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研究目的:从《中国土地科学》期刊载文情况分析土地科学研究热点变化轨迹,并进一步探究土地政策与土地学术研究互动发展的关系。研究方法:文献计量学和主题热度计算。研究结果:(1)耕地保护研究是《中国土地科学》期刊持续关注的核心话题,且随政策变化经历三个发展阶段,目前仍处在中高位平稳发展;(2)土地节约集约利用研究随着国家级政策的颁布在2009年后成为热点,之后保持在中位发展水平;(3)土地资产相关研究随着社会主义市场经济的发展和完善,在20世纪90年代经历了快速发展,目前逐渐淡出学术关注;(4)土地整治相关研究进入21世纪以来受到高度关注,2010年后开始进入高位发展阶段。研究结论:《中国土地科学》未来关注重点应为耕地资源有效保护与高质量管理、土地资源节约集约利用、国土空间规划实施评价及监测、自然资源资产管理及其市场体系建立、土地整治与生态保护修复协调发展等。同时,《中国土地科学》未来应坚持行业特色,继续做好土地政策与学术研究的桥梁,为政策的科学化制定提供学术支持,为学术研究转化为政策支持提供平台。  相似文献   

Globally, there is growing demand for increased agricultural outputs. At the same time, the agricultural industry is expected to meet increasingly stringent environmental targets. Thus, there is an urgent pressure on the soil resource to deliver multiple functions simultaneously. The Functional Land Management framework (Schulte et al., 2014) is a conceptual tool designed to support policy making to manage soil functions to meet these multiple demands. This paper provides a first example of a practical application of the Functional Land Management concept relevant to policy stakeholders. In this study we examine the trade-offs, between the soil functions ‘primary productivity’ and ‘carbon cycling and storage’, in response to the intervention of land drainage systems applied to ‘imperfectly’ and ‘poorly’ draining managed grasslands in Ireland. These trade-offs are explored as a function of the nominal price of ‘Certified Emission Reductions’ or ‘carbon credits’. Also, these trade-offs are characterised spatially using ArcGIS to account for spatial variability in the supply of soil functions.To manage soil functions, it is essential to understand how individual soil functions are prioritised by those that are responsible for the supply of soil functions – generally farmers and foresters, and those who frame demand for soil functions – policy makers. Here, in relation to these two soil functions, a gap exists in relation to this prioritisation between these two stakeholder groups. Currently, the prioritisation and incentivisation of these competing soil functions is primarily a function of CO2 price. At current CO2 prices, the agronomic benefits outweigh the monetised environmental costs. The value of CO2 loss would only exceed productivity gains at either higher CO2 prices or at a reduced discount period rate. Finally, this study shows large geographic variation in the environmental cost: agronomic benefit ratio. Therein, the Functional Land Management framework can support the development of policies that are more tailored to contrasting biophysical environments and are therefore more effective than ‘blanket approaches’ allowing more specific and effective prioritisation of contrasting soil functions.  相似文献   

研究目的:分析稻虾共作地块利用的合理性并探究影响合理性差异的关键因素,以评估其快速发展对土地可持续利用和粮食安全的可能影响。研究方法:以Barlowe土地利用决策的自然生态适宜性、技术经济可行性以及制度可接受性三重框架为指导构建指标体系,运用熵权法和多因素综合评价法分析了湖北省潜江和荆州485个稻虾共作地块转用及利用的合理性及导致其差异的关键因素。研究结果:(1)样本地块的合理性平均为0.423 2,其中52.4%的地块合理性不足平均值;(2)稻虾共作地块的自然生态适宜性表现最好,技术经济可行性次之,制度可接受性表现不佳;(3)导致地块合理性差异的主要因素包括地势和灌排条件等自然生态适宜性,亩均水稻产量等技术经济可行性以及补贴和虾沟面积占比等制度因素。研究结论:现有稻虾共作土地利用不够合理,对土地可持续利用和粮食安全造成了不利影响。应以三重框架为指导,充分考虑影响农户地块转用和利用合理性差异的关键自然、经济和制度因素。  相似文献   

黄荣华 《中国农史》2005,24(3):70-77
查田定产是国家与农民关系的一次新建构,它不仅影响到土改中阶级的划分,而且还使新生的国家全面掌拉了土地资源,确立了向农民征收农业税的依据,并为合作化运动中土地入社以及包工包产的推行奠定了基础。本文考察了建国初期中南区查田定产的推行概况、推行方法和组织领导机构,分析了查田定产的源起、影响以及不足。  相似文献   

研究目的:在资源型城市的资源开采业相继进入成熟期和衰退期,绿色转型势在必行的背景下,探索矿企停产后采矿用地的再利用方向,为区域城镇发展和矿产资源开采之间的空间协调利用提供参考。研究方法:FLUS-UGB模型,基于绿色基础设施(GI)的“RIC”框架。研究结果:(1)平定县“城—矿”潜在高冲突地区面积为298.23 hm2,潜在中冲突地区面积为914.01 hm2,潜在高、中冲突区主要分布在平定县的城镇发展轴带上;(2)基于生态贡献度与城矿潜在冲突的采矿用地再利用综合研判结果表明,平定县13.48%的采矿用地适合在未来转变为城镇用地,75.58%的采矿用地适宜恢复为生态用地,10.94%的采矿用地适宜恢复为农用地。研究结论:在资源型城市产业转型以及国土空间规划体系更加致力于提高空间治理能力的背景下,推动资源型城市采矿用地与城镇空间协同发展,将成为城市转型与可持续发展的重要抓手。  相似文献   

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