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For a broad set of anomalies, we establish a common pattern of underreaction to information contained in preceding insider trading activity. Our main analysis focuses on the anomalies' short legs, which generate persistent negative abnormal returns. For stocks in the short legs, future returns are systematically related to the information signal contained in preceding insider trading activity, indicating underreaction. For insider trading information, we consider the possibility of net buying, net selling, and no trading (or silence). The underreaction effect is economically significant, with the most negative signal accounting for an average of 71% of short-leg returns. This underreaction effect survives numerous robustness checks and remains important after accounting for investor sentiment, information environment, and limits to arbitrage.  相似文献   

We analyse a novel bank‐level data set from Nepal, where domestic and foreign currency (FX) deposits are reported separately on the liability side of commercial bank balance sheets. In a panel regression analysis, we estimate semi‐accounting‐identities that allow us to identify the marginal sources of financing for various asset positions. We find that banks hedge against FX exposure via their sectoral lending composition: banks with a large share of FX deposits primarily lend to firms in traded‐goods sectors. Loans to non‐traded sectors are mostly financed by domestic deposits. While earlier studies have documented a positive impact of FX accounts on financial development, our analysis suggests that this does not need to imply that severely credit constrained sectors are the main beneficiaries of this process.  相似文献   

India's groundwater extraction is heavily dependent on diesel pumps, and one reason is the lack of reliable power supply. The widespread use of diesel pumps is an economic problem due to the inefficiency and high cost of said pumps. Could rural electrification improve the situation? We estimate the relationship between village electrification and the counts of electric and diesel pumps in India, 1982–1999. We find that, in addition to increasing the number of electric pumps, rural electrification also greatly increases the number of diesel pumps. While initially surprising, these results make sense in an environment characterized by frequent power outages and constant quality problems. If rural electrification increases the number of electric pumps and promotes irrigated agriculture, the demand for diesel pumps also grows because many farmers need a reliable pump that does not depend on electricity. Without improvements in the supply of electricity through rational power sector reforms, India cannot stop the spread of diesel pumps through rural electrification. For energy and development economists, the results are novel because previous econometric work has largely focused on industrial uses of power.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between elected minority representatives, i.e. Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) and health worker visits in rural India. We estimate the effect of minority representation on the frequency of visits to villages by health workers by exploiting the state variation in the share of seats reserved for the two minority groups in state legislative assemblies mandated by the Constitution of India. Using data from state and village level surveys on 15 major Indian states, we find that ST representatives increase the frequency of visits by both doctors and mobile medical units. In contrast, SC representatives have a tendency to decrease the frequency of visits by mobile medical units. Potential explanations for the differential impact of SC and ST representatives are also explored, including geographic isolation, support for the Congress Party, a shift in power, and relative population shares.  相似文献   

The present study seeks to examine the impact of economic globalisation on youth unemployment for 50 African countries between the period 1994 and 2013. In addition to the economic globalisation measurements, the present study controlled the variables that represent the fluctuations in economic activates; demographic changes, a country’s economic size; the quality of governmental institutions; and labour market regulation. The results of the Arellano-Bond (A-B) GMM technique showed that greater openness to global markets would reflect in a lower youth unemployment rate. Furthermore, the results revealed that rigidity in labour market regulations seemed to reduce the youth unemployment rate. In addition, urbanisation seemed to raise the youth unemployment rate. The findings supported contemporary calls to participate in international trade to facilitate the job creation process.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence on the interaction between business and credit cycles in Spain during the period 1970–2014. The paper works on three analyses: the cycle turning points are identified; the main features of credit and business cycles are documented; and in both cycles the causal relationship is assessed. We find differences in the features of the business and credit cycle phases, which lead to a scant degree of synchronization over time. The lack of synchronization might be a sign that the cyclic interaction could be non-contemporaneous. Our results reveal that there is causation. A significant lagged relationship between business and credit cycles is found; specifically, fluctuations of the business cycle lead fluctuations of the credit to non-financial corporations and a lag exists with respect to the fluctuations of the credit to households. We also examine episodes of credit boom and credit crunch. In the period 1970–2014, Spanish credit booms did not involve deeper business cycle contractions and credit crunches were not associated with deeper and longer business cycle contractions. These differences are related with the great importance of the real estate sector in Spain.  相似文献   

This objective of this paper is to examine the Feldstein-Harioka puzzle by using both time series analysis that accommodates structural breaks, and dynamic panel error-correction method. Our sample consists of 118 countries over the period 1981–2013. Results from ARDL model suggest that long-run capital is highly mobile in high-income countries (HIC), moderately mobile for both middle- and low-income countries. Our finding of the low long-run saving coefficient for HICs shows that failure to account for a structural break may overstate the long-run saving coefficient. Findings from the pooled mean group estimators suggest that capital is moderately mobile in the middle-income countries, and highly immobile in the high- and low-income countries in the long run. Our findings highlight that ignoring structural break, the type of data (time series/panel), and econometric method used can affect the conclusion about capital mobility. The adjustment coefficient in the time series analysis is comparatively higher than the panel data analysis. We also test whether country size and openness affect the saving–investment correlation. While the effect of country size on the saving coefficient is mixed, the saving estimate is found to be a function of the degree of openness. We also discuss policy implications of our findings on the current account sustainability.  相似文献   

Experimental Economics - With the rise of experimental research in the social sciences, numerous methods to elicit and classify people’s risk attitudes in the laboratory have evolved....  相似文献   

Public disclosure programs that collect and disseminate information about firms’ environmental performance are increasingly popular in both developed and developing countries. Yet little is known about whether they actually improve environmental performance, particularly in the latter setting. We use detailed plant-level survey data to evaluate the impact of India’s Green Rating Project (GRP) on the environmental performance of the country’s largest pulp and paper plants. We find that the GRP drove significant reductions in pollution loadings among dirty plants but not among cleaner ones. This result comports with statistical and anecdotal evaluations of similar disclosure programs. We also find that plants located in wealthier communities were more responsive to GRP ratings, as were single-plant firms.  相似文献   

Microfinance programmes like the Self Help Bank Linkage Program in India have been increasingly promoted for their positive economic impact and the belief that they empower women. However, only a few studies rigorously examine the link between microfinance and women’s empowerment. This article contributes to this discussion by arguing that women’s empowerment takes place when women challenge the existing social norms and culture, to effectively improve their well‐being. It empirically validates this hypothesis by using quasi‐experimental household sample data collected for five states in India for 2000 and 2003. A general model is estimated by employing appropriate techniques to treat the ordinal variables in order to estimate the impact of the Self Help Group (SHG) on women’s empowerment for 2000 and 2003. The results strongly demonstrate that on average, there is a significant increase in the empowerment of women in the SHG members group. No such significant change is observed however, for the members of the control group. The elegance of the result lies in the fact that the group of SHG participants show clear evidence of a significant and higher empowerment, while allowing for the possibility that some members might have been more empowered than others.  相似文献   


The growth and evolution of the industry has an important bearing on the economic development of a country. The extant literature on firm growth provides valuable insights into firm behavior and factors influencing the evolution of the industry over time. The topic becomes even more relevant in the context of the telecommunication industry because of its positive impact on economic growth and productivity, which has been well documented in both the developed and developing country context. Based on the firm-growth literature, this study analyzes the factors influencing the growth of the Indian telecommunication industry using an unbalanced panel of 204 firms across two decades from 2000 to 2020. Dynamic Panel estimation technique (System GMM) is used to take care of endogeneity issues caused by the dynamic nature of firm growth models. Results indicate that the growth of firms in the Indian telecom services industry is explained by systematic factors like size, age, profitability, financial leverage, and trade orientation. The study finds that the larger firms grow at a decreasing rate compared to small firms. The firm's age negatively impacts the growth rate of firms, i.e., younger firms have a faster growth rate than the older ones supporting the case of convergence of firm growth in the Indian telecom services sector. Factors such as lagged R&D intensity, financial leverage, and profitability negatively impact the firms’ growth rate. Export intensity is found to have a negative and significant impact on the growth rate of the firms. The findings have important policy implications in the context of the growth of the telecommunication industry in India, which has witnessed intense competition, steep decline in profitability, and high debt structure over a period of time.


Journal of Economic Growth - This paper empirically investigates the impact of willingness to take risks on entrepreneurship. We use a quarter century of data on second-generation Americans from...  相似文献   

Seeun Jung 《Applied economics》2013,45(28):2924-2938
Individual risk attitudes are frequently used to predict decisions regarding education. However, using risk attitudes as a control variable for decisions about education has been criticized because of the potential for reverse causality. Causality between risk aversion and education is unclear, and disentangling the different directions it may run is difficult. In this study, we make the first attempt to investigate the causal effects of education on risk aversion by examining the British education reform of 1972, which increased the duration of compulsory schooling from age 15 to age 16. Using regression discontinuity design, we find that this additional year of schooling increases the level of risk aversion, which is contrary to previous findings in the literature, and we also find that this result is particularly strong for individuals with less education. This positive causal effect of education on risk aversion might alleviate concerns regarding the endogeneity/reverse causality issue when using risk aversion as an explanatory variable for decisions about education; the sign would remain credible because the coefficients are underestimated.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence on the effect of managerial autonomy on the performance of state‐owned enterprises (SOE) is surprisingly scant despite autonomy being a preferred reform instrument over partial privatization in many countries. Using longitudinal data on performance contracts of state‐owned enterprises in India, this paper finds that managerial autonomy is associated with significant increases in enterprise profitability and efficiency. Further, using India's unique reform experience where both managerial autonomy and partial privatization were pursued side by side, the paper finds that while the positive effects of autonomy continue post‐partial privatization, the effects of partial privatization on performance are ambiguous. Specifically, once autonomy is controlled for, partial privatization has a positive effect on SOE profitability only after it crosses a critical level of government disinvestment. The findings suggest that organizational reforms such as granting managerial autonomy can be an important policy instrument in improving SOE performance particularly in cases where governments are unable to make substantial disinvestments.  相似文献   

Despite widespread global efforts to promote clean cookstoves to achieve improvements in air and forest quality, and to reduce global climate change, surprisingly little is known about the degree to which these actually reduce biomass fuel consumption in real-world settings. Using data from in-house weighing of fuel conducted in rural India, we examine the impact of cleaner cookstoves ⿿ most of which are LPG stoves ⿿ on three key outcomes related to solid fuel use. Our results suggest that using a clean cookstove is associated with daily reductions of about 4.5 kg of biomass fuel, 160 fewer minutes cooking on traditional stoves, and 105 fewer minutes collecting biomass fuels. These findings of substantial savings are robust to the use of estimators with varying levels of control for selection, and to alternative data obtained from household self-reports. Our results support the idea that efforts to promote clean stoves among poor rural households can reduce solid fuel use and cooking time, and that rebound effects toward greater amounts of cooking on multiple stoves are not sufficient to eliminate these gains. We also find, however, that households who have greater wealth, fewer members, are in less marginalized groups, and practice other health-averting behaviors, are more likely to use these cleaner stoves, which suggests that socio-economic status plays an important role in determining who benefits from such technologies. Future efforts to capture social benefits must therefore consider how to promote the use of alternative technologies by poor households, given that these households are least likely to own clean stoves.  相似文献   

A large amount of administrative effort is directed towards making elections credible and reducing electoral fraud in large democracies. However, it is not clear if such policy efforts have a feedback effect on political competition. In this paper, we exploit plausibly exogenous variation in perceptions of electoral credibility following the introduction of a technology-induced voting reform in India and find significant impacts on political competition. Electronic voting machines in India were mandated to include an additional layer of transparency by the introduction of a Voter-Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT). We find that with the introduction of VVPAT, the winning margins and vote share of winners decline whereas the number of candidates in the average race increases. The results are robust to econometric concerns arising out of staggered implementation of the program providing support to our identification design. Our results also point to heterogeneous effects of the VVPAT roll-out in constituencies that received it only once relative to those that got the VVPAT in two successive elections. Interestingly, we note that much of the welfare improvement through increased political competition is reversed with more experience, suggesting the presence of important learning effects.  相似文献   

This paper measures the contribution of firms in the financial and non-financial sectors to systemic risk. We quantify systemic risk as possible risk spillovers from individual firms to the economy by taking into account time-varying linkages between the firm and the economy. Based on a novel dataset that combines data on international trade and foreign direct investments with daily stock data for 67 Dutch listed companies from 2006–2015, our results indicate that high systemic risk contributions are not only present in the financial sector, but also occur in other sectors of the economy. We find that firms within the financial sector are more capable than non-financial firms of reverting to their pre-financial crisis level of systemic risk contribution. Having examined the potential role globalization fulfills in determining systemic risk, we find two main opposing effects. First, firms in internationally trade-intensive sectors contribute less to systemic risk than firms in sectors with low trade intensity. Second, systemic risk rises when firms are engaged in foreign direct investment activity, suggesting that international networks and global supply chains contribute to systemic risk propagation. Our empirical results imply that macro-prudential policy aimed at monitoring systemic risk should be extended to non-financial sectors and should take into consideration globalization measures, such as foreign direct investments and global supply chains.  相似文献   

Economic crises lead to lower potential output (PO) estimates, but little is known about which components of PO are revised. Our paper answers the questions of how much, how fast, and how persistently estimates of the capital stock, of trend labor, and of trend total factor productivity are revised downwards after major economic crises. It shows that revisions to different components of PO contributed equally to the substantial overall decline in estimated PO levels. Revisions of trend labor are predominantly driven by revisions of the NAWRU. The heterogeneity of revisions across EU countries after the Great Recession is large, suggesting that different policies are needed to bring countries back to their previous growth paths.  相似文献   

Heightened geopolitical risk has become the new normal. We study the effects of geopolitical risks on cross-border acquisition activity. Using military alliance to proxy for the degree of geopolitical risks, we find that the formation of military alliance between two countries is associated with greater cross-border acquisition flows. Using the recent North Atlantic Treaty Organization enlargements as identification strategy, we find stronger effects of military alliance, especially with defense pacts. One important channel is that military alliance can substitute for target countries’ institutional quality and minimize extreme geopolitical threats faced by acquirers. We find that countries with poor governance and weaker legal enforcement benefit more from military alliance, especially by receiving inbound acquisitions from major military powers. These findings highlight the role of military alliance in the global market for corporate control by reducing geopolitical risks.  相似文献   

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