visitor marketing and rural development strategies. High “quality” visitors and accommodations may not be the same in rural and urban areas. What may be good for the region as a whole may not be good for its rural periphery. In the case of Hawaii, the expansion of tourism was not planned as an integral part of the rural development process, even though most of the state's hotel rooms will eventually be located in non-metropolitan areas. Hawaii may not, therefore, serve as an ideal planning model for other island regions to follow.  相似文献   

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