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In this study, we investigate the relationship between revenue recognition restatements and order backlog. Order backlog, a leading indicator of future earnings, is defined as the monetary value of unfilled orders at year-end. The presence of an order backlog can be economically significant and can have positive or negative implications. However, it is not clear whether there is an association between order backlog and financial reporting quality and, if there is, whether the relationship is negative or positive. Our results suggest that revenue recognition restatements are more likely to occur when order backlogs or changes in order backlogs are significant. Additionally, firms just meeting an earnings target when they have greater order backlog changes, and firms with a higher deferred-revenue-to-order-backlog ratio, are more likely to restate revenue. Finally, audit firms with more experience auditing companies with average backlogs above the median mitigate the association between backlogs and revenue restatements. Hence, financial statement users and auditors should use more skepticism in reviewing financial statements when firms have order backlogs.  相似文献   

In recent decades most countries have implemented significant reforms to foster financial liberalization. This article examines to what extent these reforms have benefited advanced economies and emerging market economies. We focus on four groups of countries: the G-7, other European countries, Latin America and East Asia over the period 1973–2006. We find evidence supporting the hypothesis that the different forms of financial liberalization affected growth differently in the four groups of countries. The main finding is that the benefits of financial liberalization are more important for advanced economies. In contrast, financial liberalization in emerging market economies has a weak positive impact on growth when its scope is limited, whereas full liberalization has been associated with slower economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper empirically assesses if and to what extent cross-country differences in institutions inherited from the past affect current institutional quality in Africa. Specifically, the work evaluates if legal origins and disease endowments explain cross-country differences in the quality of contemporary institutions that are widely considered to be important for financial system development and other economic outcomes, such as those related to creditor rights protection and the credit information infrastructure, as well as the judicial, legal property and insolvency systems. Empirical tests are carried out on a sample of 46 African former European colonies with data on current institutional quality from 2004 to 2013. The findings reveal that the legal origins hypothesis receives strong support in the data: historical factors, rooted in legal origins, have long-lasting effects on current institutional quality in the African context. Mixed evidence is instead found for the endowment view.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of media exposure on managers’ earnings management behavior using China’s publicly traded firms during 2001–2009. We find that firms with more media exposure (both negative and non-negative) manage their earnings less than firms with less media exposure. We also find that “suspect firms” (being specially treated or with refinancing plans like seasoned equity offerings or right offerings) with more media exposure engage in more accrual-based earnings management relative to other firms. These results suggest that Chinese media serve as an external monitor to the majority of firms and place excessive pressure on suspect firms. This paper contributes incrementally to the literature by emphasizing the conflicting role media exposure plays in managerial decisions in earnings management. The findings of this study have practical implications for regulators, auditors, financial analysts, as well as other information intermediaries.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - We examine the effect of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on the financial reporting quality of US firms over 1999–2015. We use accruals-based...  相似文献   

Do financial markets care about SRI? Evidence from mergers and acquisitions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mergers and acquisitions offer a framework for shedding new light on the stock market performance of socially responsible investments (SRI). We use Innovest’s Intangible Value Assessment (IVA) ratings as a measure of firms’ ability to cope with social and environmental risks. The IVA ratings allow us to uncover a positive relation between acquirer gains and the level of the target’s social and environmental risk management practices. Our findings suggest that the stock market rewards the acquirer for making socially and environmentally responsible investments. We also document that the environmental and social performance of the acquirer increases following the acquisition of a SRI aware target. These results are consistent with acquirer learning from the target’s SRI practices and experiences.  相似文献   

This paper examines the earnings management behavior of Japanese merger acquirers on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Most Japanese mergers are transacted via stock swaps, when acquirers have incentive to manage pre-merger earnings to reduce the cost of acquisition. Consistent with this incentive, Japanese acquirers have significantly positive long-term abnormal accruals in the year prior to the merger announcement. Further analyses suggest that acquirers’ extent of earnings management is an increasing function of their economic benefit at stake, and a decreasing function of monitoring by banks and foreign investors.  相似文献   

This study examines whether facilitation payments drive managers to manipulate earnings, thus weakening financial disclosure transparency. I find economically and statistically significant evidence that facilitation payments relate positively to earnings management levels in China. The impact of facilitation payments on earnings management is more pronounced when firms have relatively weak political power, less effective external monitoring, fewer growth options, and when firms are located in regions that have less efficient juridical systems. Finally, the findings are strengthened by a set of additional tests to mitigate the endogeneity problem: a difference-in-differences estimation that exploits China’s anti-corruption campaign as the exogenous shock, a dynamic analysis, an instrumental variable approach, and a Heckman analysis to adjust for selection bias. This study contributes to debates regarding corruption and transparency from a micro-economic perspective.  相似文献   

We examine how financial advice interacts with financial literacy to shape household decisions on stock market participation in China. Particularly, we investigate how the effect of financial advice varies with economic expectations, preferences for asset diversification and the level of financial literacy. Feeding the data of 5274 households into a Probit model that predicts the probability of holding stocks, we find that, while an increase in financial literacy significantly raises the stock market participation of all households, seeking financial advice only increases the participation for those households which have a preference for asset diversification or which have an optimistic expectation about the economy. Moreover, the effect of financial advice is concentrated on households with high financial literacy, implying that an insufficient level of financial literacy is the reason for the poor performance of financial advice in China. We also examine if there are influential trust or quality concerns which would reduce the effectiveness of financial advice but we find no significant evidence for it.  相似文献   

Using a sample of banks from 56 countries, this paper investigates the lending behavior of government banks during the crisis of 2008, and its association with bank performance and the economy. Contrary to the traditional wisdom, we find that government banks can play a beneficial role under certain circumstances. Government banks have higher loan growth rates than private banks during the crisis. In countries with low corruption, the increased lending by government banks is associated with better bank performance and more favorable GDP and employment growth in the crisis period. In contrast, the results for countries with high corruption are more consistent with the political view: the increased lending by government banks is associated with underperformance relative to private banks, and creates no beneficial effects on either GDP growth or employment.  相似文献   

We propose that much of the variation in standard (accruals and real-activities) earnings management metrics can be explained by firms' performance trajectories. We test our proposition using dividend change to distinguish high from low performance trajectory firms. We find that standard earnings management metrics have a stronger relation with performance trajectories than with unexpected earnings, a presumed target of earnings management. Firms that appear to manage earnings more are likelier to increase their dividends, but standard earnings management metrics do not explain changes in firm value around dividend change announcements. Applying standard earnings management metrics without taking performance trajectories into account can result in mistaking managers' efforts to increase firm value for earnings management.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the degree of global versus regional financial integration in Southeast Asia during the period 2004–2012. We examine integration in the money and bond markets in Asia by employing a covered-interest-parity-based measure of financial integration. The impact of the 2008 financial crisis as well as the recent regional bond initiatives on the integration process of Asian money and bond markets respectively are specifically investigated. Empirically, we adopt the Phillips and Sul (2007) convergence methodology that has not been previously employed to examine the integration process in Asian money and bond markets. We find evidence of both global and regional integration in the money market pre 2008 but once the crisis hit, the process of global integration comes to an abrupt halt. However, regional integration, albeit at a slower pace, is still clearly evident in the post-crisis period. As for the Asian bond market, evidence of both global and regional integration is found but, in comparison, the latter is more convergent post 2008. Regional integration is stronger when interest rates with longer maturity are considered. In addition, we identify some convergent subgroups of countries and this suggests that a multi-tiered style of convergence is present.  相似文献   

We examine how supplier-firm shareholders respond to the earnings announcements of their major customers to test the moderated confidence hypothesis, which predicts overreaction to imprecise signals. In our setting, the moderated confidence hypothesis predicts that supplier shareholders will overreact to customer earnings news because that news contains imprecise information about the suppliers’ future cash flows. We find evidence that supplier earnings announcement abnormal returns are negatively correlated with supplier abnormal returns at the earlier customers’ earnings announcements, consistent with supplier overreaction. We also find evidence that the overreaction declines with the strength of the economic ties between the supplier and the customer.  相似文献   

We find that common equity firms pay lower D&O insurance premiums than income trusts, an alternative and riskier ownership form. This result has wide-ranging implications for investors insofar as the information provided by D&O insurers provides investors with an unbiased signal of the firm's governance risk. The signal is unbiased because it comes from an entity (i.e. the insurer) that has a direct financial incentive to correctly assess an organization's governance risk, in contrast to other ad hoc governance measures and indices.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether corporate diversification has an impact on accruals earnings management by UK targets in mergers and acquisitions. Following prior research (Jiraporn, Kim, & Mathur, 2008; El Mehdi & Seboui, 2011), we explicitly distinguish between industrial and geographic diversification. These two dimensions of diversification differ in terms of their degree of information asymmetry, while in industrially diversified firms the accruals at the business segment level tend to offset each other, geographically diversified firms seem to be subject to higher information asymmetry. Using a sample of 229 UK publicly listed targets and employing cross-sectional accrual models and a panel regression framework, we find that industrial diversification mitigates earnings management by UK targets prior to mergers and acquisitions. The results of our study also show that a combination of industrial and geographic diversification is associated with a lesser degree of earnings management, which is consistent with those reported by Jiraporn, Kim, and Mathur (2008) and El Mehdi and Seboui (2011) for US firms. However, our evidence suggests that geographic diversification is associated with a higher degree of earnings management, however the results are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

As a result of the global financial crisis (GFC), several audit clients were able to negotiate lower audit fees for the years 2008 and 2009. However, the PCAOB has expressed concern that lower audit fees might lead to lower audit effort and lower audit quality and financial reporting quality. This study examines the relation between audit fee cuts and banks’ financial reporting quality. Specifically, we focus on earnings management via loan loss provisions (LLP), the relation between current period LLP and future loan charge-offs, i.e., LLP validity, and the timely recognition of loan losses. For banks audited by Big 4 auditors, we find that income-increasing abnormal LLP are decreasing in audit fee cuts and LLP validity is increasing in audit fee cuts. For banks audited by non-Big 4 auditors, LLP validity is higher for banks that received a fee cut of more than 25% relative to other banks audited by non-Big 4 auditors. We do not observe an association between timely loan loss recognition and cuts in audit fees except for banks audited by non-Big 4 auditors and exempt from internal control audits where a fee cut of more than 25% is associated with less timely loan loss recognition. Overall, the findings suggest that Big 4 auditors constrained earnings management via LLP in banks that received cuts in audit fees. Our findings have important implications for regulators, investors, and others.  相似文献   

This study examines whether negative-market-reaction firms in the year following restatement announcements adopt more conservative financial reporting to respond to their financial reporting credibility crisis, especially in the post-SOX era. Using Basu’s (1997) measure of conservatism, we find that negative-market-reaction firms in the year following restatement announcements report their financial statements more conservatively in the post-SOX era, as the market reaction following restatement announcements becomes more severe. We also find that as the negative market restatement reaction becomes more severe, negative-market-reaction firms using a Big N auditor in the year following financial restatements report their financial statements more conservatively in the post-SOX era.  相似文献   

Prior literature portrays long-term growth (LTG) forecasts as nonsensical from a valuation perspective. Instead, we hypothesize that LTG forecasts signal high effort and ability to analyze firms' long-term prospects. We document stronger market response to stock recommendation revisions of analysts who publish accompanying LTG forecasts. We also hypothesize and find that these analysts are less likely to leave the profession or move to smaller brokerage houses. Consistent with Reg. FD's intention to promote fundamental analysis of long-term earnings prospects, post-Reg. FD observations drive our results. Overall, we identify previously undocumented benefits accruing to analysts who publish LTG forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the financial performance, financial inclusion, and financial stability of the banking sector, focusing on annual data for 20 Pakistani commercial banks for the period 2008–2017. The results suggest that CSR, as well as age and size, has a positive impact on all three factors. However, high levels of leverage reduce financial inclusion and financial stability, while financial inclusion is also negatively associated with the tangibility of assets.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the role of informal institutions (religiosity and culture) in determining managers’ choices of earnings management methods (accruals vs. real activities), after controlling for formal institutions (investor protection, enforcement quality and equity market development). Using an ethical perspective, we find that managers tend to choose an earnings management strategy that meets the prevailing social (informal) norms of the environment where the firm is headquartered. Specifically, our analysis shows that firms domiciled in countries with strong religious adherence and high-power-distance cultures prefer to manage their earnings ‘upwards’ through real activities rather than accruals. Overall, our results suggest that informal institutions determine managers’ earnings management choices at least as strongly as formal institutions do. It would therefore be misleading to analyze managers’ choices in managing earnings solely from the formal rules perspective without considering the role of informal constraints or vice versa.  相似文献   

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