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文化是人类独有的生存方式,是一个民族的精神记忆,是综合国力的重要体现,先进文化是民族精神的火炬,是鼓舞人民前进的号角。代表先进生产力的发展要求,必须以先进文化作支撑。没有先进文化的强力支撑,推动先进生产力发展,便会成为无源之水,无本之木。因此,大力加强先进文化建设,特别是企业文化建设,是企业实现超常规,  相似文献   

一直以来,中国的国际能源合作多采取双边合作的模式.尽管中国与中亚地区的能源合作为中国与其他地区的合作提供了范本,但“一带一路”能源合作需要更有效、更全面的国际法律框架来保护投资,中国过去以双边关系为主导的能源合作将向多边的合作机制转换.能源宪章的全面性法律框架值得“一带一路”能源合作借鉴.中国将从现有多边体系中学习经验,进而建立由中国或亚洲主导的多边合作机制,推动和保护“一带一路”能源合作.  相似文献   

Research summary : We investigate the theoretical and empirical implications of longitudinal data in strategy research. Theoretically, longitudinal data allow strategy researchers to distinguish between relationships among constructs within versus between firms. Empirically, longitudinal data contain information about two types of relationships: within‐ and between‐firm. We describe how the hybrid approach, a technique used in other disciplines, disentangles within‐ and between‐firm relationships. We reexamine a study of research and development expenditures to illustrate the advantages of the hybrid approach. Based on our theory and reexamination, we offer a series of recommendations for researchers using longitudinal data to test theoretical perspectives . Managerial summary: Strategy research examines two sources of variation over time: what is occurring within the firm (e.g., Do firms perform better over time when investing more in R&D?) and what is occurring between firms (e.g., Do firms investing more in R&D outperform firms investing less in R&D?). These two sources may be similar or different in both direction and magnitude, and when significant differences exist in either direction or magnitude, researchers must carefully consider the implication of these differences to their theoretical rationale and statistical testing. Our article highlights the benefits of theorizing and testing these two sources of variance, providing scholars the ability to broaden both the theoretical and empirical contribution of their research. This distinction is important to how research informs managerial decision making . Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

区域产业集群特色竞技   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何焱 《中国纺织》2003,(11):88-90
之所以选择广东和浙江这两省做一个纺织产业集群特色比较,是因为在2002年12月,中国纺织工业协会确定全国38个纺织产业集群作为跟踪调研、指导服务的试点单位中,广东和浙江就占产业集群试点总数的三分之二。广东与浙江在不同基础,不同的发展思路上收到了相似的集群发展成绩。此次我们尝试把这两省做一个类似游戏式的比较,清晰了解产业集群典型大省的集群发展。  相似文献   

Using merger simulation models: Testing the underlying assumptions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Merger simulation is now widely used by economists to evaluate the likely competitive effects of a proposed merger. However, the reliability of a given merger simulation depends crucially on the reliability of the data used and the assumptions made. We discuss tests that can be used to assess the reliability of a merger simulation and show how these tests were applied in the context of the Volvo–Scania merger.  相似文献   

The tenth session of the World Food Council in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, held on 11–15 June 1984, undertook an assessment of international activities in the decade since 1974 for meeting the World Food Conference objectives of improving the global food system and overcoming the blight of world hunger. One document prepared for the session looks specifically at the activities of the multilateral institutions since the 1974 conference, in terms of both resource and programme commitments. This article provides a summary of that WFC document.  相似文献   

The stakeholder identification and salience framework of Mitchell, Agle, and Wood (MAW) has become one of the most important models of its type in the management and organizational literature. However, its underlying theory and associated empirical methodology have not incorporated previous research results concerning value creation stakeholder theory, which has gained increasing attention in recent years. In this paper, we introduce a modified multilateral stakeholder salience (MSS) model that extends the original salience framework both conceptually and empirically. We compare the results of the proposed MSS model with the original MAW model using data from European franchise firms. Overall, this study contributes to the ongoing debate about the theoretical foundation of stakeholder involvement in firms and networks.  相似文献   

Recent studies have found the Internet backbone to be more competitive than was thought before. This paper explores a novel route to monitor market power using prices and quality data from the online trading site Band-X. First the hypothesis that Europe is a connectivity market on its own, is tested and then, by using a Panel data regression, the paper finds that these markets are not fully competitive since company specific reputation effects play a major role and price variations are only marginally affected by qualitative variables. Worryingly, companies with high prices are often able to supply an inferior quality transit.  相似文献   

本文从消费者剩余这一角度分析了价格管制、竞价上网对电力市场均衡的影响,指出电力行业的垄断行为必然导致社会效益损失,而实行价格管制及竞价上网能提高消费者剩余,降低社会无谓损失。  相似文献   

光伏电站接入电网,必然会对系统电压、潮流产生影响。根据某地区周围电网的情况,给出了其光伏电站接入系统的设计方案。基于光伏发电模型实测数据掌握了光伏发电系统的出力变化,利用MATLAB软件编程进行牛顿-拉夫逊潮流计算,对比光伏电站接入前后电压、潮流变化;根据投运光伏电站数据,得到光伏电站接入电网对电压、潮流的影响。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了电压无功自动补偿的原理和应用  相似文献   

While marketing continues to gain prominence as an orientation within the firm, concerns remain about the contributions of the marketing subunit. Given the current limited and conflicting evidence on the issue, this study responds to calls for research on the link between a powerful marketing subunit and business performance. The study draws on the critical contingencies perspective on power, which was specifically developed to study power distribution among organizational subunits. The key objectives of the study are (1) to determine whether a powerful marketing department is beneficial to business performance, (2) to reconcile conflicting evidence pertaining to the marketing function's contribution to performance beyond that of a market orientation, and (3) to investigate the effect on business performance of power asymmetry between marketing and other functions. Employing data from senior managers in medium and large manufacturing firms, the study shows that a powerful marketing function is associated with improved business performance above and beyond the contribution of a market orientation. Power asymmetry between marketing and finance/accounting and between marketing and production has a negative effect on business performance while a power asymmetry between marketing and R&D shows a positive effect on business performance. Finally, a differentiation strategy attenuates the negative performance outcomes of power asymmetry between marketing and production.  相似文献   

Crucial to every business alliance are the face-to-face negotiations that occur during the formulation and maintenance of the commercial relationship. Our study of American and Chinese businesspeople in simulated intracultural negotiations suggests both similarities and differences in style. For example, negotiators in both cultures were more successful when taking a problem-solving approach. Alternatively, the Chinese negotiators tended to ask many more questions and to interrupt one another more frequently than their American counterparts. Such subtle differences in style may cause problems in Sino-American negotiations, which may, in turn, sour otherwise fruitful commercial alliances.  相似文献   

介绍了与经济思潮的交替更迭相适应,在规制(垄断)与竞争的选择上,西方发达国家的经济政策经历了从强调市场失败与规制到强调规制失败与放松规制再到强调再规制的历史演变,以及与经济生活中规制(垄断)与竞争政策交替更迭的过程相适应,电力工业结构正在经历类似的演变过程。受这种规律的启发,在当今电力工业引入竞争的改革后,很可能在今后再出现强化垄断(规制)的改革。  相似文献   

Hybrid organizational forms such as franchise systems join two or more independent parties under a contract. The ability of each party to achieve its goals depend upon the relative bargaining power in the relationship established by the contract. Using transaction cost economics and Porter's (1980) characterization of sources of bargaining power, this paper argues that the franchisor can make investments in activities such as tapered integration and buyer selection to increase its bargaining power and decrease conflict and litigation in a franchise system. Specifically, tapered integration (owning some units while franchising others), selecting inexperienced franchisees, and employing a long training program are predicted to increase the franchisor's bargaining power and the franchisee's compliance with franchisor standards. An empirical analysis of litigation in restaurant franchise systems supports the theoretical hypotheses. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increasingly, manufacturing organizations compete by developing product-service systems rather than offering products alone. To transform themselves into providers of advanced services, however, product-centric manufacturing firms need to overcome a range of barriers. While previous studies have highlighted the teaching/learning potential of ‘gamification’ (the use of ideas and techniques found in game-playing), the opportunities to harness this approach to help tackle such barriers have yet to be fully realized. Our study extends the debate by integrating established frameworks relating to emotional mechanics of gamification with the adoption of advanced services, arguing that such mechanics can facilitate and strengthen companies' transformation into advanced-service providers. Based on a systematic analysis of nearly 90 selected publications, we develop six conceptual propositions to explore how gamification can aid the transformation process. Our findings will help both practitioners and researchers apply emotional mechanics of gamification when seeking to address different hurdles hindering the development and provision of advanced services.  相似文献   

经过上个世纪20多年的努力,我国的现代包装工业已有了长足的发展.2001年,全国包装工业总产值达到2376亿元,比1982年增长了近28倍.全国乡镇以上的包装企业超过三万个.包装生产规模、数量、品种和质量水平,都有很大发展和提高.表明我国已成为世界包装大国.  相似文献   

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