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We address the question of competition within the location choices of firms. In a framework of agglomeration effects, both spatial and temporal dimensions of the firms' decisions are studied. We show that the competition consequences of preemptive move and optimal time of entry can interfere with the geographical decisions. Our results contrast with those of agglomeration economics models which generally provide extreme results of mono-location. The equilibria described here tend to demonstrate that the relation between competition strength and spatial differentiation remains pertinent in a context of agglomeration economies. A conditional logit empirical study analyses the geographical choice of Japanese firms in Europe. Agglomeration variables, public policies and labour market determinants are tested, highlighting the existence of temporal and spatial proximity in the behaviour of firms. The competition conditions experienced by firms of each specific sector also appear to be important in the location decision of Japanese investors.  相似文献   

The Brazilian National Quality Award, a local version of the Malcolm Baldrige Award, was created as part of Brazil's efforts to step up the competitiveness of its industry. When it was first launched, in 1992, there was only one winner: IBM Brasil, Sumaré Plant. Nevertheless, its positive impact is being increasingly felt by companies in Brazil, mainly as a stimulus for implementing total quality. The finalists have an important role to play in this respect. This paper discusses some of the most relevant best-practices of the sole winner of the 1993 Brazilian Quality Award, Xerox Brazil. By the same token, it hopes to provide fresh insights about successfully managing total quality strategies in Brazil.  相似文献   

现行母公司对子公司绩效的评价,主要是建立在企业财务指标的基础上。母子公司体制和子公司的特征决定了绩效评价指标体系的特殊逻辑,子公司绩效评价相对比率综合评价法具有严密逻辑关系的评估体系。本文分析了四川九洲电器集团母子公司体制,认为其公司绩效分类评价的做法具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy are becoming increasingly important in the development of business strategies. Consequently, corporate road freight transport comes under particular scrutiny due to its substantial impact on the environment. This paper explores the implementation of environmental management in the Austrian road freight transport sector. A model based on an extensive literature review is developed and adapted to show the impact of attitude, company size and sector affiliation. It is tested using data from a quantitative survey. Based on an extensive literature review a model of influencing factors is developed and tested using data from a quantitative survey. According to our findings, we adopted the model with respect to the impact of attitude, company size and sector affiliation. Although decision‐makers' attitudes have a significant influence on the companies' actual environmental performance, firm size and sector affiliation are shown to have a far greater influence. It is therefore necessary to offer external incentives and support in order to improve environmental behaviour, especially among smaller and transport companies. Such instruments, however, need to be aligned on an international basis and across industries to prevent friction and competitive disadvantage. In addition to policy intervention (legal restrictions and incentives) and improvements on a corporate level, consumer awareness should be raised in order to create public pressure for companies to implement environmental management. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Using the end of the quiet period (QPX) after an IPO as a venue for testing, we examine the long-run predictive ability of analysts and the market. Not only do we find that the analysts are reasonably good at predicting returns for at least a year, we also find that the market in general is at least as good—even after adjusting for the analysts’ recommendations. Separating the QPX market reaction into retail-dominated versus institutional-dominated – based on trade size – we find consistent evidence that only institutional-dominated reactions are positively related to longer-run return. When we examine 5-year survival prediction, we again find that only the institutional-dominated QPX reaction is positively related to survivability. There was no evidence that analysts were able to predict 5 years survival.  相似文献   

在人力资源管理(HRM)上升到可以给企业带来独特竞争优势的背景下,人力资源管理被提到了战略的地位。本文研究以Schuler的战略性人力资源管理(SHRM)分析框架5P模型为基础,通过对无锡村田的案例研究,对该模型进行改进,提出了围绕组织战略需求进行人力资源管理的人力资源哲学、人力资源政策、人力资源规划、人力资源过程、人力资源进步的新5P模型,进一步完善行为视角下强调战略整合内在一致性的战略性人力资源管理理论模型。  相似文献   

平衡计分卡作为一种新型的战略绩效评价工具,从财务、客户、内部流程、学习与成长四个维度进行业绩评价,不仅重视财务指标,还重视非财务指标。我国民办大学运用平衡计分卡建立的战略绩效评价体系,为实现学校战略提供了制度保障和绩效动因。论文主要对A大学的绩效考核体系进行研究,先将学校发展战略细化分解,再基于平衡计分卡设计全新的战略绩效评价体系,最后提出A大学有效实施平衡计分卡的保障措施,从而不断完善A大学的战略绩效评价。  相似文献   

abstract    Our study contributes towards a burgeoning literature that argues organizational performance is heavily influenced by what happens in the middle of the organization, rather than at the top. Examining the UK National Health Service, our study develops the work of Floyd and Wooldridge (1992 , 1994 , 1997 , 2000 ). It utilizes role theory to conceptualize changing experiences of middle managers in organizations as a role transition. Associated with this are problems of role conflict and role ambiguity ( Biddle, 1979 , 1986 ; Biddle and Thomas, 1966 ; Kahn et al., 1964 , 1966 ). Our study illustrates that there are limiting factors to a more strategic role for middle managers associated with the professional bureaucracy context. However, role conflict and ambiguity can be mediated by a socialization process, which values incoming identity and personal characteristics ( Van Maanen and Schein, 1979 ).  相似文献   

文章在企业间联盟理论基础上,对大量的相关文献进行深入分析和进一步探讨。基于平衡计分卡,根据企业与非营利组织跨部门战略联盟的特征,提出绩效评估框架,给出指标计算方式与执行标准,分别从战略合作、客户、学习与发展以及社会这四个层面评估联盟绩效,由此来判断联盟整体是否达到了预期的战略利益目标。  相似文献   

在综合分析城市基础设施建设与运行特点及绩效评价内泥沙的基础上,构建了较为全面的城市基础设施综合绩效评价指标体系.指标体系由基础设施配置效应、经济效应、公平效应3大综合效应目标、七个专项系统目标和19个基础指标组成,采取主成分分析法和特尔菲法相结合的方法对指标进行数据处理,并以青岛市为案例进行了实证分析.  相似文献   

The present study examines the peformance of Canadian stocks surrounding changes in their Value Line timeliness rankings. These stocks offer a particularly interesting sample since most of the firms represented are in resource based industries. To the extent that commodity prices move randomly, predicting the future performance of resource companies is a challenging task. Moreover, differences in accounting rules, regulatory environments and so forth make the valuation of Canadian companies relatively difficult.  相似文献   

何晓婷 《价值工程》2020,39(4):12-14
近年来受医改推进、老龄化水平加重以及居民收入增加等因素影响,我国医药企业总体发展良好,但医药企业使用的绩效评价方法不能反映真实的企业价值。因此本文以千金药业为例,结合医药行业特点计算其近三年EVA指标并与传统指标进行分析对比,结果发现EVA方法更好能反映企业的真实状况。最后对医药行业提了几点建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines strategic technology management in the mid-corporate sector (firms with a turnover between £1 million and £130 million). There is a considerable literature which emphasizes the importance of linking technology and strategy, but this concentrates primarily on the activities of large firms. It is suggested that smaller firms can also benefit from a more strategic approach to technology management and this could help strengthen an area of weakness in the UK economy. The research is based on an in-depth case study of Otter Controls and utilizes a framework developed by Dodgson and Rothwell to analyse the firm's acquisition of new technologies. It is suggested that this model has utility in examining strategic technology management but the addition of a network perspective helps delineate the ways in which external relationships are established and sustained. The data indicate that universities can be useful sources of technology for smaller firms, but successful transfer is dependent on management skill in creating a culture that is open and flexible. Such firms do have considerable problems in assessing the skills and competences of university departments and this adds to the risks of technology alliances. There is also evidence to suggest that even universities with long-standing industrial links lack awareness of the problems associated with management in commercial organizations.  相似文献   

This paper helps to fill a gap in the public economics literature by providing empirical evidence on strategic interaction among local governments. Using the methodology of Case et al. (Journal of Public Economics,52, 285–307 (1993)), the paper focuses on the adoption of growth-control measures by cities in California and looks for evidence of policy interdependence in these choices. The data are drawn from an elaborate survey of growth control practices in California cities, conducted by Glickfeld and Levine (“Regional Growth . . .Local Reaction,” Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, 1992). The survey results are used to compute an index of the stringency of growth controls in each city, which serves as the dependent variable for the study.  相似文献   

王蔚松 《基建优化》2003,24(5):9-11
为了进一步提高项目价值,项目经理必须认识项目规划和管理的不确定性。传统的工程项目规划、预算和管理往往认为不确定性降低了项目的价值,并没有从中充分地挖掘增加项目价值的机会。实物期权方法就是利用战略灵活性来识别和把握在动态不确定中所隐蔽的项目价值。通过一个高速公路项目的案例来展示实物期权方法所带来的管理灵活性对评价和选择战略的重要意义。还讨论了实物期权应用中的一些问题,指出了今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a model wherein firms' owners hire biased managers in a differentiated goods duopoly with network effects. We show that whether firms hire an aggressive manager or not depends on both the degree of product differentiation and the strength of network effects in price competition whereas it does not depend on the degree of product differentiation or the strength of network effects in quantity competition. Thus, the attitudes of firms' managers depend on the type of competition and the relative magnitude of the strength of network effects to the degree of product differentiation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

平衡计分卡是战略绩效管理模式中的一个有效的管理工具。基于平衡计分卡的基本思想,从财务、客户、内部流程、学习与发展四个维度构建传统制造业企业的绩效评价体系。首先将四个维度设定为一级指标,同时,在一级指标下分别建立二级指标,然后设定相应的权重,最后建立绩效评价体系的数学模型,为我国传统制造业企业如何应用平衡计分卡提供参考意义。  相似文献   

abstract    In this paper we make the case for strategic resonance in the strategy making process within dynamic and highly volatile market conditions. We discuss how managers are faced with competing paradigms of resource-driven versus market-led approaches to strategy but we suggest that both paradigms have flaws and may cause strategic dissonance to occur. Moreover, we offer additional insights into why strategic dissonance can occur within the strategy process of the firm. We suggest that a key omission often lies in the neglect of operations managers' potentially important contributions to the strategy mainstream process.  相似文献   

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