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1990年代初,邓小平同志在对社会主义本质概括的过程中提出了社会主义根本目的是共同富裕的命题。党的十八大在新的历史条件下,把"必须坚持走共同富裕道路",作为夺取中国特色社会主义新胜利的一项必须牢牢把握的基本要求。这是对邓小平同志共同富裕思想的继承、丰富和发展,是对当前思想领域中质疑或者不愿意讲共同富裕这个目标的倾向的否定,预防了在不知不觉中动摇甚至脱离党的基本路线的偏向。共同富裕是中国特色社会主义的根本原则,走共同富裕道路必须要坚持社会主义基本经济制度和分配制度;收入差距扩大是共同富裕道路上的羁绊,要实现共同富裕必须调整国民收入分配格局,加大再分配调节力度,着力解决收入分配差距扩大问题。  相似文献   

邓小平共同富裕思想立足中国国情,是对科学社会主义理论的重要发展,指导中国社会主义实践取得了巨大成就。当前,在坚持共同富裕思想的基础上,应该把收入差距控制在合理的范围内。  相似文献   

我国在改革开放以后,随着收入分配制度的改革,劳动者的收入差距有所拉大。同时也引起了一系列争论。如何看待这一现象,首先要用邓小平的先富与共富的思想作指导,运用初级阶段的分配理论进行分析,虽然得出现阶段劳动者收入差距拉大有其必要性,但同时又要注意收入分配中的差距过大问题,避免出现两极分化。  相似文献   

邓小平的共同富裕思想与现阶段我国的收入差距   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共同富裕是社会主义的本质特征 ,是社会主义的长远目标 ,是全体人民物质文化生活的富裕 ;共同富裕必须以生产力的高度发展为基础 ;共同富裕不是同时、同步、同等富裕。实现共同富裕的手段是让一部分地区、一部分人先富起来。现阶段我国社会的收入差距是在我国国民经济持续快速发展的基础上 ,在人民总体收入水平普遍提高的过程中产生的收入差距 ,是在共同富裕的目标下先富后富的差别 ,它不包含两极分化的内容。  相似文献   

协同实现“宏观经济持续稳定增长”与“显著缩小城乡收入差距”是共同富裕的重要内容,也是我国地方政府的施政目标。本文结合增长目标管理,考察地方政府经济增长压力对城乡收入差距的影响,并基于2003—2019年地级市面板数据进行实证检验。研究发现,经济增长压力与城乡收入差距之间存在U型关系。机制分析表明,地方政府财政支出偏向差异是引发该非线性关系的主要原因。异质性分析发现,经济增长压力对城乡收入差距的影响存在明显的区域差异,提升城镇化水平和经济发展质量均有助于缩小城乡收入差距。本文为我国城乡收入差距的变动机理提供了新视角,为更加全面理解地方政府经济增长激励提供新的经验证据,研究结论对扎实推动共同富裕具有重要意义。  相似文献   

共同富裕作为社会主义的本质要求,是广大人民群众的共同期盼。但现阶段中国个人财富与收入差距的不断扩大已逐渐成为减少收入不平等、促进共同富裕的重大阻碍。收入分配与收入差距问题不仅是各国政府普遍关注的重点话题,也是新发展阶段和新发展格局下中国经济和社会发展面临的重要问题。旅游业作为消费者空间移动的现代服务业,具有天然的富民属性,其不仅能够助力经济可持续发展、居民收入增加和人的全面发展,还能通过市场化的方式实现收入和财富再分配,对缩小收入差距、实现共同富裕具有重要作用。本文的研究发现,旅游业发展主要通过经济增长效应、创新提质效应、空间流动效应和人力资本效应赋能共同富裕。旅游业发展赋能共同富裕是全方位的,不仅体现在城乡共同富裕、地区共同富裕、居民共同富裕,更展现在精神生活共同富裕。基于此,笔者提出,在旅游业发展赋能共同富裕的过程中,需要针对乡村旅游、区域旅游、民族地区旅游、旅游创新创业和旅游业人才培养等予以有力政策支持的发展策略,以期为旅游业促进城乡均衡、区域协调、收入分配均等化和精神文明建设提供参考。  相似文献   

崔沪  毛荐其 《技术经济》2002,21(8):13-15
党的十一届三中全会以来,我国从改革收入分配体制入手,调整生产关系,解放生产力,有力地促进了国民经济的繁荣和发展.广大人民群众在中央一系列富民政策的支持下,通过辛勤劳动和合法经营,收入水平有了大幅度的提高,生活消费水平有了质的飞跃.但与此同时,出现了收入分配领域分配不规范、城乡之间收入和消费水平的差距过大以及城市居民和农村居民内部收入差距悬殊的问题,这些问题不仅造成了经济效率的损失,更重要的是,它已成为影响社会和政治稳定的潜在因素,因此,有必要对此进行认真的分析和研究.  相似文献   

对我国收入分配差距的初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来我国收入分配差距的扩大引起了社会的广泛关注。现阶段的收入差距是实现共同富裕过程中先富和后富的问题。还没有两极分化。我们要通过促进经济增长,在初次分配领域中贯彻按劳分配和按要素分配相结合的分配原则,充分发挥激励机制的作用,在再分配领域中强化国家政策对收入分配的宏观调控作用,缩小收入差距,最终实现共同富裕。  相似文献   

李莹 《经济学家》2022,(10):54-63
实现共同富裕是收入分配制度改革的重要目标和努力方向。本文系统梳理中华人民共和国成立以来我国在处理公平与效率关系过程中收入分配制度改革的路径探索,然后重点考察现阶段缩小收入差距面临的宏观分配结构不协调、橄榄型收入结构尚未形成、群体间收入差距居高不下、机会不平等程度较大以及人力资本差距导致的收入差距长期性五大现实挑战。最后提出通过完善收入分配制度、提高低收入人群收入、健全社会保障制度、推进城乡基本公共服务均等化以及加大人力资本投资的政策来逐一应对挑战,最终实现共同富裕。  相似文献   

柴青勇  任增超  杨永淼  吴金波 《时代经贸》2010,(收录汇总):53-56
本文利用2002-2014年的时间序列数据,研究了四种消费税税目与城乡收入差距之间的关系。结果表明:加征烟草税将强有力地改善城乡收入差距,酒类税对城乡收入差距的调节作用并不明显,加征小汽车税和成品油税将加剧城乡收入差距,其中,成品油税的影响相对有限。从共同富裕的视角出发,结合当前国内新能源汽车产业发展的背景,阐述加征烟草税和小汽车税的合理性。  相似文献   

余薇 《经济与管理》2004,18(10):69-71
文章通过对造成目前中国收入差距主要原因的简要分析,认为目前中国的收入差距,并没有导致两极分化,而且也 不是两极分化;它是全体人民在共同富裕过程中先富与后富之间关系的反映;我们既要承认收入差距,又要不断缩小收入 差距。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国的经济取得了快速的发展,与此同时,我国收入分配不公已受到社会各界广泛关注。在我国,城乡之间、地区之间、行业之间的居民收入存在明显的差距。调节收入分配,缩小贫富差距,必须坚持一切从我国实际情况出发,制定正确的政策,促进我国收入分配制度的不断完善。  相似文献   

The last 30 years have witnessed a dramatic change in the distribution of income, with the wage share falling in all major industrialized countries. Main-stream analyses, including New Keynesian ones, which retain the notion of factor substitution leading to a “factor intensity” inversely related to its rate of return, have encountered some difficulties in the interpretation of this change. Nonmainstream approaches present an advantage in the explanation of the phenomenon, consisting in the fact that they entail no a priori connections between the changes in distribution and the changes factor proportions. Hence if a change in institutions or in the bargaining strength of the parties affects distribution, income shares may vary significantly (i.e., changes in wages need not be accompanied by changes in labor to output ratio in the opposite direction as in mainstream analyses). Yet empirical observation may question also some of the analyses that have been advanced outside the mainstream. The article will explore the ways in which nonmainstream approaches have interpreted the described changes in distribution, and assess them from an analytical viewpoint and with reference to U.S. data. The purpose is that of pointing at some open questions and problems.  相似文献   

粮食核心区农民收入问题不仅仅关系到农民收入自身,而且关系到农业稳定、粮食安全。从农民收入结构方面进行农民收入现状分析,找到制约农民收入的不利条件,有针对性地提出增收的政策建议。进一步促进农民增收。  相似文献   

We estimate household equivalence scales, i.e. the needs of additional adults and children relative to a single adult, using income satisfaction data from the German Socio‐Economic Panel. We extend previous studies applying this approach by taking reference income into account. This allows separating needs‐based from reference effects in the determination of income satisfaction. We show that this adjustment helps to overcome a bias causing an overestimation of adults’ and an underestimation of children’s needs‐based equivalence weights. Our results indicate that controlling for income comparisons substantially increases children’s equivalence weight relative to that of adults.  相似文献   

农民收入结构比较研究——基于中部六省数据的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中部崛起战略的实施,中部六省成为我国区域经济中的重要板块,"弯道超车"战略取得了明显的成效,经济总量逐步提高。但是农民人均纯收入的水平相对较低,影响了中部战略崛起的整体实施效果。分析了中部六省农民人均纯收入的结构,认为政府应当出台有针对性的政策,加快提升农民收入,促进中部六省整体和谐发展。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes income inequality, based on government income statistics and an attitude survey. First, the paper describes the present income inequality in Japan by using Gini coefficients, the income share of the top and bottom income classes, and mobilities among income classes. Second, by using the Japan–USA international survey, this paper analyzes the cause of the increasing awareness that Japan's income gap is widening. In these two countries, their distinct value judgments about the causes for the gap influence how they perceive it. The Japanese have negative perceptions about the income gap because they perceive it to be influenced by talent, academic background, or luck, and this perception seems relatively uncommon in the USA. A large percentage of Japanese also think one's income is decided by talent, academic background, or luck, although it should not be. Such disagreements between the desired and perceived determinants of income are thought to raise their negative perception of the gap.  相似文献   

Based on the difference-in-difference (DID) methodology, this paper empirically investigates the impact of the current anti-corruption campaign on the share of labour income in China. Using a firm-level data on Chinese corporations listed on Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges from 2009 to 2015, we find that the campaign contributes to the rise in the labour income share, while there is considerable heterogeneity. The magnitude of the effect depends on firm’s ownership and market power. This paper advances the existing studies examining the nexus between corruption and income distribution from a novel perspective.  相似文献   

Are the household characteristics that are good for the transition to a more diversified market‐oriented economy in Vietnam also important for reducing poverty? Or are there trade‐offs? The determinants of both poverty incidence and participation in rural off‐farm activities are modeled as functions of household and community characteristics using comprehensive national household surveys for 1993 and 1998. While there are some common causative factors, such as education and region of residence, the processes determining poverty and inhibiting diversification are clearly not the same. Participation in the emerging rural non‐farm market economy will be the route out of poverty for some, but certainly not all, of Vietnam's poor.  相似文献   

This paper examines citizenship-based arguments for work-conditioned welfare and basic income. I argue that the most common citizenship-based justifications for work requirements—the paternalistic and civic republican arguments—are flawed because of their selectivity, and that the only defensible citizenship-based justification for work requirements is the socialist model, which enforces work requirements universally on all. I offer as a liberal alternative a radically pluralist notion of citizenship, with a kind of universal economic suffrage at its core, to justify an unconditional basic income in the US.  相似文献   

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