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This study investigates the macroeconomic forces underlying forest clearcutting practices across Canada. In keeping with the relevant literature on environmental degradation, three forces are assumed to influence forest clearcutting: per capita gross domestic product (GDP), technology, and population density. While previous work has used models that assume linear relationships between the latter two variables and environmental degradation, this paper employs a more flexible (quadratic) model. Pooled regression analysis in the Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairie, and British Columbia regions between 1975-99 indicates that while technological change tends to have an inverted U-shaped relationship with forest area clearcut, population and GDP/capita tend to have the opposite effects. This last variable finding strongly rejects the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis of an inverted U-shaped relationship between GDP/capita and forest area clearcut in Canada.  相似文献   

研究目的:分析中国土地财政与经济增长之间的内在关系。研究方法:文献分析法,计量经济分析。研究结果:(1)在全国范围内,现阶段土地财政指标与经济增长之间存在着单调递增的关系,暂时否定了本文所构想的土地财政库兹涅兹曲线假说;(2)在东、中、西部地区,土地财政指标与经济增长之间的关系虽然呈现出不同的曲线形态,但就现阶段而言,三大区域的土地财政指标在经济增长过程中都呈上扬之势;(3)城镇化、工业化在全国及三大区域对土地财政指标发挥着不同程度和不同方向作用的影响。研究结论:要化解土地财政引发的各类矛盾与问题,应该从财税体制、政绩考核体制和土地制度改革的顶层设计入手,充分考虑区域差异,系统构建分类治理土地财政的区域差异化制度体系和管控对策。  相似文献   

研究目的:分析中国耕地非农化与经济增长质量之间是否存在库兹涅茨曲线并进行验证。研究方法:空间计量经济模型。研究结果:常规面板模型和空间面板模型的结果均显示,中国耕地非农化与经济增长质量之间存在明显的倒“U”型关系,验证了“耕地库兹涅茨曲线”假说,且当经济增长质量(全要素生产率指数)达到1.4087时,耕地非农化与经济增长之间的矛盾将逐渐减小;区域间的耕地非农化确实具有较强的正向空间相关关系,即相邻地区耕地非农化数量变动1%,会导致本地区耕地非农化数量平均变动0.1627%。研究结论:系统地识别、评估区域间耕地非农化与经济增长质量的空间联动性,对于促进区域间耕地总量动态平衡具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

研究目的:剖析近20年山东省生态用地时空演变特点,划分不同保护区域,为编制国土资源空间规划、保护生态用地提供参考。研究方法:采用环境库兹涅兹曲线(EKC),判断全省生态用地的发展趋势;根据洛伦兹曲线(Lorenz Curve)和基尼系数(Gini)方法,描述全省生态用地的分布及其演变特征;利用地理信息系统(GIS),遥感(RS)等方法获取数据并输出计算结果。研究结果:1996年以来全省生态用地总面积减少了46.8×10~4 hm~2,减少态势具有明显的"平稳—加速—减缓"的阶段性特征;全省生态用地分布基尼系数由1996年的0.523降低为2016年的0.480,生态用地区域分布趋于均衡。研究结论:(1)随着生态文明建设和美丽中国战略的深入实施,将来有可能出现生态用地由减少到增加的拐点;(2)本文把全省划分为三类不同的保护区域,并根据不同保护区的特点提出了差别化的土地利用方向和生态保护政策。  相似文献   

研究目的:分析中国收入差距与耕地非农化之间的关系。研究方法:文献分析法,计量经济分析。研究结果:收入差距会影响耕地非农化进程,(1)收入差距扩大会加速耕地非农化,并且收入差距越大,这种影响效果就会越恶劣;(2)收入差距因素还会通过作用经济增长,促使经济发展对耕地非农化需求加强。研究结论:收入差距使耕地库兹涅茨曲线转折阈值提高,且滞后到达。因此,以社会整体福利提高为目的,协调公平和效率的关系,缩小居民收入差距,构建和谐社会,才有利于耕地保护。  相似文献   

刘勇  夏自谦 《林业经济问题》2005,25(3):142-144,148
阐述了环境库兹涅茨曲线中经济发展与环境恶化水平之间的倒"U"型关系,在分析了东北地区传统发展模式对环境库兹涅茨曲线影响的基础上,提出了振兴东北老工业基地的具体对策建议。  相似文献   

Soil vulnerability and environmental land use conflicts were quantified and cross tabulated in the Sordo River basin (Trás-os-Montes Province, NE Portugal) to provide insights about the risk of soil degradation within that basin. Soil vulnerability was assessed by algorithms of multi criteria analysis and weighted linear combination, whereas environmental land use conflicts were described by an original approach. Three vulnerability scenarios were considered, enhancing the importance of topographic slope, soil class and use and occupation of soils, respectively, as vulnerability factors. Regardless the scenario, approximately two-thirds to the basin was defined as areas with high vulnerability. Fortunately, only 10.9% of the basin is in environmental conflict, where actual land uses deviate from natural uses determined by soil characteristics. The cross tabulation of high vulnerability areas with conflict areas, which defines the areas at risk of soil degradation, reveal that risk areas account for approximately 3.2–8.4% of the basin, depending on the scenario, being concentrated in steep slope hillsides suited for forest or mixed forest and pasture occupations but actually used for irrigated crop lands, vineyards and olive yards. Some conservation practices are implemented in the vineyard and olive yard areas, namely through the construction of terraces. These structures minimize soil erosion but are potentially unstable beyond given intervals of terrain slope. On the other hand, the maintenance of terraces is costly and for that reason eventually unaffordable for many farmers, and they also entail a mischaracterization of the historical and architectural heritage of the Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage). In this context, it was suggested the approval of legislation as regards the design, construction and maintenance of terraces, while in a broader perspective it was recommended the appreciation of a European Directive for soil protection and its subsequent transposition to the national legislation.  相似文献   

为探究区域用水的空间特征及经济增长与区域用水的作用机制,构建空间面板STIRPAT模型,对全国以及东、中、西地区水资源利用与经济增长之间的关系进行实证分析。结果表明:我国水资源利用与经济增长存在较强的空间相关性,二者存在多种形态的EKC曲线关系;全国层面二者呈现为倒"N"型曲线关系,拐点出现在人均GDP 7 358.79元和60 668.53元,除少数东部地区外,大多数省区处于下降前的爬坡阶段;东部和中部地区二者分别近似地满足单调递减和递增的关系;西部地区二者关系呈现为倒"N"型形态,对应的人均GDP拐点分别为521.52元和35 225.87元,结合全国层面的测算结果,虽然短期内西部地区用水量会出现下降,但是经济发展与用水需求增长这一长期存在的"两难"困境并没有得到缓解。此外,不考虑空间自相关性的传统面板计量模型估计出的结果不存在EKC拐点,说明遗漏区域用水的空间自相关性会导致我国水资源利用峰值对应的人均GDP产生较大的偏误。  相似文献   

湘乡市土地利用空间格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据景观生态学原理,以湘乡市2005年土地利用数据库作为主要信息源,在MapGIS的支持下,从分析湘乡市土地利用现状入手,引入土地数量结构分析中的多样化分析、集中程度分析、区域组合类型分析和区住意义分析,景观格局分析指数中的多样性指数、均匀度指数、优势度指数、破碎度指数,结合土地利用程度指数对湘乡市的土地利用空间格局进行分析。结果表明。湘乡市景观格局总体呈现多样性程度、优势度较高,整个区域景观比较完整,无明显的破碎化现象等特征,但斑块形状较复杂,景观生态系统较不稳定。  相似文献   

Several studies have explored the drivers of urban land expansion (ULE), but disregarded the influence of distant spatial effect on ULE at a large regional scale. This study contributed to a tele-coupling relationship framework between spatial spillover of ULE and transportation accessibility to find the influence of distance spatial effect on ULE. Drawing upon land-use remote sensing data from 1990–2015 and transportation network data, this study assessed the relationship between transportation accessibility and ULE, and developed a second-order spatial autoregressive model (SO-SAR) to explore the spatial spillover mechanism of ULE in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB). The results find that ULE exhibits a significantly positive spatial correlation when the connection criterion of accessibility is 2 h≤hour≤3 h. The SO-SAR model results show that ULE is affected by the historical ULE, which presents a significant path-dependence effect. Moreover, the ULE in most local cities has a weak inhibition on the ULE of the surrounding cities where the connection criterion of accessibility is 1 h. However, the spillover effects of remote city’s ULE have a slight positive impact on local ULE due to the improvement of traffic accessibility from 2005 to 2015. In addition, openness, labor flows, institutional hierarchy, and economic structure had a significantly positive effect on ULE during the period 1990–2015 in the YREB. Policy reforms are suggested to encourage the development of integrated transportation and urban land use at a large regional scale in China. Moreover, there is a need for a mindset shift from cities competing competition over land to cooperation between the cities in YREB.  相似文献   

研究目的:以武汉市为研究区域,检验耕地占用与经济增长的脱钩关系是否呈倒U型曲线,为缓解耕地占用与经济增长的矛盾提供理论依据。研究方法:脱钩分析,低通滤波。研究结果:(1)武汉市耕地占用与非农GDP之间的脱钩关系呈现出"弱脱钩—扩张连接—扩张负脱钩—弱脱钩—扩张连接"的变化,脱钩弹性值波动曲线符合库兹涅茨倒U型曲线假说。(2)根据脱钩弹性值波动变化曲线,可以将统计期划分为4个阶段:1992—2000年、2001—2004年、2005—2009年和2010—2013年,且耕地保护政策对耕地占用与经济增长之间的脱钩关系有显著影响。研究结论:武汉市耕地占用与经济增长的脱钩关系呈倒U型曲线,当前武汉市耕地占用与经济增长脱钩关系位于倒U型曲线的下降阶段,通过加强耕地保护政策的实施力度可以使武汉市耕地占用与经济增长的关系维持为强脱钩。  相似文献   

土地利用规划中土地利用空间结构和布局研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土地利用空间结构和布局是土地利用规划工作中的关键所在,是决定土地利用规划是否科学合理的重要步骤;开展土地利用空间结构和布局优化研究有利于促进土地资源利用的集约高效,有利于新一轮的土地利用规划修编的编制和实施;综述了目前我国土地利用空间布局相关理论的研究进展,回顾了土地利用空间布局所采取的主要技术和手段,对我国土地利用空间结构和布局研究进行了展望;研究表明:我国土地利用空间布局理论研究有了长足进展,但还未形成严密的科学理论体系;在研究视角上,多注重耕地和基本农田保护,在“统筹兼顾”“以人为本”“理性发展”等方面应加强;在研究方法上,应加强现代数学模型与计算机空间模拟等方法在土地利用规划布局中的应用研究,加强参与式土地利用规划理论和方法研究,与传统的规划研究方法和手段相结合,形成客观、准确、科学的土地利用规划技术体系。  相似文献   

基于面板数据的省会城市居住地价的差异及成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:基于2000 — 2006年面板数据,分析省会城市居住地价的差异、主要影响因子及其影响程度。研究方法:混合OLS估计方法、固定效应模型和随机效应模型。研究结果:(1)中国省会城市居住地价存在明显的时空差异,2005年及以后地价增长明显,且东部地区地价与中、西部地区的差距进一步拉大;(2)将城市间居住地价的影响因素分为全国宏观经济因素、区域整体差异因素和城市个体因素三个层面,并基于引致需求理论,构建更具实效性的城市居住地价影响因子体系;(3)建成区面积、城市人均GDP、国际旅游收入、2004年8月31日之后土地供应方式的重大转变(正向关系)和房地产开发投资(负向关系)对居住地价有显著影响。研究结论:面板数据模型是中国城市间地价问题定量分析的一个有效工具。  相似文献   

浅议信息熵在区域土地利用空间结构研究应用中的问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对信息熵做了简单介绍;通过简单模型验证了信息熵在土地利用空间结构研究中的局限性:缺乏空间信息、地类之间的可替代性和对尺度性的忽视;提出一些改进的建议。  相似文献   

分析了梁平县1996~2005年土地利用变化情况和空间格局:①林地面积变化幅度最大,其次是耕地,未利用地得到了一定开发,土地利用率提高;交通用地变化速度最快,全县土地利用变化速度最近3年明显加快;土地利用程度呈现整体下降的斜"W"型变化;②在浅丘、平坝区,土地利用多样性及破碎化程度较高,而集中化程度较低;低山丘陵区,土地多样性低,集中化程度高;全县土地利用以耕地和林地为主。  相似文献   

通过对1986~2004年临沂市环境经济数据的经济计量模型研究,发现该市工业"三废"排放与经济增长之间的拟合曲线并不完全符合典型环境库兹涅茨曲线的特征。经济增长除与工业废水的拟合曲线属于典型倒"U"型状右侧部分外,与工业废气排放量和工业固体废弃物产生量的拟合曲线分别呈现出倒"U"型曲线左侧部分的特征,而且3条曲线整个过程并未出现转折点。主要原因是与临沂市工业发展仍处于初、中级阶段相吻合的,除工业废水污染得到较好的治理外,工业废气和工业固体废弃物污染水平仍然呈不断加重的趋势。  相似文献   

Differences in the internal composite structure during urban built-up land sprawl (UBLS) will generate different effects, and thus, a city’s spatial structure has important bearings on urban sustainability. This study investigates the spatial and temporal characteristics of the internal structure and allocation relationship of UBLS using multivariate spatial correlation and the Weaver-Tomas composite coefficient based on site data of granted built-up land parcels. Moreover, the composite structure evolution process of UBLS and its driving mechanism are examined in this study. The results reveal that the amount structure of the three types of UBLS (i.e. industrial land sprawl, residential land sprawl and commercial land sprawl) tended to be balanced during the study period. Following the transformation and upgrade of the urban industry structure, the overall composite structure of UBLS ranged from single residential land-use structure (Res.) to industrial-residential land-use structure (Ind.-Res.) In the early period of land marketization, the marketization land granting mechanism caused low spatial correlation between the various types of UBLS and a single composite structure, i.e. Res., single commercial land-use structure (Com.), and residential-commercial land-use structure (Res.-Com.). Subsequently, a dual-driving force including the market economy and government interventions caused a relatively high degree of spatial correlation and a multiple composite structure, i.e. Ind.-Res. and industrial-residential-commercial land-use structure (Ind.-Res.-Com.). However, the evolution characteristics of the composite structure in various regions illustrate some problems, such as the spatial isomorphism phenomenon of the composite structure and the dislocation of urban built-up land allocation. The urban internal built-up land spatial layout pattern is the embodiment of two dominant driving forces, the market and the government, interacting with each other according to natural and socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, we suggest that it is necessary to reform the future urban built-up land granting mechanism based on market guidance, and the composite structure of UBLS should be adjusted according to the regional function. The government should reinforce the macro-control of land-use planning for the dispersed granted land parcels so as to optimize the urban land-use structure.  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss the linkages between land use management and land use change, as well as the impacts of land use policies at the local level. Specifically, I suggest the current land tenure regime in Panama is the outcome of a path-dependent process that includes a Spanish legacy of land tenure institutions and beliefs, a policy-making process that responds to immediate or short-term development outcomes, and the broader political economic context. First, I introduce theoretical perspectives on land policy and development. These are followed by a narrative of the evolution of land tenure in Panama, in the context of develoment processes and land policies in Latin America. In the final section, with the case of lifestyle migration to Bocas del Toro, Panama, I illustrate how the pathways between land management and land use, in the context of political economic development drivers and outcomes, have significant local outcomes.  相似文献   

本文以北京市门头沟区为例,从地形地貌、规划引导和自身实力三个方面,选取8个指标对区域农村居民点综合实力进行评价,并划分村庄综合发展实力。在此基础上,综合城市规划中确定的历史文化、旅游接待和特色产业的农村居民点,构建综合实力与资源优势的组合类型,提出不同村庄的发展模式。研究结果综合了自然、社会、规划等多层面的因素,对于开展山区农村居民点整治和规划有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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