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A tourist space-time budget in the Shetland Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the need to better understand tourist pressure in selected regions of the Shetland Islands, United Kingdom, using measures of space, time, perception, region, and core-periphery. Normally an economic theory, core-periphery was applied in the context of this study as a locational and mental construct in examining tourism group movement (behavior). Respondents were placed into two groups on the basis of their activitybased motivations for visiting Shetland and asked to complete a daily space-time budget regarding their use of attractions, facilities, accommodation, and transportation. It was discovered that both groups differed marginally in their space-time use of the aforementioned variables within the various regions of Shetland.  相似文献   

The proliferation of accommodation-sharing platforms has changed the ways in which people travel and experience tourist attractions. However, the impact of accommodation sharing on attractions remains under-researched. To fill this gap in the research, we use a mixed methods approach to examine the spillover effect in two key tourism service suppliers. Using difference-in-differences estimations with two-way fixed effects, we find a 15.4% increase in an attraction's online popularity after the entry of accommodation sharing. This positive spillover effect is reduced when the density of commercially operated properties is higher. The qualitative findings speak to the mechanism behind the estimated spillover effect, which involves three dimensions of variation in accommodation sharing and the salient use of mobile technology in modern travel.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the problems of using physical accommodation capacity figures to identify spatial variations in the level of tourist activity and considers the implications for the interpretation of Defert's tourist function index. An analysis of accomodation use patterns in New Brunswick, Canada, shows considerable differences in the intensity of use among the various forms of accommodation. A closer look at hotel and motel occupancy characteristics also reveals large spatial variations, but their combined effect on the relationship between physical accommdation capacity and yearly tourist use shows little variation over space. It is concluded that Defert's index is a most useful tool for examining tourist activity in areas where most accommodation is in the form of hotels and motels, but should be interpreted with caution where there are large spatial variations in the types of accommodation available.  相似文献   

生态旅游情境下,解说是实现环境教育的重要媒介。解说的拟人化设计使解说内容以更具亲和力的方式展现出来,可给游客带来更好的环境教育效果。基于此,本研究采用网络问卷的情景实验法,以解说方式是否拟人化、游客认知风格差异的双因素完全随机实验设计,探究解说方式的拟人化对游客环境教育效果的影响机制。结果表明:(1)解说方式在视觉与听觉上的拟人化,对于游客的环境教育效果均有显著影响;(2)游客认知风格在拟人化解说与游客环境教育效果中的调节作用,在视觉层面上得到了显著表现,听觉层面则无显著差异。本文探究了解说方式拟人化与游客认知风格的交互作用对游客环境教育效果的影响,补充了环境教育研究中仅关注解说内容而忽视其展示方式的不足,同时考虑了不同特征游客的多样化、个性化的解说需求,为完善生态旅游解说设计、提升旅游的环境教育效果提供了参考。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of walking speed on tourist carrying capacity. To do so, a combination of simulation experimentation and on-the-ground experiment is suggested to work in a study case, Maiji Mountain Grottoes, China. The simulation findings indicate that walking speed has a negative impact on tourist carrying capacity and the correlation coefficient is 0.64, for the reason that walking takes up more space. The on-the-ground experiment shows that carrying capacity is not a unified limit all over a destination, but changeable temporally and spatially, and its estimation needs to be adjusted according to the minimum area required per tourist and tourist activity. The method applied in this paper and the simulation findings can serve as a methodological tool for further research about tourist carrying capacity where the main activity of tourists is walking while watching.  相似文献   

This study examines the causal relationship between tourist expectations, tourist motivations, tour quality, tourist satisfaction, tourist complaints and tourist loyalty of Chinese tourists in the Republic of Korea using path analysis. It was found that tourist expectations have a negative effect on the perceived experiential quality of the tour, yet tourist motivation has a positive effect on the perceived tour quality. In turn, the perceived tour quality has a positive effect on tourist satisfaction. Similarly there is an inverse relationship between satisfaction and tourist complaints, and a positive relationship exists between satisfaction and loyalty. Equally, the higher is the number of complaints, the lower are the loyalty levels. These results will provide potential guidelines for inbound tour agents who plan to attract Chinese tourists to Korea and enable them to formulate appropriate strategies. This study also seeks to contribute to conceptual and policy formation by understanding the determinants of tourist satisfaction and loyalty.  相似文献   

This study measures tourist judgments on service quality in alpine ski resorts. An attribute based method was employed in order to estimate weighting schemes both for quality judgments across different tourism activity domains and different quality dimensions within winter resorts and to quantify an overall quality measure. A linear regression and Sirgy's congruity model of customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction were adopted. The results indicate that there exists a linear relationship between the overall quality measure and the partial judgments of each domain/dimension. This allows deciphering the relevance of different domains of tourism activity and quality dimensions within the process of making quality judgments.  相似文献   

This article examines the expenditures of foreign tourists in Yugoslavia, with particular attention to the results obtained from a survey of 1,000 foreign tourists vacationing on the Yugoslav Adriatic coast in 1983. Expenditures in relation to class, tourist destination, choice of accomodation, etc., are examined, focusing on factors which encourage tourist expenditures or can be considered as limiting growth. A content analysis technique was used to clarify the responses. This component of the study, which was essentially qualitative, was intended to provide insight into why foreign tourists in Yugoslavia buy, or fail to buy, particular goods while on vacation. The findings of this study will facilitate a better understanding of the way foreign tourists behave while on vacation in Yugoslavia. The findings will also help to create a new market strategy which could lead to more effective spending by tourists on vacation in Yugoslavia.  相似文献   

The study of tourist behaviour has become an active and significant contributor in the overall analysis of tourism. This paper considers recent research work at James Cook University, an institution whose researchers have had a long interest in tourist behaviour topics. A review of a number of recent research projects in tourist behaviour by the Australian research team is provided and the value of four integrating concepts linking this research is specified. The four concepts highlighted are the travel career ladder which is an approach to tourist motivation, cognitive steps and mindfulness, which are conceptual organisers of how people think and process information and social situations which provides an integrative view of key factors to consider when describing social behaviour. The paper concludes by highlighting some recent commentary on tourist behaviour trends by prominent tourism analysts noting that the specific stream of tourist behaviour studies reported in this article do not fully support the general trends noted by the commentators. The potential value of tourist behaviour studies as a benchmark for understanding tourism futures is noted  相似文献   

Forecasting tourist arrivals in Barbados   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Importance of forecasting in tourism is not a controversial issue. Recently, there has been increased attention on forecasting models in tourism. The value of a forecasting model depends on the accuracy of out-of-sample forecasts. At present, there is no indication as to which model or class of models is suitable for forecasting tourism. This paper specifies, estimates, and validates an ARIMA model for forecasting long-stay visitors in Barbados. The accuracy of the short-term forecasts surpasses most recent forecasting studies. The implication of the study is that customized model building may be highly rewarding in terms of accurate forecasts compared to standard or simple methods.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between tourists' information demand about entrance tourist flow control schemes (ETFCS) and tourists' entrance transfer decision-making behavior, using the case study of the Summer Palace, one of the most important resort destinations in Beijing, China. After discussing tourists' decision-making behavior under ETFCS information, a revealed preference and stated preference survey (N = 1742 valid observations) were created and a joint choice model of tourist's entrance transfer and diversion entrance selection was established. Results show how various ETFCS are formulated and affect tourists' decision-making behavior under different traffic congestion. Sensitivity analysis reveals that tourists' entrance transfer decision-making behavior is related to the entry time of current crowded entrance and the time saved from the diversion entrance. Hence it is possible to formulate ETFCS in terms of tourist's spatial-temporal distribution in order to anticipate the levels of tourist intensity, especially during peak periods.  相似文献   

Despite the key importance of public transportation for the accessibility, attractiveness, and sustainability of tourist areas, little is known about how the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted its use among tourists. In response, we compared the likelihood of using transit among visitors in a Catalan coastal area based on surveys conducted in 2019 (n = 1493) and 2020 (n = 1465). The pandemic caused a significant decline in tourists' use of public transportation, from 54.5% in 2019 to 34.6% in 2020, and in mobility at the destination. Results from a set of bivariate probabilistic models revealed that though most of the traditional determinants of visitors' use of transit remained unaltered, pandemic-related factors were associated with its decline. For the tourism sector and for local authorities and transit agencies, those results characterize the crucial challenge of ensuring the use of public transit among visitors in consideration of its many environmental and social benefits.  相似文献   

While a mega-sport event is scheduled at least once every year somewhere in the world, these events are rare occurrences for the host cities and countries. The benefits of such events seem lucrative; the very fact that many countries bid to host these events suggests that the benefits – be they tangible or intangible – more often than not outweigh the costs. Using a standard gravity model of bilateral tourism flows between 200 countries from 1995 to 2006, this paper measures a very direct benefit of such mega-events: the increase in tourist arrivals to the host country. In general, the results suggest that mega-sport events promote tourism but the gain varies depending on the type of mega-event, the participating countries and whether the event is held during the peak season or off-season.  相似文献   

The impacts of wildfires on tourism have largely been examined with emphasis on economic losses and recovery strategies. Given the limited research from a demand perspective, this study examined tourist risk perceptions and reactionary behaviors toward wildfires in Florida. Data (N = 771) was collected among a U.S. sample of non-resident overnight leisure travelers that had visited Florida previously. Three clusters were identified with a larger segment in the middle (Conscious Travelers) of the curve, and higher risk (Cautious Travelers) and lower risk (Courageous Travelers) segments at each end. In addition, the segments formulated a pattern with respect to their perceived levels of risk, threat level of wildfires based on risk types, and travel behavior modifications over specific wildfire situations that could influence future travel behaviors in fire prone destinations. This segmentation strategy is useful for Destination Management Organizations as differential marketing messages could be targeted to each segment during crisis situations.  相似文献   

The article illuminates one of the central ethical questions concerning tourist photography: the ways in which tourists photograph local people in tourist destinations. In line with the previous research on tourist photography, the study suggests that tourists’ experiences of responsible behaviour become continuously re-defined and negotiated in relations with others. Through a hermeneutic phenomenological analysis of tourists’ accounts, the study focusses on the role of the face in photography; that is, how encountering the face of the other interrupts the photographer and calls for heightened responsibility and reflection. Drawing on the Levinasian idea of ethics as being-for-the-other, the article visualizes relational ethics that do not originate from the tourist’s gaze, but from the face of the other.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between the trip characteristics of tourists and the attractions that they visit. This analysis was made possible by means of a new method of multivariate analysis—co-plot—that enables the simultaneous analysis of observations and variables and the graphic presentation of the interrelations among them. Jerusalem was seen as an “ideal” city for the demonstration of the co-plot method of data analysis due to the heterogeneity of its tourism. The research was conducted between September 1998 and March 1999. The results of the statistical analysis show that Jerusalem's tourist attractions can be categorized into four distinct groups and that there is a tendency of spatial concentration among sights belonging to the same group. Based on these results, a spatial model of tourism consumption in large cities was developed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of climate change on tourist mobility in mountain areas, distinguishing between infrastructure, transport operation and travel demand. We examine change in tourist travel demand by proposing a two-step approach to forecast its future development. A multi-origin, multi-destination model for tourism demand quantifies the variation in overnight stays within a given region, and a linear, deterministic model determines the traffic-related implications. The method, tested on the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol (Italy), exhibits expected variations in winter and summer travel demand up to 2080 under different scenarios. Results reveal that average summer traffic can be more than twice as intense as average winter traffic, contributing to significantly increasing the peak days of congestion along the Provincial road network. Despite this evidence, all stakeholders seem to be at an early stage in incorporating this information into their strategic planning. The need for adequate transport policies and measures is considered essential to obtain the optimal balance of transport modes that will be required in the near future.  相似文献   

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