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This study examines and compares the extent to which Airbnb and hotel supply affect key hotel performance measures in the United States. The results show that although both Airbnb and hotel supply adversely affect hotel revenues (i.e., RevPAR), the magnitude of the impact of hotel supply on RevPAR is much larger than that of Airbnb. Airbnb adversely affects hotel room prices (i.e., ADR), however; it does not affect occupancy rates (i.e., OCC). Yet, increasing hotel supply negatively affects OCC but not ADR. The results from the state-level analyses further showed that the negative effects of Airbnb and hotel supply on RevPAR, ADR and OCC persist only in states with high hotel supply. Analyzing the joint effects of Airbnb and hotel supply on hotel performance in a manner that is both geographically-comprehensive and spatially-meaningful, this study provides a more complete and nuanced understanding on the economic dynamics of the accommodation industry.  相似文献   

The advent of the “sharing economy” challenges not only the business of hotel industry but also the theories and models based on the conventional hotel industry. A key dimension of the hospitality industry is pricing. The aim of this study is to identify the price determinants of sharing economy based accommodation offers in the digital marketplace. Specifically, a sample of 180,533 accommodation rental offers in 33 cities listed on Airbnb.com is investigated using ordinary least squares and quantile regression analysis. Twenty-five explanatory variables in five categories (host attributes, site and property attributes, amenities and services, rental rules, and online review ratings) are explored for the intricacies of the relationships between pricing and its determinants.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which Airbnb supply affects employment in the hospitality, tourism, and leisure industries. Accordingly, we analyzed the effects of Airbnb supply on various sectors in the hospitality, tourism, and leisure industries in 12 major metropolitan statistical areas in the United States for the period between July-2008 and February-2018. The results showed that Airbnb supply positively affects employment in all sectors of the hospitality, tourism, and leisure industries. The magnitudes of these effects are not only statistically but also economically significant. Although prior studies have showed that Airbnb has an adverse impact on hotels' financial performance measures, our results show that employment in the hotel sector increases with increased Airbnb listings. While this outcome might be contradictory to the general conjecture, such evidence calls for a comprehensive investigation of Airbnb's overall economic impact. Research and practical implications are further discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the stereotype of underperformance attributed to female management may not be the result so much of poorer management skills as to using unsuitable comparative performance measures, as well as not taking into account structural characteristics that may be detrimental to the financial performance of companies managed by women. Gender differences with regards to conditions and business goals can result in female underperformance when performance measures relate to firm size, such as total sales, assets, or profits. When appropriate measures of relative performance are used, women and men are likely to prove equally effective business managers. Using longitudinal panel data on a large sample of Spanish hotel firms, there are few differences found when growth and profitability are compared by gender within a bivariate framework. What's more, when a regression model designed to control other performance determining factors is estimated, the results show better management by women than by men. As such, the research provides evidence that stereotypes of women as poor performers must be abolished, and the glass ceiling preventing entry of women into management positions shattered.  相似文献   

Many organizations seek to position themselves as part of the sharing economy, due to positive conceptual connotations; however, in reality, some may more closely represent the exchange rather than the sharing economy. This research analyses the extent to which Airbnb and Fairbnb.coop represent the sharing economy by examining the characteristics of the sharing economy. We utilize a Sharing Index (SI) and a Sharing Economy Continuum (SEC) to measure each organization’s degree of sharing and exchange. The analysis suggests that Fairbnb.coop is a stronger example of the sharing economy than Airbnb. This study offers a more robust characterization of the sharing economy and offers tools to help businesses assess and improve their business practices to more accurately align with the true sharing economy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of two critical customer voice variables on hotel performance. Specifically, the research provides a customer equity model in which the influences of both customer satisfaction and complaints are considered. The impact of the customer voice variables on hotel performance is investigated while considering the potential for moderating effects by hotel size and star rating. We use a more robust approach to measure firm performance than is traditionally used in satisfaction-performance studies. Finally the paper reports on the results of these investigations and outlines implications for both theory and practice.  相似文献   

In recent years, what has become known as collaborative consumption has undergone rapid expansion through peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms. In the field of tourism, a particularly notable example is that of Airbnb. This article analyses the spatial patterns of Airbnb in Barcelona and compares them with hotels and sightseeing spots. New sources of data, such as Airbnb listings and geolocated photographs are used. Analysis of bivariate spatial autocorrelation reveals a close spatial relationship between Airbnb and hotels, with a marked centre-periphery pattern, although Airbnb predominates around the city's main hotel axis and hotels predominate in some peripheral areas of the city. Another interesting finding is that Airbnb capitalises more on the advantages of proximity to the city's main tourist attractions than does the hotel sector. Multiple regression analysis shows that the factors explaining location are also different for hotels and Airbnb. Finally, it was possible to detect those parts of the city that have seen the greatest increase in pressure from tourism related to Airbnb's recent expansion.  相似文献   

Recognizing the possible existence of mutual interactions between hotel room rates and the number of international inbound tourists, this research note investigates the short-run and the long-run dynamic interactions between these two variables for Singapore. It tests for the existence of any cointegrating relationship between them using the bounds testing approach to cointegration. The causal effects between them are tested with Granger causality test. We find no evidence that Singapore's hotel room rates and international inbound tourists are cointegrated. The results also suggest that there is a bi-directional short-run causal relationship between these variables.  相似文献   

This paper offers a pioneering analysis of the impact that integration in different types of hotel chains has on firm performance, and the moderating effect of the tourist destination in this relationship. Studies in the literature examine both size and location independently, without reconciling the apparently contradictory trends of globalization and conservation of the local base. The aim of the research is to analyze the comparative effects on tourism firms’ performance of belonging to different types of hotel chains while maintaining the advantages of location in a tourist destination. Based on a study of 292 Spanish hotels, the authors test the proposed hypotheses using hierarchical regression analysis. The results show the advantages of non-equity chains over independent establishments. The study also finds a positive moderating effect of location in a district on the results yielded by belonging to a chain, whatever organizational form it takes.  相似文献   

We examine the systematic effects of crime on hotel operating performance based on data from a sample of 404 Houston hotels from January 2009 to December 2014. Econometric results show that Part I crime (i.e., violent and property crime) incidents have a significantly negative impact on hotel operating performance (measured by revenue per available room), ceteris paribus. Also, the marginal effect of crime declines as crime density level increases. Separate examinations of violent and property crimes show that they exert significant and negative impacts on hotel operating performance, with the impact of violent crimes being more substantial. In addition, the results reveal that both nighttime and daytime crime incidents significantly and negatively impact hotel operating performance. Finally, as evidenced by the insignificant impact of crime incidents occurring on hotel premises, the results suggest that hotels are generally effective at maintaining systematic security measures and preventing crime incidents from occurring.  相似文献   

Although the literature of peer-to-peer accommodation is increasingly recognizing the importance of home feeling, little has been done to theorize the construction of home feeling and its impacts on Airbnb guests’ future intention. To fill in this gap, this study systematically unpacked how Airbnb guests construct the feeling of home. A total of 42,085 review comments containing the feeling of home from three major cities in the USA were analyzed from a semantics perspective. Based on our findings we conceptualize home feeling as a PASS_h process, which contains multiple dimensions: physical and spatial, social, and affective, coupled with hospitality. Essentially, the home feeling with the interaction of these dimensions fulfills the daily hybrid needs of the guests.This article also launches the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on Peer-to-peer accommodation networks, a special selection of research in this field.  相似文献   

‘Sharing economy’ platforms such as Airbnb have recently flourished in the tourism industry. The prominent appearance of sellers' photos on these platforms motivated our study. We suggest that the presence of these photos can have a significant impact on guests' decision making. Specifically, we contend that guests infer the host's trustworthiness from these photos, and that their choice is affected by this inference. In an empirical analysis of Airbnb's data and a controlled experiment, we found that the more trustworthy the host is perceived to be from her photo, the higher the price of the listing and the probability of its being chosen. We also find that a host's reputation, communicated by her online review scores, has no effect on listing price or likelihood of consumer booking. We further demonstrate that if review scores are varied experimentally, they affect guests' decisions, but the role of the host's photo remains significant.  相似文献   

This study uses panel regression tests to examine the response of hotel performance to international tourism development and crisis events in Taiwan. Hotel performance measures are revenue (revenue per available room and occupancy rate), profitability (return on assets and return on equity) and stock performance. The crises were the earthquake on September 21, 1999 (the 9/21 earthquake), the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the US (the 9/11 terrorist attacks) and the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome on April 22, 2003 (the SARS outbreak). This study makes four major contributions. First, test results confirm that international tourism development (ITD), proxied by the growth of total inbound tourist arrivals, has a more direct influence on hotel sales and profitability than it does on hotel stock performance. Second, this study identifies that the absence of a strong tie between ITD and hotel stock returns that was found in previous studies is due to the time-varying discount rate caused by investors’ changing expectations for the prospect of future cash flows from holding hotel stocks. Third, this study finds new evidence that while the poor performance of hotel stocks caused by the 9/21 earthquake and the 9/11 terrorist attacks was attributed to the loss of hotel sales revenue, the adverse effect of the SARS outbreak on hotel stock returns is attributed not only to decreased hotel sales revenue but also to the increased discount rate. Lastly, this study is the first to investigate whether the response of hotel stock returns to ITD depends on the state of economy and concludes that the response of hotel stock performance to ITD in business cycle contraction is statistically different from that in business cycle expansion. Further, although the influence of ITD on hotel stock performance is still irrelevant during expansion periods, ITD can significantly enhance hotel stock returns during contraction periods.  相似文献   

Advances in peer-to-peer sharing, made popular by platforms like Airbnb, have altered previous conceptualizations of the lodging hospitality product. This study performs semantic and tonal analyses on a large-scale dataset collected from Airbnb. Our results support a concept of lodging hospitality that comprises core products and services, supplemental customer care, and a third factor we term ‘host sharing.’ Furthermore, the study offers insight into the topics and rhetorical tactics currently defining lodging hospitality marketing on the Airbnb platform. These findings can be used to provide guidance for Airbnb hosts to provide suitable information in their listings.  相似文献   

Accommodation purchase decision is a complex field that makes predictions of revisit intentions hard to examine. Our work explores psychological factors motivating visitors' decision-making concerning accommodation purchases by integrating the theory of planned behavior and value-attitude-behavior model. Using a group of multiple informants in Swiss universities, we performed partial least squares structural equation modeling to assess the impacts of subjective norm, attitude and perception of quality on visitors' revisit intention and loyalty in Airbnb and hotel contexts. Although the influence of said factors on purchase decisions varies in the two contexts, results suggest that subjective norm has an indispensable role in prompting revisit intention towards Airbnb and hotel accommodations. This paper's findings advance our understanding of visitors' decision-making processes concerning traditional hotels and accommodation establishments operating in sharing economy platforms.  相似文献   

Previous research on the sharing economy has not typically focused on organizational structure and its management in spite of the fact that the essence of recent peer-to-peer business practices is the collaboration of online platforms and sharable assets owned by market peers. This paper critically examines a theoretical model to explore how these market partners engage in this platform organization and how their perceptions of attachment and ownership are established within the new organizational structure. The results of structural equation modeling applied to 224 Airbnb hosts indicate that attachment to a platform firm plays a vital role in achieving a sense of psychological ownership that ultimately influences citizenship behaviors toward the organization as well as toward peer hosts. The results suggest that the newly formed structure should acknowledge an establishing mechanism of attachment and psychological ownership in partnering with individual service providers in its operational management.  相似文献   

The increased market saturation and competition in both domestic and international tourism destinations have renewed interest among hotel operators in identifying the key drivers of hotel performance. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the determinants of hotel performance and their relative importance across multiple tourist destinations. We employ a two-step estimation method to identify key determinants of hotel performance, using a rich sample of international hotels. Our empirical analyses show that the main drivers of hotel performance are the quality of the educational system, government support, disposable income, and number of international arrivals within a tourism destination. Results indicate that the most important barriers to hotel performance are the competition among accommodation providers, tax rate and fuel price. We argue for the need for hotel providers to develop strategies that take cognisance of the key drivers and barriers to enhancing hotel performance in an ever-changing global tourism sector.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how managing online reviews affects hotel performance. An international hotel chain provided the hotel performance data and the online review data. A leading social media firm for the hospitality industry collected the online review data, which the hotel company purchased. The results indicate that overall ratings are the most salient predictor of hotel performance, followed by response to negative comments. The better the overall ratings and the higher the response rate to negative comments, the higher the hotel performance. Therefore, online reviews in social media, specifically overall rating and response to negative comments, should be managed as a critical part of hotel marketing.  相似文献   

Online booking is one of the most popular ways of making reservations for hotel guests. Thus, hoteliers are paying increasing attention to hotel website information presentation and design. The purpose of this study, then, is to examine the joint influence of choice set size and information filtering mechanisms on consumers’ decision confidence towards online hotel booking. Choice set size was operationalized through 3-, 9-, and 30-hotel room choice sets. Through experimental design, this study shows that the presence of an information filtering mechanism reduces consumers’ perceptions of choice overload with a large number of choices (30 choices), whereas its impact is attenuated with smaller choice sets (3 and 9 choices). In addition, choice overload mediates the impact of choice set size on decision confidence. Theoretical contribution and managerial implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

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