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Coastal land reclamation is one of the major human interventions in the coastal areas, it is a process undergo in many parts of the world. Land reclamation supplies land for development with urgent needs for coastal cities, and creates the opportunity for rapid urbanization, however, it also influences the integrity of the coastal ecosystem and results in a decline in biodiversity and ecosystem services. Over-exploitation and unreasonable use of coastal land has been a major issue and became a threat to ecological security in China. This paper analyzed the coastal land expansion and utilization process from 1980 to 2015 in Shanghai through remote sensing image processing and field investigations. The process of land reclamation in Shanghai and the effect of land use transformation on natural wetlands and the quality of the natural habitat are explored by analyzing land use and land cover change and modeling ecosystem services change by Integrated valuation of ecosystem services and tradeoffs (InVEST) model. The results show that the urban ‘ocean sprawl’ in Shanghai has increased by ∼10 % from 1980 to 2015 which transformed natural wetlands into construction land significantly. Despite strict control over the quality of reclamation projects and appropriate compensation with artificial wetlands, the natural habitat damage caused by reclamation increases exponentially in the past few decades. Recently the policies have changed from encouraging human reclamation to prohibit all kinds of land reclamation programs from national to local scales. It has major policy implications for future coastal habitat conservation. This paper gives an overview of the land reclamation in Shanghai and its impact on natural habitat that can foster the related policies to promote healthier and more reasonable urbanization during the economic transformation.  相似文献   

研究目的:探索滨海湿地演变驱动力及驱动机制,揭示各驱动因子变化趋势及其对滨海湿地演变影响程度,丰富和发展湿地演变驱动机制理论研究。研究方法:以1996年第一次全国土地详查、2005年变更调查及2015年第二次全国土地调查变更调查数据为基础,采用计量经济学方法——空间回归分析模型方法构建滨海湿地演变驱动模型。研究结果:(1)1996—2015年,河流、海洋动力作用持续并逐步减弱,社会经济因素由受常住人口影响逐步变为受产业结构影响;政策因素由2005年受土地整理规模和建设用地规模影响转变为2015年受建设用地规模影响;区位因素由1996年受距区域经济中心、区内城市中心和海岸线远近影响转变为2005年受距区内城市中心远近影响,2015年转变为距受区域经济中心和区内城市中心远近影响。(2)1996年江苏省滨海湿地驱动力作用强弱依次为区位海岸线变化社会经济;2005年依次为海岸线变化政策社会经济区位;2015年依次为政策社会经济区位海岸线变化。研究结论:在江苏省滨海地区滨海湿地演变受河流、海洋动力作用、社会经济因素、政策因素和区位因素共同作用。就其影响力而言,海岸线变化和区位因素对滨海湿地的影响逐步减弱,政策和社会经济因素对滨海湿地影响逐步增强,政策的影响力正逐步凸显。  相似文献   

依据滨海新围垦区——江苏条子泥垦区内产业模式的规划和建设,从直接经济利益、环境污染成本、生态效益方面进行研究,探讨滨海围垦区传统农业产业模式和生态产业模式的效益。研究结果表明,在相同土地利用规模下,相较于传统农业产业模式,生态产业模式的直接经济利益、生态效益和综合效益分别增加了1.37、1.65和2.05倍,同时环境污染成本减少了100%。通过生态产业模式替代传统农业产业模式,显著提升了滨海围垦区直接经济利益和生态效益,研究成果可以为滨海围垦区传统农业产业模式转型和生态建设提供理论和实践参考。  相似文献   

The loss and degradation of wetlands in the Mekong Delta has been caused by a combination of human activities (social systems) and natural events (ecological systems). However, the complexity and interaction of these socio-ecological factors are poorly understood. This study provides a better understanding of the complex social-ecological factors affecting land-cover change in the Phu My Lepironia grassland conservation area, part of Kien Giang Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam. A systems thinking approach was used to determine the interaction between the social system and land-use and land-cover changes. Results indicate that ensuring food supply and improving income are the key endogenous drivers of wetland degradation in the study area. Over-exploitation of wetland resources and inappropriate agricultural practices are accelerating wetland conversion and degradation. The conflict and unclear land tenure, coupled with a desire for higher income, has driven the community to convert and reclaim large parts of the wetland. This process is also driven exogenously by wetland access and the fluctuation of commodity prices, which in-turn results in transition from traditional to extensive cropping systems and expansion of cultivated land into the protected wetland. The relationship between people and wetlands must be central to the development of wetland policies and wetland management approaches. This will improve how land use policy supports sustainable sources of food and income for the local community and concurrently reduce pressures on wetland degradation. Any efforts made to protect the remnant wetland grassland and its diverse ecosystem by regulation should be supplemented by developing and sustaining the relationship between social systems and ecological systems.  相似文献   

淡水资源紧缺是江苏沿海大规模围垦与开发以及生态环境保护的重要制约因素,如何建立更加高效、高保障度的水资源保障体系,有效增加水资源供给,合理利用水资源,将是江苏沿海开发中面临的一个巨大挑战。结合围垦区(包括人工岛)淡水资源的分布与关联,根据《江苏沿海滩涂围垦开发利用规划纲要》需要,研究蓄淡工程的类型、规模和布局(河口水库、河网节制闸、天然湿地、平原水库),确定蓄淡工程规模和优化组合方案,评估蓄淡工程综合效用和影响(包括经济、社会、环境效益评价和利弊分析),提出兼顾供水、防洪、环保、海洋等行业需求的沿海围垦区蓄淡工程布局模式。研究改变现有基于陆地的水资源开发利用的模式,建立海陆结合的新型水资源开发模式。研究成果不仅仅可解决未来江苏沿海大开发淡水资源缺乏的问题,也为解决今后东部沿海城市尤其是北方沿海城市水资源的匮乏提供新思路。  相似文献   

湿地是人类社会存在及发展不可替代的重要生态资源,是人类生存及发展的重要物质基础,湿地的开发、利用及保护已引起世界各国的普遍关注。就三江平原湿地的保护现状及法律法规进行论述,剖析了湿地的保护及合理的利用在我国正处于起步的阶段中存在的问题。通过国际湿地保护对我国三江平原湿地现状的启示提出有效的解决措施。  相似文献   

Wetland mitigation banking (WMB) is an organizational form that attempts to balance the ecological goals of wetland conservation and the economic goals of development with the aim of improving the implementation of wetland offsetting. Given the resulting tension, it is important to understand how the way stakeholders employ the WMB regulatory framework affects the goal of No Net Loss of wetlands. In this study, we interviewed WMB stakeholders in Florida in the United States to identify their strategies during negotiations around different aspects of defining wetland mitigation credits (e.g. service areas, types of credit and credit release schedules). Using the approach of New Institutional Economics, we found that within a framework of well-defined rules that nonetheless allow flexibility, WMB enables a field of action for negotiating within a zone of ecological-economic viability – in part due to the stakeholders’ interest in maintaining a good reputation in this field. Outside of this zone of viability a wetland mitigation bank proposal collapses for economic or ecological reasons.  相似文献   

嘉兴市位于太湖流域水网平原、长江三角洲南缘、杭州湾和钱塘江北岸,域内具有丰富的湿地资源,但由于不合理的开发利用导致自然湿地数量持续减少、湿地生态功能退化乃至丧失。通过对嘉兴市湿地类型和特点进行分析,将嘉兴市湿地划分为滨海(江)湿地(滩涂)、河流湿地、湖泊湿地和人工湿地4种类型。探讨了目前嘉兴市湿地环境存在的主要问题,并针对主要制约因素对湿地的保护和合理利用提出了对策与建议。  相似文献   

在对现有沿海滩涂植物资源调查分析和耐盐植物新品种选育基础上,提出江苏沿海典型滩涂围垦区域生态重构关键技术,包括堤外原生湿地加速滩涂淤积关键技术、垦区海堤生态重构关键技术以及垦区堤内湿地生态建设等关键技术,并对其进行集成示范,为江苏沿海滩涂围垦与开发利用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

“上粮下渔”和“暗管排碱”是我国当前改良盐碱低洼地的两种主流模式。通过调查发现,“上粮下渔”模式下的“以渔造田”投入产出比为1:12.5,“暗管排碱”模式下的造田投入产出比为1:5.5,“上粮下渔”模式的投入产出比是“暗管排碱”的2.3倍,其亩产经济效益是“暗管排碱”的3.6倍。从施工工艺、建设成本以及经济、生态、社会效益等各方面的调查对比发现,“上粮下渔”造田的性价比大大优于“暗管排碱”模式,综合效益更加显著。“上粮下渔”是改良盐碱低洼地的造田方法,是增加湿地规模、提高农民收入的经济实用和高效的手段,对于当前和今后大力实施土地整理、改良治理盐碱低洼地,实现农业增产、农民增收和建设美丽中国都具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

本文采用景观格局转移概率矩阵模型,对基于湿地二级分类的淮河流域中游湿地景观演变进行分析。本文主要分析从上世纪五十年代到1980年这期间,旱地、人居地、林地等景观类型与各湿地类型之间以及各湿地类型相互之间的转换过程。分析结果表明:解放后几十年来,淮河流域中游地区湿地萎缩,虽然总体湿地面积减少不多,但内部结构变化明显,主要表现为大量的湿地转变成水田和非湿地,大量的天然湿地演变成人工湿地和非湿地,其中又以作为天然湿地主体的河湖湿地损失最多,并存在河湖湿地—滩地—非湿地的演变过程。  相似文献   

Drainage and loss of wetland sites is a major problem of the agricultural landscape, as it reduces the landscape’s ability to retain water, nutrients, matter, and minimize erosion. With this in mind, the issue of the ability of wet sites to retain radionuclides and contaminated water in the case of a radiation accident was studied. In 2013, field research examined the occurrence of wetland retention sites in the emergency planning zone (EPZ) of the Temelín nuclear power plant (NPP; Czech Republic). As data sources, wetland biotopes (European network Natura 2000) were considered; in addition, retention features were field mapped, i.e. landscape elements of a wetland nature not normally considered nationally significant for conservation. Within the emergency zone, 2854.7 ha of wetland biotopes were registered and 318.9 ha retention features mapped. Density of retention sites (in ha/km2) per cadastre (local administrative units) was used to represent their spatial distribution within the zone. For an assessment of possible revitalization measures, leading to an increase in the landscape’s retention ability, spatial changes in the area of retention sites between 2013 and the mid-19th century, a period before extensive drainage of landscape occurred and a simplification of its structure, were mapped. Historic land maps (The Imperial Obligatory Imprints of the Stable Cadastre) were used as a basis of information on the occurrence and area of fens and wet meadows (4771.5 ha).For spatial comparisons of drained and undrained landscape in the past and present, the density of retention sites per cadastre was calculated. In the mid-19th century, 80% of cadastres had a density of retention sites exceeded 5 ha/km2; in 2013 only 40% of cadastres achieved this. In the most part, drained areas of the zone belong to the central part (around the power plant), as well as the EPZ’s eastern and south-eastern regions. From the density maps of retention sites, as well as from the stable cadastre imprints, it is possible to identify areas and retention features suitable for wetland restoration, thus leading to an increase in the retention capacity of the landscape in terms of water and radionuclide retention. Suggestions as to how to restore and turn retention features into semi-natural wetlands, as well as integrating small wetlands into an agriculture landscape are outlined.  相似文献   

长春北湖国家湿地公园作为功能复合的城市湿地公园,是以保护湿地生态系统、注重生态修复、合理利用湿地资源为基石。阐述了湿地公园概况,分析了湿地资源类型、面积及其成因和演替过程,以及湿地存在的主要问题,提出了湿地的修复策略。  相似文献   

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wetland easement offers to North Dakota landowners from 1989 to 1998 had a 56% acceptance rate. Logit regression indicates that payment values, farm program certainty, participation history, and the quantity of deep wetlands all positively influenced acceptance. Payments were not sensitive to the use of published county land value data in lieu of appraisals. To increase acceptances, more transparency regarding easement offers and the updating of chart values accounting for the impact of easements on land values are suggested. These case study lessons have implications for other conservation easement programs that rely on private landowner participation.  相似文献   

This article looks at the role land reclamation can play in increasing food output, alleviating hunger, reducing costs of food imports and creating employment. There are many problems associated with this practice, however, such as the low productivity of reclaimed land, the conflict between growth of subsistence versus cash crops, and the economic viability of schemes implemented thus far. It appears that a new definition of economic viability is necessary before assessing whether or not reclamation projects are feasible.  相似文献   

以河南省重点煤炭基地土地复垦工程为例,分析了全省挖损地、塌陷地、压占地三大类待复垦土地现状,借鉴FAO的土地适宜性评价方法分别对三类待复垦土地进行了适宜性评价,以此测算出三类待复垦土地的复垦潜力,并进行了土地复垦潜力分区,最后总结出了集约化农业生态利用、果草林生态利用和农林渔禽生态利用三种土地复垦模式.  相似文献   

本文在总结浙江台州海水养殖业发展现状及特点的基础上,指出现阶段台州海水养殖业发展面临的三个突出问题:受养殖容量的制约,海水养殖效率下降;由于陆源污染入海排放和养殖业自身污染等原因,养殖海域环境污染严重;滩涂围涂造地和临港工业的发展,使养殖空间受到挤压。为了实现台州海水养殖业的持续、健康和稳定发展,应采取以下对策和措施:整治和修复海洋环境,为海水养殖业发展创造良好条件;推广健康养殖模式,保证海水养殖业的健康发展;巩固提升优势养殖品种产业带,提高海水养殖业经济效益;实施休闲渔业和放流增殖,拓展海水养殖业发展新领域。  相似文献   

江苏沿海滩涂围垦是国家沿海土地储备战略。国内外沿海滩涂围垦开发的传统方法是利用当地海岸特定地貌条件由陆向海围垦,而构筑离岸式人工(半)岛,突显人文品牌特色,是现代沿海匡围布局的发展趋势。辐射沙脊群大规模围垦布局受到诸多因素制约。本项研究将综合考虑地貌动力特征、围堤安全、景观、生态环境、港口航道等因素,为政府及围垦部门提出可供参考咨询的辐射沙脊群近期匡围工程总体与分区布局优化方案和可持续发展的远景开发与保护措施。  相似文献   

摘要:研究目的:探讨黄河三角洲地区未利用地资源的开发模式,为区域土地利用优化和土地整治提供依据。研究方法:GIS 技术,加权指数和法和极限条件法。研究结果:(1) 未利用地面积2676.25 km2,占研究区域面积的33.94% ;从未利用地的构成来看,盐碱地、沼泽地、滩涂所占比例接近90%,决定了该区域未利用地开发难度大,极易造成土地退化和生态环境恶化。(2) 未利用地适宜性等级与离海洋远近和地势高低呈现正相关。研究结论:提出了生态农业开发利用、农林牧综合开发利用、林牧草综合开发利用、林牧生态用地保护、牧草生态用地保护、入海口生态保护和滨海水产养殖开发利用7种未利用地开发模式,以提高区域土地利用效率和生态环境建设。  相似文献   

[目的]以地处山地丘陵区的江西省万年县境内的五条主要河流河岸带为研究对象,通过研究丘陵山区河岸带土地利用时空变化特征,为当地政府开展国土空间规划、土地整治工程等提供科学参考,从而推动区域生态环境质量和社会经济福祉的协同提升。[方法]利用2000年、2009年和2018年3期Landsat遥感影像,借助遥感、地理信息系统技术,基于土地利用变化、景观生态学理论,分析了2000—2018年研究区土地利用时空分异特征。[结果]研究区内新增耕地面积主要来源一直是滩涂和其他用地,新增建设用地面积来源为耕地,新增建设用地主要分布在200~300m分带。景观格局方面,万年县河岸带0~100m段人为扰动程度低,仍然发挥着河岸带生态廊道的作用;100~300m土地利用多样化,是受人为扰动最剧烈的部分。[结论]研究认为,生态保护政策在河岸带土地利用变化上起到了一定作用。通过开垦常年性河流主干道河岸带范围内的滩涂来实现区域内的耕地占补平衡受到严格管控,山地丘陵区的特殊环境特征决定了在该类地区应探索其他的政策响应途径。  相似文献   

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