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城市应急避难场所用地适宜性评价——以广州市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应急避难场所的用地适宜性评价是对应急避难场所的规划、空间布局、选址和建设安全性的合理性的评估。本文基于广州市应急办所提供的应急避难场所数据与及实地调研和文献采集所得数据,构建了城市应急避难场所用地适宜性评价指标框架,利用层次分析法(AHP)与"熵值法"相结合的主客观赋权方法和GIS缓冲区分析,对广州市的应急避难场所用地适宜性开展了评估。结果发现广州市十大应急避难场所的用地适宜性较为理想,但总体上却存在应急避难资源人-地矛盾突出、区域分化大,用地集约程度、避难服务覆盖、规划布局标准亟需提供等问题,并针对性地提出了建议。  相似文献   

该文以黄陂区为研究区域,从地形适宜度、生产适宜度、生活适宜度和土地利用现状等方面建立了农村居民点用地发展适宜性评价体系,借助GIS进行了农村居民点用地发展适宜性评价,并基于评价结果对现状农村居民点进行分类整理。结果显示,黄陂区整体较为适宜农村居民点的发展,而适宜性较高的区域多集中于黄陂区南部。此外,黄陂区居民点的整理应采取内部改造为主导,迁村并点相结合的方式。  相似文献   

GIS支持的土地利用适宜性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用德尔菲法对预选评价指标集进行筛选,建立评价指标体系并确定各评价因子的权重值;根据各因子在空间上的分布规律与赋予的权重,确立土地生态适宜性分级标准;通过GIS方法对土地利用适宜图和土地利用现状图进行叠置分析,得出各土地利用的适宜程度,可全面了解掌握常德市土地利用现状潜力,探讨土地利用模式,为土地利用规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

快速城市化背景下的城市建设用地无序扩张,不仅造成土地资源的浪费,而且造成城市及其周边区域生态环境的破坏.生态适宜性评价是区域规划的前提和基础并亟待开展.基于RS和GIS技术,充分运用RS技术在土地信息获取和GIS技术在数据管理和空间分析方面的优势,建立了武汉市工业用地生态适宜性评价数据库.在GIS数据库支持下完成整个评...  相似文献   

T. Firman   《Land use policy》2004,21(4):347-355
This article addresses issues of urban land development in Indonesia, including urban land use; ownership and transfers; land taxation; and land information systems. Until very recently, urban land-use planning in Indonesia was largely top-down in character and neglected to include the public as a stakeholder. This article argues that the role of government in urban land-use development needs to change at all levels and that the capacity of local government in land-use management needs to be strengthened. The presence of private developers in urban development should be encouraged. Land development permits—as a means of urban development control—while they may still be necessary should be granted primarily in relation to urban land-use plans (RUTR). Land taxation instruments have not been effectively applied to control land utilisation in the cities. Data and information on land affairs are lacking.  相似文献   

Digital land use data, generally derived by remote sensing operations, have become widely available for even the most remote areas of the globe. Here we investigate how to use land use data to measure three of the most characteristic aspects of urban sprawl: low density, low continuity of land use type (scatteredness), and low compactness of the shape of the city. For each of these categories we present multiple urban sprawl indicators. Some of these indicators have been used in the literature before, others we developed ourselves. For density measurements we illustrate how simple changes to common density indicators can improve their meaningfulness. With respect to scatteredness we show that the interpretation of entropy measures can be ambiguous. A variant on Moran’s I index does a better job at measuring scatteredness than entropy metrics. A problem that has not yet been discussed in the literature is that the grid structure of land use data can inflate the boundary of the measured area. This is particularly a problem when measuring urban compactness. We introduce new compactness indices that correct for this problem. To illustrate the discussed indices, we apply them to Graz, the second largest city in Austria, using data from the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) Project (European Environment Agency, 2010).  相似文献   

针对城镇存量土地盘活难的问题,提出了建立城镇土地储备适宜性评价体系,对城镇建成区内所有地块的储备适宜性进行评价。评价体系包括年度储备适宜级,储备方式适宜级,储备用途适宜级,储备适宜宗地单元四个级别,分别提供适宜储备时间、适宜储备方式、后续开发适宜用途及程度、储备限制因素等信息。评价结果可为土地管理者提供详实直观的土地储备信息,为空间上合理开发利用城市土地资源提供科学依据,从而能够提高土地利用效率,盘活城镇存量土地,优化城镇结构布局。  相似文献   

武汉市工业用地生态适宜性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:阐明城市工业用地生态适宜性评价的理论与方法,评价武汉市都市圈内的工业用地生态适宜性。研究方法:多因素加权评价法与GIS空间分析方法。研究结果:(1)明确了城市工业用地生态适宜性评价必须以生态为前提;(2)进行了武汉市工业用地生态适宜性评价及评价结果的分析,并指出其空间分析必须在同一尺度下进行;(3)探究了武汉市工业用地的发展方向。研究结论:武汉市都市圈工业用地呈集团式发展,应当控制其向生态敏感区发展。  相似文献   

基于决策树的土地适宜性评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在探讨应用空间数据挖掘的决策树方法于土地适宜性评价的研究思路后,以琼海市的3个乡镇作为试验区,选取了8个指标(影响因子)作为测试属性,共提取了67个样本,运用C4.5算法构建土地适宜性评价决策树并进行了分析,表明所得规则符合实际且易于理解.然后运用规则对试验区土地进行评价,并与应用其它评价方法所得结果作对比分析.结果表明:基于决策树的土地适宜性评价方法不依赖于经验知识,得到的评价结果具有较高准确率,能够满足评价的要求.  相似文献   

平谷区城镇建设用地生态经济适宜性评价方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究目的:从生态保护和经济发展的角度,研究城镇建设用地的适宜性评价指标体系和评价方法,以期为城市规划和土地利用总体规划的城镇发展用地合理布局和科学评价提供有效范式。研究方法:以GIS栅格技术为支撑,利用多因素加乘复合算法和互斥性矩阵分类方法进行城镇建设用地适宜性评价,利用对比分析法佐证评价方法与结果的有效性和合理性。研究结果:平谷区城镇建设空间布局可优化为优先建设区、适度建设区、控制建设区、适度保护区、重点保护区和禁止建设区,分别占全区总面积的22.97%、12.15%、11.69%、9.93%、12.90%和30.31%;城镇建设用地适宜程度在空间上呈圈层分布特征,由平原向四周的半山区和山区逐渐降低;评价结果与平谷区城市规划成果具有较好的一致性。研究结论:提出的评价方法对城镇建设用地适宜性评价是有效的,评价结果可以为城镇建设用地规划布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Urban development in China is based on two types of land ownership, namely, state land owned by states and collective land owned by village collectives. Legally speaking, urban development must be based on state land. In practice, informal development based on collective land has played important roles in the rapid urbanization process over the past decades. Nonetheless, the vague property rights over collective land have led to inferior and suboptimal development outcomes in expansive urban areas. The redevelopment of collective land has become an important means to sustain urban development in an ongoing urbanization process. By adopting theoretical perspectives from New Institutional Economics, this study presents an integrated conceptual framework on the institutional arrangements of land property rights and transaction costs to understand the changes in land policies and their institutional implications for the redevelopment of collective land in Shenzhen, China. The findings reveal that the new policies have redefined the relationship among the government, village collectives, and real estate developers as well as their property rights over collective land. The change of institutional arrangements in land property rights has significantly reduced the transaction costs in the redevelopment process and effectively promoted land redevelopment activities.  相似文献   

浙江省大陆岸线资源的适宜性综合评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:岸线资源是21世纪"海洋世纪"重要的国土资源,科学、合理的岸线资源评价有利于沿海开发战略的制定,能够提高岸线资源的综合利用效益。研究方法:利用遥感和GIS手段,建立生产、生活和生态保护为导向的岸线资源适宜性综合评价指标体系,并对浙江省大陆岸线资源进行空间特征分析。研究结果:浙江省大陆岸线中,生产优先开发岸线占4.9%,生产适度开发岸线占10.3%,生活旅游岸线占21.9%,生态保护岸线占1.5%,储备岸线占61.4%。研究结论:(1)平湖市与海盐市交汇岸段、宁波市甬江口以南至北仑北岸岸段、象山港沿岸的宁波市区岸段以及象山县岸段等建港条件优良,适合生产优先开发或适度开发;(2)海盐市东部部分岸段、慈溪市西北部岸段等适合发展城镇或旅游开发;(3)象山县东部部分岸段、三门县中部部分岸段等由于生态服务价值特殊,需要严格保护。  相似文献   

不同空间尺度下城市土地利用绩效评价指标体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指标选择是评价土地利用绩效的基础,目前许多学者从不同角度建立了土地利用绩效评价指标体系,为土地利用评价奠定了理论基础,然而构建土地利用绩效评价指标体系仍是学术界的重要任务。已有的一些城市土地利用评价指标忽视空间尺度,针对性、层次性、区域性等不明显,因此本文主要针对建成区和市辖区两个空间尺度建立城市土地利用绩效评价指标体系。  相似文献   

土地质量的概念及其评价指标体系研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在综合分析相关组织和专家提出的土地质量概念基础之上,认为,土地质量是指满足人们不同土地需求的状况和条件,包括土壤、气候、生物和景观生态及其所决定的生态环境、生产潜力和承栽能力;土地质量指标体系应该包括3个方面:生态质量指标体系、生产质量指标体系和承栽质量指标体系,并以区域为单位,分别对未利用地、农用地和建设用地质量评价提出不同的指标体系。  相似文献   

This paper aims to critically reflect on establishing the new frameworks for land markets and urban land development processes in countries in transition. Based on the doctrine of the so-called ‘property rights’ school, land and property ownership has long been identified as a prerequisite for economic development. The common advice to countries in transition creating new frameworks for land markets was to assign and register property rights. The aim of this paper is to discuss the significance of the delineation of property rights, which for urban land development processes and outcomes falls mainly within the remit of land use regulations. In this paper the concept of property rights regime and its characteristics is developed in order to discuss the delineation of property rights and their relationship with urban land development process and its outcome. Process of land development is conceptualized depending on land ownership (private or public), and the role of the owner in the planning process. The outcome is discussed based on the morphological results and the provision of urban infrastructure. On the basis of empirical experience from transition period in Poland it is argued that the emphasis on private property rights in the absence of the institutional foundations of urban land market under capitalism was bound to produce urban problems. First, the new institutional foundation for urban land market was introduced subsequent to dynamic of emerging real estate market, and viable markets existed despite unsolved question of restitution of property rights. Second, the subsequent delineation of property rights is clearly linked to processes of urban land development, which follow the line of development without planning. It can also be related to the morphological results of urban development like the haphazard location of investments and lack of adequate approach to deal with the provision of urban infrastructure.  相似文献   

Curbing the historically unplanned urban development in African cities crucially demands that the drivers of urban land use (urban-LU) changes are comprehended. However, this has become a complex decision problem for African urban planners and policy makers owing to the interconnections among urban-LU drivers and the complicated mixed development of planned and unplanned areas. Therefore, this study presents a new framework to model drivers of urban-LU changes in Lusaka, Zambia for the last 50 years using ground questionnaire surveys and the analytic network process (ANP). The study considers the growth of six urban-LUs, namely, unplanned high density residential (UHDR), unplanned low density residential (ULDR); planned medium-high density residential (PMHDR), planned low density residential (PLDR), commercial and industrial (CMI); and public institutions and service (PIS). The results revealed that socio-economic (55.11 %) and population (27.37 %) factors have been the major drivers of urban-LU changes while political factors (13.07 %) have also played a role. The role of biophysical factors (4.44 %) has been insignificant. The ANP model ranks UHDR (1st) and CMI (2nd) areas as the fastest-growing primarily driven by interactions amongst migration, economic opportunities, social services and land market. The growth of PMHDR, PIS and PLDR areas, ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th, respectively, has been largely driven by plans and policies and the political situation. The growth of ULDR areas is ranked (6th) as the lowest. The study discusses the urban planning and land use policy implications and suggests several strategies including strengthening of the local planning authority; improvement of the land tenure policies and delivery systems; establishment of satellite economic zones to decongest the city; investment in both green and blue infrastructure; and timely policy reviews.  相似文献   

研究目的:根据开发适宜性与土地利用效率的空间协调关系,判断江苏省县级单元的空间开发合理性状态。研究方法:基于经济社会发展、交通可达和生态约束3方面因素评价江苏省空间开发适宜性,运用数据包络模型测度江苏省土地利用效率。研究结果:(1)空间开发适宜性方面,高适宜区域主要分布在苏锡常和南京,中适宜区域位于苏中地区和苏北地级市、县(市)的城区,低适宜区域主要分布在苏北的非建设用地上;(2)空间开发效率方面,综合效率呈现南高北低的格局,高效率县市主要分布在长江以南区域,规模递增仍然是苏北和苏中地区投入产出的主要特征,但其建设用地投入存在冗余现象;(3)匹配关系方面,开发适宜性与土地利用效率协调类型以苏南地区的"HH"型、苏中地区的"MM、MH"型和苏北地区的"LL"型为主,高适宜区域普遍具有较高的开发强度。研究结论:江苏省大部分县市(区)的空间开发适宜性和开发效率是基本协调的,但部分地区仍然存在开发过度和土地利用效率低下的问题。  相似文献   

主要从土地集约利用的内涵出发,对贵阳区建设用地的利用现状进行分析,在此基础上采用改进的TOPSIS法对贵阳区的建设用地利用进行综合评价,得出各个乡镇建设用地利用的集约度及集约利用重点,针对存在的问题提出优化对策.  相似文献   

应用GIS技术,结合层次分析法和模糊数学综合评价方法等现代统计分析技术,在耕地地力调查的基础上,从土壤立地条件、土壤理化性状、剖面构型、气候、土壤管理等5个方面选取14项指标,对麦积区耕地地力进行综合评价,研究其影响该区耕地地力的主要指标。结果表明,麦积区耕地地力等级可分为5等,1~5等地,分别占总耕地面积的2.74%、9.18%、56.84%、30.45%、1.40%,其分别对应国家6~10等地;通过层次分析组合权重分析,灌溉能力、年降水量、有效磷、坡向、有机质为影响该区耕地地力最重要的指标。  相似文献   

随着后备资源的减少,经济的快速发展,保护资源和保障发展的双重压力加大,土地整治工作迫切要求将生态理念贯穿始终.土地整治生态评价是区域开展整治工作的前提和基础.本文基于“3S”技术,建立宜城市土地整治生态评价数据库.在GIS数据库环境支持下完成评价因子空间叠置和综合计算.通过分析评价结果,了解其生态综合状况,对其存在的生态问题采取相应的措施,从而促进宜城市土地整治事业可持续发展.  相似文献   

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