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基于计量经济学的消费结构分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
消费结构是衡量居民生活水平、生活质量的一条重要途径,文章运用消费结构的一般理论,依据大量的历史统计资料,利用恩格尔系数、边际消费倾向、需求收入弹性等方面知识对消费结构进行了静态分析,深入剖析了当前我国城镇居民的消费结构的现状.  相似文献   

中国居民直接生活能源消费结构的演变规律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1980~2007年中国居民生活能源消费总量增长很快,同时其消费结构也发生了变化.生活能源使用方式结构的变化反映了人们生活方式的改变,这种方式的改变最终渐近到能源消费种类结构,引起能源资源利用的变化.生活能源消费结构的转变主要表现为石油、天然气、其他电力对煤炭的替代以及煤的初级使用向清洁使用的转变,即生活能源使用的高级化和清洁化.虽然目前仍然表现出以煤为主的消费格局,但居民对成品油的消费日趋上升,生活能源消费结构已呈现出石油化的发展趋势.  相似文献   

国民经济发展的最终目的,就是为了满足人民群众不断增长的物质文化生活需要。对物质和文化生活的满足程度,直接体现出居民生活质量的高低。而居民生活的满足直接通过消费来实现。文章主要选取1999年~2004年大连市居民收入及消费等一系列数据,分析了大连市居民的消费倾向和消费结构,并提出了促进大连市居民消费升温的对策建议。  相似文献   

鼓励并扩大农村消费需求是扩大内需政策实施的一项重要内容。本项研究选择了河北省七个设区市的11个自然村,采用问卷调查、个别访谈、查阅资料等方式,围绕着农村居民消费现状,从消费能力、消费结构、消费意愿、消费环境、消费潜力等几个方面展开调查,调查结果显示,河北省农村居民消费能力较强,并蕴藏着较大的消费需求潜力;目前河北省居民的消费结构与消费意愿,明显倾向于生活性消费;河北省居民的消费环境有待完善。最后提出了扩大河北省农村消费需求的几点建议。  相似文献   

艾建玲 《经济地理》2008,28(4):696-699
旅游区具有多重属性,消费特征是特别重要的属性之一.通过长沙市居民旅游消费的调查获得基础数据,从消费地、消费人群、消费能力、消费水平、消费结构和消费愿望对湖南省主要旅游区进行多重考察.归纳出六大旅游消费区类型:旅游热区、旅游次热区、待发展区、文化旅游区、近距离休闲区Ⅰ和休闲区Ⅱ,总结出各类消费区消费主控因子并对比分析了各区消费结构,为深入研究旅游区消费问题提供了思路,为湖南省旅游业发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

消费结构是指人们在生活中所消费的各种消费资料和劳务的组成关系、比例关系及其互相配合、互相作用的方式。可分为消费层次结构、消费支出结构、消费形态结构和消费主体结构等类型。消费结构及其变化是衡量居民生活水平的重要标志,反映居民的消费特征及消费趋势,反映居民生活水平提高程度及社会经济发展状况。消费结构升级表现为随着经济的发展,居民消费结构从较低生活质量标准向较高生活质量标准演变的过程。目前,我国正在进行的新一轮消费结构升级,对于建立和谐稳定的社会结构、转变经济增长模式、优化和升级产业结构等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高,广州城镇居民的消费结构及消费水平也在不断发生变化,文化消费在消费结构中的比重不断上升。但与此同时,在人们的消费行为中,也存在一些不科学、不文明的消费倾向。本文通过对广州市近年来城镇居民文化消费的实证分析,对各种相关数据进行论证,阐述居民文化消费状况,指出其存在的问题,并就如何健康合理消费进行探讨,以期对促进广州城镇居民消费结构优化升级有所裨益。  相似文献   

创意文化作为经济发展基础上推动出来的新的消费形式和消费产业,对于居民生活质量的提升以及精神文化世界的丰富有着正向的影响.因此在现阶段经济消费探究的过程中,应当积极的结合创意文化的实际特点,从不同的角度进行切入,对创意文化体验式消费趋势进行探索,进而为国内消费结构的优化、消费层次的提升以及居民生活质量的提升提供相关的参考.  相似文献   

我国城乡居民信息消费比较——基于2000~2007年的实证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从信息消费系数、信息消费倾向以及信息消费结构等方面对2000~2007年间我国城乡居民信息消费进行对比分析,通过研究21世纪初我国城乡居民信息消费的变动特点,得出城乡居民信息消费增长迅速、农村居民边际信息消费倾向高于城镇居民、在信息消费水平上农村居民与城镇居民差距较大等结论。  相似文献   

对北京市居民食品消费倾向的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扩展线性支出系统(ELES模型)是目前研究居民消费的较为理想的工具.运用面板数据对北京市居民的食品消费状况进行ELES分析,结果显示随着居民收入的提高,食品的边际消费倾向显著下降,从而印证了恩格尔定律的假说,说明居民的消费结构正在实现从满足基本生活需要向提高生活质量的转型.同时,对需求收入弹性的分析表明,居民的食品消费已趋于稳定,对食品数量的追求已逐渐被质量追求所替代.  相似文献   

As first suggested by Keynes (1930), much thinking about the future of consumption starts with claims about future income, technology or demographics, perhaps concocted in a growth model, and then considers what consumption will look like, as a separate question, given those priors. A different approach starts one step further back with inquiry into the type of institutions that would produce such evolutionary growth. You then ask how those same institutions would shape consumption. I argue that the future of consumption depends on income and innovation, which themselves depend on the evolution of institutions. I suggest that this is an evolutionary economic approach to the future of consumption.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,新疆农村居民的收入水平和生活质量不断提高,农村居民的消费水平和消费结构发生了很大的变化,农村居民的消费方式已从过去的数量型转变为质量型,基本上由温饱型过渡到小康型,但消费关系日益复杂。新疆城乡间、地区间农村居民消费状况仍存在较大差别,制约新疆农村居民消费需求的因素主要表现在收入、环境、理念等方面。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,江苏省城乡居民收入水平稳步上升,消费水平不断提高。2000—2010年的十多年间,城乡居民消费发生了重要变化,基本生活保障的消费比重逐年下降,现代生活消费比重逐年上升。为此,提升江苏城乡居民消费水平应切实提高城乡居民收入水平;增加城乡居民消费多样性;调整产业结构,拓展消费新领域;改善城乡消费环境。  相似文献   

Most of the research articles on climate change study the relationships between economic growth, and, carbon dioxide (CO2) emission or energy consumption separately for analyzing the impacts of economic growth and energy consumption on global carbon dioxide emissions. In this paper, the linkages among CO2 emissions, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth and energy consumption are studied simultaneously using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The time period considered for the study is 1980-2001. The results show that world in the year 1980 was the most efficient in achieving the highest economic growth, emitting least carbon dioxide for a given level of energy consumption for that year. The efficiency index reduced in the next 8 years, fluctuated with a declining trend for the next 7 years, and began to rise from 1996 till 2001. The model is further extended in this paper for technology forecasting to identify the links between energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions for achieving projected levels of GDP under two different assumptions on efficiency index. It has been identified using the forecasting model that, when the carbon dioxide emissions are restricted to the levels emitted in the year 1990 and when the efficiency index for the year 2025 is assumed to be at the level registered for the year 1980 (highest value), the non-fossil energy consumption needed to meet the GDP level projected for 2025 will be much smaller (35.46 quadrillion Btu for the reference GDP) than the values actually recorded in the year 1990 (44.59). However, the non-fossil energy consumption in 2025 (118.8) increases much more than the actual recorded in the year 1990 when the efficiency index in 2025 is assumed to be at the level registered for the year 1990.  相似文献   

改革开放后上海市民消费方式的变化及其空间扩展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
李昌霞  柴彦威 《经济地理》2005,25(4):528-531
城市居民的消费方式及其空间扩展形态从一个角度上反映了一个城市发展的成熟度,也对城市商业物质环境的建设具有重要参考价值。文章从宏观层面上总结了改革开放后上海市民消费水平、结构、方式和行为的特征及其空间拓展趋势。上海市民的消费水平已与中等发达国家十分接近,消费结构上升到较高层次,消费行为个性化、多样化特征十分突出,消费部门广泛但相对集中于超市、便利店,上海居民的消费空间不断扩展并极富张力。  相似文献   

开征储蓄存款利息税可起到了一定的刺激消费、抑制居民储蓄存款的作用,但征税后对消费和储蓄的总效应为消费减少而储蓄增加。这是利息税对储蓄的收入效应和替代效应在中国具体的市场经济环境中综合作用的结果。为此,政府应采取措施改善居民对未来收支的预期,制定配套保障体系和税收政策,加快建设高效资本市场的步伐,引导一部分储蓄存款进入证券投资领域,合理调整居民消费和投资结构。  相似文献   

Meat consumption with large environmental and ethical implications is expected to grow in the future. Some studies, however, take the opposite view, that meat consumption is at a turning point because of a growing number of vegetarians and other factors in industrialized countries. This paper examines thirty nine Finnish experts' views on the development of meat consumption and analyses the explanatory grounds used by the experts in order to identify possible factors affecting meat consumption in the future. To ensure that different types of views would be represented, a new method of categorization of the experts was developed. In answer to the question; “What would constitute a preferable amount of meat consumption in Finland in the year 2030?”, the average answer given by the experts was 66 kg per person per year and the median 71 kg, both of which would mean a drop from the current level of 72 kg. However, the average probable consumption foreseen by the experts was 75 kg and the median was also 75 kg. By analysing the grounds presented by the experts, the discussion part of the paper presents a selection of strategies that can be used to help decrease meat consumption: 1) aid the technological development of products that could replace foodstuffs that originate from animals, 2) use ad campaigns to increase consumer knowledge about animal rights and vegetarianism, 3) make political decisions to transfer agricultural production away from meat production and promote the broadening of the selection of alternatives to meat products in stores, and 4) place higher taxes on meat products.  相似文献   

We exploit a quasi-natural experiment arising from the introduction of a health insurance program in rural China to examine how the insurance coverage affects household consumption. Results show that, on average, the health insurance coverage increases nonmedical-related consumption by more than 5%. This insurance effect is observed even in households with no out-of-pocket medical spending. In addition, the insurance effect is stronger in households with worse self-reported health status. These results are consistent with the precautionary savings argument. The insurance effect also varies by household experience with the program. In particular, the effect is significant only in villages where some households have actually obtained reimbursement from the insurance program. The program within these villages stimulates less consumption among new participants than among households that have participated in the program for more than a year.  相似文献   

There have been a number of forecasting models based on various forms of the logistic growth curve. This paper investigates the effectiveness of two forms of Harvey models and a Logistic model for forecasting electricity consumption in New Zealand. The three growth curve models are applied to the Domestic and Non-Domestic sectors and Total electricity consumption in New Zealand. The developed models are compared using their goodness of fit to historical data and forecasting accuracy over a period of 19 years. The comparison revealed that the Harvey model is a very appropriate candidate for forecasting electricity consumption in New Zealand. The developed models are also compared with some available national forecasts.  相似文献   

随着人口增加和社会经济的快速发展,粮食危机、能源危机、环境危机日益加深,逐渐成为制约经济、社会、生态环境和可持续发展的“瓶颈”,绿色消费理念正是在这样的背景下提了出来。近年来,北京市大力提倡绿色消费,并把绿色消费作为《绿色北京行动计划《2010—2012年》需要构建的三大体系之一,行动计划实施一年来,绿色消费体系建设初见成效,但是对绿色消费内涵的理解和实践,仍然存在很多问题。本文在对绿色消费的背景、内涵和特征进行研究的基础上,以北京市为例分析了绿色消费的发展现状和影响因素。针对发展中的诸多问题,本文认为应从绿色消费立法、宣传教育、政府引导、企业完善绿色产品营销战略等方面促进北京市绿色消费体系的建设。  相似文献   

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