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本文以801名企业员工为样本,使用结构方程模型和回归模型研究了组织政治知觉对职业倦怠和组织公民行为的影响以及真实自我在其中的中介作用.研究结果表明,组织政治知觉与职业倦怠是显著的正相关关系,而与组织公民行为是显著的负相关关系,真实自我在其中起部分中介作用,论文最后提出了减少组织政治知觉对员工负面影响的对策和建议.  相似文献   

The housing market is a major component of the economy and persistent negative media reports can adversely affect perceptions and expectations of homeowners as to the value of their home. As a result, households reduce their expenditures and increase their savings in an effort to rebuild lost wealth. In the short run the economy suffers and the recession is magnified. This paper demonstrates, through an empirical study, how negative media reports regarding the deteriorating conditions of the national housing market affects what households feel their housing is worth.  相似文献   

abstract    This study seeks to further delineate how a firm's competitive environment influences the firm's pursuit of entrepreneurial activities. To do so, we develop and test a parsimonious model that establishes the role of discretionary slack as a salient mediating mechanism through which managerial environmental perceptions influence corporate entrepreneurship. In addition, we examine two contingencies that further explain discretionary slack's impact on corporate entrepreneurship, including managements' market sensing capacity and use of outcome-based incentives. Using single- and multi-source survey data from 495 small- to medium-sized firms, we find support for our model and its associated hypotheses. Specifically, we find that discretionary slack is significantly influenced by managerial perceptions of environmental munificence and dynamism and, in turn, mediates the impact of these perceptions on corporate entrepreneurship. In addition, we find that discretionary slack's impact on corporate entrepreneurship is significantly enhanced by managements' market sensing capacity but, interestingly, not by outcome-based incentives.  相似文献   

王璐  陈国新  刘金忠 《价值工程》2010,29(21):208-208
20世纪70年代,随着当代美国华裔文学的繁荣,当代美国华裔女性主义文学也开辟出了自己的新领域。华裔女性作家在自身族裔文化传统与西方经典文学传统结合的特定的历史境遇中,从华裔女性的切身体验出发而创作的富有女性意识、女性经验、女性书写的文学体系。丰富了我们对女性身份的认知,并为美国华裔及亚裔研究做出了自己独特的贡献。  相似文献   

股票期权会计不仅能反映公司激励机制效应,对股东权益亦有很大影响,但后者常为人们所忽视。本文分析探讨了美国股票期权会计的实施对股东权益和权益报酬造成的正负面影响,以及期权会计中与股东权益有关的主要影响因素。在借鉴美国经验的基础上,就我国正在探索建立的股票期权会计模式中如何保护股东权益提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

谦卑型领导的前因与结果:人格与组织政治知觉的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,谦卑型领导作为一种全新的领导行为,虽然受到理论界的重视,但对其前因与结果的探索尚处起步阶段.文章采用配对样本收集数据,对谦卑型领导的前因与结果进行了探讨,结果表明宜人性和责任心对谦卑型领导有显著的正向影响,即越具有宜人性和责任心的领导,更可能是谦卑型领导,同时,谦卑型领导对员工沉默有显著的负向影响,并且员工组织政治知觉在谦卑型领导与员工沉默的关系中起完全中介作用.  相似文献   

A variety of methods of controlling imports is available to governments who wish to protect domestic producers from foreign competition. The political choice of which device to use will often be dictated by the diffusion of costs and benefits among differing interest groups in society. David Greenaway, Professor or Economics at the diversity of Nottingham, examines the political market for protection.  相似文献   

People must be given the maximum opportunities to opt out of state provision-both consumers and providers. Rational criticism of state welfare, including the historical evidence, should be encouraged. And the family, charities, churches and voluntary associations should be seen as the mostappropriate moral outlet for compassion.  相似文献   

本文利用CGSS2015年数据,从经济是否独立以及经济独立程度两个视角,采用Ordered Probit模型探究经济独立对女性婚后生活幸福感的影响,并进一步考察了经济独立影响女性婚后生活幸福感的可能路径。本研究得出的主要结论有:(1)经济独立能够显著提升女性婚后生活幸福感,而且这种提升效应在城市女性中更明显。(2)随着经济独立程度提高,女性婚后生活幸福感经历了一个“先上升再递减”的“倒U型”趋势;平均而言,当经济独立程度为0.36时,女性的婚后生活幸福感最高。(3)经济独立会通过影响女性生活质量、家庭话语权以及夫妻双方感情等因素进而显著影响女性婚后生活幸福感。  相似文献   

工业行业综合竞争力的主成份分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用多元统计分析方法---主成份分析方法,选择行业竞争力的十五大指标对工业行业综合竞争力进行评价。以河北省25个主要行业为分析对象,通过对行业竞争力的主成份分析,我们对河北省各行业的竞争能力情况以及各行业本身长短处进行了评价,同时也指出河北省工业行业发展中所存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

Proposed economic reforms often neglect to take into account the interests of groups which have benefitted from establishing or maintaining the status quo. Martin Ricketts, Reader in Political Economy at the independent University of Buckingham, assesses the political pressures that have produced regulation of the housing market, and suggests reform which accommodates realistic expectations of resistance from local politicians and subsidised tenants.  相似文献   

Apartheid in South Africa is too often discussed in emotional or nationalistic terms. Professor Duncan Reekie, a Scottish economist now teaching at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, analyses the economic aspects of the political forces working with and against eventual liberalisation.  相似文献   

企业核心能力流失问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在社会政治、文化、技术变迁及企业内文化、体制、组织的演绎过程中,一些企业业已形成的核心能力正在流失;文化性流失、体制性流失、过程性流失是企业核心能力流失的基本路径;防范核心能力流失的本质方法是不断培育新的核心能力.  相似文献   

比成为首富更令民营企业家忧虑的是成为“双料”首富,向来低调的三一集团董事长梁稳根就遭遇了这一烦恼。  相似文献   

基于SPSS16.0软件的应用,应用大学生创新能力培养和多元统计分析中的因子分析法,结合管理类大学生培养的现状,对影响管理类大学生创新能力培养的因素进行了深入的分析与研究。在总结、提炼管理类大学生创新能力影响因素的基础上,采用实证研究的方法,通过问卷调查和因子分析法对这些因素进行分析与修正,得出启示与结论。  相似文献   

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