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This paper reconceptualises the tourist gaze as facilitated by smart phones and social media, with a focus on selfies. It presents selfie-taking as a new way of touristic looking in which tourists become the objects of the self-directed tourist gaze. The paper suggests that the practice of selfie-taking in tourism is constituted by othering, stylized performing and producing/consuming visual culture of the self. Through these processes, tourists are able to ascribe the characteristics they otherwise associate with tourist sights onto themselves. Rather than fetishizing the extraordinary at the tourist destination, tourists seek to capture the extraordinary within themselves. Traditional tourist sights and attractions take on different relative importance.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of impression management in the production of online tourist photography and how it works along with other underlying dimensions that shape photographic decisions at various stages of image selection. The paper illustrates that the selection of photographs is so intimately linked to impression management that it even extends to the decision of whether to bring a camera along on a trip in the first place. Tourists are constantly caught in the dilemma of who to satisfy during the selection process. This study suggests that social media and photography facilitate social comparison, thus the tourist gaze is being redefined even more rapidly nowadays.  相似文献   

The constantly changing “tourist gaze” needs much scholarly attention for globalizing, especially in the areas of “domestic tourist gaze” and “transitional tourist gaze”. The present study attempts to fill these gaps by identifying transitional domestic tourist gaze in post-war Sri Lanka. This qualitative study employs previous literature and reviews from TripAdvisor.com to identify how the domestic tourist gaze is transforming in post-war zones of Sri Lanka. The thematic analysis method was employed to analyze tourists' reviews using NVivo 11 (QSR International) software. The study identifies that tourist gaze is changing from a “dark tourist gaze” to an “environmental gaze” and a “cultural gaze” through a strategic government mediation to reinstate conciliation in post-war Sri Lanka. The study offers implications to enhance tourists gaze in a post-war destination.  相似文献   

This research examines how the social servicescape-directed gaze (i.e., perceptions of similarity, appearance, and behavior of other customers) influences theme park visitors’ affective states and experiences. A quantitative, survey-based research design was adopted with a total of 561 theme park patrons participating in the study. Results of structural equation modeling analyses reveal that similarity and behavior positively affect visitors’ feelings of arousal and curiosity, which in turn contribute to memorable theme park experiences. Other visitors’ appearances, however, are not a significant predictor of affect/experience. From a theory standpoint, this research represents a first attempt to study the tourist gaze at theme parks and makes a unique contribution by integrating the three dimensions of the social servicescape with the theoretical lens of the tourist gaze. Practically, this research provides suggestions for theme park management to create more memorable experiences by leveraging the social servicescape-directed gaze among visitors.  相似文献   

随着Web2.0技术和社会化媒体的快速发展,媒体数据在旅游学术研究中得到了广泛应用。本文以Web of Science核心合集数据库中应用媒体数据开展旅游学术研究的外文文献为对象,评估媒体数据在西方旅游学研究中的应用情况。分析发现:媒体数据在旅游学研究中的应用经历了起始探索到快速发展两个阶段;媒体数据来源以网络社交媒体为主,以传统大众媒体为辅;媒体数据应用领域主要集中在旅游目的地形象与品牌特性、媒体在危机事件中扮演的角色、旅游行为足迹与旅游流、旅游需求/动机/偏好、游客体验与情绪分析等5个方面。已有研究在媒体数据应用上存在结论的普适性、媒体数据来源的代表性、媒体数据的真实有效性等局限,建议从旅游学相关数据库、旅游媒体大数据分析方法等方面不断建设与完善。  相似文献   

旅游凝视:评述与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴茂英 《旅游学刊》2012,27(3):107-112
文章系统回顾了国内外旅游学研究中的"凝视"理论,发现已有的研究主要聚焦于"游客凝视"。文章认为,"旅游凝视"是一个多利益主体参与互动的复杂系统,而不是单向的"游客凝视"。"旅游凝视"还包括"当地人凝视"、"专家凝视"、"游客间凝视"、"隐性凝视",以及各"凝视"力量之间因权力悬殊和变化而产生的互相凝视。"旅游凝视"从旅游的角度来考察整个社会,具有积极的理论和现实意义。在评述理论研究的基础上,文章结合国内外的旅游发展趋势,重点阐述我国学者可以努力的研究方向。  相似文献   

在Web 2.0时代,社交媒体平台旅游者生成内容日益成为公众关注的重点,其对旅游者行程规划及企业的发展意义重大。但是,旅游者生成内容在现实发展过程中出现了优质旅游者生成内容不足及旅游者生成内容质量急速下降等问题。文章采用扎根理论质性研究方法,以热爱社交媒体的青年群体为研究对象,探索社交媒体平台旅游者生成内容的影响因素及作用路径。在此基础上,构建“环境”“平台”“个体动机”的理论模型,并从这三方面提出激发旅游者生成内容动机及行为的建议。  相似文献   

New sources of geotagged information derived from social media like Twitter show great promise for geographic research in tourism. This paper describes an approach to analyze geotagged social media data from Twitter to characterize spatial, temporal and demographic features of tourist flows in Cilento - a regional tourist attraction in southern Italy. It demonstrates how the analysis of geotagged social media data yields more detailed spatial, temporal and demographic information of tourist movements, in comparison to the current understanding of tourist flows in the region. The insights obtained from our case study illustrate the potential of the proposed methodology yet attention should be paid to biases in the data as well as methodological limitations when drawing conclusions from analytical results.  相似文献   

旅游观看方式与旅游形象塑造   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
马晓京 《旅游学刊》2006,21(1):87-91
观看方式与目的地旅游形象密切相关.旅游者对目的地的观看方式不同,所形成的旅游形象也就不同.观看方式受世界观、价值、态度、倾向性、信念等因素的影响,是社会文化熏陶的结果.旅游观看方式具有非政治性、非历史性、局部性、肤浅性、浪漫性、男性眼光等特点.只有认真研究不同目标市场旅游者所处的社会文化背景,针对不同的旅游观看特点,才能塑造满足旅游者心理期待和心理想象的旅游形象.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on business travel as a contemporary form of mobility and how it relates to family life. Through qualitative research with business travellers, insights are gained into the role digital technology plays in enabling connections to home and family. The paper argues that technology affords a ‘business tourist gaze’, characterised by a focus on ‘home’ rather than ‘away’ as might be the case for leisure tourists. The paper discusses how, through the business tourist gaze, the boundaries between the everyday and the exotic are dissolved and the business traveller is disconnected from the destination, simultaneously absent whilst present both at the destination and at home. Theoretical understandings of the business tourist experience are offered.  相似文献   

In current sociological analyses of tourist experience, class, race, ethnicity, age and gender are being incorporated into frameworks which initially assumed that male views of the phenomenon are universal. In this paper we seek to incorporate gender into the fundamental conceptualization of the tourist and the tourist destination. Drawing on concepts from interactionist and poststructural feminist theories we critique the male bias in the conceptualization of the tourist as ‘flaneur’ and the tourist desination as ‘image’ for the tourist gaze. A concept of the tourist destination as ‘chora’, or interactive space is offered. The tourist then becomes a creative, interacting ‘choraster’ who takes home an experience which impacts on the self in some way. We suggest that such a feminized conceptualization adds a second dimension to the one dimensional perspective which predominates in current sociological analyses of the tourist phenomenon.  相似文献   

在互联网迅猛发展以及智能手机不断更新迭代的大环境下,社交媒体已成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分,随着网络技术的发展,流畅的网络系统不仅给人们带来了高质量的上网体验,也为人们的信息收集提供了便利。有出游意愿的游客往往事先通过社交媒体搜索、浏览、接收相关旅游目的地信息,进而感知旅游目的地形象。以往研究中较少关注人们与平台的关系强度或者只选取某一个特定的社交平台来探讨其对信息质量的影响。文章创新性地从不同关系强度视角出发,选取微博、微信两大代表性社交平台,探讨不同关系强度对信息质量的影响,以及信息质量对目的地形象的影响,并得出相关结论。通过研究结论,为目的地营销提供有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of podcast tours on tourist experiences. Based on theoretical accounts that human voices convey rich social information, this study proposes that podcast tours increase perceived social presence and mindfulness that lead to enhanced tourist experiences and environmental stewardship. A field experiment was conducted at a national park using MP3 players containing podcast tours based on four experimental conditions: 2 information source compositions (single vs. multiple narrator voices) × 2 narrating styles (formal vs. conversational). The results support that even if communicated through audio-only media, the human voice creates a positive social context for meaningful interaction which influences tourist experiences and stewardship. Mindfulness was also found to be an important construct affecting the quality of experiences. The findings support the usefulness of podcast tours as interpretative media.  相似文献   

Studies of tourism motivation and behaviour have not accounted significantly for the aspirations and experiences of ethnic minority groups living in metropolitan societies. This conceptual paper presents a case study of the UK black Caribbean community and seeks to indicate ways in which members of this community perceive places, spaces and destinations in Europe. Attention is directed to how black people’s perceptions and experiences are influenced and structured by the social conditions of racialism and racism. The discussion considers how the incursive nature of the white gaze, and popular representations and stereotypes of black societies and cultures, contribute to black people’s disengagement from ‘tourism experiences’. Racialised experiences and encounters call into question an individual’s right to adopt a tourist identity. As the discussion partly focuses on ways in which black visitors perceive ‘white others’, the work strongly implies that there is a fundamental need to remove the ‘white gaze’ as the only or dominant way to observe and make sense of the world. Given that this paper contributes to an understanding of how race relations are reproduced within tourism environments, it concludes with suggestions as to how future studies of ethnic minority tourism and travel might be conducted.  相似文献   

游客对解说媒体的需求研究——以西汉南越王博物馆为例   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
洪艳  陶伟 《旅游学刊》2006,21(11):43-48
了解游客对解说媒体的需求,对于解说系统的规划和设计有很强的指导意义.本文从游客的角度,以西汉南越王博物馆为例,通过问卷调查研究了游客对解说的需求,并探讨了游客属性、出游动机与其对解说需求之间的关系.研究发现,游客对解说媒体的需求很高.由于社会特征和出游动机不同,游客对于南越王博物馆解说服务的需求有显著差异.  相似文献   

The gaze places host and tourist in an “authority field” which is unfavorable to the development of harmonious interpersonal relationships and cultural interactions for both sides. Mutual, equal and just host–guest relationships should be established through dialogue, which will improve tourists’ understanding and experiences, awaken the hosts’ cultural consciousness and establish a new type of cultural interaction. The paper is based on analysis of the work and life experience of Joseph Rock in southwest China during 1922–1949. It uses content analysis to examine more than one thousand photos which contain visual representations of his gaze. The changing values of tourism to the ego and culture were revealed through a change in emphasis from “I–It” to “I–You” relationships as Rock turned from gaze to dialogue.  相似文献   

This study explored the potential of inoculation messages to protect the pro-destination attitudes of potential tourists. As this study argues, much research has focused on the promotion of destination images, sustainable tourism, and more recently the impact of Tourism 2.0 (i.e., hyper connected, multidimensional consumer knowledge sharing across social media platforms) on the industry. Yet, little attention has been given to communication strategies designed to pre-emptively protect tourist attitudes from negative online peer reviews. Therefore, via a three-phase experiment the current investigation explored the impact of different (i.e., no message, supportive, and inoculation) communication message strategies on tourist pro-destination attitudes when faced with a negative peer review of the destination on social media. Results indicate that for participants exposed to negative peer reviews presented via social media inoculation messages protected pro-destination attitudes better than other message types.  相似文献   

张进福 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):134-146
旅游吸引物在旅游系统中扮演着基础性作用,但却面临着语义的不明和来自理论内部与旅游实践的双重挑战。文章从边界与内涵出发,借助"旅游吸引物"与"旅游资源"的比较、旅游吸引物与旅游吸引物系统的转变,剖析旅游吸引物之为吸引物的意义生成与社会建构过程,重新思考旅游吸引物之属性及其在当下旅游实践中的作用,探讨其社会建构所反映的旅游与社会的关系问题。文章认为,旅游吸引物兼具自然属性、社会属性和符号属性等多重属性,吸引力特性是其本质属性;旅游吸引物属性及其社会建构有深刻的社会基础。旅游吸引物边界及其属性的理论反思,在旅游席卷全球的当下,兼具学理价值与现实意义;在火热的乡村旅游实践中,对守护乡土景观亦有特殊意涵。  相似文献   

Social media are transforming the tourism industry from its traditional pattern into an intense informational pattern. Our study aims to investigate the causes underlying the use of user-generated contents (UGC) to receive tourist information and its effect on tourists’ expectations. Our empirical work was analysed by means of a multiple indicators multiple causes model (MIMIC) and a structural equation model (SEM). The main finding showed that when users receive UGC related to tourist destinations, they will create expectations about the destination by placing their trust in the contents received. It is recommended that tourism organizations should maintain the quality level in order to allow more UGC, and then further trust in the contents of social media and expectations will occur.  相似文献   

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