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We analyze the superiority of the specific, demand and cost ad valorem subsidies in industrial and export policies. The criterion employed to measure the ranking of the superiority of the subsidy policies in this paper is that, given an identical total output, the smaller the amount of the subsidy, the superior the subsidy policy. We show that the demand ad valorem subsidy is the least efficient policy, regardless of whether it is measured in regard to the industrial or export subsidy policies. The superiority related to the specific and cost ad valorem subsidies hinges upon the production technology. We can thus provide a theoretical explanation to the real world phenomenon as to why governments usually offer a specific or cost ad valorem subsidy policy to agricultural products and exports.  相似文献   

基于粮食安全背景下的农业补贴安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球农产品价格上涨,甚至在一些国家造成了通胀。粮食安全问题再次引起各国政府关注。结合当前的国内外形势,从贸易扭曲、战略选择、粮食安全等角度对农业补贴进行分类。直接补贴,农民可以直接受益,如农民收入补贴。另一种是间接补贴,农民只能间接受益,如农产品价格补贴,包括中国采取的按保护价收购农民余粮的价格补贴。  相似文献   

司晓杰 《经济与管理》2009,23(11):14-18
从世界范围来看,农业补贴的核心是粮食补贴。运用灰色关联分析法,从我国现行粮食补贴政策的实施效果分析来看,在提高粮食产量和增加种粮农民收入上,生产性专项补贴与农资综合直补比直接补贴更有成效,直补政策在增加农民收入方面更具优势。我国应该合理整合各项补贴政策,发挥其协同效应,以保障粮食增产和农民增收两大目标的实现。  相似文献   

我国现行粮食补贴政策主要为确保国家粮食安全.我国现行粮食补贴政策对保证粮食数量安全起到了较大的作用,政策本身作用和政策的示范作用对提高农民的种粮积极性都有帮助.在现行粮食补贴政策中,粮食的质量安全只有通过生产环节的良种补贴来得以保证;而粮食的生态安全是粮食补贴政策中最需要加以完善的.为进一步提高粮食安全保障水平,粮食补贴政策的着力点在于提高科技要素的贡献率,防止粮食生产中“倒U型曲线”的出现,并通过扩大良种补贴范围,鼓励生物农药的使用,同时实行休耕地制度,保持土壤的肥力.  相似文献   

粮食补贴政策旨在提高农民种粮积极性,促进粮食增产和农民增收。粮食补贴政策对激励农户增加粮食播种面积具有显著的正面效应,粮食补贴政策在动态趋势上表现出显著的"土地投入"激励效应。  相似文献   

本文修正了Dasgupta等(1998,2002)的污染物削减费用模型,采用辽宁省工业企业微观数据,分析地方政府补贴产生的环境治理激励作用,得到相应结论:(1)本文基于微观数据和修正的污染物削减费用模型,测算出辽宁省工业企业环境治理效率均值约为83%,分布近似于正态分布。(2)地方政府补贴并没有显著提升企业环境治理效率,却显著提升了企业环境治理效率提升的稳定性。本文认为地方政府补贴的主要作用在于资金补充效应和背书信号作用,在引导大量优质资源进入企业的基础上提升环境治理效率提升的稳定性,减少不确定因素。(3)地方政府补贴对不同类型所有制形式企业的环境治理稳定性影响差异性较大,内资企业获得补贴所产生的效率改善的稳定效应要远低于外资企业。综上所述,在缺乏相应监管的情况下,地方政府补贴很难产生显著的环境治理激励效果,但由于其信号的引导作用,对提高治理效率稳定性具有显著效果。  相似文献   

农机补贴是具有门槛效应的效率增益政策,通常效率与公平如鱼和熊掌不可兼得。本文通过理论模型分析了农机补贴对农业生产及农村劳动力转移的影响;并通过工具变量法和中介变量法研究了农机补贴的收入分配效应及其作用机制。研究发现,农机补贴显著降低了农户收入的基尼系数,提高了收入分配公平性;其作用机制是农机补贴提升了农业生产效率,促进了农村劳动力转移,提高了打工收入,尤其是相对贫困农户,溢出效应对冲了门槛效应,使得农机补贴的收入分配效应兼具了效率和公平。  相似文献   

Agricultural producer service is an indispensable link in promoting agricultural modernization in developing countries, while agricultural pollution has become the largest source of pollution in many developing countries. Given that agricultural pollution is different from industrial pollution due to its endogenous characteristics, we linked agricultural pollution with the human capital level of labor and propose an endogenous model that reflects the agricultural pollution path, which is different from the traditional path. We studied the effects of government price subsidy, interest subsidy, and wage subsidy to agricultural producer service on agricultural pollution and other economic indicators by constructing a three-sector general equilibrium model including agricultural producer service. We found that the rise of price subsidy for the agricultural producer service and the wage subsidy of the agricultural producer service sector would increase the output of agricultural sector and reduce the output of agricultural producer service under certain conditions, but aggravate agricultural pollution; at the same time, the rise of interest subsidy of the agricultural producer service sector would decrease the output of the agricultural sector, enhance the output of agricultural producer service conditionally, and decrease agricultural pollution. Preconditions of the three subsidies to improve national welfare have been obtained.  相似文献   

The Philippine government has a number of policy interventions in the domestic rice market aimed at promoting national food security. This paper examines the economy-wide and food security implications of three of the main policies: a ceiling on prices paid by rice consumers; a floor on prices received by paddy producers; and a subsidy on prices paid for seeds by paddy farmers. These programmes have been subject to domestic criticism on allocative efficiency and distributional grounds. We examine the effects of removing the programmes using an economy-wide model with detailed treatment of agricultural activity, land use, and food security measures. We find that the programmes make a small contribution to food security, for a modest budgetary outlay. The allocative efficiency gains available from ending the programmes are small, and may be outweighed by the potential for adverse short-run macroeconomic consequences.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, China has implemented reforms in the agricultural sector in an attempt to increase efficiency and food security. However, China now faces a number of environmental degradation problems, in part, caused by her past agricultural reforms. In this paper we estimate, using a provincial-based panel dataset, a third-order translog cost function for China's grain production sector over the period 1990–2011. Results from the estimation, including estimated elasticities of demand for and substitution of factors, suggest that labor and capital are substitutes. This arises because the increasing cost of labor, induced by urbanization and the growth of the manufacturing sector, has lead to a substitution of machinery for labor in the production of wheat. The results are consistent with current government policies to encourage via subsidies and agricultural mechanization, which we show to be technically, a substitute for labor. We further conclude this will create an additional bonus of reducing the amount of fertilizer that is needed to efficiently and securely produce wheat in China, as the new capital is more efficient at fertilizer distribution.  相似文献   

本文主要对法国农业补贴水平与结构进行了简要分析,并结合具体情况分析了法国补贴政策的演变,以及法国最新补贴政策的走向与选择。最后,综合了相关经验,提出了对我国农业补贴政策的建议。  相似文献   

This paper explores optimal biofuel subsidies in a general equilibrium trade model. The focus is on the production of biofuels such as corn‐based ethanol, which diverts corn from use as food. In the small‐country case, when the tax on crude is not available as a policy option, a second‐best biofuel subsidy may or may not be positive. In the large‐country case, the twin objectives of pollution reduction and terms‐of‐trade improvement justify a combination of crude tax and biofuel subsidy for the food exporter. Finally, we show that when both nations engage in biofuel policies, the terms‐of‐trade effects encourage the Nash equilibrium subsidy to be positive (negative) for the food exporting (importing) nation.  相似文献   

Existing research provides contradictory insights about the effect of government subsidies on enterprise technology innovation. By explaining this mechanism with resource allocation, information efficiency and risk control channels, we systematically suggest three effects, leading to an inverted U-shaped relationship between the amount of subsidies and four indicators of technology innovation. Empirical evidence based on dataset of Chinese electronic manufacturing industry confirms that subsidies can promote enterprise technology innovation but it will inhibit innovation when there are too much or excessive amount of subsidies. Meanwhile, the impact of subsidies is more significant for non-state-owned enterprises than state-owned ones. Furthermore, the level of regional economic development moderates the impact of government subsidies. The government can take advantage of diverse subsidy policies to drive sustainable technology innovation.  相似文献   

随着农业贸易自由化的推进,国内农业支持政策对于提高农业竞争力和解决"三农"问题至关重要。自1995年以来,WTO成员为遵循《农业协议》的要求,通过调整国内农业政策,将国内农业支持逐渐由"黄箱"转向"绿箱"。通过对WTO成员中大量使用"绿箱"支出的三个发达成员——美国、欧盟、日本的国内农业支持政策改革及其"绿箱"政策实施情况的考察,可以看出,由于"绿箱"补贴增加了农民收入并使农民面临的风险减少,会刺激农民进行生产性投入,增加农业生产,加剧国际农产品市场竞争的不公平性,使发展中国家的农业生产者在国际竞争中处于不利地位。因此,WTO成员在实现农业支持向"绿箱"转变的同时,应对其补贴总量进行控制和削减,减少变相的价格支持。  相似文献   

We study the role of technology subsidies in climate policies, using a simple dynamic equilibrium model with learning by doing. The optimal subsidy rate of a carbon-free technology is high when the technology is first adopted, but falls significantly over the next decades. However, the efficiency costs of uniform instead of optimal subsidies, may be low if there are adjustment costs for a new technology. Finally, supporting existing energy technologies only, may lead to technology lock-in, and the impacts of lock-in increase with the learning potential of new technologies as well as the possibilities for early entry.  相似文献   

Agricultural tillage practices are important human-induced activities that can alter carbon emissions from agricultural soils and have the potential to contribute significantly to reductions in greenhouse gas emission (Lal et al., The Potential of U.S. Cropland, 1998). This research investigates the expected costs of sequestering carbon in agricultural soils under different subsidy and market-based policies. Using detailed National Resources Inventory data, we estimate the probability that farmers adopt conservation tillage practices based on a variety of exogenous characteristics and profit from conventional practices. These estimates are used with physical models of carbon sequestration to estimate the subsidy costs of achieving increased carbon sequestration with alternative subsidy schemes.  相似文献   

Fossil fuel subsidies are applied in many countries for different policy reasons such as maintaining jobs in fossil fuel sectors, securing national energy supply or lowering the energy costs of selected industries to strengthen competitiveness. The current economic costs of fossil fuel subsidy policies can be substantially increased by future environmental constraints. We illustrate this point in the framework of a general equilibrium analysis for Germany where we quantify the economic costs of alternative hard coal subsidy policies at different CO2 reduction levels. Our calculations show that German hard coal subsidies as a means of retaining jobs can get very expensive with additional specific costs of up to annual 70 000 DM per job for a given CO2 reduction target of 35%. Though the empirical analysis is focused on Germany the general conclusion that current subsidy policies of fossil fuels must be fundamentally reconsidered in view of forthcoming environmental constraints is also relevant for other countries.  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of free trade agreements on national environmental policies and location strategies of polluting firms. It is shown that banning export subsidies makes relocation of production more attractive for firms. When export subsidies are banned relocation is profitable because: (1) the rival firm reduces output due to more stringent emission regulation in the host country of the investment and (2) relocation leads to lower emission tax rate in the original home country of the investing firm. When export subsidies are used, the first effect is absent because the host government is able to use the export subsidy to compensate the negative effect of more stringent emission taxation on domestic shareholders.  相似文献   

选取2011—2017年中国新能源行业122家上市公司面板数据,建立面板向量自回归模型(PVAR),通过研究政府环境研发补贴、企业研发投入和环境绩效之间的动态交互关系,考察政府补贴对企业创新的激励效应以及补贴的配置合理性问题。结果表明:一方面,环境研发补贴对企业研发投入和环境绩效均存在滞后1~4年的影响。政府补贴促进企业研发投入,非国企比国企显著;政府补贴对环境绩效的影响在不同产权性质企业中存在较大差异,补贴显著抑制了国企环境绩效,但有效促进了非国企环境绩效。另一方面,企业研发投入与环境绩效对于后续政府补贴投入分别具有滞后1~4年和1~2年的正向反馈作用。针对国企,政府补贴决策是结果导向的,即更关注其环境绩效;对于非国企,政府补贴决策偏好过程导向,即更多地考察企业对研发活动的投入情况。研究结论可为完善中国新能源企业环境补贴政策,提高新能源企业环境研发水平和环境绩效提供参考。  相似文献   

选取2011—2017年中国新能源行业122家上市公司面板数据,建立面板向量自回归模型(PVAR),通过研究政府环境研发补贴、企业研发投入和环境绩效之间的动态交互关系,考察政府补贴对企业创新的激励效应以及补贴的配置合理性问题。结果表明:一方面,环境研发补贴对企业研发投入和环境绩效均存在滞后1~4年的影响。政府补贴促进企业研发投入,非国企比国企显著;政府补贴对环境绩效的影响在不同产权性质企业中存在较大差异,补贴显著抑制了国企环境绩效,但有效促进了非国企环境绩效。另一方面,企业研发投入与环境绩效对于后续政府补贴投入分别具有滞后1~4年和1~2年的正向反馈作用。针对国企,政府补贴决策是结果导向的,即更关注其环境绩效;对于非国企,政府补贴决策偏好过程导向,即更多地考察企业对研发活动的投入情况。研究结论可为完善中国新能源企业环境补贴政策,提高新能源企业环境研发水平和环境绩效提供参考。  相似文献   

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