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This paper investigates the diversification contribution of several commodities to a portfolio of traditional assets from the perspective of a euro investor. The approach applied in our analysis has high informational content as it differentiates between the sources of the diversification benefits in a statistically significant way. The results indicate that the diversification contribution varies greatly amongst the different commodities. Industrial metals, agriculturals and livestock contribute to the reduction of risk, while energy and precious metals contribute to both the reduction of the level of risk and to the improvement of return. The differentiation between bull and bear markets reveals that investors can enhance the portfolio performance by changing exposure into individual commodities. Investors can benefit from the diversification gains through financial instruments as the diversification gains hold both in the sample of physical commodity and commodity futures. Overall, the results confirm that commodities are valuable investments from the perspective of diversification.  相似文献   

The finance literature seems to be in support of the diversification benefits of adding commodity futures to an existing portfolio. Yet no empirical work has been performed to test whether the benefits are indeed statistically significant. This paper addresses several unresolved issues concerning the potential diversification benefits of commodities. First, we attempt to ascertain whether the alleged diversification benefits exist and are statistically significant. Second, to what extent are the diversification benefits unique to US investors? Would investors of a resource-based economy like Canada also benefit from adding commodities to their portfolios? Third, recent studies indicate that correlations among international equity returns are higher during bear markets than during bull markets. This type of regime-switching correlation behavior will mean lower diversification benefits from international investments when investors face a bearish environment at home. Do commodity futures display the same type of regime-switching behavior? To what extent do commodity futures offer real diversification benefits that are robust over time and across regimes? Finally, commodities may appear to be an asset for the more adventurous investors with higher risk tolerance. We want to know what type of investors should hold commodities. We demonstrate that the diversification benefit of commodities is a far more complex phenomenon than often understood in the finance literature.  相似文献   

This study employs a quantile regression approach to examine the financialization of commodity futures. We confirm a strong degree of dependence in energy commodities from 2004 to 2013, with moderate effects in metals and lesser magnitudes in agriculture. Our findings show a strengthening in the financialization of energy commodities during the 2008–2009 global financial crisis, while there were weaker effects in agriculture and a decoupling or de-financialization in metal markets. The findings reveal the de-financialization of metals and agricultural markets from 2014 to 2017, after the 2013 closure of commodity trading units on Wall Street. Overall, our findings cast doubt on the diversification benefits of energy-dominated commodity indices after 2013. We argue the impact of financialization on commodity futures markets is more permanent than previously thought.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamic relationship and volatility spillovers between cryptocurrency and commodity markets using different multivariate GARCH models. We take into account the nature of interaction between these markets and their transmission mechanisms when analyzing the conditional cross effects and volatility spillovers. Our results confirm the presence of significant returns and volatility spillovers, and we identify the GO-GARCH (2,2) as the best-fit model for modeling the joint dynamics of various financial assets. Our findings show significant dynamic linkages and volatility spillovers between gold, natural gas, crude oil, Bitcoin, and Ethereum prices. We find that gold can serve as a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty, as it is a good hedge against natural gas and crude oil price fluctuations. We also find evidence of bidirectional causality between crude oil and natural gas prices, suggesting that changes in one commodity's price can affect the other. Furthermore, we observe that Bitcoin and Ethereum are positively correlated with each other, but negatively correlated with gold and crude oil, indicating that these cryptocurrencies may serve as useful diversification tools for investors seeking to reduce their exposure to traditional assets. Our study provides valuable insights for investors and policymakers regarding asset allocation and risk management, and sheds light on the dynamics of financial markets.  相似文献   

The role of futures contracts on spot prices has been one of the key focus areas of research since the recent surge in commodity prices and increase in the volatility of commodity returns. However, no consensus arises from this literature, and hence it is difficult to link the use of futures contracts in agricultural commodities by non-hedgers and the growing food insecurity within developing countries. The purpose of this paper is to highlight causal relationships from futures contracts to spot prices of underlying assets, namely agricultural commodities. As research that focus on exchange-traded funds do not provide any clear conclusions, we focus on the imbalance between short- and long-open positions, this imbalance being caused by the exchange traded funds’ participation in futures markets. In this paper, we estimate relationships between financial variables including indicators for speculation in futures markets and the returns of cocoa, corn, soybean, wheat, coffee, rice, and sugar on a weekly basis from 1998 to 2013. Significant results lead to Granger-causality tests that in turn validate the hypothesis of a positive impact of speculation in futures markets to returns on the underlying commodities.  相似文献   

This paper analyses interdependence between the returns of specific energy and non-energy commodities and equities using (i) Thick Pen Measure of Association (TPMA) and (ii) Multi-Thickness Thick Pen Measure of Association (MTTPMA). We capture time-varying co-movement and co-movement across different time scales to analyse the short-term and long-term features of the time series using stationary data. Energy index futures show an increase in co-movement with equities since the start of the financialisation period. There are asymmetric effects in cross-scale co-movement between various commodities and equities. Weak co-movement between equity and specific commodity futures indicates diversification benefits for short-term and long-term investors.  相似文献   

In this paper we study whether the commodity futures market predicts the commodity spot market. Using historical daily data on four commodities—oil, gold, platinum, and silver—we find that they do. We then show how investors can use this information on the futures market to devise trading strategies and make profits. In particular, dynamic trading strategies based on a mean–variance investor framework produce somewhat different results compared with those based on technical trading rules. Dynamic trading strategies suggest that all commodities are profitable and profits are dependent on structural breaks. The most recent global financial crisis marked a period in which commodity profits were the weakest.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the role of eight commodity futures in asset allocation in China during the period January 2004–December 2015. The Chinese commodities and stocks are moderately correlated. We use quantile regressions based on a value-at-risk model to examine the relation between these two markets. We find no risk spillovers between the markets, suggesting that stocks and commodities in China are exposed to different risks. Using different asset allocation strategies, we show that including soymeal and soybeans in the Chinese stock index can offer some diversification gains. However, other Chinese commodities may not be useful for portfolio diversification.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the dynamic influence of macroeconomic factors on oil commodity returns (crude oil and heating oil) shown in monthly data over the period of 1990–2013. Using a time-varying parameter model via the Kalman filter, we find that macroeconomic factors are relevant for explaining oil commodity returns. We find that multilateral exchange rates have a negative effect on commodity returns. We confirm the existence of a strong linkage between energy and non-energy commodities. More importantly, we find shifts in global demand and SP500 effects that are not identified through the constant parameter model. These variables have had a progressively positive effect on oil commodity returns, especially since 2008.  相似文献   

We examine the interactions between commodity futures returns and five driving factors (financial speculation, exchange rate, stock market dynamics, implied volatility for the US equity market, and economic policy uncertainty). Nonlinear causality tests are implemented after controlling for cointegration and conditional heteroscedasticity in the data over the period May 1990 – April 2014. Our results show strong evidence of unidirectional linear causality from commodity returns to excess speculation for the majority of the considered commodities, in particular for agriculture commodities. This evidence casts doubt on the claim that speculation is driving food prices. We also find unidirectional linear causality from energy futures markets to exchange rates and strong evidence of nonlinear causal dependence between commodity futures returns, on the one hand, and stock market returns and implied volatility, on the other hand. Overall, the new evidence found in this paper can be utilized for policy and investment decision-making.  相似文献   

Motivated by the recent phenomenal growth in Islamic finance and the financialization of commodities, this study makes an initial attempt to investigate the risk–return profiles of optimized portfolios combining (a) Islamic equities with commodities and (b) conventional equities with commodities during the crises and noncrises periods. The findings tend to indicate that Islamic equity–commodity portfolios provide relatively higher diversification benefits than the conventional equity–commodity portfolios during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis triggered by the financial sector compared to the 2008 global financial crisis triggered by the real housing sector. The findings further suggest that except for a few cases, commodities in general and gold in particular improve diversification benefits.  相似文献   

The strong volatility spillover between crude oil and agricultural commodity markets reduces the diversification benefits and implies costly risk management process faced by portfolio managers and agricultural producers. This paper proposes a comprehensive study of their dynamic implied volatility spillover effects after the global financial crisis 2008–2009, while considering the transition between oil volatility's regimes. By using implied volatility, our analysis emphasizes on the forward-looking information that market traders usually convey in making decisions. We employ the generalized spillover indices within a fractionally integrated VAR model to capture the dynamic patterns of the volatility spillover effects alongside the Markov Switching Autoregressive model to extract the regimes of oil. Our results show new evidence that the net volatility spillover effect from crude oil to all agricultural commodities tends to decrease when crude oil remains in its low volatility regime. Conversely, this effect experiences an increasing trend when crude oil remains in its relatively high volatility regime. A dynamic strategy that combines oil and the most balanced agricultural commodity in terms of volatility transmission with oil (i.e., close-to-zero net volatility spillovers) depending on oil's regimes consistently outperforms the buy and hold strategy in terms of information ratio.  相似文献   

We analyze how institutional investors entering commodity futures markets, referred to as the financialization of commodities, affect commodity prices. Institutional investors care about their performance relative to a commodity index. We find that all commodity futures prices, volatilities, and correlations go up with financialization, but more so for index futures than for nonindex futures. The equity‐commodity correlations also increase. We demonstrate how financial markets transmit shocks not only to futures prices but also to commodity spot prices and inventories. Spot prices go up with financialization, and shocks to any index commodity spill over to all storable commodity prices.  相似文献   

Do alternative assets such as commodities improve portfolio diversification? The empirical evidence is generally positive but mixed, and almost exclusively focuses on U.S. data. Using several distinct commodity indexes over the period 1993–2019, we investigate the case of an investor in Canada, a commodity-currency country where equities are already exposed to commodity beta. We use spanning tests and several out-of-sample performance measures for both risk-averse and disappointment-averse investors. Overall, we find that while the diversification potential of commodities was limited in Canada before and during financialization, the post-financialization period offers new opportunities. The evidence suggests that portfolio performance is significantly improved using some, but not all, commodity indexes. Thus, the choice of a relevant commodity index matters as a vehicle for diversification. Finally, compounding an international component to the sectorial diversification of the portfolio can significantly improve its performance.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate cross-commodity futures markets connectedness over different nearest-to-maturities. We thus implement time and time-frequency estimations for two constructed baskets of commodities, classified based on common delivery months. Using daily data spanning the period 1995–2020, we provide a set of stylized facts on the extent to which commodity markets are integrated or segmented. More specifically, our results show that the total connectedness is broadly insensitive to maturity. However, after 2008 financial crisis, the connectedness among commodity futures prices increases when the maturity increases. Furthermore, the overall connectedness amplifies during crises periods compared to tranquil periods. Moreover, certain pairwise markets are comparatively highly linked such as crude oil and heating oil, wheat and corn, corn and soybean, and soybean and soybean oil. The results also demonstrate that crude oil and heating oil are net transmitters all the time and across maturities, while natural gas, gold, and wheat are net receivers all the time and across maturities. More interestingly, the frequency decomposition reveals that most of periods of high total connectedness are driven mostly by high frequency components, which may indicate that commodity markets process information rapidly, except for the COVID-19 crisis period where total connectedness has been driven by lower frequency components.  相似文献   

Against COVID-19 risks, this paper examines the hedging performance of alternative assets including some financial assets and commodities futures for the Chinese stock market in a multi-scale setting. Dynamic conditional correlations and optimal hedge ratios of the Shanghai stock exchange with Bitcoin, Dow Jones Industrial Average, Gold, WTI, Bonds and VIX returns are estimated before and during the pandemic crisis. In the short-term, the use of wavelet decomposition shows that Bitcoin provides the best hedge to the Shanghai stock market. In the long-term, commodities dominate. Whereas WTI offers the highest hedging effectiveness, Gold ranks second by a slight margin. These results allow investors to choose the highest returns and protecting tail risk during the current sanitary crisis. Our findings suggest particularly more pronounced economic benefit of diversification including alternative financial assets while commodities futures serve as good hedge assets especially during unpredictable crisis like the current sanitary crisis relating to the covid-19.  相似文献   

This article extends the study of the financialization of commodities (Rouwenhorst and Tang [Annu. Rev. Financ. Econ., 2012, 4, 447–467]) by considering an investment in the term structure of commodity futures prices. Specifically, we analyse the benefits of adding a distant commodity futures contract and/or a spot commodity (near month futures contract) to a portfolio of bonds and stocks in a setting similar to Brennan and Schwartz [The use of treasury bill futures in strategic asset allocation programs. In Worldwide Asset and Liability Modeling, edited by W.T. Ziemba and J.M. Mulvey, pp. 205–230, 1998 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge)]. Our analysis employs an empirical study that covers the post financial crisis period. We show that the spot commodity considerably improves the value of the portfolio. However, an investment in the whole term structure of futures contracts is optimally achieved through high opposite positions in the spot commodity and distant futures contracts. We find that these extreme calendar spreads can result in an inappropriate investment.  相似文献   

We examine liquidity commonality in commodity futures markets. Using data from 16 agricultural, energy, industrial metal, precious metal, and livestock commodities, we show there is a strong systematic liquidity factor in commodities. Liquidity commonality was present in 1997–2003 when commodity prices were relatively stable and during the recent boom. There is some support for both “supply-side” and “demand-side” explanations for this commonality. We find no evidence of a consistent link between stock and commodity liquidity in general. Energy commodities appear to provide a better hedge against equity market liquidity risk than the other commodity families.  相似文献   

In this article we compare three models of the stochastic behavior of commodity prices that take into account mean reversion, in terms of their ability to price existing futures contracts, and their implication with respect to the valuation of other financial and real assets. The first model is a simple one-factor model in which the logarithm of the spot price of the commodity is assumed to follow a mean reverting process. The second model takes into account a second stochastic factor, the convenience yield of the commodity, which is assumed to follow a mean reverting process. Finally, the third model also includes stochastic interest rates. The Kalman filter methodology is used to estimate the parameters of the three models for two commercial commodities, copper and oil, and one precious metal, gold. The analysis reveals strong mean reversion in the commercial commodity prices. Using the estimated parameters, we analyze the implications of the models for the term structure of futures prices and volatilities beyond the observed contracts, and for hedging contracts for future delivery. Finally, we analyze the implications of the models for capital budgeting decisions.  相似文献   

The study aims to quantify the risk between oil and a broad sample of commodities using copulae tools to model the dependence structures. Using daily returns of commodity futures from October 3, 2005, to January 21, 2022, we find that in contrast with conventional wisdom, a C-Vine outperforms D- and R-Vine in modeling the multivariate dependence structure among commodities. We then compare the efficiency of copula-based models against traditional models in forecasting the portfolio and systemic risk in the commodities sector. The findings suggest that copula-based models are more effective than traditional models in forecasting portfolio and systemic risk.  相似文献   

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