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The prevalent trends of sustainability and responsible management have promoted corporate social responsibility (CSR) to attract considerable research and business interest. However, despite its importance, few efforts have been exerted to develop a standardized CSR scale in the hotel industry. This study aims to develop and validate a multidimensional scale of hotel CSR measurement as perceived by hotel staff who understands CSR. Results of running factor analyses generate a five-factor structure. The overall measurement model demonstrates a satisfactory level of goodness-of-fit and supports convergent validity, discriminate validity, nomological validity, and predictive validity. The legal domain received the highest mean score among the five hotel CSR domains, followed by ethical, financial/economic, environmental, and social/philanthropic domains. The value on employee attitude toward the CSR-implementing hotel, employee satisfaction with the CSR-implementing hotel, and organizational commitment toward the CSR-implementing hotel varied between front-of-house and back-of-house employees. This validated measurement scale is recommended for future studies to explore the effect of hotel CSR in various countries or regions.  相似文献   

In order to benefit from CSR (corporate social responsibility) activities, companies need to adopt appropriate advertising strategies that can positively influence consumers’ purchase decisions while generating favorable attitudes toward the company. Advertising certain products or services triggers the feeling of hope and creates specific goals that consumers aim to achieve. In this study, we distinguish between two types of hope—promotion hope versus prevention hope, and examine their impact in the context of CSR. Results from an experimental study reveal that the impact of CSR activities on consumer attitudes and behavioral intentions depends on the type of hope. When the ad portrayed a message inducing prevention hope, an altruistic CSR activity was more effective than a strategic CSR activity. Conversely, the impact of the two CSR activities did not differ in the promotion ad context.  相似文献   

With the expansion of corporate social impact, corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities have been regarded as a critical factor for corporate management. There is a need to understand customers’ perception of CSR activities for future corporate profitability. Thus, this study investigates the effect of multidimensional CSR activities on customers’ corporate image, customer citizenship behavior (CCB), and long-term relationship orientation (LRO). The results indicate that CSR (economic, ethical, legal, and philanthropic) had a positive effect on corporate image and on CCB (making recommendation, helping other consumers, and providing feedback). It also appears that CCB had a positive effect on LRO with firms. This study provides empirical implications for companies by verifying the effect of CSR activities as a focal factor in building long-term relationships as an organizational goal in the foodservice industry.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of international hotel chains operating in China and their effects on local Chinese employees. As CSR practices vary across countries and contexts, this study developed a scale of CSR metrics, which was based on CSR reports published by international hotel chains in China and a comprehensive literature review. Subsequently, the proposed model, which depicts the relationships between CSR practices and local employee work metrics, was tested with a PLS-SEM. Multiple phases of qualitative and quantitative investigations of 2451 local Chinese employees of international hotel chains allowed for validating a formative construct of CSR with four dimensions: environment protection, employee wellness, business ethics, and customer wellness. The PLS-SEM results confirmed the significant effects of CSR practices of international hotel chains in China on local Chinese employee engagement, commitment, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Theoretical and practical implications are presented.  相似文献   

Hospitality workplaces are particularly challenging contexts in which to implement wellness initiatives. The present study implemented a technology-based wellness intervention to improve various aspects of employee wellness in contemporary hotel workplaces. The participants were given a wearable device (Fitbit, used here as an innovative tool) in order to monitor their activity levels and sleep patterns over a 14-day period. Additionally, the participants provided researchers with food diaries in separate electronic form. Information regarding job satisfaction, job engagement, organizational citizenship behaviors, and intention to leave was obtained before and after the observation period. The results demonstrate an increase in physical activity, an increase in healthy food consumption, and a reduction in overall caloric intake. Furthermore, positive changes in employee engagement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment were noted. Care should be exercised when implementing such interventions in order to ensure data privacy and positive employee relations.  相似文献   

This study examines the perceived importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) attributes of Hong Kong hotel employees and their hotels’ performance on those attributes, and to determine underlying performance factors that ultimately lead to the perceived overall CSR effectiveness of hotels. The importance–performance analysis results show that Hong Kong hotels generally performed well on 17 out of the indicated 30 CSR attributes. Furthermore, the attribute “promote innovation in products and services” was considered to be overkill, and another attribute, “demonstrates a commitment to the environment,” requires the immediate attention of hotels. Six performance factors were extracted and Hong Kong hotels performed best in the area of finance. The factors “state of affairs” and “novelty” positively and significantly affected employees’ perceived overall CSR effectiveness of their hotels. Almost 70% of the respondents agreed that Hong Kong hotels had been effective in carrying out their CSR. Hotels in Hong Kong should find our study results helpful in pinpointing CSR attributes considered of various importance and performance levels from the perspective of one of their important stakeholders, their employees. In particular, the relatively low awareness toward the environment of both the employees and the hotels should alert the hotel management to invest greater efforts in environmental protection.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained increasing attention over the past decade. While many studies examined an impact of CSR on consumers, only dearth of research is found that attempts to understand the impact of CSR on employees from the relationship marketing perspective. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of CSR in predicting relationship quality and relationship outcomes. The four dimensions of CSR used in the study include economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic aspects. Data were collected via survey from employees of franchised foodservice enterprises located in South Korea. The findings of the study show that not all dimensions of CSR have the same effect on relationship quality. While economic and philanthropic dimensions have a significant influence on organizational trust, only ethical dimension has a positive effect on job satisfaction. As expected, relationship quality has a significant impact on relationship outcomes.  相似文献   

Hospitality firms are increasingly investing in corporate social responsibility (CSR) to generate strong relationships with stakeholders while aiming to benefit their own performance. However, CSR may bring both costs and benefits to the focal firm. We analyze how corporate financial performance (CFP) is affected by CSR, finding that the impact of CSR on CFP has a U-shaped form, where CSR is a cost that translates into higher benefits only when it generates solid relationships between firms and their stakeholders. Furthermore, we adopt a contingency approach, assessing the role of quality management (QM) on the CSR-CFP relationship. We find that the simultaneous implementation of CSR and QM is less beneficial to CFP than the isolated implementation of CSR due to the redundancy of different activities aimed at similar goals, i.e., stakeholders’ satisfaction. In doing so, we advance academic understanding of the impact of CSR and QM on CFP.  相似文献   

The study examines the role of customer perceptions of CSR in improving customer loyalty by exploring its direct and mediated effects through service quality, customer satisfaction, corporate image and corporate reputation in a cross-country setting. Data from Pakistan, China, and Italy was collected through surveys to explore customers’ hotel experiences. The hypotheses were tested with SmartPLS-3. Findings for the overall sample revealed that CSR affected customer loyalty positively and significantly. Nonetheless, this relationship was insignificant in the samples from Pakistan and Italy, while it was found to be only partially significant in China. The findings also revealed a direct, positive and significant impact of CSR on service quality, customer satisfaction, corporate image and corporate reputation. The direct relationships among all these variables were also significant across samples. Customer satisfaction and corporate image were identified as significant mediators of the CSR-loyalty link, but service quality and corporate reputation were found insignificant.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the growing body of literature on the wellbeing of hospitality employees from a perspective of strategic human resource management. The role of high performance work systems (HPWS) in enhancing the affective commitment of hospitality employees is examined. The study found work engagement to mediate the relationships between HPWS, perceived organizational support, and affective commitment. Workplace bullying, a highly prevalent phenomenon in the hospitality sector, was found to mediate the relationship between HPWS and affective commitment, while psychosocial safety climate moderated this mediating impact. We will suggest the implications for managing psychosocial work hazards in hospitality organizations.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a crucial construct in hospitality companies. One of the main reasons is due to the idea that CSR influence consumer loyalty. This paper presents a model of influence of CSR on hotel customer loyalty by simultaneously including trust, customer identification with the company and satisfaction as mediators by showing the direct and indirect effects among these constructs. In the proposed model, loyalty is indirectly affected by perceived CSR, via the mediation of trust, identification and satisfaction. Empirical testing using a survey of Spanish hotel consumers confirms most of our hypothesized effects except the effect of customer trust on customer identification with the company. Finally, managerial implications and limitations of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) contributions are essential for hospitality companies during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, little is known about how CSR contribution timing during the pandemic might affect consumers’ prepayment purchase intentions. This paper takes a hospitality company as an example, using two experiments to explore (a) the effect of CSR contribution timing on consumers’ prepayment purchase intentions and (b) the potential roles of psychological contracts and distance to the COVID-19 risk center. Study 1 demonstrated that CSR contributions during the COVID-19 outbreak (vs. after its peak) led consumers to have higher prepayment purchase intentions, revealing the impact of CSR contribution timing. This effect was also driven by psychological contracts between consumers and the hospitality company. Study 2 showed that, when participants were in the peripheral area of a COVID-19 outbreak, CSR contributions during the outbreak (vs. after its peak) increased prepayment purchase intentions whereas the opposite effect occurred when consumers were in the risk center.  相似文献   

In spite of growing concern for corporate social responsibility (CSR) in various industries including the hospitality industry, the relationship between CSR activities and financial performance is a rarely examined subject in the hospitality context. Especially, research measuring the separate impacts of positive and negative CSR activities on companies’ financial performances remains, as yet, unconsidered. Thus, this study examines different impacts of positive and negative CSR activities on financial performance of hotel, casino, restaurant and airline companies, theoretically based on positivity and negativity effects. Findings suggest mixed results across different industries and will contribute to companies’ appropriate strategic decision-making for CSR activities by providing more precise information regarding the impacts of each directional CSR activity on financial performance.  相似文献   

This study explores the connections among corporate social responsibility performance, reporting, and external assurance in the hospitality and tourism industry by incorporating the Global Reporting Initiative framework. The originality of the study is that it tests signaling theory and the greenwashing tendency by examining different facets of corporate social responsibility engagement using a holistic approach with a cross-country sample. The data for the study were derived from the Thomson Reuters Eikon database for the years between 2012 and 2018. A panel data analysis with a Random-Effects estimator was run to test the hypothesized associations. Several conclusions were drawn based on the study. First, higher corporate social responsibility performers among hospitality and tourism companies have a higher propensity to publish corporate social responsibility reports. Second, higher corporate social responsibility achievements are a significant driving force behind the Global Reporting Initiative framework adoption. Third, among corporate social responsibility reporters, higher corporate social responsibility performers are more likely to assure their corporate social responsibility reports externally. Fourth, among corporate social responsibility reporters, Global Reporting Initiative framework adopters are more likely to assure their corporate social responsibility reports externally. Overall, the results verified the signaling theory but reject a greenwashing tendency in the hospitality and tourism sector. The proven links among the four dimensions of CSR incorporated into the study models indicate complementarity among the indicators. Besides, it should be noted that there is still a gap for improvement, particularly for non-corporate social responsibility reporters and for non-Global Reporting Initiative adopters.  相似文献   

Although the relationship between institutional pressures and corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been well studied, its underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions are not well understood. To remedy these gaps, we draw on institutional theory and the literature on organisational sensemaking, stakeholder salience and the resource-based view of the firm. We test our conceptual model using survey data from 442 managers of hospitality and tourism enterprises based in Egypt and the United Kingdom. SEM-based results show that both stakeholder issue salience and discretionary slack mediate the link between institutional pressures and external CSR. National culture moderates the effects of institutional pressures on both stakeholder issue salience and external CSR. Multi-group analyses reveal noticeable differences between Egyptian and British managers regarding their interpretations of CSR issues and the institutional environment. This study contributes to the emerging micro-institutional stream and cross-cultural CSR research, providing important insights for managers, policymakers and researchers.  相似文献   

The current study evaluates corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting practice among the largest hotel companies in the world. Based on the content analysis of websites and reports published online by the top 150 hotel companies in the world in summer 2010, it identifies the communication methods used by hotel companies as well as the scope of reported information. Specifically, it demonstrates that while a large number of companies report commitment to CSR goals, much smaller number of them provide details of specific initiatives undertaken to contribute to these goals and even less of them report actual performance achieved. The study also identifies a number of challenges which make it very difficult to meaningfully compare performance of the hotel groups that do report it, including issues such as different methodologies applied, different measures used and lack of clarity with respect to the scope of reporting.  相似文献   

The Materiality Balanced Scorecard is an integrated framework that links sustainable hospitality performance management and reporting, as an instrument to define, communicate and operationalise strategic sustainability objectives. We integrate the Balanced Scorecard as a well-established performance management system with the inclusiveness, materiality and responsiveness principles of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard, to aid an organisation to respond to its stakeholder expectations. The framework provides a systemic, structured and integrated approach, and an opportunity for sustainable value creation. We test the framework with data reported by 20 of the world’s largest hotel groups, to find that current sustainability reports lack hierarchical cause-and-effect chains and hard evidence of impact at the system level. We argue that hospitality organisations can improve their management controls by addressing the quality, transparency and consistency of their sustainability response, thereby responding to sustainable development challenges without undermining their organisational viability.  相似文献   

This paper builds on recent corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature and on stakeholder theory. Our aim is to analyze the direct and indirect effects of employee-oriented CSR on hotel workers' quality of life (QoL). Based on survey collected from a sample of hotel employees in the Canary Islands (Spain), relationships were empirically examined through partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). This study confirms that workers' perceptions of employee-oriented CSR positively and directly enhance their QoL. We found indirect positive effects through several mediators. Our results highlight the key role of working conditions, task significance, turnover intentions, and intrinsic quality on the relationship between employee-oriented CSR and QoL. Moreover, hotel service quality level is an antecedent of employee-oriented CSR. These findings advance the literature on CSR and reveal important managerial implications, especially in a post-pandemic scenario in which workers’ overall QoL is essential to ensure no one is left behind.  相似文献   

Casino hotels have long been stereotypically associated with negative images that induce a perceived misfit between their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives and their core business as gaming operators. Building on the contingency theory of communication strategies, a multilevel design was adopted to investigate the negative consequences of CSR misfit on legitimacy through CSR authenticity. The firm-level moderating effects of two communicational cues, relational genuineness and marketing skepticism, are also examined. In a context of controversial industries, this study fills a research void by investigating corporate-level moderators that buffer the insidious influences of CSR misfit. It enriches the literature on the consequences of company–CSR coherence and elucidates the mediating role authenticity plays in the CSR implementation process. Practical implications for gaming operators are provided, and remedies that casino hotels can use to lessen the negative consequences of stigmatization are suggested.  相似文献   

This study investigates the underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions that explain the relationship between transformational leadership and frontline employee performance. Specifically, it explores the mediating role of organizational identification and work engagement in the relationship between transformational leadership and job performance and organization-directed citizenship behaviors. Additionally, it examines whether proactive personality moderates the effect of transformational leadership on identification and engagement. Data from 323 frontline hotel employees were analyzed using partial least square regression. Results show that identification and engagement fully mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors, whereas engagement partially mediates the link between transformational leadership and job performance. Results indicate a sequential mediation effect of identification and engagement on employee performance. Finally, findings show that proactive personality strengthens the effect of leadership on identification and engagement. The study provides information for hotel managers about why and under what circumstances employees perform the way they do.  相似文献   

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