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Investors' attention to a firm's stock has been demonstrated to influence stock returns (Da et al., 2011). But does a firm's marketing information draw attention to a firm's stock? Research in finance, accounting, and marketing has investigated advertising as one potential driver of investors' attention to a firm's stock. How about other potential marketing drivers? The authors develop hypotheses related to the impact of the changes in four marketing levers: advertising, product development announcements, WOM, and customer satisfaction on the change in investor attention to a firm's stock. Furthermore, they investigate the moderating role of competitors' marketing levers in these relationships.To test the hypotheses, they compile a panel dataset with 349 firms covering the 2007–2017 period. The results suggest that the changes in the focal firm's advertising and WOM have a positive and significant impact on the changes in investor attention to the focal firm’s stock. Furthermore, these effects are amplified when there is an increase in competitors' advertising spending and WOM, respectively. For the customer satisfaction lever, the results suggest that the change in competitors' customer satisfaction enhances the impact of the change in focal firm's customer satisfaction on investor attention. Collectively, the results suggest that investors attend to the firm's and its competitors' marketing information in a much more nuanced manner than previously thought.  相似文献   

It has been widely assumed that increases in customer satisfaction have continuous financial benefits for firms. However, recent meta-analysis results and anecdotal evidence suggest substantial variability in satisfaction-performance effects. We propose and investigate three explanations for this variability: (1) changing trade-offs of financial benefits vis-à-vis costs along the satisfaction continuum, (2) varying stickiness of benefits and costs over time, and (3) contextual effects related to a firm’s marketing strategic situation. For our empirical investigation, we used customer satisfaction scores and financial data for around 100 U.S. firms over a 15-year period. The results show that revenues and savings in marketing and acquisition costs can accelerate at high satisfaction levels. However, for many firms, operating costs and capital investments also accelerate, and shareholder returns for satisfaction improvements can become negative. Tests over different assessment horizons show that operating cost increases are sticky while top line benefits fade. Finally, firm strategy, offering customization, potential of customer word of mouth, and competitive innovation pressure determine the satisfaction payoffs. Our study will help managers to predict more accurately than before the financial effects of their customer-directed investment decisions.  相似文献   

A strategic issue facing marketing managers is ‘how much and when’ to spend on advertising. We argue that investor sentiment in the stock market may influence advertising expenditure by affecting firms' ability to raise new funds. We show that during periods of low (high) investor sentiment, firms decrease (increase) their advertising expenditure, even though the effectiveness of advertising is greater (lower) during such periods. We also find that these results are stronger for financially constrained firms that rely more on external financing. Our findings suggest that marketing managers can improve the efficiency of their advertising expenditure by raising (reducing) it during periods of low (high) sentiment.  相似文献   

Recent evidence on the relationship between investor sentiment and subsequent monthly market returns in China shows that investor sentiment is a reliable momentum predictor since an increase (decrease) in investor sentiment leads to higher (lower) future returns. However, we suggest that momentum predictability of investor sentiment originates from the boom and bust period of 2006–2008 (the bubble period hereafter). The bubble period is characterized by several months of sustained optimism followed by several months of sustained pessimism, with the market consequently earning high (low) returns following high (low) sentiment months. Therefore, we find a strong positive association between investor sentiment and subsequent market returns during the bubble period. However, investor sentiment has a negligible impact on subsequent monthly market returns once we exclude the bubble period.  相似文献   

Although many firms profess to adopt a customer-centric approach many are yet to embrace the notion that value is not solely created within the boundaries of the firm, that it is created co-jointly with outside parties. As such, value co-creation has increasing importance in modern marketing, impulsed by Service-Dominant Logic. While co-creation is a hot-topic in the marketing literature, services marketing literature recognizes the impact of demographic characteristics in consumer behavior. However, literature analysing the effects of demographics in co-creations models is very scarce.Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine a set of outcomes of co-creation (satisfaction, loyalty and WOM) from a customer perspective. More, this research also analyses the potential moderating effect of demographic characteristics such as gender and age in this co-creative framework.The results show that co-creation directly affects customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and WOM. Co-creation also results in increased levels of customer satisfaction, which in turn mediates the effect of co-creation on customer loyalty and positive WOM. Data also reveal different patterns of behavior depending on gender and age.This paper contributes to the understanding of co-creation from a customer viewpoint. Firms should strive to foster co-creation initiatives as this can lead to increased levels of customer satisfaction, more loyal customers and the possibility of attracting new customers through positive WOM by current customers. Customers databases must be segmented for higher levels of marketing campaigns efficiency.  相似文献   

Recent discussions in the business press query the contribution of customer-support outsourcing to firm performance. Despite the controversy surrounding its performance implications, customer-support outsourcing is still on the rise, especially to emerging markets. Against this backdrop, we study under which conditions customer-support outsourcing to providers from emerging versus established economies is more versus less successful. Our performance measure is the stock-market reaction around the outsourcing announcement date. While the stock market reacts, on average, more favorably when customer-support is outsourced to providers located in emerging markets as opposed to established economies, approximately 50% of the outsourcing firms in our sample experience negative abnormal returns. We find that the shareholder-value implications of customer-support outsourcing to emerging versus established economies are contingent on the nature of the customer support that is being outsourced and on the nature of the outsourcing firm. Customer-support outsourcing to emerging markets is less beneficial for services that are characterized by personal customer contact and high knowledge embeddedness than for customer-support services that involve impersonal customer contact and are low on knowledge embeddedness. Firms higher in marketing resource intensity and larger firms benefit more from outsourcing customer-support services to emerging markets than firms lower in marketing resource intensity and smaller firms.  相似文献   

This paper recognises that customer loyalty is important for many competitive organisations, and that retail firms make investments to build and maintain loyal relationships with their existing and potential customers (e.g. loyalty programs). However, there has been little focus on the mechanisms by which these relationship investments operate to achieve customer loyalty. This paper examines one mechanism, namely customer gratitude, which works to make a firm’s relationship marketing investment a success or a failure. Using data from 1600 undergraduate students, this study empirically confirms the mediating role of customer gratitude between the customers’ perceptions a firm’s relationship marketing investments and customers’ perceptions of the value of the relationship with the firm. Further, a significant moderating effect of perceived benevolence on the relationship between customers’ perceptions a firm’s relationship marketing investments and customer gratitude was identified. For theorists, this customer gratitude model offers a better psychological explanation of how relationship marketing investments operate to improve the value that customers place on their relationships with retailers. Our research suggests that managers should invest resources to stimulate customer gratitude in order to build strong customer–seller relationships.  相似文献   

This study explores the performance of Ethiopian seed systems from a customer’s perspective. The study builds on the view that seed supply systems perform marketing functions such as developing new varieties of seed, multiplying the right quantity and quality, and distributing to the right places, at the right time, for an acceptable price. Hence, supply systems create value and satisfy customers. This study’s contribution is twofold. First, customer satisfaction theory is applied to complex chains (i.e. seed supply systems) in emerging markets, with their specific contextual challenges. Second, it identifies the criteria that farmers use to evaluate seed supply systems and evaluates Ethiopian seed supply systems from a farmer customer’s perspective, which can be used as a basis to increase customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

More and more, retailers are investing in relationship building as a strategy for enhancing customer retention in the business-to-customer (B2C) context. However, some marketing scholars have expressed concern over the usefulness of relationship marketing under certain conditions. As such, this study investigates the moderating role of personality traits on the relationship between satisfaction-driven relationship quality and behavioral loyalty. Based on a sample of 158 retail shoppers, we find that customers’ overall satisfaction with the retailer leads to quality customer–firm relationships and ultimately, behavioral loyalty to the retailer. We also found that the impact of relationship quality on behavioral loyalty depends on the consumer's personality traits, i.e., consumer innovativeness, variety seeking, and relationship proneness. These findings extend the extant relationship literature by showing that the value of relationship marketing is not universal, thereby refining our understanding of the relationship between customer behavior and relationship marketing. Implications for academics and managers are discussed.  相似文献   

Marketing capability and research and development intensity are firm resources used to increase firm performance and reduce investor risk. This study aims to link marketing capability and research and development intensity, and their interaction to firm default risk. This study is the first to examine marketing capability and research and development intensity regarding their influences on firm default vulnerability and to demonstrate how marketing capability may strengthen research and development intensities’ power on risk reduction. The results reveal a U-shaped relationship between research and development intensity and firm default risk, while marketing capability’s impact is unidirectional. Further, marketing capability strongly moderates the relationship between research and development intensity and firm default risk. For low marketing capability firms, the U-shaped pattern is more significant. For high marketing capability firms, the pattern is not salient and the risk reduction power of research and development intensity is stronger. This research provides useful implications for marketing theories, as well as business practice.  相似文献   

Firm success is dependent, to a degree, on a marketing manager’s ability to develop social capital within the firm’s global network. A model is developed employing individual social capital (both internal and external) as the foundation for three types of firm level social capital (i.e., customer, business partner and governing agency) resident in a firm’s global network. It is theorized that customer, business partner and governing agency social capital provide a basis for enhancing customer value delivery and thus firm performance. Specific marketing management strategies necessary for the development of each type of firm level social capital, as well as the benefits derived from each type of social capital are presented. This analysis raises a number of previously unexplored research issues concerning the nature and scope of social capital in a firm’s global network and how social capital can be employed in a global marketplace.  相似文献   

This paper investigates firm value created by non-equity marketing alliance announcements of Korean listed firms in terms of stock price reactions to the announcements. We find evidence that on the Korean stock market, the announcements of marketing alliances produce significant positive abnormal returns, which reflect an increase in firm value, around the announcement date. This suggests that firm managers need to seek for various marketing alliances not only for an effective competition in competitive business environments but also for enhancement in shareholder wealth. The increase in firm value has inverse relationship with firm's size and growth opportunity. In particular, marketing alliances with firms based in G7-countries create greater firm value than ones with firms based in the home country. Our study provides investors, firm managers, and academics with valuable implications of an importance of marketing alliances for valuation of firms in other Asian countries as well as in Korea.  相似文献   

Comparing across three momentum measures, we empirically find that the 52‐week high strategy plays a dominant role in generating momentum profits in the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) market. The profitability of the 52‐week high strategy, however, varies with the state of investor sentiment. Specifically, we find that the 52‐week high momentum earns significantly positive returns following optimistic periods and significantly negative returns following pessimistic periods. Further evidence indicates that investor sentiment serves as a better predictive variable in explaining the REIT momentum than market states, business cycles, legislation changes, and monetary policy changes. Overall, our findings are in line with behavioral theories in explaining the REIT momentum.  相似文献   


Because of the nature of services, namely the inseparability of production and consumption, employee behaviours influence customer perceptions of service quality and satisfaction with the service provider. In particular, customer-oriented employees seek to help customers by addressing their needs, and this contributes to the building of customer satisfaction and the development of a relationship. Not surprisingly, research has been investigating the drivers of employees’ customer orientation. This paper examines how individual values influence the customer orientation of front-line service employees, a topic that has been unexplored in extant literature, and this is useful for the selection of employees who match the firm’s service strategy. To accomplish this, the study relies on the Schwartz value theory, which is applied to front-line employees in banking. The findings indicate that both resultant conservation and resultant self-enhancement affect the customer orientation of employees, and that these effects are moderated by job satisfaction and autonomy.  相似文献   

During the last few years considerable attention has been focused on the essence of cultivating a culture which fosters the effective operationalisation of marketing practices in tourism firms. This issue is considered an important source of competitive advantage in the tourism industry where sophisticated marketing is still in its developmental stages. Considering the high level of interaction between a tourism firm and its customers, the significance of effective marketing activities cannot be overstated. In addition, maketing academics and managers assert that a strong marketing culture will lead to customer retention via customer satisfaction. This study is based on an empirical examination of the link between UK tourism firms’ marketing culture and customer retention. Our results reveal a moderately strong relationship between marketing culture and customer retention. Finally, implications of the findings for tourism managers and avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

While the linkage between logistics performance and firm performance has received attention in the literature, typically firm performance is measured as customer satisfaction and customer loyalty rather than share of business or other measures that translate into a financial benefit. Thus logistics executives continue to be judged primarily on cost and asset reductions. Only one study has documented how logistics performance affects customer satisfaction and the percentage of business allocated to the suppliers as well as the differences in outcomes between firms identified as primary and secondary suppliers (Leuschner et al. 2012 ). In this research, we use samples in the motion picture and video production industry, and the plastic materials and resins industry to investigate the impact of the Marketing Mix on customer satisfaction and share of business. Our results differ from Leuschner et al. ( 2012 ) regarding the impact of product, price, and promotion on customer satisfaction, but we confirm the impact of logistics performance on customer satisfaction and the relationship between customer satisfaction and share of business for primary and secondary suppliers combined. Finally, we provide a framework to identify logistics service strategies based on a customer's current profitability, potential growth, and the share of a customer's purchases obtained.  相似文献   

In 2019 the CEOs of more than 180 of the largest U.S. firms signed a statement of corporate purpose indicating that corporations are responsible for providing economic benefits to all stakeholders, not just shareholders. Although stakeholder theory states that there are several stakeholders (internal and external) whose continuing participation affects a firm’s sustainability and long-term profitability, the marketing literature has focused primarily on customer engagement. This research argues for a broadened focus by marketing scholars and introduces a stakeholder engagement framework based on a triangulation approach including a systematic review of marketing research from a stakeholder perspective, the results of a survey of 254 editorial review board members from top marketing journals, and business case examples. The framework identifies three dimensions of firms’ stakeholder engagement strategies (stakeholder recognition, support, and dialogue) linked to stakeholder responses (stakeholder contribution to the firm or retaliation) that ultimately influence firm performance (financial, reputation, and risk). Two core propositions of multi-stakeholder engagement provide a foundation for a detailed future research agenda for marketing.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(2):154-171
Retailers use both pricing and service strategies to respond to intensified competition. Here we develop a duopoly model to investigate the impact of the increasingly popular personalized pricing strategy (PPS) and the widely used Money Back Guarantee (MBG) customer returns policy. We consider two retailers who differ in customer satisfaction rates. Each retailer chooses a pricing strategy, PPS or uniform pricing, and a product return strategy, MBG or ‘no returns.’ We show that both PPS and MBG are dominant strategies, but their impact on retailers’ prices and profits are different; while PPS intensifies price competition and may lead to a prisoner’s dilemma in which both retailers may lose profit, MBG mitigates price competition and may result in a Pareto improvement in both retailers’ profits. Both PPS and MBG increase the size of the overall market, but not the total duopoly profit. The total customer surplus and social welfare may increase under either strategy. In addition, we obtain some interesting observations as to how our results may change if the product quality/customer satisfaction rate is endogenously chosen in the duopoly. Some of our findings are in contrast to related results reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom regarding customer relationships suggests that a company should strive to deepen the loyalty of its customer base. While multiple approaches have been suggested, each approach advocates moving a subset of the customer base from one level of affinity (e.g., neither satisfied nor dissatisfied) to a higher one (e.g., satisfied). While seemingly appropriate, this approach assumes that moving customers up to higher categories is important and should be the focus of a firm’s efforts. Instead, we recommend an approach that involves focusing a firm’s resources disproportionately on its most satisfied customers. This approach provides two major benefits relative to conventional approaches. First, it focuses a firm’s resources on a narrow segment of customers. Hence, it requires significantly less financial outlay and associated financial risk than any approach that is aimed at all or even a majority of customers. Second, as we demonstrate, the financial benefit from leveraging high satisfaction levels among a subset of the current customer base significantly exceeds the financial benefit of other strategies (e.g., moving customers up from neutral to satisfied). We present the results from two case studies that illustrate our main points and provide useful examples of how to leverage a firm’s highly satisfied customers.  相似文献   

This article examines whether and how the participation of women in the firm’s board of directors and senior management enhances financial performance. We use the Fama and French (1992, 1993) valuation framework to take the level of risk into consideration, when comparing firm performances, whereas previous studies used either raw stock returns or accounting ratios. Our results indicate that firms operating in complex environments do generate positive and significant abnormal returns when they have a high proportion of women officers. Although the participation of women as directors does not seem to make a difference in this regard, firms with a high proportion of women in both their management and governance systems generate enough value to keep up with normal stock-market returns. These findings tend to support the policies currently being discussed or implemented in some countries and organizations to foster the advancement of women in business.  相似文献   

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